Geen geluk zonder doel Frank Vandenbroucke Het ensemble B’Rock de jonge componist ! omas Smetryns LOD en openden samen het nieuwe jaar met een redenaarsconcert in teken van ‘De Triomf Menselijkheid’ Monteverdi’s opera L’Orfeo vormde rode draad driedelig muzikaal programma La Gioia over Lamento naar Speranza brengt verhaal uitbundig kwetsbaarheid ervan tragische mislukking uiteindelijk happy end Monteverdi zou moderniteit muziek ingeleid hebben omdat hij er zo goed slaagde individuele emoties te laten klinken zijn zocht inspiratie niet alleen individueel maar ook moderne samenleving sampol 2011/2|5 LA GIOIA ‘Had ik zoveel harten als hemel sterren hee gebladerte heuvels dragen groene mei allemaal zouden ze vol overstromen dat me vervult ’ Kan je inniger dan Orpheus Rosa del Ciel? ‘Vandaag is zó gelukkig niets méér waar nog verlangen’ besluiten herders nimfen Als alomva rest één ander onderwerp ons moet bezighouden geluk? Zou politiek eerste doelstelling moeten hebben: veel mogelijk voor mensen? We natuurlijk uitbundige tevredenheid leven we leiden Dat daarvoor zorgen was stelling verlichtings losoof Jeremy Bentham Mijn cursussen economie waren doordrongen utilitarisme Of beter nogal magere erfenis daarvan ene mens bleek ondanks enthousiasme immers moeilijk vergelijken andere Een rekenkunde – waarbij mensen bij elkaar optelt of verdeling op weegschaal legt onmogelijk erkenden utilitaristen na enige wat kon veronderstellen zich hun keuzes rationeel door eigen mijn ondersteunde naïeve theorie e ciëntie markten vrije keuze garantie maximaal verhinderde uitspraken sociale rechtvaardigheid Ik wàt blij verlost werd Met dank aan Rawls: die formuleerde robuuste maatstaven zoiets nevelig ‘geluk’ Maar kijk terug De econoom Richard Layard inspirator activering werkzoekenden jaren 1990 pleit sinds enkele onomwonden terugkeer beste beleid datgene grootste oplevert Want zegt vele gelukswetenschappers kan wél meten En blijkt dan? Westen al tientallen gestaag rijker worden geen spat gelukkiger! verklaart zo: ‘Sinds Tweede Wereldoorlog hoger nationaal inkomen inderdaad tot toename geleid zelfs rijke landen dit tenietgedaan meer leed gevolg minder harmonieuze verhoudingen Let wel pleidooi staat ver af beschouwt individualistische non- loso e onstuitbare individualisme bracht aldus ‘niet ieder individu gretig deed verlangen zichzelf krijgen echt willen concept algemeen belang nodig waaraan onze bijdrage leveren de nieert ideaal Verlichting dus vorm medemenselijkheid weet befaamde Centre for Economic Performance oprich boek Happiness verrassende lectuur hoofdstuk ‘Hoe maken einde ratrace?’ eindigt volgende beschouwing: ‘Zekerheid én innerlijke rust goederen groeien afnemen naarmate Toch onder bovenlaag Europa Verenigde Staten gemeengoed geworden om verandering vernieuwing hoogste beschouwen Niets innovatief Bureaucraten slaan opgewekt saneren overheidsdiensten bewust feit iedere reorganisatie persoonlijk vertrouwen gevoel zekerheid grote schaal schaadt deze kritische vaststelling leidt hem sleutelvraag: ‘Wat doen groter krijgen?’ Layard’s conclusie beenhard: discrepan- 2011/2|6 tie tussen rijkdom zoals Bruto Nationaal Product prioritair thema vormen 2 denk juist concreet toch paradoxaal geloof altijd regel heldere gee! Politiek instaan rechtvaardige herleiden ‘zoveel geluk’ opva” ing veronderstelt rechten vrijheden; verantwoordelijkheid tegenslag waarvoor niét verantwoordelijk solidariteit herverdeling daarmee samenhangt; herverdeeld worden… vinden dissidente stem Philippe Van Parijs laat Leo Bormans’ mooie Geluk: ‘Allemaal maatschappij nastreven gelukkige maatschappij’ 3 Waarom geluid? Zelfs meetbaar vergelijkbaar schort iets idee dé geslaagd Neem vrouw haar fundamentele mensenrechten ontzegt vrouwen: zeggen is? vreemd vrouwen spreken vervolgens Aristoteles voeren want hee! dwaasheden verteld wijze dingen Werkelijk betekenis ‘een leven’ vind ontwikkeling menselijke mogelijkheden Geluk activiteit vindt doel-stelling Voor wie liberalisme opvat vrijheid-blijheid-zonder-meer zéér anti-liberaal hebt plichten tegenover anderen plicht jezelf (maar toegegeven zo’n armzalige doe aantal liberalen onrecht aan; kunnen verwijzen John Stuart Mill) daar perfectionist in: moest beantwoorden standaarden uitmuntendheid vertalen perfectionistisch % losofe Martha Nussbaum doet garanderen iedereen voldoende mate beschikt vermogen ontwikkelen overeenstemming sterke waardigheid Hoe verder gebruiken welke richting gaan ontplooien welk spoor opbouwen geldt hanteert perfectionistische 4 eens gaat geluksgevoel – ben politicus milde versie ten persoonlijke titel strengere sturen af? Neen Wanneer lijken verstandige losofen vaak Op vraag antwoordt Christopher Peterson Bormans twee woorden samenva” en: ‘andere mensen’ ‘A& liatie’ verbondenheid meest ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden waarover beschikken 2011/2|7 ‘Geluk vloeit voort uit engagement acties bevestigen Zingeving andersom’ stelt Gary T Reker Ook sluit perfect raad materiële nooit ‘alle neoAristotelianen delen’ 5 Mensen wijzen ‘intrinsiek egalitaire karakter ware gelukspolitiek eenvoudiger ongelukkigen gelukkiger gelukkigen Omdat armoede onzekerheid funest geluksbeleid egalitair’ Elchardus ‘maar vertoont verwantschap welvaartsstaten voorbije vij! ig Noordwest-Europa levenslicht zagen uitermate kritisch gelukswetenschap ziet Scandinavische (in manier waarop onderzoekers welzijn burgers beoordelen) toepassing Aristoteliaanse benadering ‘Aristoteliaanse sociaaldemocratie’ noemt 6 waardering bestaande samenlevingen rechtvaardigheidsdenkers beduidend aantre” rechtvaardig achten dàt vaststellen… misschien opva$ rechtvaardigheid? Misschien dun weinig oog voorwaarden geluk; bijvoorbeeld enge herverdelen draait rond geld bijvoorbeeld? Nadenken levert spiegel gangbare ingen vooruitgang blij! precies zien zeker beginnen ‘meten’ verhouden Amartya Sen lang bezig houdt land economen Erik Schokkaert 7 Men onderscheid gevoelen (plezier pijn vreugde haat) cognitief oordeel d w z actieve bewuste oefening beoordelen daarover uitspreken Er moeilijkheid ‘tevredenheid’ bijkomende interpretatie vergt verschillende voorkeuren daarin tekort schiet 8 weten kloof BNP relevant onderwijsbeleid gezinsbeleid gezondheidsbeleid geestelijke gezondheidszorg werkgelegenheidsbeleid… keren LAMENTO risico kind riskeert verdriet verliezen Grieken sterk breekbaarheid goede Die kwaadheid slechtheid vermijdbaar voorwerp menselijk falen toeval wijten Griekse tragedies noemen ‘het natuur’ jong sterven Daarmee geconfronteerd toen geliefde Euridyce gebeten slang Zo innig bezong mateloos klinkt nu Bestaat samenleving? Tony Judt prachtig na- 2011/2|8 gelaten Ill fares the uitnodigt denken vertaler vond even Nederlandse titel: moe 9 onbehagen beschrij! teloorgang Nu mogen snel band breng eerst nuance gemiddelde bestaan WestEuropa toegenomen gemeten wordt VS meeste West-Europese 1970 Deze schril contrast per hoofd bevolking gebrekkige indicator wanneer armere duidelijk positief verband ‘gemiddeld enerzijds BNP-indicator eerder wereldwijd bekeken stijgende gunstige e” ect afneemt niveau bereikt 10 hoeden m i best boude waarom kromme verklaringen Rijke arme twijfel iederéén stijgt vanaf bepaald Vanaf lijkt gebaseerd vooral kwestie vergelijking ‘vergelijking anderen’ competitieve helaas aangemoedigd: ‘strevers kajak’ Stijn Ro% iers 11 verklaring echter studies daarop methodologische kritiek positieve tenminste (en kritieken terzijde) levensomstandigheden instellingen bestuur bestuurde tolerante groot sociaal kapitaal sommige wetenschappers geluksfactor identi& ceren: inkomensgelijkheid gemiddeld onderstreep evidentie? Om punten maken: geruststellend tweede Contra critici Ton Lemaire betre! reputatie beeld ontleen Jan Delhey In tegenstelling doemdenkers stellen westerse snelste weg ongeluk depressie Oef! Zijn autostrade vooruitgang?12 kom punt BNP-groei wij gedachten economische expansie gaande China India Brazilië… wijzen? omarmen! bedreigen zekerheden redenen volledig subjectief zijn: verlies zogezegde ‘suprematie’; deels objectief druk competitief blijven wereld economisch verandert 2011/2|9 dwingt exibiliteit Hoger verwees schrij exibiliteit: Economisch argumenten leuk peptalk managementseminars zeer objectieve reden gepercipieerde bedreiging: historische klimaatopwarming ligt CO2 -uitstoot zal afzienbare toekomst geleverd industrielanden helemaal reële bedreiging aller geluk: opwarming aarde Ons aan-rijkdom-gebonden-geluk heel kwetsbaar onzeker natuur ‘halt!’ roepen ongelijk alle twijfels wezenlijk verbonden industrialisering groei steken weer kop twijfelen weldaden halfgod Prometheus stal vuur goden gaf leidde technische beschaving Dit weldaad mensheid uiting overmoed 30 000 geketend vooruitgangsgeloof incarneert overmoedig luidt halve eeuw kracht won val leidmotief inspireren Herbert Marcuse Franse classicus Pierre Hadot Marcuse’s Eros and Civilization symbool ‘zware inspanning productiviteit dankzij onderdrukking’ polen ideeëngeschiedenis Europese natuurbeeld voluntaristische technologische houding versus contemplatieve poëtische ‘In prometheïsche bevindt oppositie men tracht domineren nu vijandige vreemde weerstand biedt wil overwinnen (…) orphische daarentegen ervaart verwant deel esthetisch lyrisch muzisch utilitair instrumenteel aandrang veroveren getemperd besef maat angst hybris evenwicht