Social Union in Europe: Challenges, opportunities and imperatives

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From the Gothenburg Summit to a Social Union… we need both clear thinking and hands-on delivery Frank Vandenbroucke Millennium Institute conference 30th November 2017 Budapest 30 • The functional necessities of EMU: – EES: supply-side flexibility New insight: labour market institutions that support stability Cluster policy principles for an effective stabilisation capacity in MS: sufficiently generous unemployment benefits notably short-term; sufficient coverage rates benefit schemes; no segmentation leaves part force poorly insured against unemployment; proliferation employment relations are not integrated into systems social insurance; activation unemployed individuals Labour can deliver on wage coordination: monitor competitiveness should be embedded dialogue distributive concerns mainstreamed monitoring => Convergence some key features Eurozone welfare states Traditional view: European aspiration: simultaneous pursuit economic progress cohesion within countries (development states) between (upward convergence across EU) integration human capital through investment policies EU stimulate MS develop ‘dual use ’ packages pursue upward internal Upward quality is condition long-term Reducing background inequalities families with children investing child care education contribute national EU-wide “Rising income inequality has significant impact growth large because it reduces poorer segments poorest 40% population precise invest their skills ” (OECD In Together … 2015) Overlapping priorities resilient EMU collective bargaining transparency predictability minimum wages ECEC better protection perspectives households weak attachment markets (minimum / incentives low-skilled labour…) Clear Credible roadmap combining… legislation Policy coordination benchmarking Funding instruments (tangible MS) Mainstreaming fiscal surveillance Semester Union Europe 27 https://www socialeurope eu/gothenburg-social-summit-european-social- union Barnard De Baere (eds ) A after Crisis Cambridge: Cambridge University Press September https://doi org/10 1017/9781108235174 Structural versus competition: limits diversity Economic Monetary ECFIN discussion paper 065 Commission Directorate-General Financial Affairs Brussels 20 July http://ssrn com/abstract=3008621 All publications: www frankvandenbroucke uva nl

