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The EU’s social dimension: a clarification Committee on Constitutional Affairs of the European Parliament Public Hearing ‘Constitutional Perspective dimension in context debate future Europe’ 27 November 2018 Contribution by Frank Vandenbroucke Professor at University Amsterdam A Social Union would • support national welfare states systemic level some their key functions (e g stabilization fair corporate taxation …) guide substantive development – via general standards and objectives leaving ways means policy to Member States basis an operational definition ‘the model’ countries cooperate union with explicit purpose pursuing both pan-European cohesion reconnecting original inspiration founding fathers based reciprocity (no solidarity without responsibility) subsidiarity Why are instruments centralized monetary unions? Minimum requirements for effective stabilisation capacity within EMU member states: sufficiently generous unemployment benefits notably short-term; sufficient coverage rates benefit schemes; no labour market segmentation that leaves part force poorly insured; proliferation employment relations not integrated into insurance; activation unemployed individuals; budgetary buffers good times so automatic stabilisers can do work bad These principles become fortiori imperative if Eurozone be equipped stabilizers triggered one or other way shocks (to avoid institutional moral hazard) shared conception flexibility Labour institutions deliver wage coordination (effective collective bargaining) Cluster adequate MS: insured against unemployment; systems individuals Convergence features Pillar Rights Gothenburg Summit 17 2017 EU27: ‘balancing act’ reconcile openness domestic regulatory framework ‘fair mobility’ Access benefits: principle non-discrimination (necessary) exception: posting workers Transparency minimum regimes => Clear priorities Credible roadmap combining… EU legislation Policy benchmarking Funding (tangible MS) Mainstreaming economic fiscal surveillance Semester Completing as insurance 1) Barnard De Baere (eds ) after Crisis Cambridge: Cambridge Press September https://doi org/10 1017/9781108235174 Introductory chapter Open www frankvandenbroucke uva nl item 263; 2) Part III Legal Institutional Challenges union: puzzles paradoxes perspectives in: Boone Marc; Deneckere Gita & Tollebeek Jo End Postwar Future Europe – Essays Ian Buruma Verhandelingen van de KVAB voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten Nieuwe reeks 31 Uitgeverij Peeters 2017; accessible nl; 3) Structural convergence versus competition: limits diversity policies Economic Monetary ECFIN discussion paper 065 Commission Directorate-General Financial Brussels 20 July