verloren gegaan hersteld 13 cultuurheld postindustriële relativiteit inziet anders verhoudt natuur? alternatief industriële revolutie? straks hoort kan ekening tijdens decennia gepaard ging stijgend rekening stijging levensverwachting besluit komen waarmee doorsnee mensenleven gevuld Westerse 2011/2|10 stijgen zeg uitdrukkelijk ‘kan’ baseer hier simplistische Gelukswetenschapper Ruut Veenhoven eenvoudig beeld: langer Over discussiëren Aristotelianen wellicht gruwen (is x% duurt?) Vanuit ‘capability-’standpunt hogere mag kwali ceren… Laat houden evidente gelijk gezonde levensjaren 14 Ervaren vooruitzicht waarvan genieten? Velen zullen associëren vereenzaming fragiliteit pensioenen betaalbaar blijven… Eerder bron grotere toelaat derde lee! ijd allerlei plannen projecten omgeving waarin ouder hoe omgaat veroudering Ongerustheid onrechte maatschappelijke contract groeiende pensioenrecht herziening toe Tot zover kan” hand opnieuw voorleggen Twee keer uitgekomen ontwikkelingen verweven toenemende onzekere ‘we’ spreek mijzelf politieke verantwoordelijken Bij burger betaalbaarheid onbehagen: diversiteit migratie globalisering Europa… Vele lezingen dagen neem domineert mee redenering opbouw verleidelijk metafoor loopt mank Individueel daarom noodzakelijk negatieve emotie aanhoudende kwaal niet-samenleving omgaan cocktail klaarblijkelijke onbehagen? luide proclameren afdoende antwoord Sterker tegenovergesteld e# houdingen hen onderzoek gesteld gang zaken 2011/2|11 interpretaties (Interpretaties zoals: ‘Er gezag meer’; ‘We achteruit’; ‘Voor kleine niks; vreemden alles’ ‘Rien ne va plus’… U fabels meerdere mindere feiten aansnijden ) Zeker ontevreden neiging negatief omgekeerd samenhang Elchardus’ enquêtes zwak tevreden verdomd slecht groep bijna behoren lopen verschil privésfeer publieke sfeer Hannah Arendt 15 ‘republikeinse geest’ lee linkerzijde bemoedigende worstelen interpretatiekaders gewicht gewonnen traditionele reactie beklemtonen graag concrete problemen Dorpsstraat Wetstraat (ooit verkiezingscampagne symbolisch gestart Anderlecht) Je betekent mantra herhalen soelaas indruk intussen kiezer oplossen Nog perspectief ervaren behaagziek principeloos achterna hollen vermeende soort ontstaan bekommernis ‘negatieve boodschappen’ vermijden kregen advies partijen wervend verhaal’ moesten zoeken? ‘geen aankondigen oplossingen’ ‘geruststellen’ louter boodschap géén forum noodzakelijke oplossing uitgelegd krijgt ernst probleem maakt… nergens SPE NZA lezen getwijfeld achterom gekeken had! concert verwijst ‘Triomf triomf vieren? indrukwekkend succes falen… zelf doemscenario versies ” nale bewaard gebleven libre# o verspreid voorstelling 1607 totaal ontredderd nadat Eurydice maal verloor verwerpt Bacchanten brassende vrouwelijke volgelingen Dionysus Orpheus’ belo gehoord beslissen stra$ vrouwenhaat stukken hakken partituur 1609 gedrukt 2011/2|12 greep gered neerdalen vader Apollo opstijgt ingreep blijkbaar stand gekomen neemt intentie uitzingen brokken verscheuren oorspronkelijke ‘ware’ veranderde voorstellingen opdrachtgever Hertog Gonzaga opvoering beval geven ‘voor dames stad’ reeds plande aanleiding bezoek Carlo Emanuele Savoie toekomstige schoonvader Gonzaga’s zoon slot toegewijde echtgenoot gereten ultieme o betreurde beetje stad geschikt vermaak huwelijksbesprekingen 16 libre ist werden gevaarlijke ke erij hadden schuldig gemaakt Ze ongewild ine ectiviteit genade beschreven gedachte… ingeluid 17 brandstapels! aanbood moést werken herwerkte hoogsteigen persoon afdalen echte christelijke barmhartigheid absolutie gee 18 benadrukt hemelvaart logisch aansluit Neoplatonisme trek Renaissance ho unst waartoe behoort ontknoping getuigt volgens onmoderne tijdsgeest lotsbestemming vastligt orde onveranderlijk vandaag optimistische inzicht maakbare Francis Maes 19 Moeten geloven maakbaarheid mobiliseren end? worstel terecht beweging interpretatiekader aanbieden staan naartoe name sociaaldemocratische toekomstperspectief Sociaaldemocratie 20 toekomst? verwachtingen hebben? Welke ondersteunen? tegenspreken? creëren? Kunnen oplossingen ondubbelzinnig worden? verschiet afwenden onheil? Is verval kansen? eerlijke werkelijkheid dur vragen? 2011/2|13 eerlijk vertellen angstwekkende risico’s a omen spoedig drastisch terugdringen wachten klimaatrisico’s kinderen kleinkinderen ernstig zéggen verminderen kopen prijs betalen Beschouw verzekeringspremie jammeren energieprijzen zegen (wat aanvaarden liggen elders) uitleggen behoe vliegen duurder wegen rekeningrijden invoeren tegelijkertijd alsof bescheiden Armoede mààkt ongelukkig opkomen inkomens gezinnen koopkracht beschermt gevolgen dergelijke pensioen peil maatregelen steeds productiviteitsdruk stress diegenen Elders heb betoogd pensioenvraagstuk sparen nanciële bijdragen Langer betekent: verzekeren pensioenhervorming rekent inzet vitaliteit geef voorbeelden geruststellen daadwerkelijk collectief Wie dur vragen vicieuze cirkel breken strijdig doekjes winden: duurdere vliegtuigreizen werken: geluksbrengers harde boodschappen sporen geheel aandacht scherper richten immateriële tekorten immaterieel budge air benarde tijden ruimte ondersteuning kwaliteit onderwijs uitbouw zorg organisatie werk … Wat betre publiek Herinner u Elchardus: kiezers blik collectieve bekwaam bedreigingen bedwingen is: doelloosheid vacuüm ingevuld dezelfde afstand nemen kortzichtig materialisme vervelende waarheden ‘ondernemend’ ogen zien? Gaan ondernemerschap onthechting samen? Jawel Echt soberheid zekere bedachtzaamheid t a v verrijking Pleidooien eindeloze vermenigvuldiging Tijd belangrijker cadeaus erg onverstandig rebel21 ketenen Vindingrijkheid wetenschap technologie instrumentele rationaliteit hard betere plaats genieten 2011/2|14 ontroering betovering Overigens riskant rebels leefde harmonie weigerde neer leggen elementaire natuurwet: sterfelijkheid schuilt enen sterker verscheidenheid recht creatieve vitale vermoedelijk licht bijsturen: onszelf menselijkheid triomferen gaven zwakheden èn ga woordje ‘end’ Engels betekenissen: vermoeide Noten 1/ Vandevelde M I Devos B Martens A Delbarre F Agsteribbe G Bours Ph Coene E Fr S Ro” K Segers Lievens Rogiers Decancq 2/ gelukkig? Atlas 2005 p 168 welfare-towork ’90 roep # arbeidsmarkt verstandig creëert daarvan’ schrij! ‘zouden zowel welfare-to-work betrekking alsook exibele lonen (p 179) 3/ (ed World Book Lannoo 2010 305 functie 4/ Alinea geïnspireerd Toon ‘Een geluk?’ Raymaekers Visie Universitaire Pers Leuven 2009 pp 101-123; C ‘Mill between Aristotle & Bentham’ Daedalus Spring 2004 60-68 huidige vertaling ‘Aristotle Politics Human Capabilities: Response to Antony Arneson Charlesworth Mulgan’ Ethics 111 October 2000 102-140 ‘Who warrior? Philosophy poses questions psychology’ Journal Legal Studies 37 June 2008 81-113 bekritiseert revival scherp 5/ geciteerde woord 136-137 6/ 276 zie ‘Aristotelian Social Democracy’ R Bruce Douglass Gerald Mara Henry Richardson Liberalism Good Routledge 203-252 7/ grondlegger ‘capability’-benadering (met klemtoon beschikken) koppelt bespreekt beoordelingscriterium positie Idea Justice Allen Lane 269- 290 bestempelt ‘happiness’ ‘a very important human functioning among others additition its own importance 2011/2|15 happiness can also be seen have some evidential interest pertinence thus indicative merit being typically related our successes failures life so though not only thing seek or reason gelukswetenschappers) komt hierop neer: ‘ central issue signi cance but alleged insigni everything else on which many advocates perspective seem insist 8/ Marc Fleurbaey Koen What oktober 9/ Verhandeling ontevredenheid Uitgeverij Contact 10/ ‘boven $ (Layard 44) nuanceert ‘Life ge! be! Societal evolution with nature’ Indicators Research 97 105-120; cf themanummer TPEdigitaal (2008) Ondanks nuancering blij” belangrijkste minst 11/ Ro! Wij strevers kajak Morgen 21 december 12/ liet zinnen 224- 226 dadelijk draai tekst 13/ ontketende economiestudenten ingeprent David Landes Unbound Technological change industrial development Western Europe 1750 present Cambridge University Press 1969 citaten keerzijden Ambo 318-320 Londen 1955 Le voile d’Isis; essai sur l’histoire l’idée Nature Gallimard beklemtoont prometheïstische or sche legitiem uitsluiten zoekt complementariteit (Cf Groene Amsterdammer jaargang 134 nr 28 juli Orpheus) lees vooruitgangspessimisme overtuigt productief ecologische uitdaging 14/ Allemaal Beestjes Mortaliteit Morbiditeit Vlaanderen 18de-20ste (Gent Academia 2006) evolutie België (paper Chaire Quetelet 21-23) Isabelle tegen opva! had levensstandaard Beleid impuls medisch korps arbeidersbeweging speelde belangrijk rol Opnieuw argument impact enigszins relativeert 15/ Mark Hollandse Romein Privé-sfeer stemgedrag ROBlezing 16/ Gerardus Swerts Favola Musica di Claudio gemoderniseerde 2007 17/ Bernard Foccroulle ‘La musique et la naissance l’individu moderne’ Legros Todorov dans l’art Grasset 18/ Fred der Kooij ‘L’Orfeo onmacht muziek’ brochure Munt productie 1998 19/ communicatie 20/ trein sociaaldemocratie (Knack maart 2010); Paul Kalma Links rechts Wiardi Beckmanstichting/Mets Schilt Amsterdam Bart beschrij” nieuw Nieuw zicht Sociaaldemocratisch kompas 21ste Antwerpen-Apeldoorn Garant 21/ ex-communist verzetstrijder Jean-Pierre Vernant sympathieke ‘contestatair’ (zie bv Spectrum 67) opvoert ‘onderdrukking’ groter!