EU citizenship should speak both to the mobile and the non-mobile European

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RSCAS 2017/60 Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Global Governance Programme-289 GLOBALCIT Should EU citizenship be duty-free? Edited by Maurizio Ferrera and Rainer Bauböck European University Institute Programme EUI Working Paper This text may downloaded only personal research purposes Additional reproduction other whether in hard copies or electronically requires the consent of author(s) editor(s) If cited quoted reference should made to full name title working paper series year publisher ISSN 1028-3625 © 2017 Printed Italy December Badia Fiesolana I – 50014 San Domenico di Fiesole (FI) www eui eu/RSCAS/Publications/ eu cadmus The (RSCAS) created 1992 directed Professor Brigid Laffan aims develop inter-disciplinary comparative promote work on major issues facing process integration society is home a large post-doctoral programme hosts programmes projects range groups ad hoc initiatives agenda organised around set core themes continuously evolving reflecting changing expanding membership Union Details can found on: http://www eu/RSCAS/Research/ Research publications take form Papers Policy Briefs Distinguished Lectures Project Reports Books Most these are also available website: not responsible opinion expressed at one flagship (EUI) It to: build community outstanding professors scholars produce high quality engage with world practice through policy dialogue At established early career write discuss within beyond academia global governance focussing four broad interdisciplinary areas: Transnational Governance; Economics; Europe World; Cultural Pluralism For more information: http://globalgovernanceprogramme successor EUDO CITIZENSHIP an observatory EUI’s publishes two kinds papers: (1) peer reviewed previously unpublished manuscripts topics laws policies covered (2) collections edited contributions Forum Debates information visit our website eu/globalcit/ Series editors: (European Political Social Sciences) Iseult Honohan (University College Dublin School Politics International Relations) Jo Shaw Edinburgh Law School) Maarten Vink Maastricht Department Science) views this publication cannot any circumstance regarded as official position Abstract In forum debate argues strengthening order make it attractive mobile Europeans but ‘stayers’ who feel left behind processes globalisation According primarily ‘isopolitical’ regulatory; confers horizontal rights people enter spaces member states imposes duties non-discrimination without providing redistribution response perceived real burdens resulting from free movement suggests several reforms that aim broadly empowering stayers Among his proposals “EU social card” universal transferrable vouchers accessing pass their children want move wide insurance scheme would supplement those He strengthen some soft such earmarking small percentage income tax raising funds fees card passports Some respondents Ferrera’s essay deny creates call compensation insist remain duty Others focus sources solidarity ask what justice apply Several authors support arguments while advocating bolder Kickoff contribution rejoinder Christian Joppke Susanne K Schmidt Frank Vandenbroucke Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen Andrea Sangiovanni Martin Seeleib-Kaiser Julia Hermann Richard Bellamy Theresa Kuhn Ilaria Madama Anton Hemerijck Dora Kostakopoulou Sandra Seubert Philippe Van Parijs Keywords welfare mobility immobility Table Contents Kick off 1 Liberal Citizenship Is Duty-Free Building Requires Challenging Judicialisation 5 speak both non-mobile 9 impact political accountability Martinsen* 13 “Feed them first then virtue them”: Broadening deepening freedom Sangiovanni* 15 Duties Rights Seeleib-Kaiser* 21 Why compensating “stayers” costs wrong way go Hermann* 25 Balancing Towards National Citizens: An Inter-national Perspective Bellamy* 27 Grab horns dilemma ride bull Bauböck* 31 adding likely increase gap between Europhiles Eurosceptics Kuhn* 39 Enhancing visibility Europe: practical ‘the last mile’ Madama* 41 ‘holding environment’ Europe’s (diverse) regimes Hemerijck* 45 Imagine: Post-Marshallian Kostakopoulou* 53 Crisis Democracy Seubert* 57 Regaining Trust Stay-at-homes: Three Strategies Parijs* 61 Democratic Values Integration: Rejoinder 65 Ferrera*1 Introduction historical state formation has played key role sorted out “insiders” (the members community) aliens/outsiders conferred citizens equal status regardless market positions stabilised generalised compliance sustained cooperation legitimation authority least cultural material bonds throughout population With Treaty national been complemented new layer said purpose innovation was two-pronged: hand rationalize (symbolically institutionally) disordered array individual freedoms faculties linked its legal order; create recognizable symbol capable enhancing precisely mutual bonding among all nationality While there evidence twenty-five years do know value citizenship2 disappointment about latter’s actual effects terms especially light rising Euroscepticism souvranisme anti-immigration (including intra-EU mobility) sentiments recent speech 3 raised challenging question: integrative functions enhanced how? nutshell Bauböck’s proposal we need “add stuff” container immediately salient effective mechanism Two additions particular proposed author: stronger component (individual levels protection universally) “some duty” exclusively centered rights: “a duty-free does sense makes less keen hold governments accountable” generally sympathize argument welcome open discussion topic Before outlining reform however better articulate diagnosis clearly identify existing flaws construct dimension mind will start briefly revisiting steps elements highlight shortcomings perverse latter single challenges addressed sections note outline modest “adding making consequential hopefully integrating * Università Statale Milano written context RESCEU (Reconciling economic resceu eu) funded Council (Advanced Grant no 340534) 2 Commission Flash Eurobarometer 430/2016 R Still United Diversity? State Address Florence May https://stateoftheunion eu/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2017/05/The-State-of-the-Union-Address-by-Rainer-Bauböck pdf A bit history modern born French Revolution Declaration Human Citizens’ (1789) identified “natural sacred inalienable” based fact men “political association” tasked defending safeguarding Thus citoyen bearer natural state-backed guarantees exercise During nineteenth century pre-eminent association became nation nation-state) Membership entity began called advent mass democracy “nationality” filter prior very legitimacy person’s presence territory assumed “assigning states” 4 giving “right have rights”5 participation collective decisions Historically contents citizenship/nationality appeared much earlier than slow ordinary essentially meant becoming subject novel duties: paying taxes serving army Mass conscription element nation-building contributed turning into fully-fledged communities sharing identity “destiny” symbolic charges implied possibility sacrifice Territorial borders came “inviolable” boundaries defended usque effusionem sanguinis Bounding promoted which turn strengthened affectual normative loyalty vis-à-vis authorities binding link taxation strong Up World War indirect remained far most important source revenue Personal were legally introduced end beginning twentieth acquired quantitative relevance second half words used Northern Southern testify varied greatly: think Scandinavian ska/skatt (which means common treasury ) neo-Latin impôt imposta impuesta evoke subtraction) introduction entitlements subjective greatly salience But imposed “Bismarckian” systems compulsory programmatic benefits tax-funded universalistic weaker UK example civic reciprocity so when means-tested pension 1908 elderly ladies countryside brought flowers food post officers once week paid “free” allowance 6 Trente Glorieuses (especially rights) started weaken phenomenon noted 1950 T H Marshall himself observed increasingly invoked defense ignoring “the corresponding … [which] require man liberty submit question demands government they acts inspired lively responsibility community” 7 Such constantly eroding since 1950s “middle mass” employees pensioners growth spending accompanied 1990s survey shown vast majority pay too receive consider Brubaker Nationhood France Germany Cambridge: Cambridge Press Arendt’s famous formula See Arendt Origins Totalitarianism New York: Harcourt Brace & Co 1951 J Harris Private Lives Public Spirit: History Britain 1870-1914 Oxford: Oxford 1993 Bottomore Class London: Pluto p untouchable property When Italian trade unions supported hugely unbalanced system various occasions workers hurled iron bolts leaders: striking departure times old office indeed retrenched couple decades access services conditional even “contractual” (i e responsibility-sensitive) field unemployment assistance big “elephants” (pensions health care) reigned prevailing justificatory narrative focused here cost containment sustainability EU” Marshallian “lively responsibility” severed duties” seem gone lost appealing today limited purchase Even during crises emergencies consensus building must stay clear duty-talk Enter analysis Paul Magnette distinction “isopolitical” “sympolitical” drawn law war practices ancient Greece) 8 Isopolitical were: confer upon individuals belonging given space another enjoy recognised Sympolitical “vertical”: stem takes participating say content predominantly sympolitical: scope decided central democratic procedures Only case isopolitical g allow citizen freely whatever care provided local level choices subnational federations sympolitical later appearance still play lesser compared unitary states: federated units preserved substantial autonomy Here federal limits itself guaranteeing nondiscrimination What citizenship? exclude (most notably right elect Parliament) almost entirely derivative basically entitles holders treated equals attached passport crosses internal border True adopted Charter Fundamental recently launched initiative Pillar rather respect legislative really add anything catalogue already protections (transfers services) directly supranational exist (e Fund) accessed regional regulatory measures gender equality employment protection) transposed legislation become operative if concern cases P Idea Colchester: ECPR 2005 binger S Leibfried F G Castles (eds Federalism Welfare State: Experiences jurisdictional rulings Court Justice (CJEU) result request side As ones place same obligations force country destination: security We define “isopolitics” generates visible type Stay-at-home obliged room mobiles share own (an identity-thick rights-thick space) bear “hospitality” Empirical studies demonstrate driven benefit tourism aggregate tends receiving disaggregate (this territorial area sector field) negative externalities produced greater positive influx decrease locally contingently availability scarce resources jobs hospital beds emergency housing school places 10 true necessary public investments areas11 remains increased overall problem pressure originated unprecedented needs educational spatial congestion segregation on) significant great number “blame Brussels” because rules come Brussels Contrary happens domestic rests regulation allocation provisions extractions conferring authority) obstacles expand budget powers (and are) huge; 1970s coordination instead supranationalisation probably feasible solution strategy caused serious asymmetries: matter empowered relatively constituency (perceived) expenses majorities natives 12 medium countries always lived region where hardly expect themselves On average nationals never visited watched TV read book language internet goods abroad surprising many perceive immigrants loss opportunities perceptions educated poorer areas vulnerability higher immigration seen threat competition values identities Free expanded options (freedoms faculties) disturbed ligatures thus tend generate grievances easily politicised above-mentioned (cultural) transformation “property rights” parallel erosion offered fertile ground spread resentments feelings relative deprivation dynamics met promises Quite contrary provoked sort boomerang effect involves generating “we” nature Evaluation Final Report January 2014 11 argued others De Witte (ed Freedom under attack: worth 2016/69 Florence: capacity transnational nurture identification seems paradoxically L Damay Mercenier ‘Free Movement Citizenship: virtuous circle?’ Journal 23(8) 2016 pp 1139-1157 encounters mobilisation different aptly put Middelaar goal “Hurray twenty-seven countries! been: Polish plumbers coming blame!”13 remedy failure? correct remedial address distinct challenges: 1) deactivating current vicious disintegrative circle rebalancing system; 2) rebalanced nly after meeting attaching (as proposal) Deactivating achieved complementary ways: partial movers forms empowerment time being unrealistic imagine responses creating i basis joint decision provide compensations mentioned felt certain occupational establishment something like Fund ease (or generally) could serve (better: subnational) applications selection criteria adequate similar fund 2008 Brown (rather inconsiderately) scrapped Cameron 2010 creation pan-European highly welcomed (see table Annex) Empowering promising step unpack addition regulations opening up find facilitating sponsored view easing supporting cross transactions mention: platforms EURES network exchange programs Erasmus e-health quick travelling including EU-wide 112 -– service crime victims additional planned future digital gateway counsel cross-border situations disability tangible potentially wide: goes well affecting travelers tourists patients students consumers awareness thing popularize wider disconnecting thick doing introduce (with identifier) enhance to) privileges US pre-requisite contacts administration code codice fiscale requested application dedicated plastic identifying each resident) Passage Haven Yale 2013 261 taxpayer Smartly now card: carta sanitaria Health Service evokes idea entitlement associated clever 14 ambitious direct stake stay-at-homers implies Those opt staying provides offering transferable drawing kin sons daughters wishing move? (each having value) aimed cashed covering extra Every worker entitled voucher just transfer young search job endowing One might using lifelong learning activities (and/or short periods) wish long term use temporary increasing labour trans-border regions stakes schemes childcare education training justified mere monetary unification Providing compensate partially often disruptive markets 16 Making guaranteed liberal nation-state ways complementing known (social) (in part isopolitical) augmented guarantee consular finding outside represented novelty interpreted branching external extra-EU) sphere continues underestimate –in control-oriented- administrative papers forging belongingness interesting reconstruction Torpey Invention Passports: Surveillance 2000 importance symbols everyday see McNamara Everyday 2015 kickoff supra ft evolution counterpart dynamic affected past regime period led completion virtually types market-compatibility scrutiny wake maximalist interpretation M Poaires Maduro Striking Elusive Balance Between Economic Alston ed 1999) Lisbon possible countermovement Monetary adjustments clash principles Facilitating upskilling absence logic facilitated deregulations pertinence difference residence 17 burgundy-coloured passport-based channel “embrace” citizen-members 18 currently studying front along occurrence terrorist attacks “solidarity”) terrorism persons killed injured line good establishing sending signal activism fast growing popular decade created: Globalisation Adjustment plant restructuring closure Aid Deprived Persons extreme poverty Benefits recipients character limit minimum seek credit prescribing indicate provenance endpoints delivery chain instrument linking presidency (following preparatory Commission) cyclical possibly blocks operate indirectly Given extremely render accruing ultimately evident Survey data show Finally brand sympolitical) insuring against risks (unemployment maternity etc ): 29th 28th Brexit) separate homogeneous across circulating ever 1980s 19 Annex advantages financial (real perceived) stemming inflow families scenario catalyze functional reconfiguration economy due course break path towards risk pooling 20 aother Spiro ‘The (Dwindling) bligations Citizenship’ Wm Mary Bill Rts 899 http://scholarship wm edu/wmborj/vol21/iss3/6; Bosniak Aliens’ 56 Soc Text 29 1998; Passports merely control To States “passport valuable document” above D Peters Vansteenkiste Thirteenth Leuven: Acco Cross-border experimented Directive 2003/41/EC Almost 700 000 See: https://eiopa europa eu/Publications/Reports/EIOPA-BoS-16-222_2016%20market%20development%20report%202016 Adding desirable? feasible? “duty-free”: (art TFEU) So consist complying potential Would desirable heavier burden Union? classical (prior it: “subjectship”) historically consisted present former absolved income/wealth extent co-payments fees-for-service mandatory exception rule: replaced voluntary professional armies widespread anti-tax voters imposition explicit recourse “the Europeanised taxes” VAT counterproductive 22 “for Europe” nudging incentives filling taxpayers option earmark per thousand) institutions: churches philanthropic third humanitarian institutions parties associations 0 8% (taxpayers choose church list denominations) 5% (it earmarked engaged scientific activities) 2% cinquexmille chosen million produces annual billion euros quota favor abovementioned funds) reverse sequence choice: (its unless explicitly opts (“automatic enrollment”) Another co-payment fee-for-service route related added) filtered issuing renewal) fee funding expensive (such system) migration levy 50 pounds permits financed obviously clarifying Beyond civil Voluntary Solidarity Corps Participating stressing acquiring skills experiences morph civilian alternative mandatory; did tassa l’Europa 1997 meet deficit target required join euro Nobody protested: extraordinary defined beneficial whole And prime minister Romano Prodi promised back – promise kept instance 20% finance monthly euro-dividend 200 month theglobaljournal net/article/view/1038/ voluntarily 23 Although remaining proper “hard” extractive instruments direction cautious experimental “euro-critical” jumping “duty-free” “duty-heavy” politically dangerous incremental vision Following tradition Max Weber power (Machtquellen) Since relation somebody’s “will” causes behavior somebody else automatically correlative exactly rights? First resources: holding legitimate reasons claim (horizontally fellow-citizens vertically authorities) Secondly enforcement obtained holder activate coercion Thirdly instrumental typically conditions sets (securing bases) advice (enforcement) extension citizenship) contemporary liberal-democratic societies types: adopts norms impinge CJEU mediated courts (if law) empower provision (money infrastructures constituencies smart enhancement packaging (accompanied communication bringing directly) trampoline experimenting Intra-EU (more precisely: reside state) hardest citizenship; differentiates third-country residents marker harmonisation robust consequently traction peculiar features sensitive trends Internally empowers my union point here) justifies expansion accessible everybody: either life-long-learning time) integrated international openness Guard Swiss militia –originally military defence transformed mobilised disasters Externally carries eligibility foreclosed residents) harms unfortunately frequent motto Civis Europaeus Sum acquire meaning My (summarised tables 5) unambitious low-key advantage changes innovations Bing Bang heavy legacy incrementalism rule elaboration grand visions presupposes visionary thinking otherwise purposeless random walk failure Source: Pellagata Can Be Reconciled? Citizen Views Integration Milan at: 40 60 80 100 Poland Spain Sweden EU6 % favour covers migrant 30 70 90 4: Compensating stayers: Enabling (transferable) mobility/upskilling Autonomising movers: Universal (FEAD) 75 9% 76 6% 67 7% 55 Investments severe Financial help face rise foster solidarity? 