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The EU’s social dimension: comments on the Reflection Paper and European Pillar of Social Rights Contribution by Frank Vandenbroucke to EESC hearing “The impact dimension future EU” Brussels 11 September 2017 Background paper: Structural convergence versus systems competition: limits diversity labour market policies in Economic Monetary Union ECFIN discussion paper 065 • Both Single Market EMU need a function well But what is ‘needed’ also depends fundamental aspirations that drive project at large (The policy debate not exhausted we may consider as logical corollaries monetary unification integration ) One should carefully distinguish between (i) ‘social corollary’ (ii) Market; they partly overlap but are different Dimension Europe April insufficiently clear about this an important initiative which has inform operational agenda applying legislative instruments coordination financial 1) In 1990s reform markets was justified advent EES emphasized supply-side flexibility ‘enabling’ activation Today broader approach : requires consensus institutions support ‘symmetry’ ‘stability’ Therefore collective action ‘protective’ order Enabling protective can be mutually reinforcing creating resilient 2) Symmetry: member states deliver wage coordination; excludes totally decentralised uncoordinated bargaining Institutions monitor competitiveness embedded dialogue distributive concerns mainstreamed monitoring Mainstreaming into makes ‘assignment’ for national partners complex challenging such encompassing stand better chance achieve legitimacy 3) Stability: effective stabilisation capacity need: sufficiently generous unemployment benefits notably short-term; sufficient coverage rates benefit schemes; no segmentation leaves part force poorly insured against unemployment; proliferation employment relations integrated insurance; unemployed individuals; constitution budgetary buffers good times so automatic stabilisers do their work bad (These principles become fortiori imperative if Eurozone would equipped with reinsurance insurance 4) addition calls competitive goods services cross-border mobility This turn entails corollary Next regulation posting minimum regimes transparent predictable universal reinforces case total decentralisation sustain each state These (4) = Within many trend towards more inequality ‘homespun’ rather than inevitable result globalisation or europeanisation EU must ‘holding environment’ welfare enabling them address inequalities (‘European Union’) terms political communication speak both mobile non-mobile citizens create constituencies (e g world education) Robust defense idea needs non- discriminatory free movement workers matter fairness Reform Posted Workers Directive Improvements Migration creates less pressure adequately regulated markets: hence importance access security all cf next slide Practical II: Upward standards & performance Rights: made (legislative instruments) Priority areas successful migrant workers: – Access protection Quality Universality features supporting needed view eventual organization re-insurance scheme (‘vaccination metaphor’) [Wage Eurozone: it ‘symmetrical’ linked ‘national conversations’ functional distribution incomes?] Revisit 2013 Investment Package Enhance investment human capital (child care Semester (CSR’s) leeway implement CSR’s fiscal surveillance On convergence: Commission Directorate-General Financial Affairs 20 July (http://ssrn com/abstract=3011847) agenda: Fernandes Making reality Notre Jacques Delors Institute Tribune – Viewpoint Paris 31 May (http://www institutdelors eu/media/socialeurope- fernandesvandenbroucke-may2017 pdf?pdf=ok) non-discrimination: Basic income Union: conundrum solution ACCESS EUROPE Research 2017/02 01 August com/abstract=3008621) www frankvandenbroucke uva nl