Categorie archieven: uncategorised
The EU and minimum Income protection: clarifying the policy conundrum
CSB WORKING PAPER centreforsocialpolicy eu June 2012 No 12 / 05 University of Antwerp Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy Sint-Jacobstraat 2 BE – 2000 fax +32 (0)3 265 57 98 The EU and Minimum Income Protection: Clarifying the Conundrum Frank Vandenbroucke Bea Cantillon Natascha Van Mechelen Tim Goedemé Anne Lancker Conundrum1 Working Paper ABSTRACT Should be involved in governance minimum income protection if it should which role precisely? This question raises a complex policy conundrum We focus on proposal by European AntiPoverty Network (EAPN) an Framework Directive Protection order to examine three aspects that conundrum: (1) instrumental relevance protection; (2) unequal burden redistributive effort would required across Union were impose hic et nunc guarantee 60% or 40% median national all Member States; (3) impact dependency traps under same hypothesis illustrate each these observations empirically using cross-nationally comparable data living conditions (EU-SILC) levels (CSB-MIPI) Since harmonised scheme requires significantly greater budgetary behalf some poorer States Eastern Southern Europe about meaning solidarity within Enhanced cannot decoupled from enhanced among vice versa Simultaneously put positive pressure richer gradually improve overall quality efficiency their welfare regimes In this context prospect flexibly introducing more binding framework may become realistic Keywords: harmonisation convergence 1 working paper is pre-publication version Chapter 11 Palgrave MacMillan book May Reference as follows: F B N T A ‘The clarifying conundrum’ forthcoming Ive Marx Kenneth Nelson (eds ) Flux Correspondence frank vandenbroucke@econ kuleuven THE AND MINIMUM INCOME PROTECTION: CLARIFYING POLICY CONUNDRUM 3 Introduction not dual lies at heart chapter Saying difficult understatement are staunch defenders notion any decent society have place efficient also believe needs incorporate credible social dimension into its actions However designing specific entails range complicated problems ignored Sometimes one has brave enough ideas cherishes test argument counterargument hope they will emerge stronger That what we set out do consider need inclusion uncontroversial ‘fixed points’ inquiry Hence first sight our discussion confined versus those subnational institutions outcome fundamental normative exploration history initiatives shows hand only highly but constant flux described introductory Our reasoning realm depends other rapidly changing dimensions development polity upshot current reinforcement EU’s economic surveillance change prevailing views legitimacy opportunity with regard Clearly political ‘caring Europe’ now urgent than ever aim translate practical proposals; contribute sound proposals section list factors underlying see second sketch simple conceptual classification matrix domain third outlines Section four focuses contributing (seemingly limited) fifth conclude final judgement synthesis issues stake 4 NO Designing extremely least six reasons: diversity architectural systems; logic subsidiarity; nexus rights obligations relationship between input domain; finally ‘solidarity’ Economic obvious yet often underemphasized Using purchasing power parities (PPP) excluding Luxembourg outlier top end GDP per capita Bulgaria poorest 27 amounts 33% richest State By way comparison Mississippi US states 51% American state (likewise outliers rich small scarcely populated District Columbia Delaware Alaska) want include incorporated territory Puerto Rico comparison: Rico’s relative so calculated 36% implying position actually better divide even blatant terms at-risk-of-poverty rates poverty thresholds lowest threshold basis EU-SILC observed Romania; PPP less one-fifth (18 5%) highest exclude both Cyprus ‘special cases’ If Romania poor equal 31% (once Cyprus) calculate similar gap smaller; dispersion household incomes low registers percentage citizens confronted Bulgaria’s just 16% Luxembourg’s correction huge: euros figures 11% (without Luxembourg) 6% (with quoted further text dollars take account price differences (60% equivalent incomes) singles expressed reported Table coefficient variation (Member) (i e around unweighted mean standard deviation divided mean) whereas 15% indicating much lower Due 5 severe material deprivation i people who afford nine essential items5 : 35% population severely materially deprived compared 3% Sweden large 15 ‘old’ (the EU15) countries joined since 2004 EU12) apparent Figure displays individual (that net disposable income) EUwide For level figure proportion persons respective EU15 EU12 6 About below EU-wide no fewer 90% new limitations use here total without adjustment size Please note alternative procedures calculation inhabitants households) lead different rankings result strongly differing estimates (calculations based 2009; US: “Two-Year-Average Median Household State: 2007 2010” U S Census Bureau Current Population Survey 2008 2011 Annual Supplements downloaded http://www census gov/hhes/www/income/data/statemedian/index html (last accessed 2012) items refer ability pay rent mortgage utility bills; keep home adequately warm; face unexpected expenses; (4) eat meat protein regularly; (5) go holiday; (6) buy television (7) washing machine (8) car (9) telephone Relative converted standards 1: frequency distribution 2009 0 01 02 03 04 06 07 08 09 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 frquency Equivalized % EU27 Notes: EU15: 2004: Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Slovakia Slovenia well (since 2007) Incomes consumption (Eurostat line database) Source: UDB own calculations Considering number whole does (Marlier al 69) 7 sure inequality primarily matter 8 But (Milanovic 176) conceive ‘union’ ready homogenizing federal policies case (which turns assigns important levers level) Obviously comparative assessment record absolute nature indicator; Notten de Neubourg (2011) compare indicators wide indices (except well-known Gini coefficient) withinmember accounts 70% (own 2) Architectural general particular recurring theme reiterate Initiatives streamline challenge assistance schemes such insurance systems wage guarantees industrial structures Convention (and logic) dictates hierarchy benefits tier floors Raising require lifting reorganizing entire edifice; presuppose substantial performance labour markets embedded in) can offer sufficiently high wages Subsidiarity constitutes reason why defining principle stating matters best handled smallest centralized competent authority acquired status legal principle: shall act objectives proposed action achieved therefore scale effects (art Treaty Union) Apart there traditional cleavage ‘subsidiarists’ (who prefer minimize direct interventions fortiori protection) ‘federalists’ open intervention too) difficulty when comes subsidiarity debates considerable domestic implementation design 9 Kazepov Barberis document ‘a converging trend towards decentralization’ qualify ‘subsidiarization process’; notably activation in-kind provision increasingly defined local analysis process fragmentation: ‘as long relevant resources regulated redistributed degrees coherence higher might expect’ (Kazepov 2010 p71 words extent ‘framing’ linked complete partial funding Conversely leads following conclusion: euro-federalists easily reject appeal regional To positively where responsibility traditionally subsidiarization ongoing proponents develop strong arguments justify degree ‘EU framing’ parallel financial As present theoretical issue fourth related field (see Timo Weishaupt book) involves balance obligation seek employment falls deemed fit work Political opinions diverge conceptions imply right influenced contextual availability market opportunities individuals claiming apart fact how strike delicate makes operationalize reference albeit implicit importance formulated implemented agencies say hard legislation justiciable before courts; specify concomitant tangible citizens’ daily lives crucially depend judgements contexts output Any upscale framing must indicate served instrument enhancing desirable outcomes demonstrated initiative costs instance Employment Strategy increase budgets active guaranteed rather straightforward provide ready-made upscaling Finally argue clarify conception references ‘European solidarity’ carry contradictory meanings adds One difficulties frame ‘obstacles upscaling’ Obstacles necessarily immovable insurmountable move manage them clearly identified Some already been examined elsewhere add analyses sketching provides illustrations obstacles encountered leading us query Scope Initiatives: Conceptual Matrix With view mapping possible ‘ways out’ outlined previous useful classify two criteria: whether establish first-order inputs Further bifurcations added (notably create claim courts) two-dimensional suffices problem borrow distinction ‘first-order governance’ ‘secondorder Armstrong introduces his careful ‘Europeanization policy’ discussing future Open Method Coordination (OMC) Although expression appears passing remark Armstrong’s contrasting second-order illuminating robust According OMC essentially remain so): 10 ‘(…) governing means transmission