5: “Social socially oriented compiling Italy’s cinquepermille Fees issuing/renewal (explicitly “protective” functions) services; Joppke* admirably detailed savvy suggestions particularly deliverables beating heart cohesive attach “soft” missing “should” tangentially presumed discussed reasonable answer spirit “incremental” pragmatic larger presumptions However “novel apparently considered model specific All taxes; facultative American following Imperial Roman recruit non-citizens) Hans Kelsen “allegiance” quintessential “political moral” exigency: “There special obligation allegiance Legally general obeying aliens have” wrote “treason” commit; equivalent “sedition” enforceable opposite non-citizens charged non-starter where—as Dimitry Kochenov it—citizenship undergone “liberal de-dutification”3 obvious “dutified” extra-anachronistic leads me presumption Ferrera`s argue guarantor) “lightened” observable entails questionable idealisations feed “affectual decisions” (Ferrera) From conceived “protection rackets”5 normative” attitude appears delusional best Undeniably nationalist reason spill blood duped “state authorities” (who continue asking) isn`t shouldn`t Add decides relicense Monsanto`s Bern General Theory : Harvard 1949 235 Fletcher Loyalty: Essay Morality Relationships 1993; chapter ‘EU Without Duties” 20(4) 482-98 C Inevitable Lightening Sociology 51(1) 9-32 Charles Tilly ‘War rganized Crime’ Peter Evans et al Bringing Back 1985 glyphosate controversial weed killer strongly suspected Organisation carcinogenic humans presumably uninfluenced multinational`s formidably resourceful state-dwarfing lobby tranquilizer let “binding decision” Perhaps category mistake deploy concept racket “citizenship” grown flowery “loyalty” coating elementary function begin Citizens every suspicious notionally technocratic humanly fallible liable constraints Karl Marx posthumously redeemed loyalty” elite There problematic “dutify” “moving”—incidentally tiny group five percent mark population—causes harm indemnified writes “has nonmobile citizens” (Ferrera typescript cautiously talks “perception” gives credence proposing “negative externalities” “empower” give dignity ur-trope populists migrants perpetrators More fundamentally buys populists` hideous re-labelling “immigrants” fiscal post-Enlargement mainly single-biggest theme Brexit campaign reward British twice over tax-payers pick bill region-specific infrastructural impasses (schooling transport inevitably slicing citizenry unequal halves absolutely anti-European connotation moving harmful (at rewarded for) confirms demonology binary v maps closely cleavage undergoing largely obliterating classic left-right structured Western politics reconciled doubts allowed compromise structures simply applied situation globally capital diminished judicial contrast traditional eulogises forehead No compensatory via Card” alacrity practicality warm “Europe” nicely describes day Londoner opposing closer Yorker Trump notional province voting r David Goodhart commented opponents` waking “in country” morning June 24 how proponents had before fateful referendum Both camps quite literally inhabit mental physical tied incompatible “Citizenship” obsolete clip ‘European Plans Relicense Controversial Weedkiller’ Guardian February concede Commission`s stubborn multinational backed ‘Citizenship After Trump’ Migration Review Road Somewhere Hurst tie together cohesion bottom-up project survive unlikely cosmetic corrections partisan rift urgent intolerable populist movements entire decisively thrown “closure” spectrum “illiberal states” openly repudiate understood correctly he defends sharpen privileged third-state settled strikes retrograde dispensing welfare) thinning permanent side-effect liberalisation “civilising” nationhood undergirds hard-won achievement liability tribal tightly sealed second-class consult Gulf ironic tame exclusiveness mimic These somewhat grand-scheming objections perhaps plausible sake debate; diminish powerful deeply knowledgeable guard notion duty-full (not moral!) communist Islamic arrogate formatting preferences beliefs follow impairs Schmidt*1 Which entail protect achievements overcoming pitfalls? ‘add stuff’ Joppke’s plea non-exclusive agree Ferrera’s bias horizontally opens nationally shaped financed) ‘detecting flaws’ overlooks genesis crucial understanding Because saw impressive advancement ‘most fundamental status’ (C-184/99 Grzelczyk) van Gend (26/62) Costa (6/64) Cassis de Dijon (120/78) multiple taken granted shapes interpreting objectives contains (four development non-discriminately economically inactive few ties late entering intending contribute (C-333/13 Dano) Behind policymaking Dieter Grimm calls over-constitutionalisation intergovernmental describing policy-rich constitution declaring supreme Court’s interpretations constitutional enshrined forth EU’s judiciary legislature able overrule former’s constitutionalised Next secondary repercussions unable cater equally differences Its ‘one size fits none’ pronounced negotiated regarding singularities seriously legitimised chauvinism background member-state legitimated absent partly far-reaching Styrelsen (C-46/12 2013) 10-12 hours gained Denmark’s generous non-repayable student Labour-activating subsidise poorly Bremen Funding Norface gratefully acknowledged (www transjudfare constitutionalisation: case’ 460-473 Process: Shadow Case forthcoming 2018 implying tax-financed in-work workers’ exploitation Nationally coordinated balance ‘earned’ excluding joined transition toll Overall appear grave lose rich distributed class feels handled free-ride states’ arbitrage Empirically evasion contributing difficulties ends lack undermines alongside Are situation? They links lacks claimed suggestion requiring compensated top Bulgarian payments look Denmark lessen drawback immediate therefore suited ‘hospitality’ sufficiently confusing non-expert transparency further division competences granting cover progress ‘regulation’ ‘allocation’ bolster EU’s added treat newly par ‘earn’ host understand exclusion thin reminding us dangers privilege Intuitively inclusion appeal advanced empirical Highly differentiated rely infrastructure Ruhs Unrestricted Immigration Compatible Inclusive States? (Un)Sustainability Exceptionalism Compas Society 125 Kramer ‘Earning Union: reconstructed’ Yearbook Legal 270-301 Atoyanet ‘Emigration Impact Eastern Europe’ IMF Staff Discussion Note Pons Rotger state: Testing ‘welfare burden’ thesis’ doi:10 1177/1465116517717340 Dustmann Frattini Fiscal Effects UK’ 124 F593–F643 1111/ecoj 12181 Beaudonnet Laurie ‘A threatening horizon: Common Market 1-19 Bruzelius Reinprecht ‘Stratified Limiting doi: 1111/jcms 12555 reminds insufficient proof tread carefully maintain forced fail encompassing race bottom beat right-wing populism liberating embedded undermine republican rest solely anyone extending whose fortunes depend action individually imbued sufficient inclusive transforming neoliberal nightmare fully liberated market-citizen? treatment communities? all-inclusive truly cosmopolitan conception assure fellow losers pitted humankind asked why abandoned Left converse similarly merits surplus functioning failed problems ridden prerequisites developed (welfare) sees ‘incompatible structures’ sides anymore That bode integrate newcomers deal principle Different ill-equipped allocating Non-discrimination neither guidelines treating alike unlike differently depending distinction? Traditionally sustainable heterogeneity simultaneous widening resulted societal backing judicially Has amply demonstrated vote? Community Relying W Scharpf ‘Legitimacy multilevel polity’ Science 2009 173–204 B Rothstein https://www socialeurope eu/white-working-class-abandoned-left Vandenbroucke* ‘some duty’ solutions reconcile feasibility sympathy Joppke’s reaction dispense divided peripheral settling insistence yield justification believe justify framework whereby Reciprocity bridges clarify distinguish three questions: How movement? non-discriminatory active non-active (2)? citizens? Simply postulating begs holds opportunity ‘equal opportunities’ mitigated nuanced postponing transitory period): applies everybody low-skilled high-skilled premised se improve worst-off comparable Rawls’ ‘fair opportunity’ priority ‘difference principle’: Rawls offices) respected inevitable trade-off? regard distributive consequences experiencing observation incurring budgetary losses securing ‘negative externalities’ emigration Therefore divisive today’s tackle demanding realm Amsterdam denying formal substantive emphasized rightly Reinprechtand I:10 (although I’m convinced propose forbids pursue wages traditions wages: wage exclusive domain partners determined regulation: decent universally exceptions sectors protection: don’t boost precarious hyper-flexible segment precariousness flexibility board Or municipalities immigration: safeguard starting Admittedly developing translating realities uphill battle Europe; principled contingent movement: posting supports delivery) constitute well-balanced Posting2 issue EU: difficult dumping regime: sent short-term employed affiliated Simultaneously seeking regular contracts corollary implies) allowing unfair living impossible Moreover imbalance B: ‘non-dumping’ prefer (compared ‘posting’ option) unavailable fair well-delineated non-discrimination? grounds efficient factors production) ‘posted worker’ employee employer carry Posted temporarily contract (‘sending’) posted basic Basic conundrum ACCESS EUROPE 2017/02 Available SSRN: https://ssrn com/abstract=3011847 facilitates previous section tabled refer efficiency independent incorporated she works enjoys Belgian Belgium sustains tolerate territory: recipe establishes sense: states; simultaneously protects circles Earned coexistence ‘earned citizenship’ tension bounded dependents) simple dichotomy tenable “as unreasonable Member State” Dano-judgment stresses refusing grant obtain State’s assistance” Dion sketches combination continuity change situates broader “neoliberal communitarianism” “combines communitarian neo-liberal emphasis individual’s achieve labels ‘neo-liberal’ “it becomes ‘earning’ convert values” traits pushed confines taking cautionary notes reading oblige comprehensive restrictive avoided Dano C-333/13 C: 2014:2358 para 78 Access Assistance Reconstructed’ quote 277; 272 delineated non-nationals domains compassion dominate assistance) Union’ logics legitimately conjointly: Economically involuntary inactivity illness) fairness serves her) determines foremost Under bond citizen’s ‘unreasonable (these substantiate exercised state’s ‘unreasonable’ dependence Obviously setting complex task raises questions Verschueren pointed narrow judgment referred exact ‘integration country’ ‘real link’ country? demand judiciously Also next importantly lead ‘enter your risk’ (whereby facto tolerated marginalisation am complimentary consistently: mobility’ (some fit mobility’) complexities tensions illegitimate regulating consistently citizen: impose ‘Preventing ‘Benefit Tourism’ Narrow Broad Interpretation Possibilities ffered ECJ Dano?’ 52 363-390 Heindlmaier Blauberger ‘Enter risk: practice’ West 1080/01402382 1294383 forward inspiring heated presents concrete counter-productive His addresses Bauböck: pertinent shall sketched ‘small citizens’ concerns confront proposes introducing ‘dutifying’ ‘Social pressing examine ‘free movers’ nor materialize engagement described researchers fact-finding mission actually outcomes Much assumptive situational demonstrates net contributors purse findings portraying corporate estate hosting financing stratified2 states4 Negative confronted means? Ordinary blame Copenhagen 124(580) 593–643; Ruist access: Swedish experience’ 35(1) 19–39 http://journals sagepub com/eprint/TESAUcFRQ4jVRvp9aQkb/full JCMS: http://onlinelibrary wiley com/doi/10 12555/full Your Own Risk: Practice’ 40(6) 1198-1217 Hassel Steen Knudsen Wagner ‘Winning Battle Losing War: Labour Institutions Denmark’ 1218-39 decide investment Domestic held accountable implementation lowering reducing safety directive concerning monitoring introduces construction effectiveness again depends allocated shares ineffective ‘blame-game’ disregard Brussels’ adoption unintended surface fix Changing thresholds Ministers Parliament deviates intentions Otherwise considerable variation prove outflow challenge corrective mechanisms exemptions adoptable disturb uniformity discourse seekers dumpers; recall avoiding citizenship’s timely Bridging ‘mobile’ Ever Powerful Court?: Constraints OUP ‘Brien E Spaventa Corninck ‘Comparative 2015-the Concept Worker Article TFEU Certain Non-Standard Forms Employment’ characteristically sharp imaginative comment Rather framed grounding “In sentiments” wonders Currently secures (to activated involved border) fraction (primarily amounts population) broaden deepen immobile ‘integrative role’ judge successful assuming endorse insofar ‘I EU…’ say: “We elites?) desirable; get publics that? By significance ‘Feed them’1” odd perspective Imagine asks: ‘And augment you propose?’ be: ‘Because assent undermining movement’ that’s asking sure nothing intended feasibly sustain skepticism yet lacking sharpened reject (despite marshaled indicates direction) abandon misguided? King’s London Grand Inquisitor says Dostoevsky Brothers Karamazov Pevear Volokhonsky (trans Vintage 1991 253 them? publically minded rejects (a) voted Remain) (b) formally (c) (but extended [TCNs] well)? sketch addressing essential aspect Single recommended device production productivity gains expands choice gainful interests brings costs—costs furthermore fall everyone (albeit heavily contested) shift technology candlesticks electric bulbs bargaining candlestick makers displace entirely) supply cheaper unorganised labor downward immigrant-heavy (education healthcare arrived concentrate senders suffer brain drain skilled moves borne well-off disadvantaged Our explanation accrue mostly Consider peoples polities economies territories sovereignty stand gain expose longer collaboration actors Greece ‘Basic Income Conundrum Than Solution’ SSRN Contemporary calibrate account CEEC happy served relieving excessive Kahanec ‘Labor Mobility Enlarged Union’ Handbook Economics Constant Zimmerman Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing 137-52 references therein EUD Thym Market’ elsewhere5 deciding ought grounded reciprocity: owe return submission supervision captured hypothetical distribution owed gains—which secured convergence Market—and indemnification little prevent avoid (though stopping (recall [a] [b]) disproportionately whom according reciprocity-based outlined reinforces (modeled vocational suffering above) wonder behalf ‘empowering stayers’? includes things invoke points socioeconomic Rawls’s Fair Equality pportunity vastly states) specifically Recall rationale fault dependents (Here register disagreement respective constrained 7) ‘Solidarity 33 213-41; Problems Prospects’ Philosophical Foundations Dickson Eleftheriadis 2012 384-412; SangiovanniThe Bounds Solidarity: Distributive tension—and resolve it—between commitments useful berman ‘What stay? human value’ unfairly disadvantages derived finally buttress namely kind protecting mitigating inequalities exportability jobseekers limitations easier someone Latvia EU-funded advocated dampen betrays anachronistic revival Romantic Allegiance death ethnic myths suspicion foundation stones invokes none worries (whose unavoidably exclusionary ring falsely ‘benefit tourists’ CJEU) burdens’ threaten artificial divide advocates) TCNs not) ready emphasize ‘citizenship duties’ would) outmoded prosaic one’s civility toleration flow ‘sense justice’ interpret suggested compatible acceptance culturally fiscally polity [c] above)? straightforward resident participate society’s life relevant sense) (even inactive) willy-nilly enacted (politically ‘Stratified Citizenship’ ‘Global State’ Philosophy Affairs 35 2007 2-39 movement) qualify functionalism opinion) conclusion him sought functional-empirical inspire perspectives depart moved fringe centre urgently needed academic debates ratification (1993) reality ‘multinational insiders outsiders Accordingly citizens3 fulfilled destination perception politicisation tourism’ Despite dominant frame media main Due rates empirically ’ analyses (insurance) ‘over-fulfil’ mean fulfils s/he services? helpful precondition (subsistence) so! Nevertheless putting arising arrangements (ESF) organisations necessarily England localities — government! Aron ‘Is Multinational possible?’ (4) 1974 638-656 intend habitually differs periods subcategories ; Tax-financed State’ https://doi org/10 ESF FEAD ‘European’ origin destination) thereby Job-seeking Central Security Coordination exportable consequence requirements considers Minimum Scheme supra-national job-seeking ability reforming laudable enforce standards laws!7 worthwhile ‘accept’ appointing UK’s chief Irrespective participants shy away getting sui generis (con)federal jurisdictions learn examples: North German Confederation (Norddeutscher Bund NDB; 1867-1870) America constituent Furthermore subsistence Bismarck poor relief NDB Consequently Unterstützungswohnsitzgesetz (law domicile 1870 person irrespective duration Supreme ruled California clause unconstitutional arguing: “Citizens wherein Chase ‘Semi-Sovereign Migrant Need Strong Capacities’ Seeleib‐Kaiser Khan ‘UK appoints enforcer crack down abuse’ Times com/content/b61d7370-d31e-11e6-9341-7393bb2e1b51 select (Saenz Roe; 526 U 489 (1999): 511)9 overcome differentiation abolish put: question! ‘Freedom Right Income: Comparing EU’ prepared Annual Conference Committee ISA Carolina Chapel Hill 22-24 Like criticism critique “moving” portray “buys populists’ ‘immigrants’” apparent denial existence adverse aware fears ungrounded criticises presume emphasised despite clearer picture false done exceed “produced mobiles” “social dumping” moreover mentions Independently Take well-educated emigrate Netherlands (brain drain) experiences? talented Italians attracting Once producing Second mover Someone stayer tomorrow static Not compelled Third doesn’t free-movement “to ‘hospitality’” Fourth unavoidable Fifth although Utrecht 26 shared affects decline run enough systemic origins malaise things: bearing reduce Sangiovanni’s debate) agreement significantly “if board” claims asks “All regulation” enforced admits “developing emphasises “there cohesion” establish achieving broadening well-known reachable “incrementalism today” solvable strategies radical Republic nation-states cities defend utopia emphasise EU-citizenship couldn’t fulfil Ulrike Guérot fosters imply participatory Unfortunately stuff “EU-citizenship container” saying enormous Warum Europa eine Republik werden muss! Eine politische Utopie edition Bonn: Dietz Discussions tended mobilise divergent ingenious treats instrumentally: promoting amongst conceive analogous wean degree (Habermas statement approach) offers fine denationalising moral uphold (actually silent assume de-dutification far) occupy mid-point transitionary phase seeks reconciliation pragmatically endeavour normatively justifiable conventional supra- trans-national inter-national declared beg reasoning implicit standard functionalist contends interconnected managing scaling cosmopolitanism likewise remove unequally certainly Whether adequately appropriately all? surely pandering nationalism replicating characteristics Habermas Identity: Reflections Future Praxis 12(1) accounts thesis see: Duties’ 482-498; Kostakopolou Writing Future’ 13(5) 2004 623-646 ‘Between Cosmopolis Community: Legitimacy Peoples’ Tierney (ed) Nationalism Globalisation: Settings Challenges Hart Ch 207-232 28 term? arises faults devised rendering governed encourage Pace de-dutifyers unheeded upholding coherently Meanwhile impartial suitably constraint rulers influence ‘right rights’ Indeed effectively expenditure suitable secure rights; agreed emerge arise involvement romantic colouring accepting game acknowledging overlook self-evident properties spontaneously Many academics overly sanguine judicialisation EUs occurred lex mercatoria remarks her deployment litigation exploiting terminology allows interest enterprises venue biased inaccessible critics injustice dominated colonisation exploitative deals superior domination Yet acknowledges close struggle gave leverage wars fight prompting `The “Right Rights”: Practice Constitution Warleigh (eds) Continuum 2001 41-70 ‘Rights Democracy’ Critical 15(4) 2012a 449-471 Europe? What’s Wrong Kochenov’s Account Rights’ 21(4) 558-565 2015b Isiksel Functional Constitution: Constitutionalism 142-143 adult suffrage abide collectively delineating reports culture belong attachments deplores reactionary throw-backs operation realisation air disagreements deliberate assumes events unfolding Catalonia deemed numbers willing militate embody prevented rapid supra-nationalism unfeasible priori achievable undesirable plurality combining pursuing lives democracies variety Within diverse unit inefficient inequitable increases prospect tyranny consistent minorities checks balances ensuring collaborative mutually checking balancing manner Against characterisation comprise transitional gradual components designed supplant reported arrangement undercutting self-government tackled involve injustices include prevention egregious infringements climatic catastrophe feature subsume facilitate interactions elsewhere imperfect conforms involving two-level reach consensual agreements representatives winning ‘republican intergovernmentalism’ assimilated critiques discrimination long-term concerned though viability diversity ‘An Closer Peoples: Republican Intergovernmentalism Demoi-cracy Representation 35(5) 499-516 limiting vote opposed elections unwilling commit party strictly speaking contracting Hence logical stems ‘inter-national’ ‘sympolitical’ recognition remarked directives enumerated Treaties aspirational Grzelczek distorted of) lies Similarly tackles genuine innovative approach inter- stealth jurisprudence officially announced birth quickly dismissed “little cynical relations”1 “pie sky” longer: Today hotly contested nearly published mirror heard arenas analytical reflection somehow reflect heat shout insults disagree contestation indicators strength myself well-considered erode strains magic movement–social ‘social pillar’ fortifying ‘prosaic (Andrea Sangiovanni) blunt edges sharper acknowledge ‘permissive consensus’ sometimes steady halting retreating shatters easy convince improvements coalitions fighting environment attempts win votes arrive focusing preliminary answered differ theirs embrace contextual purely destiny “means markets” Weiler Winter Curtin Kellerman Reforming Debate Hague/Boston: Kluwer 1996 Jessurun D’ liveira ‘Union Pie Sky?’ Rosas Search Order Sage 1995 32 regards lexically conflicts redistributive Let sound stop EU? concluding countries? Switzerland Norway extend Canada Australia Zealand? existed accession Ireland independently Zealand South rapidly possess nationalities realise Magnette’s alone explain involuntarily insufficiently ” answering pillar contributory Vandenbroucke’s nagging theorists: borders? live interdependent Conditions scale disparities wealth Africa Does African conceptions states? Unlike expansive raise conflict John thought beings prima facie ‘Migration Porous Boundaries States’ Transformations 516-531 movement-based enable price realised finds nation-state; (through colonialism actors) authoritarian groups) desire Portugal forever Threats shape wing corporations shrinking demographic weight stabilising pool threats formed reinforced round amending rational self-interests exit illustrates Michel Barnier tries drive exposed costly leaving particularistic communicated commitment interests” thinks motivate trans- Catalan secession crisis illustrate “Where spheres Spanish separatism predicaments exiteers unionists represent(ed) populations wins loses rooted lot hard-to-predict campaigns pretty overwhelming drives resentment 34 advocates separation severely damaging represent won comes democracy; committed union; controversy DNA essay: Art says: “Every replace substitutive adds transforms memberships below non-national municipal encompasses determining circumstances descent parents territory) naturalisation procedures; membership; include) municipality counts ‘sanctuary cities’ undocumented deportation oppose admission emerges 20(2) defines Foremost employment-related upholds Conflicts pervasive consolidated ultimate arbiters interpreters regulates competencies interprets treaty-based constitutions pluralism5 Levels 15(5) 751-764 1999 Conflict institutionalised authoritatively resolved court acting daring declarations destined state” followed telling depriving citizenship7 acutely fill lacunas expansionary matters regularly retractive ‘clarifications’ institutionalisation politicising statuses branch bay Scottish attempts) unlock cage caught unprepared lay advisors bold ideas legislators money progressive contributor recipient poisonous perfectly change11 getter coherent platform chance electoral pollster predicted victories der Bellen Austria Emmanuel Macron unabashedly pro-EU Eurosceptic ones? animal eventually refers endorsing persistent trope supporters shows imagination imitate template ‘provincialisation’ gradually transferring Union; republic date N Grzelczyk d’Aide Sociale d’ ttignes-Louvain-la-Neuve (2001) C-184/99 Janko Rottmann Freistaat Bayern (2010) C-135/08 Ruiz Zambrano (2011) C-34/09 Shirley McCarthy Secretary Home C-434/09; Murat Dereci Bundesministerium für Inneres C-256/11; Elisabeta Florin Jobcenter Leipzig (2914) Euro 36 consolidation took trigger confederation federation realising dream dreaming examples spelling implications federalist project: “For fails mention post-Civil 14th amendment unified 1871 entailed downgrading Länder henceforth masters devotes attention terminological duties; reciprocal states’ determine jurisdiction residing (yet) diplomatic bound accept ‘transnational matches synonymous postnational ample literature transnationalism emigrants Again dual expat constructed possesses transformative arena extraterritorial diasporas resource inter-state tamed theory developments stuck phenomena straddle Schönberger Unionsbürger: Europas föderales Bürgerrrecht vergleichender Sicht Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck Moraru Protecting (unrepresented) intertwining roles PhD 37 Nowhere triggered top-down adaptation enhances determination specification inherent structure Politicising struggles Thinking pushes teleology pulls merging tune evolved guarantor correspondingly leaves fiercely located Luxembourg Strasbourg staged election Liberals instrumentally egalitarians chances implement liberals deliver strongest input authorised co-citizens theories intrinsic realises albeit picked happen permissive liberally elites pacify Ernest Gellner Danegeld output straightjackets forces deficits emerging reflected attitudes fine-tuned combine tragic complexity Nations Blackwell 1983 Europeans’ in: Attack: Worth Defending Core Citizenship? (F eds 19-20 38 experiments inventions guide maybe mobilising seized weapon error seize horn minority grab rough woman Greek mythology Her hence tool intriguing insightful reactions reacting relate try mitigate winners appreciate caring nonetheless doubt hoping gulf pro-European witnessing emergence lower “nudged” feeling Similar behavioural economics expectation Very Recent refrain ownership hope instill Hoogheand Marks ‘Cleavage meets crises: Lipset Rokkan cleavage’ online http://dx doi 1080/13501763 1310279 Experiencing Solaz Elsas ‘Practising preach: promotes willingness redistribute Union” 1370005 Bechtel Hainmueller Y Margalit ‘Preferences Redistribution Divide Eurozone Bailouts’ 58 835-856 Over aged 17-30 participated unique youth participate? informative experience peers going interact (immobile) self-selection Europhiles: People self-select reaffirm pre-existing surrounded like-minded sum European-minded suggest reify legitimise transfers “compensation losers” offer “mobility bonus” attract bonuses activating unemployed usually “compensation” “nudge” intra-European reservations premium endeavor Plus university lie socio-economic divides “echo chambers” trying co-nationals answers repeating Europhile mantra http://europa eu/youth/sites/default/files/evs_factsheet_and_impacts_apr_2016 Mitchell ‘Rethinking ‘Erasmus effect’ identity’ 53(2) 330-348 Wilson Expect ‘Erasmus Generations’?’ 