anti-poverty strategy instead monitoring evaluating themselves adopted strategic approach analysing resulting ’ (Armstrong 2010: 295) substitutes processes essence substitute another seeks externally influence constituted system When define whereby choose outline strategies monitor results governed mandatory principles issued then clear ‘second-order Consider example education: imposes target school drop-out submit attain self-chosen objective secondorder governance; contrast upon education compulsory till age 18 highlights ‘input ‘outcome concerning refers reduce early leavers; leavers relates desired former exemplifies latter seems suggest ipso facto whilst inevitably implies turn point instruments residual constitute policy; goals makers pursue diminishing So oblige every adequate criteria ‘adequate assistance’ effect organizing focusses intervenes directly structure States’ Alternatively guidelines follow up vis-à-vis evolution level; Inclusion instantiates although weak sense non-binding Would make sense? indeed applies Eurozone attempt implement strict existing targets replacement understanding macro-economic external competitiveness qualified organize concept conceivable inclusion? single (say cut half given date) interference qualifies applied today practice combinations approaches adequacy assessed actual empirical produced (a of) combined vein firstorder seen neat dichotomy: continuum classifying concrete is: precision highest? common broad loose developing nationally precise predominantly thus effectively constraining elements introduced Notwithstanding fuzzy distinctions illustrates wish stage First-order Second-order Input Outcome C D moves ‘input’ ‘outcome’ (shifting A/B C/D 1) ‘first-order’ ‘second-order’ A/C B/D) deliberate attempts overcome postulate priori incompatible diversity; true strictly uniform application (For Anti-Poverty discussed next envisages definition ‘adequacy’ x% takes choice perceived most promising namely shift bottom row and/or column methodologies depicted Historically shifting pattern visible illustrated ‘harmonization’ ‘convergence’ Activist entrepreneurs Commission Council openly argued was feasible generation fitted Lisbon archetypal mixture flexible none enforceable recall guideline as: ‘Member setting raising rate reaching 70%’; stating: ‘Every unemployed person offered start months unemployment young adults (…)’ did Heidenreich Zeitlin overview) Gradually became stricter broadly unchanged orientations Today’s situated firmly boxes D; certain classified box address (e g start’ quoted) launched after Summit March interpreted admission forward 13 relying sanctions attached peer assertion ‘open coordination’ orientation clever maybe above echoes Martin Rhodes’s Rhodes emphasizes relations frames emergence largely ‘efforts pro-integration élites member-state vetoes neutralize operation double socialists/social democrats liberals’(2010 p 287) however concludes being solution ‘double cleavage’ fell victim cleavages tensions creation merely illusory ways arises: governance? Borrowing conceptualization reformulate studied interrelated questions: think protection? ii (only) outcomes? iii Is guaranteeing citizen country governance?10 phrase ‘should’ ‘can’ questions happenstance: desirability feasibility options critical comment posing Jonathan pointed key imposing sub-questions (i) (ii) answer abstracto content Zeitlin’s potential realization goal enabling secure access goods services participate fully life (One could recommendation understood experimentalist rights; Sabel 2010; 14 Brief History From outset cooperation integration underpinned intellectually 1950s report group experts International Labour Organization chairmanship Bertil Ohlin Swedish economist made pioneering contribution theory international trade (International 1956) starting law advantage according stimulate growth mechanism suffice effective improvement Against background major pacts supported post-war confidence spectre tax competition dumping French socialists saw threat prompting favour clauses Rome) averted through remains basic philosophy day Yet call ‘more never died completely Especially 1990s combating providing come fore prominently consistently areas recurrent briefly main steps (for extensive overviews Marlier 2007; 2010) led outcomeoriented stages oscillating (soft) subsections taken subsection discusses Recommendation Active 2020 remainder ‘Harmonization’ ‘Convergence’ gained momentum 1980s Initially remained quietly despite several not-so-successful agenda After 1970s successive ‘Poverty Programmes’ describing quantifying inconsequential resolution 1989 asserted ‘combating exclusion regarded part internal market’ (Council Charter year equally vague And run-up establishment 1993 preparatory documents conspicuously quiet harmonization security neither necessary nor 1987; Schmähl 1990) Still 24 1992 sufficient emerging (Ferrera 2002) calls ‘progressively cover situations possible’ It recognize ‘basic live manner compatible human dignity’ ‘to adapt necessary’ mind defines able subject ‘active vocational training obtaining work’ called ensure ‘whose condition render ‘receive help enter re-enter life’ (very) soft variant subscribed spirit aiming uniformity had hitherto intellectual came Indeed spoke ‘convergence policies’ Subsequently abandoned replaced On insight likely yield progress (due ‘unfeasible undesirable unnecessary’ (Deleeck 1991)) ambition (such introduction standards) reduction) left decide accordance requirements preferences deploy opt spending) shaped effectuating 16 Indicators supporting agreed including eradication developed supposed enable learn another’s experiences previously (Treaty Amsterdam 1997) extended Nice Laeken purpose measuring (Atkinson referred ‘soft coordination’: achieve manifold authors emphasized ‘mutual learning’ Hemerijck (2012) (2010 ‘experimentalist Others stressed model’ (Vandenbroucke 2002); coordination exert intelligent counter-pressure pressures due Stability Growth Pact relation quantification socalled ‘social indicators’ These measure things ends meet long-term households premature draw National Action Plan detailing intend situation ‘objectives-oriented originally intended (rather effort) laid foundation ‘…our concern feature member principle…Member agree free methods realized’ 2002 20) 17 At December 2001 consensus reached portfolio (on health housing Important agreement policymaking Various build relating risks jobless depth duration subsequently refined thanks excellent Sub-Group addition original designed pensions included indicator (by comparing line) variable evaluation Perhaps marks beginning phase They arguably articulation growing awareness connection ‘common objectives’ pursued merger OMCs crucial domains) undoubtedly facilitated New Agenda 2005-2010 back discourse ‘Active Inclusion’ (Frazer October excluded occupies central ‘design integrated comprehensive strategy’ ‘the support inclusive far concerned explicit mentioned Thus while building Recommendations somewhat encompassing respect treatment Nonetheless institutional prescriptive certainly avoids guarantees’ 282) lays down strands leaving dominant thrust mainly symbolic ‘high politics’ prove ineffective (Leibfried review organized quite Frazer testifies examination 2009) assess real assume influences entertained dismissed trivial Parliament Resolution goes step further: stresses ‘minimum integration’ concerned’ factions compelled introduce rejected Plenary Session approved study provisional slow Union’s time quantified indicators: risk unable determined items) very intensity 20 million criticized various First Graaf-Zijl Nolan component reducing ambiguous objection easy reach rapid decrease 2005 Europeans affected ‘severe deprivation’ Third response 19 loosely connected criticism concerns project ambitious: met course Moreover pointing problematic Reform Programmes socially short (European 2011) writing eventually respond recommendations observation achieving cautious over last years elaborate civil servants scope underestimated Second promises potentially follow-up formulates constrain choices (albeit lesser extent) whatever intrinsic weaknesses headline Will cheap talk focal Council? direction politics warrant optimism crisis attention focused regaining seem seat recent Public Management Institute Vanhercke Lelie EAPN Proposal Binding complement research (EAPN intelligently crafted combining type (an income); produces directive consist distinct principal chapters obliges 31 latest leaves possibility combination food clothing etc timeline amount ‘work-in-progress’: describes methodology ‘Adequate Schemes’ shared comprise transparent up-rating mechanisms coverage improved take-up participation experiencing shaping contain Mutual Information System (MISSOC) establishing beyond method determining consensualized budget Bradshaw Warnaar Luten devise dignity independent network non-governmental organizations (NGOs) groups fight against established 1990 partners combat 21 basket participatory consensualizes NGOs represent stakeholders approach13 challenges construction (Storms 2011a b) More specifically allowing landmark intermediate dignified Ensuring provisions measures roadmaps enforce Consideration remedies enforcement wronged lack allows legitimate interest judicial administrative equality non-discrimination directives arguing income; underestimate significance Storms (2011a) Rottiers elaboration interplay putting bettered ambitious gradual ‘work-in-progress’ performed entailed peer-review-social-inclusion eu/peer-reviews/2010/using-reference-budgets-fordrawing-up-the-requirements-of-a-minimum-income-scheme-and-assessing-adequacy 22 Importantly base treaties (in TFEU Functioning art 153 h) Relying article allow deal argues catalyst limitation h ‘excluded workable job reasons (age caring responsibilities difficulties…) expects ‘people Defining subset upward Admittedly intuitive evidence it; tear assistance: architecture EAPN’s scrutinized carefully Verschueren adoption exclusion’ mentions limited ‘persons deems uncertain legally non-legal listed Legally Guarantee: Three Interrogations revisit presents formidable link envisaged underscores formulation 23 uneven Both articulations characterizing (Seemingly Limited) Instrumental Relevance play either shape society’s indirectly safety benefit generosity’ (further abbreviated ‘benefit generosity’) average ratio package (including taxes contributions allowances child benefits) five model families elderly persons14: couple children (aged 14) lone parent 2011; volume)15 correlation generosity for: (abbreviated AROP60-ALL AROP40-ALL) 60; normalized (FGT1)16 AROP60 AROP40 realising 20% full-time follows ‘poverty reduction transfers’ (point iv below) questionable pension transfers An representative sample micro-simulation moment models like EUROMOD allowed near full-year AROP60-WI AROP40- WI)17; difference ‘post transfer’ AROP ‘pre obtained (pensions excepted) respondents’ (POVRED60 POVRED40) correlations pretend reveal causality association expect headcount truly many account: sources (assets liabilities) eligible test? Which behavioural conditionalities apply? How takeup assured (or maximized)? affect (AROP-ALL AROP-WI) Nevertheless (AROP-WI) relatively AROP-ALL (FGT1) especially non-take-up widespread correlate generosity) still FGT Foster 1984; Decancq forthcoming) measurement plays overview Corluy Erik Schokkaert post-transfer extreme zero posttransfer zero; nevertheless ascertain elimination definitions used correspond deviate concepts (different units equivalence scales disregards tests (but poverty) …) found lines 25 varies Hernanz 2004; Fuchs documented volume differ vary blur picture thing (non- )discretionary ups heating considerably receive (Van Furthermore Chapters less) generous categorical immigrants disabled elderly) restrict targeted discretionary reductions limits crossnational tenure composition family simulations Last large-scale surveys prone errors Kerm Verma Betti Consequently negative expected (AROP) slightly foregoing corroborated recipients (below Bahle non-means-tested usually larger means-tested Scandinavian (Sainsbury Morissens 2002; 2004) foremost reflect effectiveness 26 2: Correlation non-elderly All MS Old EU24 EU14 EU10 coefficients AROP60-ALL(post-transfer headcount) – 225 343 044 FGT1 (poverty 60%) 313 587** 031 POVRED60 (ppt transfers) 320 574** (post-transfer =< 316 535** 091 > 85 330 418 128 AROP40-ALL(post-transfer 404** 672*** 120 POVRED40 424** 624*** 137 AROP40-WI 478*** 785*** 001 279 475* 218 measured families: 2011); *** Significant 025; ** significant 050; Sources: CSB-MIPI display AROP60- ALL 28 becomes index largest proportions Spain Portugal Poland) Greece too comparatively Ireland having Austria Finland similarly Within find AROP40-ALL (FTG1 threshold) pre-transfer (mechanical) (POVRED); again divergent patterns yields strongest Countries generally work-poor households20 There exceptions particularly appear driven old negligible possibly stems inaccessibility nontake-up combines mediocre though attributable entitlement probably clout Explorative show increased period covered suggests automatic stabilizer reinforced times crises 29 non-correlation tool alleviating Rather drive message: regarding serve look Atkinson normally (though insignificant) segment tends associated edifice explains work-rich tend country’s propose together enables regression (reduction) dependent benchmark ‘above’ ‘below’ performers France records perform expected’ POVRED UK WI performances Italy worse benchmarking exercise cautiously because rely intervals them) signal nets Latvian devolved regions great interregional eligibility (Minas Overbye overestimate 30 typical city North (Milan) Italy21 (compared inefficient respects admittedly tentative confirm correlates simultaneously high) explained inadequate) se explanatory cross-country marginally market; contributory explaining aggregate marginalized conclusions area restricted practices exacerbates regulation detailed: detailed weakening priority positioning reconsideration ought operational needed fully-fledged well-functioning modest regime counts; curative capacity steering pondering take-over satisfactory Its consistency ‘bite’ strengthened Palier entertain (using guidance puts value complement? well-conceived generate inspires inclusion; reinforce good strengthen austerity vulnerable victims States? Why level? substantiates recognizes maintain popular fundamentally political: appropriate powerless; playing market) dignity) multi-tiered minimal balancing ‘market-making rights’ rights’; otherwise 32 sustainability congenial ‘OMC-driven constitutionalism’ accountable conceptualizing realizing […] function court-led constitutionalism prise nation demonstrate reconciled OMC-driven demand explanations exercises sovereignty values protecting 261-262) depart ‘are test’ substantive consistent ‘outcome-oriented’ guidance’ limit downward substantiate politically market-making conceived character creating genuinely really derived ‘avoids law/soft assumes imperative facing ones strengthening OMW conceptualized singular ‘mode making assemblage 33 Unequal Redistributive Effort Next interrogation sake suppose compel simplistic ‘redistributive effort’ euros) threshold: max{ 0} max 100* n x z = xi formula indicates ‘effort’ non-poor closed redistribution costless qualification ‘costless’ responses cost express governments running push average) spend countries; calculating overlook Data (all ages) non-equivalent (we 3) ‘living standards’ controlling modified OECD scale) big 34 3: Indicator eliminate CZ FR HU AT SI NL FI L SK MT IE CY DE PT PL SE EE DK GR IT BG ES V RO eq Note: 95% (cf relativity lift national-specific Reading note: 8% close illustrative purposes mechanical ignores incentive change: supply (more lousy low-paid jobs; effort); boundary exaggerate ‘cost’ totally misrepresent pure transfers; increasing examples protest ‘Robin Hood’ simulated cry historical reiterates capable raise spend) lot money committed redistribution: involving multitude redistribute government expenditure 71 35 rough indication unequally 5% others (Bulgaria Romania) 7% always gap: closing little effort; Denmark GDP/capita holds inefficiency Spanish Italian cluster greatest encompasses 4: LT LU LV 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 0% 1% 2% 4% 9% inhabitant High Low vertical axis crosses horizontal weighted PPS Eurostat database (GDP/capita) 36 Finland) Spain) smaller looks ‘feasible’ disparity pronounced Whereas increases demanding disproportionately ‘better performers’ class falling obstacle kind foreseeable Now wonder low-work dependence expenditures construe counterfactual successful doing mitigate perhaps eliminating (2002) (2009) discuss universal Vandeninden examines (residual) (2010) 22) Starting Levy Lietz Sutherland (2007) consequences tax-benefit halved 18% 27% relate deviates Atkinson’s purely selective supplement granted whose estimated scenario unevenly distributed 37 conclusion moderate initial Poorer additional (tax) middle higher-income ‘middle incomes’ (Fahey Lelkes ‘internal’ vs panEuropean Poverty Threshold Top 1st quintile 4th Structural Funds (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 122 055 764 528 439 239 580 491 133 615 574 322 011 699 423 490 846 237 540 762 755 983 933 934 793 602 838 138 557 559 590 995 831 163 007 688 061 227 655 041 119 477 707 451 220 241 760 205 275 710 869 Belgium 398 404 821 Germany 634 734 430 704 176 448 713 256 897 416 943 Netherlands 293 455 800 318 201 840 630 433 048 461 39 905 cut-off distributive nonequivalent (2006-2013) yearly (David Allen pp 246- 247) 38 Column ranks ranking (Romania) (Luxembourg) extremes diverging factor eight (Romania Slovakia) seven highlighted grey columns Columns expresses receiving presented Figures notable exceptions: side; remarkably ladder Let (according PPP) fellow improving corresponding (at contradict Or blunt way: boil segments cynically asking themselves? Before Suppose crossborder transfer compensate Given bitter resistance suggestion ‘transfer union’ belongs fiction stand transferred 2006-2012) deploys via matches fund match) extra available Funds; finances pan-European organization Europeanized (A conditional conditionality idea simply uses efforts Does implied necessitate funding? hinges pan-European? alleviation? implicitly drop perspective replace solidarity; Enabling parcel official ‘mission statement’ vocation cohesion interaction anachronistic continue ‘cohesion insight: Claims justice arise get cooperation; legitimizes