49 (5) 2011 1113-1140 Madama*1 ‘big issues’ ‘catalogue’ widely unity multi-level exploit legitimating claiming polity-building maintenance undermined elements: scarcely Citizens’ actions unknown 63% co-financed conceals countries: 80% drops 40% 27% 25% sinking 16% 14% Denmark6 figures confirm efforts surprise strand documented translation goals street-level “variety disjunctive influences” higher-level unraveled frontlines providers arms so-called mile final chain) government/political controls incentive “capture” (legal and/or financial) degli Studi Europe) Cf Flora Kuhnle Urwin Formation Nation-Building Stein Clarendon 1–91 Obinger http://ec eu/commfrontoffice/publicopinion/index cfm/ResultDoc/download/DocumentKy/79239 Regional endowed 351 approximately 2014-2020 cycle co-finances ERDF Cohesion fund) competitiveness correlation per-capita ‘Politicians Managers Street-Level Bureaucrats: Influences Implementation’ JPART 453–476 (p 454) Keiser ‘Street-Level Bureaucrats Administrative Power Manipulation Federal Disability Programs’ Quarterly 1(2) 144-164 42 antidotes syndrome end-recipients terminal program March confronting non-financial needy brief clothing counselling beneficiaries re-integrate stand-alone deprived people’s capacities difficulty Participation prepare Operation Programmes (OP) illustrating implementing OP aid measures; II co-financing steering management street relies partner food-banks charities charge Forum’s respects Regulation11 details comply requests “during inform placing poster (minimum A3) emblem location readily requirement stigmatising delivery”; “any document attendance certificate operational Fund” Breaking rate 15% eligible expenditures reduced 0% Regulation 223 /2014 43 front-line stakeholders grouping EU-level NGOs Network organises face-to-face meetings virtual ambitiously ‘civic’ grass roots compliant delivering agencies provisions? credit? Card? Introducing Card’ envisaged riforma col cacciavite metaphor: screwdriver effectiveness) Insurance Card (EHIC) medical pilot disabilities travel Professional simplifying qualification facilitators highlights low-educated think/feel belief emotional reaction) penalty beliefs/feelings factually unwarranted profusely facts euro-skepticism sensible de-activate orientations including) up-skilling low-qualified targets adults weaknesses knowledge incidence 63 quarter 25-64 Skills Guarantee Commission’s kill birds stone: vulnerable (normative eu/newsroom/document cfm?doc_id=40723 Recommendation Upskilling Pathways: Opportunities Adults http://eur-lex eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=OJ:JOC_2016_484_R_0001 Agenda COM(2016) 381 eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:52016DC0381&from=EN 44 rationale) competitive (functional loyal supportive such: Standing shoulders perceptive ventures explore fashion ‘social’ overriding principal guardians believes sickness age encourages heritage civilised society” integrity (by-)product sorely perversely Fritz Wolfgang Streeck intricate connection discretionary reflation demand-deficient improvement sick ‘by stealth’ slipstream objective seal currency institutional breakthroughs ’supply side’ revolution riding architects believed Act (SEA) (EMU) keep ‘wasteful’ check primacy prohibition revert devaluation post-hoc prioritising principle’ implicitly self-determination pains wave enlargement withdrawal tragically Kingdom vocal scorning leave sentiment presented electorates primary raison d’être Bolkestein Leaders Crossroads Essays Heinemann 1963 74 Model: Coping Diversity’ 40(4) 2002 645–70; Buying Time: Delayed Capitalism Verson 46 sold enlarge pie conjectured impairing freedom-of-mobility damage Scharpf’s dystopia ruinous Competitiveness Index (2014) high-spending Finland hovering 30% GDP hurt presses quantity prosperity Suzanne anti-discrimination part-time parental modelled performing lowest denominator latest waves conjunction fallout magnifying asymmetric shocks measure re-insurance trapping debtor ‘bad’ imbalanced equilibria sadly predicament politicians (mis-)fortune renege eurosceptic pressures water ruling governments’ anti-EU right-populist ardent defenders post-1945 ‘natives’ proclaiming retirement protectionism ban bidding farewell eurozone departed entrenched worldview anchored conservatives democrats championed intrusive cost-containment bailouts periphery ‘structural reform’ Mario Draghi interviewed Wall Street height Eurocrisis model’ ‘long gone’ ongoing overnight “political-institutional vacuum” emerged successfully nostalgic image paradise mainstream in- family Juncker Youth ErasmusPro Scoreboard assessing Governing Effective Democratic? Grauwe Fragile Eurozone’ CEPS Document 346 Brussels: Publication Office 47 ‘triple A’ pursued seemingly uncoordinated ideational paradigm inequality (youth-)unemployment relegated ‘auxiliary’ subordinated Six-Pack Compact (2012) Two-Pack (2013) balanced budgets spite post-crisis lip ‘default’ retrenchment questioned (youth) breeding xenophobic Brexit-type contingencies relegating proviso ‘subsidiarity’ conjured ‘happy’ equilibrium crystal-clear wishful conceptualisation destabilising re-confirmation imperative fronts: priorities caveat implicates Civil operationally precise retroactively Hungary accepted joining likes Viktor Orban Jaroslaw Kaczynski weakening breed altogether ‘not proportionate claimant’ obliges interfere modify volatile ‘positive capacities’ ‘bending’ intention ‘how much’ ‘what services’ categories (deserving) ‘at expense’ contradictions ‘compensatory approach’ de-activating wants ‘Toward Investment Growth Including Implementing 2014-2020’ ffice Genschel Jachtenfuchs ‘From powers: refugee theory’ 48 ‘who compensate?’; ‘for exactly?’ much?’ ‘through service?’ pay?’ losers?’ brain-drain college graduates austerity reflex? doubtful juncture bewildering improved policy-evaluation ‘adding enrichment concur re-direction puts roundabout gradualist assertively problem-solving capabilities semi-sovereign plead perform promotion reinforce possession intimates guess in-between stance Bellamy’s monograph coined assertive (active) prosper zone resilience matched competent painful stress overwhelm disciplinary intrusion tough tunnel contrasts sharply ‘disciplining devices’ underway presentation comparison ambivalent economy’ ambition laid Articles recommendation well-functioning endorsed Summit Jobs Gothenborg November latent interfering portfolio ‘fair-playing-field’ provisos work-life pensions Significant devoted ‘capacitating’ echo Package Barroso urging advance ‘prepare’ respond investing childhood ‘repair’ misfortune moments articulated ensure empty shell pre-empt modes techniques bailout administered Troika ECB ‘re-insurance scheme’ macroeconomic stabilisation uptakes downturns pan-Eurozone breathing asymmetrically downturn faster recovery contribution) discount Stability Pact (SGP) Inspired taxonomy assessment: labor-market life-course transitions; upkeeping stock capabilities; (3) maintaining minimum-income buffers micro-level macro-economic aging buffer nets stabilise business upgrading bearings relating ‘capacitating roof adjustable bundles pre-school skill family-care improving gender-equal lifespan matching ‘make transitions pay’ equalize women mixes returns bases (child-)poverty dependency viable responsibilities Uses jealously remit spend wise demography organisation except advocate fostering adaptable family-friendly relations careers engaging administrations expert committees reflex strike generation Monti allegedly intimated 50% representation Granting manoeuvre (within bounds) imbalances ageing Exempting SGP trampling struggling abandoning female medium-term attainment That’s female) huge centres Finnish Slovenia ramp regressive discounting monitored Semester alignments (universal) Euro-member incentivising carrot stick conditionality streamline Employment Initiative (YEI) (EGF) Strategic (EFSI) Plan positively resilient Looking ahead dire magnitude hangover sovereign debt dismal fixes ‘handmaiden’ Zeitlin Governance: Amsterdam: 51 prohibited chips commits integrates 1959 rtega y Gasset ‘reality closed frontier ’1 opened ‘renovation’ centrifugalism renovation (future) ‘soft’ bind ‘hard’ steps; a) b) c) incorporate outset confinement rethink functionality ‘instrumental infrastuctures constituencies’ preferable draw compelling Bauböck) Material impression ‘purchasing’ ‘Europe’ confirmed Pro-Leave Wales ‘Brexit’ Referendum substitute incorporation durable meaningful encompass contained subsequent articles ‘citizens Treaties’ candidates non-judicial redress stated TEFU word ‘shall’ categorical underpin ‘civil observe (Article TEU) Warwick Ortega Man Ruskin House Allen Unwin 210 54 ‘shall bodies offices agencies’ dutiful movers; inter alia graft onto Nor compare citizenships conclude underdeveloped duties) abstract autonomous unshielded grounds; (for Job-seekers’ allowances anticipated contribution-based job-seeker’s assess accentuated preservation hit nevertheless unsubstantiated draws narratives discourses uneasiness solidarity’ vouchers) accurately ‘demonology (Joppke 2); ‘divide stayers’; depict ‘mobility virtuous’ considerations ‘uprootedness’ settlement Everything sad unacceptable xenophobia panoply derive ne C-224/98 Marie-Nathalie D’Hoop l’emploi [2002] ECR I-6191; C-138/02 Brian Francis Collins [2004] I-2703; Joined Cases C-22/08 C-23/08 Athanasios Vatsouras Arbeitsgemeinshcaft (ARGE) Nurnberg 900 Josif Koupatantze Alrbeitsgemeinschaft Judgement consumer protected transcend ‘winners’ ‘losers’ Whatever ethnicity religion sexual orientation trust strangers radius self-interest calculations misperceptions ‘others’ non-nationals) justifying fairer) pillar3 [3] duty-bearers? multi-layered comprising ‘its peoples’ 3(1) confine envisage ‘variable geometry’ meritorious (operational 2016) President displayed leadership commencing plan proclaimed jointly Gothenburg excellent differentiate Their institution (Principle 12) dignified 14) 16) homeless combatting homelessness 19) 10) dismissal (Principles ‘grabbing dilemma’ ‘risking bull’ 21st TEU’s version directs humane cooperate Besides draft included environmental duty: healthy coupled preserve it’ inserted Part stating ‘all display rejection October https://ec eu/commission/priorities/deeper-and-fairer-economic-and-monetary-union/european-pillar-social-rights_en marginalisation’ ‘possible TFEU’s are: standing exclusion; applying policy-making’ [5] duty-bearers bodies) 41(2) affect adversely file (be stayers) 41(3) ‘have servants performance accordance separated epitomises disrespect contempt procedural legality Forward reveals post-Marshallian policy-practitioners readers Instead devoting precious energies wasted frictions unnecessary quarrels thoughts dimension) self flourishing restrict others; implicated perfect reflects ‘Towards constructive 4(4) 337-58 social’ Isin Nyers Routledge 434 reflections engages starts description tacit evaporated influences bring convincingly diagnoses reluctant follows assumptions necessity reconstructs nationalisation success loyality implicitly: self-given allusion risky Pandora’s box anyway ‘overstreched’ promise? Ferrara’s assumption (national) (European) concedes changed revive idea: “directly empower” short-cut Ferrara realistic far: doubt: supposed democratic) authorising subjected enlightened monarch leaders avant-garde argues) bestow subjects Goethe-Universität Frankfurt subjectivity fate hands mean: agent his/her Countering Anti-European concepts racket” conceal Absolutely conclusion? interdependence discretion odds depoliticised mode decision-making Detached addressees dealing (emerging) framing gripped “Westphalian imaginary” restricted “broader systematically discouraged coding border-crossing articulation deliberation understandable lines witness resurrection stereotypes explaining prosperous whereas Union’s counterparts refuse painfully solidly fatal misframing cleavages broken up? rightfully stresses: architecture actor Offe Entrapped UK/Malden USA 25-28 Fraser Scales Reimaging Space Globalizing UK/Malden: Polity representations ‘Export Master’ South-West comparatively productive East remarkable left-wing protest ‘anti-European’ Exit instructive Central-East defensive pro-refugee Kriesi Politicization Integration’ (S1) 32–47 59 intermediaries: parliament vice versa multilayered accommodating “Liberal de-dutification” (Joppke) group: frames envisages “diversity” “republican intergovernmentalism” decoupled diversity” disguise asymmetries conservation expected creative sight connected Thomas Piketty parliamantary assembly euro-zone combined EP parliaments (S Hennette Sacriste Vauchez Pour une Traité democratisation l’Europe Le Seuil warmly lamentation affairs plethora jeremiad rehearses courage neck readiness — losing distinctions illuminating roughly (essentially plus non-discrimination) aspects security) stylised formulation Ferrera: Koen Lenaerts president “movers” “stay-at-homes”’ fooled entrepreneurs juicy slot thriving arguably consists stay-at-homes attracted encouraged creed market-driven enables locations ignored economists: dislocation arrival Linguistic Erasmus-type block structural Retreat curtailing cause settle anywhere whichever settles jure restriction Université catholique Louvain 62 discourage “welfare tourism” pre-Brexit-vote negotiation discriminating immigrant soft-Brexiteers delighted firmly rejected negotiating blocking appetite cherry-picking massive acceptable regain stay-at-homes? inclination treaty deep diagnosed resolving unchanged treaties? amount fragments pride ceteris paribus pondering versions preference mine Caring bestowed mile” assuage richer Surely labelling “last counterproductive: locals asylum refugees think: “At them” also: “It foreigners Nothing resolute Proposals retraining “globalisation” Michael Bauer Schmitter’s Euro-stipend Euro-dividend [1] reinsurance technocrats enthuse Dullien ‘Why EMU sustainable’ ctober 2014; Schmitter ‘A(modest) 55-65; Euro-Dividend’ July Vanderborght (Mass variant life-long exploring softwares Blended cognitive critical appropriation Playing Certainly bullet Largely committee Belgians Europeanising proving (again?) tell peoples: “Don’t ridiculous deserve expecting Ferrera* expectations hopes commentators conversation prescriptive styles hindsight spelled systematic theorists perspectivism lock-ins revisit received legitimacy/stability politics: complementary? empirical-theoretical extensive scholarly highlighted needs; web fostered ‘bonding’ right-based ripe evaluations friendly effort extract unarticulated (a cosmopolitanism) direction: analysing produce) stability realist foundational ‘keep together’ (of boundaries) responsiveness asking: EU- building) Union)? (EU) context? Spatial Protection 66 appreciated bonding/loyalty “questionable idealisation” dismisses attitudes” “delusional best” takedown? espouses coat “flowery factual judgements statements far-fetched war-welfare nexus originally “coat” warfare logic” subsequently diffuse puzzling mistake” state-building constrains defining “retrograde” (fully) analysed inheres denoting justifications metric realist-political legitimises ‘bounds’ recognisable insiderhood selective formulating judgement here; operating ‘good’ interested weak ‘value-related’ à la undeniable conspicuousness shaping exemplified well-articulated embark deem lame (my interpretation) (Vandenbroucke) (Sangiovanni) ‘foundational’ dodge ideal (presumably informed) “why citizenship?” philosophical disputatio unpersuasive politician consensus? philosopher’s unfit interlocutors locate 2010s notice Euroscepticism; surmise jeopardise such; toolkit recrafting contain scientists policy-makers Yes confess: dismissive people’ Petersen O Starke Warfare Welfare: Military Development Countries elaborated philosophers spokespersons (Remember polemic Edmund Burke Bristol electors?) ‘keeping pluralism constructively both) self-contained convincing caveats consensus-building disagreement? interrogate doctrines specialise fairly manage regress infinitum detracting shifts Collective Weber’s conceives resting instrumental) mix motives Renan “daily referendum” associative revealed misunderstanding inadvertently initial cleared worry resonated comments well) ammunitions enemy “populist demonology” crystal clear: chauvinist indulgent manipulative accused buying enemy’s “with real” descriptive ‘movers’ covert intelligence appropriate fruitful fundamentals normativists empiricists modus vivendi overlapping whereby: theoretical side; causal undertake enterprise avenues younger proven self-rule pointing Rossi Sleat ‘Realism Normative Theory’ Compass 9(10) 689-701 68 responding panem circenses reaping Bismarckian elitist paternalist liberal-democrat? Probably yes scientist ‘Schumpeter’s doctrine’ juxtaposition corrects scene figure (would-be) elected leader inescapably quid pro quo whats (policy ideologies) exchanged whos (votes competing whats) minimal) spent exchanges logically presuppose acquisition package tryptic synergies; acquires self-sustaining taming controlling vertical multiplication endowments keystone Who gets (made) endogenous define/redefine dissimilar Seubert’s (democratic core) Gradually creepingly lifted cross-system democratically managed defies “far federal” standardisation Switzerland) dared trespass cantons margins residency-based ‘discrimination’ “states out-of-state universities delay hyper-federal watchdog supremacy indicator hyper-federalism delegated non-majoritarian aids banking supervision) ‘demoicratic’ Rome removed control: policy: taxing spending) illusion Continent Haven: 69 intergovernmentalism inter-nationalism mandate negotiate responsive reformed (decisions citizens) qualified (correctly view) equated ‘minority rule’ afraid ago ceased conform inter-nationalist’ blueprint praised obtains intuitively demoicratic “governing one” “one” demoi opaque (that theory) above? destructured coherence Strangely endogenously generated deliberately transferred tied: unclear prevail got careful neglect produced: safeguards peace anchor post-war fragile shattered badly consolation irresponsible rationalisations cross-national variations below) regime(s) skewed unstable instrument: “holding environment” Agreeing identifies (“all movers”; “more same”) “converting movers” total Daniele Simone Cisotta Aftermath Berlin Springer Nicolaidis ‘European Demoicracy Crisis’ 51(2) 351–369 updated Chalmers Joerges End Eurocrats’ Dream conversion persuading internalise rationales tells (no longer) buy “all aggravation “retreat” retreat posed reconfigured “Caring submitted wording (myself included) Tony Blair backstop centrifugal destabilisation tryptic; ingrained movement; 3) durability preserving pre-conditions (Bauböck’s argument) informed underline eye scepticism worried materialise swiftly rationalisation quo: ask: already? interests/views decision-makers nitty gritty echelons bureaucracies Last radar capture panes legitimising launch co-funded passport) Kuhn’s label bonus”) (maybe “children guarantee”) agenda: crafted maximise (Sangiovanni Hemerijck) sponsoring “return mobility” “drained brains” relocation complements Contentious Hospitality Giddens Hampton Agenda: Model 2006 71 piece attentions deserved contention demanding) epistemic obsessions ‘moral hazard’ ordoliberal experts (initially hazard grounds) containing details) dealt (via surveillance?) whoever resides Hemerijick’s ‘softer’ EU2020 agendas scaffolding alleged supranationalism ‘hype’ Taking apart functionally institutionally financial/monetary catastrophe? teaching disentangle decently “prosaic romantic” institutionalist temporal quasi-irreversibility (you toothpaste tube squeezed out) Hemerijck’s softer semi-internationalist (HE) fourfold dismantling supranationalist excesses Scharpf)?11 HE experts? “loyalty eyes parties? destructive off? motivated definitely environment) modicum good” Barnard Febaere De-Constitutionalization Majority Rule Vision Cologne: MPIfG 16/14 72 duties? shadows lightly terrain adopting attack summarise normativist colleagues essentials (policies compliance) ‘extractions’ exemplars package? Definitely etymology civitas constituted collectivity survival inhere Fulfilling prerogatives titularity (on observance correspondence fruition tax/contributory black economy) acute conferral underpinned immaterial reasons” habit custom affection product trajectory strategy? patchworks intertwined ‘nationality’ turned “having over-emphasised substance denizens redefine denizenship visualise (accepting exercising curtailed domestically 73 supranationally Historical reconstructions (also) Jacques Delors design ended dutification initially exceeds cosmopolitans oscillate Pro-EU demonstrated) disoriented dutitification coalesce Time loosely Weberian centrality “what democracy” (Bauböck) Do integration? belongs egalitarian cluster espoused meta-level ‘objects’ vibrant intellectual experiment undertaken (now) unfavourable constellation characterised de-freezing patterns modernity “melting solid” ambiguous (post-modernism post-nationalism post-democracy post-materialism post-capitalism ‘pros-eutopian’ (from pros us) surprised backward looking “retrotopias” Zygmunt Bauman’s metaphor) Schumpeter’s ‘classical’ ‘other’ doctrine coin ‘vertical’ correction recommending infused Equal proceduralised perimeters playing contend polytheistic them) Berufspolitik misinterpreted “Man attained reached impossible” Profession Pellegata Reconciling REScEU eu/events-news/news/can-economic-and-social-europe-be-reconciled-citizens’-view-on-integration-and-solidarity html ‘Solidarity Constellations 21(2) 222–238 Z Bauman Retrotopia empirical) outreachers actors: pros-eutopian Euro-enthusiastic Editors: Sciences Via Conservatorio 20122 Email: maurizio ferrera@unimi dei Roccettini I-50014 rainer baubock@eui

Eurofound Forum Dublin

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Policy packages for upward convergence Frank Vandenbroucke Contribution to the session on ‘Convergence and Inequalities’ Eurofound Forum 2017 Dublin 14 November Bridging aspirations functional necessities of European integration • The EMU: – EES 1997: supply-side flexibility New insight: labour market institutions supporting stability common standards resilient welfare states Cluster policy principles an effective stabilisation capacity in MS: sufficiently generous unemployment benefits notably short-term; sufficient coverage rates benefit schemes; no segmentation that leaves part force poorly insured against unemployment; proliferation employment relations are not integrated into systems social insurance; activation unemployed individuals Labour can deliver wage coordination: monitor competitiveness should be embedded dialogue distributive concerns mainstreamed monitoring => Convergence some key features Eurozone Traditional view: aspiration: simultaneous pursuit economic progress cohesion both within countries (development states) between (upward across EU) human capital through investment policies Upward inequality EU stimulate support MS develop ‘dual use ’ pursue internal quality is a condition long-term Reducing background inequalities families with children investing child care education contribute national EU-wide “Rising income has significant impact growth large because it reduces poorer segments poorest 40% population precise invest their skills ” (OECD In Together … 2015) Inequality: protection (EU27; 0-59) 70% 60% 50% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2004 2014 Work Intensity household very high medium low Overlapping priorities EMU collective bargaining transparency predictability minimum wages better perspectives households weak attachment markets / incentives low-skilled labour… ECEC Resources Structural versus competition: limits diversity Economic Monetary Union ECFIN discussion paper 065 Commission Directorate-General Financial Affairs Brussels 20 July Rinaldi Social Europe challenge In: Vision Summit Consortium
(eds ): Redesigning Ways forward Gütersloh pp 38- 77 2015 Gütersloh; (Consortium website: http://www vision- europe-summit eu/) Barnard De Baere ) A after Crisis Cambridge: Cambridge University Press September All publications: www frankvandenbroucke uva nl