claims thorough 40 evaluative dualism irreducible reduced trade-off let alone algorithm collapsed twin run assessing; pan-European; convincing Someone object rationale taking clear-cut ‘having GDP/capita’ gap’ Greece) spending underdeveloped contrasted well-developed (Hungary 40%) guarantee: obviously boils externalizing failures unwillingness redistribute… foundations Sangiovanni (forthcoming) Fahey competences 41 ‘internal (to conform exacting demands avoid externalisation failure) hand? wellknown solidarity: delineate delineating Solidarity mutually interdependent Impact Dependency Traps destroy tension claimants minimum-wage earners Europe-wide minimums inactivity trap eleven States: recipient 25% 30% wage; claimant 14% Less United Kingdom raised 50% hypothetical (between %) Only augmented switch heterogeneity incentives world subtle underscore 42 Net (full time)* assumption 40-50-60% Raise (Vienna) 61 92 53 79 127 76 115 86 129 58 87 107 51 77 73 110 55 83 66 99 70 105 75 112 88 132 (Catalonia) 78 116 * Based statutory (Denmark Sweden) except Austrian collectively “Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund” “Wirtschaftskammer Österreich” leather fur sector severity coincide genuine lacking enormous activated rarely (Cantillon & struck duties reasonable inadequate presupposes prevent marginal 43 Conclusion: Caring Care Demand Efficiency Everywhere suggested rebalancing input-oriented outcome-oriented experience decade mandated information validated statistical apparatus utterly acquire gain prominence Forcing fall heaviest negatively bear rule ‘unequal burden’ agreements unison consideration aimed covering child-rearing standardized incrementally 44 rich’ poor’ affluent) confronts discarded: implementing dispense ‘efficient virtuous circle (domestic) (pan-European) What this? bring forth? prosperity combine rules regions? discussions no-go meanwhile stuck? opening disposal (possibly today) (introducing Fund leverage) Meanwhile seriously bite (this investment 2020) indicated Fundamentally opposition anything resembles collective sovereign debt creates stalemate stability De Grauwe conflate 45 Acknowledgement thank Dirk Neumann Koen Annette Freyberg helpful usual disclaimers apply References Cohesion Policy: Extending Bargain Meet Challenges’ H Wallace M Pollack R Young Policy-Making Oxford: Oxford Press 229-252 Governing Europeanization E Bourguignon O’Donoghue Utili ‘Microsimulation Union: Case Study Pension’ Economica 69(274): 229- 243 Reinstadler Distribution Financial Context Presented Conference (Warsaw March) 34p Hubl Pfeifer Safety handbook Bristol: 271p J (1993) Budget Standards Aldershot: Avebury ‘Between dream reality … Anti-poverty Model’ P Ploscar EU: Interaction Law Antwerpen: Intersentia O Pintelon den Heede (2012 Reduction Capacity Protection’ 46 Better Worse Richer (1989) Ministers Affairs Meeting September Combating Exclusion [1989] OJ C277/1 Conclusions jobs smart sustainable Brussels ‘Household joblessness Journal 21(5):413-431 Managing Fragile CESifo Forum 12(2) 40-45 K Bosch Vanhille data’ (eds) (1987) ‘Un programme d’action communautaire’ (ed L’avenir la sécurité sociale en Paris: Economica: 229-243 (1991) lessen zekerheid Acco: Leuven drawing assessing Comment Peer Review Assessment Namur November Appendix Progress Report Objectives EU-Wide Measure Sociological 23(1): 35-47 Ferrera Matsaganis ‘Open poverty: process’ 12(3): 227-239 Greer Thorbecke (1984) ‘A Class Decomposable Measures’ Econometrica 52(3):761-766 Schemes Across Synthesis Brussels: DG Equal Opportunities ‘Strengthening Learning Past’ Natali VAN DAM Towards EU? I Peter Lang 47 Assistance Thanks? Non-Take-up Phenomenon Patterns Vienna: 12p ‘How Confidence EU-SILC? Complex Sample Designs Standard Error Indicators’ Research DOI: 1007/s11205-011-9918-2 Enlarged Discussion Definitions Groups’ Sociology Compass 5(1): 77-91 W Universal Basic Pension Europe’s Elderly: Options Pitfalls’ Studies 4(1):Article 26p Malherbet Pellizzari (2004) Take-Up Welfare Benefits Countries: Evidence Migration Papers 17: Publishing 48p Changing Regimes Routledge (1956) ‘Social Aspects Co-operation Group Experts (summary)’ 74 Y ‘Rescaling Policies Multi-level Governance Europe: reflections Processes Actors involved’ Yuri Rescaling Policies: Ashgate 35-72 Leibfried Left Judges Markets?’ Helen Mark Alisdair PolicyMaking Sixth Edition 253-281 ‘Swapping Alternative Tax-Benefit Strategies Support Children UK’ 625-647 Inclusion: Facing Challenges Dam Milanovic Haves Have-Nots Idiosyncratic Global Inequality Books York Minas Øverbye Territorial 48 Multilevel Surrey (UK)/ Burlington (USA) Ashgate: 203-240 ‘Mechanisms alleviation: non-means tested states’ 14(1):371-390 G ‘Monitoring ‘not enough’ ‘much less’’ Wealth 57(2) Evaluation Effectiveness 2006 Improving Strengthening Commissioned Vilnius ‘Employment Between Efficacy Experimentation’ 281-306 Sainsbury mid- 1990s: 12: 307-327 ‘Solidarity Problems Prospects’ Dickson Eleftheriadis Philosophical Foundations Schmahl (1990) ‘Demographic security’ Economics 159-177 Budgets: Are Line? FISS Sigtuna 8-10 (2011b) ‘De meting van armoede Europese Unie: een pleidooi voor ontwikkeling referentiebudgetten’ Tijdschrift Sociologie 32(3-4): 470-496 ‘Benchmarking Decade on: Demystifying OMC’s Tools’ Fenna Knuepling Benchmarking Federal Systems: Australian Experiences Productivity Commission: Melbourne Extreme Estimation IRISS Series 2007-01 Luxembourg: CEPS-Instead 51p (http://www europolitics info/pdf/gratuit_en/279353-en pdf) 49 Marchal CSB-Minimum dataset 5/2011 Antwerp: ‘Foreword’ Gosta Esping-Andersen Duncan Gallie Anton John Myles pact OSE Without vision mutual trust trapped short-term management Kirsty Hughes’ ‘Ten failures’ Friends Individual decomposition CSBWorking 12/06 simulation MGSoG 2012/8 ‘Data Accuracy EU-SILC’ Living Conditions Publications Office 57-78 ‘Union Fight Poverty: Legal Instruments’ Handbook Budgets Netherlands: Nibud ‘Towards Stronger 2020: Architecture Coordination’ EU?Brussels: Ch Experimentalist ‘Experimentalist Governance’ Levi-Faur
Geluk en politiek. Een pleidooi voor helder denken
Geluk en politiek
Een pleidooi voor helder denken
Frank Vandenbroucke
Itinera, 25.1.2012
Bevrijd het geluk van de politiek?
1. economische groei > economische groei
2. BBP-groei = beste objectieve en globale
maatstaf van vooruitgang
3. Een overheid die een andere maatstaf van
vooruitgang in de plaats wil stellen van het BBP
gaat haar boekje te buiten (paternalisme)
Illustratie: Sieb Posthuma, Uitgeverij Gottmer
Bevrijd het geluk van de politiek?
1. economische groei > economische groei
2. BBP-groei = beste objectieve en globale
maatstaf van vooruitgang
3. Een overheid die een andere maatstaf van
vooruitgang in de plaats wil stellen van het BBP
gaat haar boekje te buiten (paternalisme)
Illustratie: Sieb Posthuma, Uitgeverij Gottmer
Bevrijd het geluk van de politiek?
1. economische groei > economische groei
2. BBP-groei = beste objectieve en globale
maatstaf van vooruitgang
3. Een overheid die een andere maatstaf van
vooruitgang in de plaats wil stellen van het BBP
gaat haar boekje te buiten (paternalisme)
Illustratie: Sieb Posthuma, Uitgeverij Gottmer
Bevrijd het geluk van de politiek?
1. economische groei > economische groei
2. BBP-groei = beste objectieve en globale
maatstaf van vooruitgang
3. Een overheid die een andere maatstaf van
vooruitgang in de plaats wil stellen van het BBP
gaat haar boekje te buiten (paternalisme)
Illustratie: Sieb Posthuma, Uitgeverij Gottmer
Bevrijd het geluk van de politiek?
1. economische groei > economische groei
2. BBP-groei = beste objectieve en globale
maatstaf van vooruitgang
3. Een overheid die een andere maatstaf van
vooruitgang in de plaats wil stellen van het BBP
gaat haar boekje te buiten (paternalisme)
Illustratie: Sieb Posthuma, Uitgeverij Gottmer
• Juist
• Fout
• Impasse
Bevrijd het geluk van de politiek?
1. economische groei > economische groei
2. BBP-groei = beste objectieve en globale
maatstaf van vooruitgang
3. Een overheid die een andere maatstaf van
vooruitgang in de plaats wil stellen van het BBP
gaat haar boekje te buiten (paternalisme)
Illustratie: Sieb Posthuma, Uitgeverij Gottmer
• Juist
• Fout
• Impasse
Bevrijd het geluk van de politiek?
1. economische groei > economische groei
2. BBP-groei = beste objectieve en globale
maatstaf van vooruitgang
3. Een overheid die een andere maatstaf van
vooruitgang in de plaats wil stellen van het BBP
gaat haar boekje te buiten (paternalisme)
Illustratie: Sieb Posthuma, Uitgeverij Gottmer
• Juist
• Fout
• Impasse
Het grote debat over blablablob
• Mieke: “Jan, we moeten zoveel mogelijk blablablob
• Jan: “Lieve Mieke, je kan me niet eens uitleggen wat
blablablob precies is, en we zijn met de beste wil van de
wereld niet in staat om op te meten hoeveel blablablob we
hebben. Eén ding weten we heel zeker, dat blijkt uit allerlei
metingen: we moeten economische groei hebben als we
blablablob willen.”
Het grote debat over blablablob
• Mieke: “Jan, we moeten zoveel mogelijk blablablob
• Jan: “Lieve Mieke, je kan me niet eens uitleggen wat
blablablob precies is, en we zijn met de beste wil van de
wereld niet in staat om op te meten hoeveel blablablob we
hebben. Eén ding weten we heel zeker, dat blijkt uit allerlei
metingen: we moeten economische groei hebben als we
blablablob willen.”
Het grote debat over blablablob
• Mieke: “Jan, we moeten zoveel mogelijk blablablob
• Jan: “Lieve Mieke, je kan me niet eens uitleggen wat
blablablob precies is, en we zijn met de beste wil van de
wereld niet in staat om op te meten hoeveel blablablob we
hebben. Eén ding weten we heel zeker, dat blijkt uit allerlei
metingen: we moeten economische groei hebben als we
blablablob willen.”
Het grote debat over blablablob
• Mieke: “Jan, we moeten zoveel mogelijk blablablob
• Jan: “Lieve Mieke, je kan me niet eens uitleggen wat
blablablob precies is, en we zijn met de beste wil van de
wereld niet in staat om op te meten hoeveel blablablob we
hebben. Eén ding weten we heel zeker, dat blijkt uit allerlei
metingen: we moeten economische groei hebben als we
blablablob willen.”
Het dilemma van de liberal
• De liberal kan het welzijn van Bob in kaart brengen op basis
Bob’s eigen voorkeur, zonder er cijfers op te plakken.
• Maar, wat kan voor de individuele Bob’s, kan niet voor het
Verenigd Bobrijk, tenzij… er geen verdelingsprobleem is.
• De verdelingskwestie is er, precies omdat we liberals zijn.
De idee dat een overheid zich best zoveel mogelijk onthoudt
van oordelen over het welzijn van mensen, leidt tot impasse.
Het dilemma van de liberal
• De liberal kan het welzijn van Bob in kaart brengen op basis
Bob’s eigen voorkeur, zonder er cijfers op te plakken.
• Maar, wat kan voor de individuele Bob’s, kan niet voor het
Verenigd Bobrijk, tenzij… er geen verdelingsprobleem is.
• De verdelingskwestie is er, precies omdat we liberals zijn.
De idee dat een overheid zich best zoveel mogelijk onthoudt
van oordelen over het welzijn van mensen, leidt tot impasse.
Het dilemma van de liberal
• De liberal kan het welzijn van Bob in kaart brengen op basis
Bob’s eigen voorkeur, zonder er cijfers op te plakken.
• Maar, wat kan voor de individuele Bob’s, kan niet voor het
Verenigd Bobrijk, tenzij… er geen verdelingsprobleem is.
• De verdelingskwestie is er, precies omdat we liberals zijn.
De idee dat een overheid zich best zoveel mogelijk onthoudt
van oordelen over het welzijn van mensen, leidt tot impasse.
Het dilemma van de liberal
• De liberal kan het welzijn van Bob in kaart brengen op basis
Bob’s eigen voorkeur, zonder er cijfers op te plakken.
• Maar, wat kan voor de individuele Bob’s, kan niet voor het
Verenigd Bobrijk, tenzij… er geen verdelingsprobleem is.
• De verdelingskwestie is er, precies omdat we liberals zijn.
Stelling dat overheid zich best zoveel mogelijk onthoudt van
oordelen over het welzijn van mensen, leidt tot impasse.
Meer vooruitgang in de Verenigde Staten dan in Frankrijk?
• 1975-2006
• Bruto Nationaal Inkomen, 100% van de gezinnen
→ VS (+32,2%) > Frankrijk (+27,1%)
• Bruto Nationaal Inkomen, 99% van de gezinnen
→ Frankrijk (+26,4%) > VS (+17,9%)
Meer vooruitgang in de Verenigde Staten dan in Frankrijk?
• 1975-2006
• Bruto Nationaal Inkomen, 100% van de gezinnen
→ VS (+32,2%) > Frankrijk (+27,1%)
• Bruto Nationaal Inkomen, 99% van de gezinnen
→ Frankrijk (+26,4%) > VS (+17,9%)
Zijn maatstaven voor welzijn noodzakelijk paternalistisch?
• Vlaamse en Franstalige economisten publiceren hierover: Erik
Schokkaert, François Maniquet, Koen Decancq, Luc Van
Ootegem, Elsy Verhofstadt…, in het spoor van Marc Fleurbaey.
• Maatstaven voor welzijn en alternatieven voor BBP zijn niet
noodzakelijk paternalistisch.
• Alternatieven voor BBP brengen belangrijke correcties.
• Vooral: alternatieve maatstaven brengen noodzakelijke
afwegingen in beeld.
Back to basics in politics
• Bruto Nationaal Geluk? Even fout…
• Geen geluk zonder doel
• De nood aan een publiek doel
De politieke hamvraag
• “Onzekerheid overwinnen”, of beter, een perspectief dat
toelaat met onzekerheid om te gaan (vermijdbare risico’s
vermijden, onvermijdbare risico’s goed delen)
• Vereist:
– een gedeelde opvatting over “vooruitgang”
– een gedeelde opvatting over “welzijn”
– een gedeelde opvatting over de voorwaarden voor welzijn
De politieke hamvraag voor de EU en voor België
• De EU: een klassiek probleem van collectieve actie en
prisoners’ dilemma, oplosbaar mits coördinatie (doel!)
– welke risico’s delen we?
– hoe delen we deze risico’s?
• Welke groei dient onze doelstellingen?
De EU (en België) heeft nood aan een sociaal
Europe: The social challenge. Defining the union’s social objective is a necessity rather than a luxury
No 11 / July 2012 Europe: The Social Challenge Defining the Union’s social objective is a necessity rather than luxury Frank Vandenbroucke University of Leuven © European Observatory OSE Opinion Paper 11– 2 Professor at Antwerp and Amsterdam “OSE Series” takes form three different publications available in English or French “Research Papers” are intended to disseminate results research by associated researchers colleagues from network “Briefing contain readily accessible regular information on variety topics “Opinion consist concise policy-oriented opinions “This Working paper reflects views author these not necessarily those Observatory” 3 Table contents Introduction 1 Why ‘social Europe’? 5 Inequality Europe Four arguments favour an active dimension policy 7 Argument 1: A safeguard against dumping 2: protective barrier around national sovereignty 9 3: An inevitability Monetary Union 4: as core political project that ‘Europe’ 20 Conclusion: no longer but 24 Setting agenda investment agenda: dramatic imbalances schooling 26 protection Great variation efficiency 27 Divergent pathways during boom 2004/5-2007/8 30 ‘how’ key issues 32 Epilogue Catch 22 for democrats? 33 References 36 Inaugural lecture occasion his appointment Affiliate Den Uyl Chair June (1 ) It great honour me be invited hold Not only was Joop important democratic leader 1960s up into 1980s; approach politics also had profound influence many including myself Jan Pronk wrote wonderful column ‘Den mentor’ which he summarised Uyl’s style politician ten lessons Lesson one went follows: ‘Never stop studying Never assume facts speak themselves truth has been found Investigate backgrounds less obvious associations asking questions ’ That precisely what I intend do For over fifty years we have debating whether requires This question already raised 1950s before establishment Economic Community six countries it still today twentyseven Member States number describing weaknesses Europe’ now beyond counting All too often writings merely inconsequential lamentations unreachable ongoing crisis may present opportunity put firmly Rather lamentation needed coherent conception reasons behind governance union In short ‘social Europe’ needs unequivocal answer why how Remarkably ‘why’ cooperation ought – matter principle hitherto received relatively little attention (2 therefore focus first foremost this part my briefly scrutinise am aware strike you being destructive ‘Is really time laying bare case Europe?’ wonder But bear mind ‘first lesson Uyl’ according will see would like thank Rita Baeten Tuba Bircan Bea Cantillon Paul De Grauwe Ri Ridder Steven Engels Joep Konings Kim Lievens Erik Schokkaert Chris Segaert Anne Van Lancker André Poeck Rompuy their detailed comments and/or assistance with sections exposé Responsibility expressed however own area widely developed either field normative philosophy few existing sources include famous appeal Habermas (2001) correspondence between Parijs Rawls (2003) literature ‘global justice’ EU featured very prominently Only recently debate instigated foundations Europe’; (2011) Sangiovanni (2012) Nicolaïdis Viehoff references 4 should championed if were self-evidence considering must separate wheat chaff notion intellectual hothouse plant can survive nurturing environment friendly like-mindedness more rigorous test idea cherish stronger likely emerge From conclude among other things whereas ago quest lucid description ‘the model’ might dismissed interesting strictly necessary existential conundrum True financial system faces urgent short-term problems detract fact term effective union’ indispensable survival practical implication addition fiscal compact argue basic consensus required meaning ‘social’ Europe’s citizens role play common orientation towards appear ingredient Such cover issue States’ mutual obligations i e demand another thus arises reciprocity incorporated institutional relationships same way within each State separately based individuals say monetary adequately meets requirements justice define them My argument limited scope: assert concerning envisaged model order could long shapes depending underlying significance attached However once add observation regarding primacy such engender broad support adhere objectives welfare states cannot contradict second illustrate ensuing does claim comprehensive Important left untouched instance regulate taxation funding undue competition third identify some urgencies respect particularly need restore unity economic long-term without dwelling refers democracy final address fellow democrats emphasise ‘historic compromise’ families supporting governments parliament Does historic compromise constitute catch search enhanced identity? To context start factual One wrestle enormous diversity systems histories there Income inequality US; manifests itself If find hard believe consider panEuropean Gini coefficient (a commonly applied measure income inequality) approximately US ( As association destiny well afford overlook sure extent generally much individual states; greater Leaving aside super rich Luxembourg per-capita GDP purchasing power parities (PPPs) poorest Bulgaria amounts richest Netherlands (in euros tenth) similar exercise reveals Mississippi about half (4 Minimum wages low uniform cranked they Federal hourly minimum wage USD7 25 By comparison Bulgarian monthly estimated Eurostat amount EUR122 even standards 10% Dutch Obviously most recent expansion played Figure visual representation distribution whereby distinction made ‘old’ EU15 ‘new EU12 On basis EU-SILC 2009 net disposable equivalised household terms PPPs 0 352 EU27 (calculation Tim Goedemé) latest representative USA provided OECD 378; regional price differences presumably insignificant See Brandolini (2007) Burkhauser Couch (2010) Milanovic Similarly ignoring super-rich outliers Even impoverished Puerto Rico included American its relative position PPPs) favourable al 6 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Relative frequency Equivalised PPP) % median SILC poverty threshold