De pensioenhervorming blijft een werf

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De pensioenhervorming blijft een werf Frank Vandenbroucke hoogleraar KULeuven Tijd 23 juli 2015 Het parlement stemt vandaag over de verhoging van pensioenleeftijd tot 67 jaar in 2030 Doordat beslissing al vastlag het regeerakkoord was breder draagvlak dan regeringsmeerderheid meet af aan uitgesloten Of andere aanpak met meer tijd voor overleg en uitzicht op volledige hervorming pensioenstelsel wel zou gecreëerd hebben weet ik niet debat is nu alleszins gepolariseerd: hogere wordt door tegenstanders verketterd terwijl voorstanders zich borst kloppen dat “de pensioenhervorming” feit Hoe sterker laatste groep indruk geeft werk erop zit hoe eerste geneigd zal zijn om te stellen helemaal herbegonnen moet worden Beide posities kortzichtig: termijn moeten leeftijdsvoorwaarden aangepast worden; maar fundamentele nodig jongste verslag Studiecommissie Vergrijzing (SCvV) illustreert dit Vooreerst toont SCvV significante impact heeft pensioenuitgaven Wie stijging wil afremmen toch fatsoenlijke pensioenen garanderen dergelijke maatregel [op hoogstwaarschijnlijk]1 kunnen vermijden Daarom stelde Pensioencommissie alleen loopbaaneisen ook leeftijdseisen evolueren Qua transitie besluitvorming suggereerden we strategie; die reden analyseert ons rapport scenario’s zonder definitief voorstel formuleren Alhoewel belangrijk resultaat onzeker: SCvV-verslag bevestigt In gunstige hypothese m b t pensioneringsgedrag (de zgn “verschuivingshypothese”) verlagen maatregelen vergrijzingskost 2 1 procent bruto binnenlands product (bbp); minder vermindert ongeveer 3 verschuivingshypothese vermoedelijk gunstig: ze veronderstelt rond spil – mate waarin mensen eerder stoppen later er precies uitzien zoals huidige gedrag 65 jaar; wettelijke twee vertalen gemiddeld pensioenuitstel Waarschijnlijk anders feitelijke beperkter zijn; enige prikkel langer werken pensioenbonus overigens afgeschaft prikkels punt uit weerhouden regering Bovendien arbeidsmarkt kwaliteit arbeid aanpassen groeiend aanbod 60-plussers Op beide fronten winkel nog onzekerheid: weten economie demografie zullen berekent iets voorspoedige ontwikkeling arbeidsproductiviteit (in verhouding optimistische daarover referentiescenario) verhoogt bbp Deze woorden tussen brackets ingestuurde tekst publicatie krant hangt onder industriële structuur technologie opleidingen menselijk kapitaal Dit brengt me bij centrale boodschap rapport: pensioencontract zekerheid bieden onzekere wereld Ingebouwde aanpassingsmechanismen zorgen stabiele inkomens gepensioneerden actieven wat economische demografische toekomst kerngedachte geconcretiseerd puntenstelsel heden opgepikt leidt ondanks afschaffing zo armoede ouderen ontkracht doemdenken toekomstige horen kanttekeningen Ten goed inzake pensioenen; zwaarder doorwegen gemiddelde pensioenniveau tweede werknemerspensioenen toenemende samengedrukt minimumpensioen afkalvend maximumpensioen: berekeningsplafonds maximum bepalen volgen lonen immers automatisch Dat legitimiteit stelsel werknemers betere steeds ondermijnen scenario voorligt kloof groei plafonds (die volgen) mochten productiviteit zouden stijgen ontstaat probleem Kortom kosten voorspeld; omgekeerd (nog) gunstiger sociaal bevredigend voorspeld loonevolutie zodat maxima nooit wegzakken; tegelijk verzekeren ingebouwde financiële evenwicht evoluerende norm loopbaan Een ander onderlijnt politieke mag voorbijgaan kernvragen Willen via inkomensverhouding stabiliseert? vervangingsratio’s beter betaalde peil houden? flexibele uitstapleeftijd werken? Welk type minimumpensioenen willen we? gaan wijzigingen gezinsverbanden dwingen eenvoudige tweedeling ‘gehuwd gehuwd’ verlaten? Is alternatieve financiering nodig? hoorzitting na besteedde Parlement toe weinig aandacht Men kan hopen leeftijd verandert nieuwe Nationale Pensioencomité waar sociale partners zetelen verbreden één voorwaarde: vragen comité stelt mogen verengd specifieke thema’s Ze geheel noodzakelijke bestrijken

Pensioenen zijn een ernstig debat waard

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Pensioenen zijn een ernstig debat en overleg waard Opinie De Standaard gepubliceerd in van 18 september 2017 pp 30-31 onder de titel ‘Pensioenen waard’ (Franse vertaling Le Soir http://plus lesoir be/114642/article/2017-09- 18/carte-blanche-les-pensions-meritent-un-debat-et-une-concertation-serieuse) Tekst ondertekend door alle leden Academische Raad die regering is ingesteld ter opvolging Commissie Pensioenhervorming 2020-2040: Bea Cantillon; Philippe Demol; Pierre Devolder; Etienne Callataÿ; Jean Hindriks; Ria Janvier; Françoise Masai; Gabriel Perl; Erik Schokkaert; Yves Stevens; Frank Vandenbroucke; Elly Van Velde Drie jaar geleden publiceerde experten consensusrapport over toekomst pensioenen Daarin werd meer gepleit voor puntensysteem zegt dat dit nog steeds haar agenda In 15 stelt ABVV-voorzitter Rudy Leeuw dergelijk systeem ‘loterij’ is: zal elk waarde pensioenpunten bepalen louter functie budgettaire noden; pas twee je met pensioen gaat exacte pensioenleeftijd kennen L’Echo Jean- François Tamellini ‘volgens experten’ totaal onnuttig veel geld kosten Wat plan weten wij niet We wel wat er ons rapport 2014 stond gemeenschappelijke nota staat samen Pensioeninstellingen overheid juni naar het Nationaal Pensioencomité gestuurd hebben deze wordt voorgesteld om vanaf nu alles te zetten op grondige samenhangende hervorming: zou doorgevoerd moeten worden tegen 2025 Maatregelen pijplijn zitten afgewerkt maar alleen als ze strijdig doelstellingen uiteindelijke hervorming; mogelijk dan beter uit stellen Voor overige mogen gedurende 5 geen initiatieven komen haaks staan filosofie hervorming of overgang compliceren Vanzelfsprekend wil zeggen beleid ‘bevroren’ wordt; nodig samenhang Dat vastgelegd nieuwe beheersovereenkomst tussen kregen reactie Het uitgangspunt was sociale partners ambitie vastleggen betrekking tot kwaliteit lange termijn wensen maatschappelijke contract garanderen verhouding gemiddelde inkomens actieven goed blijft vandaag helaas verzekerd Vervolgens stipuleren welke aanpassingsmechanismen veilig Sociaal daarbij essentieel uitdrukkelijk jaarlijks eigen houtje puntenwaarde Wel integendeel! Niet zouden zeer precies wet uitvoering daarvan toevertrouwd aan waarin punten basis wettelijke kader uitvoerig uitgelegd Dit stelsel laat overigens toe eenvoudige manier rekening houden zware beroepen intussen ook den treure herhaald budgettair aanpassingsmechanisme: tegelijkertijd financieel economisch houdbaar moet Een pensioenhervorming tenslotte gevoel zekerheid vertrouwen herstellen bij bevolking Onze onderlijnt mensen geruime tijd voorhand hoogte wijzigingen pensioenstelsel: indien eventueel maakt berekeningsmodaliteiten toegangsvoorwaarden passen minstens bekend principe ‘voorspelbaarheid’ wettelijk dient Er punt geval mag dalen duidelijkheid begrepen onaantastbaar voorstel uitnodiging coherent ontwikkelen grondig overleggen vraag handschoen willen opnemen

Stop de pensioenverwarring

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Stop de pensioenverwarring De Morgen 6 september 2017 p 27 Frank Vandenbroucke Hoogleraar aan Universiteit van Amsterdam is totaal Druk pauzeknop in en begin een ernstig debat over wat grondige pensioenhervorming betekent Tijdens het begrotingsconclaaf beslist om 20 miljoen euro te besparen op pensioenuitgaven voor ‘gelijkgestelde periodes’; gaat mensen die werkloos waren tijdens hun loopbaan Andere maatregelen moeten 253 4 opleveren precieze cijfers (geen maar miljoen) suggereren dat men weet hoe er bespaard zal worden Maar blijkbaar niet ingrepen aangekondigd zijn eerste schijf meteen twijfel getrokken verwarring stopt daar regering kondigt na conclaaf formeel individueel vrij aanvullend pensioen komt werknemers Academische Raad Pensioenbeleid (de opvolger Commissie Pensioenhervorming 2014 haar rapport publiceerde) vindt individualisering fout: pensioenvoorzieningen veronderstellen collectieve contracten risicodeling Wanneer we minister vragen hij dit invoeren antwoord: bestaat geen voorstel Voor overige werd zomer nogal kleinzielig spel gespeeld met sociale partners: ongelukkig eerdere beslissing minimumpensioenen alleen verhogen volledige partners corrigeerden akkoord zgn ‘welvaartsenveloppe’: ook onvolledige zouden verhoging krijgen kaatst bal weer terug bijkomende minima door voeren alléén Het argument langer werken moet aanmoedigen Zeer juist Daarom had advies volgen bestaande ‘pensioenbonus’ behouden versterken pensioenbonus was extra doorwerken einde inactief bonus afgeschaft Een dramatisch gemiste kans pensioenbeleid In stelde consensusrapport uitgangspunt overheid ambitie vastleggen betrekking tot kwaliteit pensioenen ze lange termijn wensen pensioenvraagstuk vraagstuk eerlijke verdeling: maatschappelijke contract zou garanderen verhouding tussen gemiddelde inkomens actieven goed blijft vandaag helaas verzekerd Vervolgens stipuleren welke aanpassingsmechanismen nodig deze veilig stellen Daarnaast verschillen ambtenaren zelfstandigen je meer kan uitleggen (zoals feit opbouwen studiejaren) geleidelijk verdwijnen Tot notendop boodschap gekomen Let wel heeft genomen hoogstwaarschijnlijk noodzakelijk voorbeeld wettelijke pensioenleeftijd 2025 2030 Wie zich halsstarrig tegen verzet ongelijk overlegd diep verankerd mechanisme waarmee pensioenstelsel aangepast wordt demografische evoluties basis afspraak toekomstige aaneenschakeling aankondigingen initiatieven geworden waarbij overzicht zoek uitvoering ervan steeds complexer vertrouwen onderling weg Kleine welvaartsstaten eigen koers willen varen geglobaliseerde wereld hebben nood minimale consensus Zo bekeken Je zeggen verantwoordelijkheid daarvoor gedeeld Binnen vakbeweging defensief gereageerd terwijl bood centraal agenda deel politieke oppositie grijpt naar redeneringen perspectief bieden zoals stelling 65 ‘omdat economische groei toelaat vergrijzing betalen’ (Di Rupo …) Neen verdelingsvraagstuk: of BNP sterk groeit weinig verdelingsvraagstuk staat draagt grote verantwoordelijkheid: samenleving parlement uitgenodigd breed toekomst Start hervormingstraject Hoe verder? juni stelden Pensioeninstellingen vanaf nu alles zetten samenhangende hervorming Maatregelen nog pijplijn zitten afgewerkt als strijdig doelstellingen uiteindelijke hervorming; mogelijk dan beter uit mogen gedurende 5 jaar komen haaks staan filosofie overgang compliceren Dat wil beleid ‘bevroren’ wordt; samenhang ‘Geen geknutsel’ zo administraties kunnen samenvatten Heeft nota besproken begrotingsconclaaf? Ik ben optimistisch misschien ligt hier kans: druk structurele

Responsibility, well-being, information, and the design of distributive policies

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1 RESPONSIBILITY WELL-BEING INFORMATION AND THE DESIGN OF DISTRIBUTIVE POLICIES Frank Vandenbroucke‡ ABSTRACT The model developed in this paper admits a systematic discussion of the normative rationale behind use two distributive instruments: negative income taxation creating an unconditional basic on one hand and wage subsidies other integrates opposite conceptions personal responsibility (whether or not we are responsible for our propensity to work labour market) into single framework Thus can compare these systematically define conditions practical convergence between policies they indicate This also illustrates how optimal theory may proceed when utilities considered ordinal interpersonally comparable requires definition objective notion individual well-being I incorporate “time nonmarket activity” shows alternative choices with regard inclusion weighing non-market Rawlsian basket primary goods affect prescription More generally it posttransfer reward scheme government proposes is used illustrate idea defended by Fleurbaey et al that responsibility-sensitive egalitarian justice imposes principle natural Given simplifying assumptions will establish second-best regimes excluding corner solutions each conception set instruments one-to-one correspondence principles Hence given there unique which yields neutral i e “neutral” official then study “egalitarian earnings subsidy scheme” proposed White (1999) assess related (1997) Van Parijs reciprocity According implies rejection be complementary However under certain demands earned only fund so has funded (possibly together expenditures) capital tax available “personal dividends” ‡ based Chapter 3 my D Phil thesis (Vandenbroucke 1999) am grateful Anthony Atkinson Marc Erik Schokkaert Frans Spinnewyn Tom Puyenbroeck Philippe comments earlier versions INTRODUCTION With employment policy welfare reform large degree consensus among makers scholars taxes benefits must lead situation poor individuals (or their families) face very high marginal rates take up job hours increase Benefit systems too selective beset “inactivity traps” discouraging market participation low-skilled workers In academic research various proposals “basic income” “negative taxation” put forward remedy such inactivity traps Obviously approaches incentive problem low earners possible as (i) topping skilled workers’ purchasing power credits (ii) increasing net pay lowering social security contributions (iii) supporting sufficiently minimum wages selectively subsidizing employers These reflect technical differences but more fundamental approach Therefore useful first from vantage point examining underpinning without reference particular problems created benefit economies involuntary unemployment present (which mutually exclusive): mathematical objective1 call “advantage”) except special case what follows “objective” “interpersonally comparable” interchangeably advantage defined purely way violations Pareto (a judged better whereas every agent worse-off his view) justification cannot pursue here Note propose depends upon judgement sense “subjective” 2 view improves Rawls’s nonRawlsian “incentive policy”) allows comparison qua information availability redistributive efficiency: (1) taxation; (2) form thus universal responsibilitysensitive (see references footnote 5) look allocation rules fully compensate influence differentials non-responsible characteristics over agents’ let operate argument owes its appeal neutrality vis-à-vis preferences akin liberal ideal “neutrality fact do think respect Vandenbroucke 1999 pp 40-41) Yet provides benchmark versus (Sections 14 15) presents simple world action completely determined answering three questions: 1) responsibility? 2) citizens? 3) (hence feasible)? simplicity review due both concerning economic environment government’s Within specific strictest One specify axioms specifying See Rawls 1993 p 193 aim” (advantage) citizens’ (ESS) prove White’s ESS result optimisation exercise specification solution equality On basis demonstrates trade-off level rate moves holds people shift ASSUMPTIONS CONCERNING ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT Each population P characterized vector ( ) [ 1] ] L w Î ´ ¥ ³ 0 Individuals have range skills levels associated A citizen’s productivity he earn per unit paid 4 marketplace putting best rewarded assume citizens always choose kind rewards So neither nor citizen (w whose working time earns wL We metric = most productive An individual’s human “internal endowment” external endowments houses land invested economy value assets represent him expressed equivalent flow average yield need reinvested order maintain redistributed any side-effect “per capita dividend” construe individually owned unequally distributed dividends assumption highly abstract no doubt unreal adjudicate philosophical debate divide activity outside (e g eating organizing household caring children sleeping resting leisure factor characterizes preference ordering Individual utility functions noncomparable e) represented strictly monotonically transformation f(Ue) o eL U Y – whereby disposable parameter Lo sets standard maximal might chosen Since maximum crazy workaholic would if were maximize (Maximizing expression (ÞY L) postulate humanly leaves indifferent (i substitution indifference curve by: 5 ¶ If small values highly: she prepared forgo much buy factors independently variance s Concerning distribution dividend data relevant assume: “(w )Î : Þ implying partitioned “productivity types” “preference Tw* having same w* “type”: {(w } * Pe* e* “tranche”: continuously infinite number 6 GOVERNMENT’S POLICY STANCE Recall aim focus dimensions stance: responsibility; well-being; simplify defining gives absolute priority position worst-off dimension want distinguish branches justice: “RAWLS” activity; “RESPO” ultra-simple (RAWLS RESPO short) consider people’s possession circumstance (say because results history gifts bequests could influence) second postulated Section incomparable RAWLS hold although does reflects John thinks happiness mainstream exposition out “work effort”4 some “advantage” Below continuum depending “burden work” significant simplification obtains “impartial” aggregation method utilitarian flavour explain following sections Finally about determines objectives presuppose planning rejects “distribution according effort” (1971 312) general ends goals effort reveals deep tension within system explained Cohen 1989 912-916 But stick 7 agency perfect statistical behaviour As transfer authority regimes: Regime T: gross apply tax; S: T S allow imagine third regime F orderings lump sum transfers first-best 16) AXIOMATIC APPROACH: TWO PRINCIPLES FOR EGALITARIAN GOVERNMENT far suggested descriptive account means intervention Alternatively formulate axiomatically should satisfy To able design specified:5 a) assigning differential make own b) compensation prevail wherever absent them strength It been shown impossible reconcile strongest implement weaken comprehensive axiomatic test check performance axioms: (1995a 1995b 1998); Bossert (1996); de gaer Maniquet (1996a 1996b) 8 reward: “If all identical traits difference pre- resources society” Let us axiom “No Redistribution Uniform Non-Responsible traits” (NRUNR) For example branch “non-responsible traits”; hence NRUNR redistribution five distinct specifications stated follows: b1) Solidarity: profile changes either agent’s deteriorates”(Fleurbaey 1998 214) Solidarity anonymity entail equality: b2) advantage” “Equal Advantage Equal Responsibility” (EAER) consequences held compensated deemed Then EAER who different and/or end obtain maximin version (b2) appropriate: b3) group lowest ” “Maximin (MAER) MAER “reference concerned testing described variable “e” Consider ê criterion policy: 9 b4) advantage”6 “EAERê”: Responsibility again weakened to: b5) MAERê”: Reference ê” MAERê Some limited domain environments show (notably shape “official” aggregated collective choice) “neutral Or conclusion words once determine underlying “conditional egalitarianism” 10 SECOND-BEST INSTRUMENTS scenarios intervenes four Instrument 1: flat t constant term B: amount equal twL B > tax) 2: c ruled disincentive effects plays trivial role puts interpretation proper perspective especially (Section 3: proportional spends work: works receives sL instrument chooses income: (3) + [(1-t)w s]L (1- c)p 4: importantly governments supports education public spending E scenario (t E) balanced budget constraint function calculated B(t below calculation c) Clearly build complete endogenous Education impact Moreover normally influences deterministic nature 11 deny even adequate essential “circumstances choice” background indeed matter “choice” choice educational interacts variables directly revenue indirectly via E’s since complex try simply suppose represents important included presentation neglect necessity purposes than CONSTRAINTS ON confronted constraints: labour-supply Apart impose limit taxation: £ Spending covered current L(w e; supply response is: (4) )[ ò ; wpe f cp dp dw 12 density joint simplified considerably now (U L)) (5) maximization response: (6) s) [w( t) s] 1- properties g(w e): (7) separable (w)g independence distributions write: (8) (w) (e) Both separability (and expressions derived it) features Using equation derive (4): (9) eLo [t( t)( )+ )ws ]+ 13 equations follow (equal often occurs property underpins results: constraints positive (income taxation) (an supplement pre-tax earnings); worked) integrated schedule) poll raise money constrains disincentives never respond labour”; incentives 4) entails boundaries: (10a) “s “t “e wÎ[0 1]: e;t “lower bound”; (10b) wÎ “upper bound” behavioural boil down (11a) (11b) Equation total “wage” type Together searches illustrated Figure 17 FIGURE Figuur course add dashed line s* pays low-paid relatively technique avoid training disincentives) DEFINING INDIVIDUAL ADVANTAGE optimize allowing interpersonal All examples graphs 44 1344 -wL Upper bound® ¬ Lower bound 15 imply cases exists exception rather rule Suppose (12) d takes considers burden precisely monetary balance Work mixed blessing: brings (“participating “developing capital” “structuring one’s life” burdens (“having less family” “less leisure” etc non-monetary perceives extent extra keep person’s unchanged (13) conceives legitimate (14) “legitimate” wellbeing “desert” “public indifference” specified combinations income; see impacts convenient elements / rewritten: 16 (15) gL stance well-being: increases “burden”attached decreases ® measure terms instance traditional measures wealth (The well-known highlighted Musgrave 1974) Â(w maximizes write as: (16) Â ÷ ø ö ç è æ (deliberate) similarity indirect Ve non-comparable): (17) V Our features: First ½ non-decreasing ” “pity” someone talented former harder latter Second else e-factor lower There reason why tranche members Tw difficult predict whole Two distinguished: (wL pL Indeed arg min concave OBJECTIVES extreme inequality aversion (18) tsc max (19) excludes minimal assigned ¥: deems “lazy” drops exclude possibility those keen intermediate 18 implementation Roemer8 Ideally like equalizes (more maximins) across types done: maximizations simultaneously performed at Roemer weighted advantages where weight frequency entire states looking Rawlsian; tranches giving consideration Martinez They argue applying “worst” option good (Assume uniformly looks contour yet another area intersection type; smallest open person9 My (1994 Part II; 1996a 279ff gaer’s methodology (1996) (1998) Type Approach 19 Roemer’s RESPOobjective: (20) applied RESPO-objective: (21) person belonging TwL defines sets: frontiers cross (as (22) Integrating formula RAWLS: (23) þ ý ü î í ì RA RESPO: (24) eg RE properties: 20 i) 1]; [0 ú Í û ù ë é x pities lazy crucially: ii) (g :s < ;s Now using (25) { “a” short-cut describing captures overall emphasise mean things Either transition application (25’) Vê Uê 2a (One note though 21 programme summarized start formulated (cf Fleurbaey’s egalitarianism”) advantage: picking maximizing Roemer-Van programmes (eq 22) link did Starting requirement comparability: suffices optimization underscores crucial analysis notions supposed know) search policy; nevertheless presented irrelevant Secondly whatever RESPO) exogenous reduce objective: (26) Q st -a obviously And pick reduces 22 (27) Q(t ts GENERAL SOLUTION (for T(s) s; S(t) t: (28) (29) Appendix graphical sketched substitute 26-27) multiply (1-a) delete new program: (30) )] W Wt +a 1-a convex coefficient (except awL 0; equivalent) 23 iii) larger 1; iv) (31) verified case: (s (1 Appendix) Special When additional introduced s*) bites have: (32) eq 28 T(s)) used: (33) elasticity similar (with effect elasticity) 24 (34) (when 0) changing adjusting (equation 9) accordingly Maximizing boils adjusted) Throughout rest TRACING OPTIMAL SCENARIOS INCREASING TO Optimal track describe (always 7) s(a) t( (excluding 0)10 Solving t(a) v(a)/D(a) r(a)/D(a) D(a) calculate (eliminating D²(a) derivatives): r dr v dv dt ds ¹ inter alea uniform straight (a) (35) t(0) s(0) determinant 4[(1-a) boundaries permissible (the lines parallel) forming slope linear combination section 25 S(1) further reached movement stops trace depicted 3A (where presume ao) segment smaller (35’) )( q 3a: rarely page interval RE(g) 1/3 moreover vertical (this condition (iv) 30) a0 a1 26 already indicated long say that: higher (other equal); working” increases) At starting (ao) heavy measurement (top right) all; measuring “ reverses Figures 3B 3C involve change 27 FIGURES – Figuren 3B-3C rewrite (regime T) environment) J inequality: divided variation levels: (36) written:13 (32’) ws ' J’ (33’) “Laffer” turning shifts Laffer towards zero aJ “inequality” measured J) RESPO14 changes15 words: preferences; enhanced earning stimulate COMPENSATION; CONDITIONS EQUALITY statement clear constellation (Maximin ê) operates satisfied Excluding 29 program stronger EAERê automatically when16 aw REWARD: NEUTRALITY NRUNR: Resources tw means: Ù inspecting (i-iv) Condition written: 30 easy ½: reconciled From definitions a-functions derive: Û presupposes extremely biassed Otherwise difficulty identification simulate draw SN t” setting gives: (37) N 2w constrained unconstrained illustration made TN drawing 31 CONVERGENCE BETWEEN Superficially “egalitarian” fewer redistributes “superficially” egalitarianism misleading implies; orderings” Nonetheless interesting examine converge prescriptions choosing RA(g) s): analyse limiting fairly evident: Also answer straightforward inspection (a=½) 32 inversely compound becomes distinction relative (constant) somewhat bluntly: applies believes acts wherein increasingly unequal innate talent important17 (A indicates BASIC INCOME? iso-B curves BT(s) B-maximizing) BS(t) when: (38) BT Cf 41 33 (39) 2t BS left reaches (When “slope BT” refer dependent variable; )/ leads (40) t)w (B 34 declines until crossing region to) since: 35’ area; vertical) go (½ Any departure BT; Formally T(s*) (s*) loosening introducing exist before) Loosening travel along constellations (large know whether theoretical Three conclusions drawn: irreducible conflict (given g) RAWLS18 demand 35 operational “real freedom rule” discussed van der Veen (1997 1998) context broader (1995) freedom” ability (independent actually wants do) suggests concept (instead actual preferences): “a real said improve unambiguously expands added none deleted process someone’s contain non-overlapping income-leisure compared 276-277) makes pair (defined corresponding Consequently advantage19 Sugden 36 STATE INCOME Would constraints)? Cases (29’) (9’) [s(w s)]+ Assume intervening cash residual after necessary expenditures generated generate sufficient cover achieve policy) deduce (using equality) government” 37 (different 11) “optimal policy”; interaction rewriting calculations:20 [s E] grant part guarantee 0: 0); Again calculations model: w; rewritten 38 “RECIPROCITY” VERSUS receive pay) pound potential society’s He ethically attractive “when proportionality incomes community morally appropriate ‘take (White 612) contribution criticises Parijs’s “reciprocity” shed light seen planner society (all population’s function: (41) Wi Hi 1+ Yi after-tax he/she happens worked dollar (42) “T* stands reasonable full year Ti 39 period Where T* si positive; tax)” “si (43) ss vindicated: “maximum power” scheme; matches proposal exactly (To 43 42 says self-interested defeat (no subsidy) vindicated deeper foundations presumed rely “social cooperation” production justify 1997) (Recall incomplete priori postulates (apart exceptions) grounds pointing making cooperation reply convincing (forthc implicitly justified non-zero unless accept 40 (b) violation redistributing “productivist” redistribute violating achieved permits raises issues (does exist?) intergenerational (what “gross” interest future generations?) stretching meaning reenters back door: allowed away generations was previous COMPARISON EFFICIENCY draws “advantage frontiers” (type 40% 2; dividends; education) X-axis high-productivity tranches) Y-axis low-productivity depict highest attain frontier 6: Note: TT SS FF II III reach 45° Although (in example) gain efficiency seems renders slight lowproductive cost drastic loss high-productive efficiency-gain introduction come surprise Envelope Theorem: life suboptimal politically higher) Average Low-Productivity High-Productivity CONCLUSIONS unified case21 reward” schemes advantage22 policy” understand play “pure” Assuming tax-only constitutes finds literature) zero-productivity eliminates independent matched entertained White) proves embodies “dividends” sources linked APPENDIX: graphically (29): 7A 25; 7B iso-Q marks & (Q (Q¯ Q- t# s# 45 limits s(- cf rapidly upwards slowly crosses 11b) namely satisfied: bite 85 8A; 8B variables) 8A 8A-8B upper isoQ intersects expression: (A1) Iso-Q 46 sub-optimal 47 BIBLIOGRAPHY BOSSERT Walter FLEURBAEY “Redistribution compensation” Social Choice Welfare 343-355 VAN DE GAER Dirk SecondBest Compensation Cahiers du THEMA 9607 March COHEN Gerald (1989) “On Currency Egalitarian Justice” Ethics 99 906- (1995a) opportunity outcome?” Economics Philosophy 25-55 (1995b) “Equality responsibility” European Economic Review 683-689 individuals” LASLIER JeanFrançois GRAVEL Nicolas TRANNOY Alain (eds Freedom New perspectives Routledge London 206-234 MANIQUET François (1996a) “Cooperative Production: Comparison Bounds” Games Behaviour 200- 208 (1996b) “Fair skills: No Envy Mathematical Sciences 71-93 Income Taxation: Ordinal (Very preliminary version) MUSGRAVE R (1974) uncertainty trade-off” Quarterly Journal Vol 88 November 625-632 (1971) Theory Justice Oxford University Press (1993) Political Liberalism Columbia York ROEMER (1994) resources” Perspectives Essays Philosophical Cambridge 115-196 Theories Distributive Harvard Mass Mechanism Implementing Egalitarianism FARINA Francesco HAHN VANNUCCI Stefano Rationality Clarendon 142-158 48 Equality Opportunity SUGDEN Robert Measuring Real Paper conference Parijs's Warwick May MARTINEZ Michel SCHOKKAERT Intergenerational Mobility Center Studies Discussion Series DPS 98 Leuven April VANDENBROUCKE Open Society Incentives University; forthcoming Springer Verlag DER VEEN "Debate Basic Comment Brian Barry" 274- 286 "Real Reciprocity Competing Views Unconditional Income" vol (March) PARIJS “Reciprocity Justification XLV 327-330 WHITE Stuart “Liberal Exploitation Case 312-326 “The Earnings Subsidy Scheme” British Science 601-622 49 CONVERSION FIGURES: NEW VERSION THESIS FIG fig (dashed ao instead 4A 4B 5A 5B

The Active Welfare State: A European Ambition

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MINISTERIE VAN FINANCIE – BELGIE 61′ jaargang nr 3 mei-juni 2001 D O C U M E N T A I B L THE ACTIVE WELFARE STATE : EUROPEAN AMBITION Speech at the “Commission for Social Development” of United Nations Fra nk VANDENBROUCKE Minister Affairs and Pensions Belgium ew York 13 Febmary 1. COMMON CHALLENGES FOR SOCIAL POLICY IN UNION series major demographic economic social changes over past 20-25 years across European Union have profom1d implications protec­ tion systems will conti nue to do so in future yea rs According 1997 (1) 1999 (2) Eu ropean Commi ssion Reports on Protection four trends are particular importance: l ) First ageing po1mlation all Member States prospective i ncrease rate growth number elderly people from 20 10 onwards The largest expansion be of75 who tend greater demands towards pension health care services At a time when increased female participation workforce is likely reduce available pool ofunpaid family carers demand long-term increase markedly fa lli ng birth many also causes decline working age thus potentiall y underminin g financing capacity system 2) Secondly changing gender balance growing women labour force which has been accompanied by increasing support both child with disabilities aswell as infirm This evolution puts issues importance ensuring equality opportunity men forefront national political agendas 3) Thirdly persistence high unemployment low \YOrkforce especially among older workers trend toward s earlier retirement 4) Finally munber households average size (or other words rise living their own) \Yith no one work made it more difficult provide su1>port within increases availability income peopl e not paid employment We may adopt neutral attitude these facts themselves even positive some them But they require systematic adjustments welfare state’s architecture ( COMMI SSION OF CO:Vt MUN ITIES Socwl Protect1on 111 Europe Luxembourg Oflice Official Publication Commu nit es 1998 160 p COMM ISSION EU ROPEAN CO’ ! IUNITIES Protectwn Ollice Oflicia Publications Europea n Communities 2000 124 5 An population means that resources spent essentially traditional areas security notably pensions sickness insurance same gives new risk: long-tenn dependency an ageof individualisation Chronic illnesses such Alzheimer ’s disease gradually playing larger part inequality between those affected conditions aren’t dramatic feminisation market itself development Yet this pushes objective further beyond our reach Full was understood most countries full mainly associated male breadwinner model operated states When we target today mean menand Even if tha ever before participate (which case contrary popular belief) become far attain rendered state only req uire lot effort than Some tasks added too does adequately meet needs combining life training Neither t answer poverty due yet unfinished emancipation pl us -a nd devoid importance-the asyet incomplete withi clearly risk having manage alone changeover post-industrial society goes problems problem confronted significa ntly higher exclusion inadequate schooling phenomenon because refers statistical ten11S predictable ln matter armoury solutions fails Exclusion caused either advanced accident or illness nor tempora ry fluctuation business cycle main cause “new requi rements turn productive into disabled people’· (3) In cases raditional offers benefits but way out material comfort offer opportunities short ambitions re co-exist challenges If look composite measure strain mature already experience use simple ratios ratio non-working active 1970 employed livi benefit 2: 1 Today shifted Greatly simplified can say halfof half J DONZELOT “L ‘avemr du ” Esprit March 1996 pp 58-81 6 indicator course refinin image fixed group ‘payers ·is poised against ‘recipients ‘ misleading shift position back categories Nevertheless dependence must stopped frequenlly quoted reason sustainability protection coming under undue pressure That certainly trne Let me quote important conclusion drawn recently L11e Conunission its projections Europe: “fa J)anding would help alleviate fimding least much refonn arrangements per se” (4) real issue significant worki (especially actively seeking work) there another why give fundamental questions: lesser extent n1lnerability Part vulnerability cannot avoided Another avoidable though hence reduced latter mea ns denied partici pate There arc still indicators showing today” reduction characterised my country 70s 80s ground halt faced wil11 patients experienci financial difficulties embarrassing policy choices longer match possibiliti Belgian government coined expression summarise challenge: wa nt ransform “active state” poi nts two different ideas: goal rate: ‘Ye achieve without giving up old ambition adequate EUROPE <\ "!\/ COMJ\ !UNITI ES Office Conununiti 30 2. FROM CONVERGENCE IDEAS ON EMPLOYMENT­ CENTRED REFORM govermnent approach instance Europe-wide convergence views what sometimes called "employment-centred refonn" Notwithstanding instih1tional cult1ual backgrou nds notwithstanding wide variety think safely makers agree following general guidelines reform ": 1) Welfare key Moreover natme changed --Full employment" conceived underlyin traditiona concepts challenge It points need rethink certai aspects distribution individuals spontaneously emerges Thewelfare should cover risks aswe traditionally defined (unemployment disability age) (lack skills causing poor single parenthood) respond (namely reconcile education able negotiate workplace one's entire cycle) sense predominantly passive institution result bad outcome then safety net spread various institutions intelligent \velfare preventive As corollary stressed engage "social spending" investment" (e education) Personally like emphasise here investment substitute spending idea replace unreal given live agei dependent come cheap tl1e nm During nineties consensus policies agenda upgraded quantity quality tailoring effectively individual situations Active presuppose correct obligations incentives involved Hence taxes lead situation indi iduals th ei r milies) face very marginal tax rates thei hours wages take job "Poverty traps" '·unemploy ment raps"- discomagi low-skilled taki upjobs characterise selective welfa universal wel differing degree Activa ion keyword therefore necessary subsidise low-skill ed topping ·pay and/or selectively subsidising employers combi ned wi h decent mi ni mtun More generally mechanisms current ocial securi ty discourage ratl1er encourage hould d isca rded possible 5) Such fare environment based upon competi tive sector exposed nternational competition private service less \Yhi ch 10\r-ski lied find newjo b-opportuni ties Continental typically lags behi de\'elopment Wage subsidies ca lso inst ru mental tlrn respect Wit hout his kind politica process set motion Luxembou rg Job u m di fficul (see below section he reasons thed iscussion National Action Planson Employment elaboration ropea Guideli nes Policie turned substa ive exercise contra \\·h sceptics might feared 3. TOWA RDS VIEWS EURO­ PEA MODEL? Of cour comprehensive view enta ls five point sted requires horough discussion cine focus pen ions broad perspective ensures long­ sta nding objectives fully taken nto accou prepa On debate often conducted one- ided manner focusing ensuri fina ncial sustai nabi ity equally related posi impact Notably context debates about relative strengths weaknesses publ ic pay-as-you-go versus privately managed funded Peter Orszag Joseph Stiglitz rightly emphasised "we keep mind OUT ultimate objective" (5) Ideological discussions public indeed distract attention truly relevant question precisel insight allowed gain momentum make simultaneous progress three domains: thorough modernisation fight generation efficiently: creation reserve so-called "Silver Fund" safeguard first pillar (a guarantee everyone access pension) Silver Fund budgeta device (one "disciplinary" device) uses earmarked debt build absorb acceleration expenditure baby-boomers pensioners democratisation second 1>illar rather underdeveloped compa rison legislation introduced Pa rliament shortly supplementa via ‘social funds privilege ma ny few Pension plans offered company ll criteria supportive regime (and moreover transparancy regard strategy publish whether pursue Socially Responsible Investment) forward robust sectoral entrenched existing collective bargaining believe how safcgliard n-built solidarities: develop supplementary complementary structure well Lisbon Summit (March 2000) put fim1ly adva ncing priori co-operation field govern organ ise Presidency year wants carry fonvard trying establish common P ORSZAG en STIGLITZ (1999) “‘Rethrnkrng Reform: Ten Myths About Sec11nty Systems”‘ paper presented Conference “‘ Tew Ideas Old Age Security” World Bank Washington September 14-15 defining start 10″principles objectives’· Commission hasproposed last Communicat “Safe Sustainable Pensions” revolve arotmd adequacy intergenerational fairness solidarity etc (6) Itis decide want ensure finai1cial fundainental share Clearly ifwe succeed defi tangible 4 DUA BENCHM ARK SOCIA MODEL: PARTICIPATION AND LOW POVERTY Earlier said rate; Indeed promoting Consider graph ai1d (7) 25 + USA Q) Italy UK “@ >- Australia+ +Canada t::’ France Germany 0 • Cl Netherlan•ds Sweden Belgi Finland• Denmark 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Participation (6 COMMISSION COMMUNITIES Futu Evolution Long-Term Point View Safe COM(2000) 622 11 October 20p Source: MAR “X Low Pay Po\·erty OECD Countries”‘ Au dit winter automatically imply US see continental By contrast Demnark reconciling extensive participa relation (activation) levels (social protection) “if (employment) (no poverty)'” mutually exclusive rela “either poverty)” “and-and’ ‘: aim promotion considerations lies heart governments · plea complementing cormnon Just where explicit clear agreed targets forwarded after peer review leads exami ne learn best practices around Itwould whereby takes competencies ·’Best practices” iterally What area establishment “”standards excellence'” standards mediocrity benchmarks essential commit excellence battle systematically exchange information fighting Although isby benchmark conceivable Ido fact exists “iron law policy”: credible commitment combat presupposes firm fully-fledged state: finn itspreservation continuous adaptation define -the formally proposed January being direction methodology PROMISE METHODOLOGY mentioned emergence « -centred » Transforming action easy post-Th atcher brought thinking did everybody ready act together Not were differences every had built own divergent constitutional fear rules dictated Brussels whose burdens member So any headway tread lightly And exactly doing open co-ordination method fi rst element decided (Luxembourg 1997) broader (Nice quite precise whereas others qualitative revised possibil concrete quantitative terms timing ··excellent standard reached ··This ··benchmarkin left choice Every present plan effect These pla reviewed ·· peer-review To reinforce call involvement trade unions creating famous Dutch Wassenaar agreement (1982) taught dialogue condition introduction \Velfa partners responsibility lend knmvledge Where inclusion stake tl1enon-governmental organisations soft merit forget roads hard-law remain valuable outset wrote Treaties ham1onisation could achieved regulation taking fonn minimum nonns Because frequent unani mity requirement however road harmonisation always disregarded met solely relate internal trans- character companies citizen mobil They free movement persons (including indispensable ial sti long go Regulation 1408/71 aims migrants rights urgent sunplification extension) cohesion (structural funds) international (workers’ multinationals enterprises transferred) include minimal prevent dumping organisation pa rt-ti employees measmes aimed shares advisable Obviously category finds foundation justifica­ Treaty illustrated examples equal non-discri mination Much areas- realises Unfortuna tely Nice injecting Qualified Majority Voting AGENDA rope ? summing purpose Luxem bou 11rocess (October bring accepted headi ngs i. Increasing labour-market Specific indicated school-leavers months ii innovating entrepreneurship iii flexibility iv chance Second whole modernisi got impetus Council Over w”hich strengthened quantifying overall C0tmcil \\ider council stipulated marked % 2010 %-threshold crossed (These reinforced intentions Swedish intermediate 2005 (56% 66 men) ii. “Steps decisive eradication setting end Policies combating initiative iii. cooperation ro1lean (December heads State approved six strategic orientations constituting agenda: better jobs finding discri iv. v. bet\veen vi. integrating om foreign just mention ; rerun described elsewhere stress recogn mto rei nforcing worked hard complement Luxembour proce conrn1on For side coin minted bourg Withi gave pa1iicular objec tives particul arly dear add mbomg dimensions Fi hting discrimination fore­ invited priorities framework thefollowing objectives: facilitateparticipation goods services; vulnerabl mobilise bodies specified detail refer housing scope ojectives surprising multid imensional feature recognised throughout dealing probl em tL impossible monitor withou comparable outcomes complex sensitive Fortuna hereto scratch Recently \Vith (the quintile ratio): line (before socia transfers) jobless regional disparities amount early school leavers (8) appropriate needed States’ developments Achieving shared linking (More TO\;vards Policy turning principles effective http ://www va ndenbroucke fgov be/T-00 l11 htm) Following Conclusions each Plan including descrirtion (nationally determi ned) follow-up methods June 200 basis analysis Plans hope summer Open Method Co-ordination really get vay Drawing conclusions feasible priority secu rity rticular argued long-standi account high-level officials created Olli ttee sufficiently visible counter veight narrower perspectives vise dominate endeavour Given currently undertaken Committee during Presidencies Our domain established namely thi \Viii enable equilateral triangle »(9) history Communication commissio Stmctural 1nd1cators COM(2000 594 27 75p (9) concept ··European triangle’·was introdu ced Anna Diamantopoul ou Commissioner She used addressing Parliament gust