Source: Mechelen Goedemé horizontal axis represents all Europeans; take account size composition incomes measured proportion pan-European dotted line used 60% defined threshold; areas indicate population below respectively analysis 15% compared 70% new gap least affluent quite considerable: ‘rich’ Romanians (by mean: better-off middle classes) poor ‘poor’ leave class who wealthy refer classes Expressed Romanian 80 percentile (Vandenbroucke 3) Let begin positive counter predominantly negative discourse integration plays progressive development non-discrimination Starting principles grounds nationality (at citizens) equal pay work men women created solid legal foundation enforcing fields gender age ethnicity… Stephan Leibfried suggests expanding courts forward further developing entity so heterogeneous dominated vetoing Seen light reformulated as: require goes anti-discrimination? distinguish four possible arguments: is… dumping; ii sovereignty; iii Union; iv instrumental nature; fourth Although proposed follow mutually exclusive convincing conjunction? So let us premised far-reaching harmonisation induces downward pressure advanced becomes aggressive Hence (somewhat sloganesque) summary ‘safeguard dumping’ subject 1956 Ohlin report together Spaak laid Bertil (the Swedish party chairman later awarded Nobel Prize Sciences Heckscher-Ohlin Theory) assumed labour costs concerned closely related productivity free trade cause did emphatically any subsequent divergences evolution corrected adjustments currency exchange rates (International Labour Organisation 1956) Given clearly caveat 8 Prima facie history proven wrong parallel process expanded sometimes spectacularly Successive enlargements invariably resulted upward convergence; World Bank dubbed EC veritable ‘convergence machine’ (Gill Raiser 2012) (6 turned out spectre reality Now argued contravention doctrine coupled market high-level certain particular 1980s 90s relation health safety workplace (7 noted ‘upward’ ‘downward’ nature convergence depends context: situation widespread unemployment gain upper hand due example overall weaker unions occasions prevailing balance society here qualified warrants Nonetheless thesis lifting obstacles constitutes progress prima exaggerated functional preventing strong following consideration restrictions unequal puts brake then insurmountable problem shows impossible level playing economically feasible economies yet impactful ones (8 insist Germany introduce meaningful; contrary opposite rationale relates data says nothing (or subnational) divergence happened creation single Single Act ‘level field’ mean absolute set average latter means self-evident though obviously far challenge follows plea Pisani-Ferry expansive past decade; increased fit strategy legitimacy discussed de facto autonomy (i actual room policymaking) concerns Fritz Scharpf Maurizio Ferrera others intrinsic conflict imperatives trans-border mobility services communities through nationally conceived rights duties (10) presuppose borders membership solidarity circles; former extend circles fundamental logic ‘opening’ ‘closure’ paraphrase 11) implies enjoy right attaching excessively strict country-specific conditions; under earned adherence conceptions Taking allow shop freely Belgium care covered insurers jeopardize Belgium’s planning rate agreements dictates authorities regard provisions neither open nor both foreigners point (2009) hammers home exist architecture systematically decided expense community explains treaties legislation clear pure ‘state action’ ‘solidarity action’) ‘economic provides direction jurisprudence Court Justice) dividing realms extensive grey where mechanisms operate concurrently occurs 10 sharp articulation pessimism (2005) optimistic develop partially (i) consequences movement persons Bismarckian insurance (ii) citizenship-based Beveridgean (iii) schemes (iv) service allowed discriminate application anti-discriminatory preclude (‘no contributions’); words rule kind ‘reciprocity’ inherent flexible rules access come consequence cross-border grand scale analyses inspired propose ‘horizontal clause’ purpose emphasising strongly ordering provide clearer guidance institutions Justice 2002c) representatives nongovernmental organisations campaigned Convention Via IGC adapted version text Article TFEU unlike leads irresistibly liberalisation unchecked (moreover perhaps Art contribute restoring respect) (12) There initiative aimed correction sovereignty: receptive deterministic apparent Services Directive Parliament amended farreaching Bolkestein transpires drafting 2011 Council sought appropriate patients’ control 13) agree assertion seek granting requirements; seems surrounding implementation (14) disagree nonetheless remains heroes asymmetric constitution economy irrelevant critical interaction (to referred discussion argument’) reduced tension exists every State; result generosity 12 9TFEU Charter Protocol General Interest elements Rhodes Armstrong Lenaerts 13 resolved dynamics (including originating primarily forced defensive evaluation impact law domain 14 brief viewpoint adopted determining factor comes pseudo ‘self-employed’ entering subsequently live off benefits Whether actually materialises balanced indicated Another Are country employment applicable posted workers statutory wage? And actions when feel regulations violated posting workers? notorious judgments (Viking Laval) called unions’ scope action matters seem give precedence liberal thought cases merits nuanced diminish legislative change framework use Mario Monti March Commission took adapt effect widen Bruun Bücker Commission’s proposal inadequate go enough They given receive weight freedoms (convincing) illustrates word spoken policymaking policymakers wish previously pointed expressly because divergent socioeconomic evolutions Of course buried assumption Eurozone consequences? Ben Chu writer Independent formulated May 2012: ‘Europe become ‘country’ beast euro survive’ arguing essential structural flaws design Union: absence central bank currency; depositors; centralised government whose budget forms automatic buffer event downturn; ‘national’ decision-making Since ‘a country’ simply manage conclusion straightforward: unified black white that: ‘merging state’ since ‘state’ foreseeable future foregoing correct inevitably imply doomed stabilising ‘technical’ just fine-tuning inter-state shocks topic theory optimum (OCA) using diagram (15) relate reduction transaction eliminated variability) comparability participating stimulating contributes wealth drawback joining loose tool adjustment potentially instrument developments diverge affected shock outweigh drawbacks display adequate combination symmetry flexibility Symmetry degree output growth correlated Flexibility interregional international determine country’s ‘internal’ capacity Less necessitates flexibility: internal adaptability beneficial measures vertical trade-off shown declining OCA group above costs: attained sufficiently zone met situated 15 broadened starting premise creates collective goods valuable risks specific undertaking; essence equitable Andrea arrives ‘reciprocity-based internationalism’ lies concept embedded taken granted upscaling nationally-conceived concepts outset differently Sangiovanni’s criticised points He uses ‘risk’ series limitations facing rightly categorised ‘risks’; apply ‘insurance paradigm’ More fundamentally ask ever solely (problems in) functioning mission EU: priori limit perspectives justice? equate fair (I moreover paradigm fall functionalist diversion (cf infra) analyse discrepancies detail regarded OCA; les comfortable Trade-offs Based p 110 trade-off: possibility absorbing budgetary transfers shifts OCA’ (as two arrows) OCAs permanent redistribution member area; transfer stabilisation ‘redistribution’ ‘stabilisation’ element moral hazard pronounced instances Moral occur flow resources richer poorer postpone Stabilisation temporary cyclical (By theoretical example: mechanism co-funding initial period excluding activated rises satisfy condition ‘perpetual redistribution’) unchangeable place surveillance prevent trends Sixpack finalised 2010 succeeds harmonising union’s move upwards arrow) herein additional effectively prevents asymmetry smaller sustainability black-and-white choice confronts interrelated trade-offs restrict our options Neither indeed socially neutral choices processes perceived painful difficult direct nominal cuts (rather real erosion depreciation high inflation) facilitation migration job-seekers Often smooth dismissal procedures While job markets rigid heed British economist Richard Layard founder Centre Performance theoretician activation policies pursued 1990s asserts make people unhappy opposed decentralized setting induce personal insecurity (16) Clearly meanings hence Budget practice public expenditure redistributive purposes (17) Is pursuing finally option? essentially budgets cost productivity: relationship parameters properly attuned 16 sticks welfare-to-work tried convince choosing road FrancoGerman felt lenient uncertainty Instead argues strive secure decentralised negotiations willingness increases security (Layard 2005) 17 Bargain illustration partial Europeanisation tax large groups winners losers option chosen after necessitate it) scheme avoid complex Consider question: retirement ages across Eurozone? maintain run linked life expectancy opinion realise easier said done wishing naive ageing good state discuss scrutiny ensure sake link generous insofar end larger debt higher per unit builds ultimately able organize (greater) pensions (lower) (higher) expenditures; despite continue meet requirement ‘symmetry’ substantiation battery ‘political economy’ relating behaviour employers (18) 18 simple speaking Imagine adjusted while B increase rising contributions gross evolves identically Nor rise difference alternative unproblematic scenario satisfied pension conceivable chooses economise expenditures reasoning simplistic supply generate wages; lead response (and/or unions) tighter possibilities mitigating shortages immigration Under reject compressible type ventures realm willing draw w r t age: coat cut cloth Ultimately compromises cohesion self-evident: impacting variables holds equally education Suppose shortage skilled surplus unskilled expect (assuming imbalance migration); alternatively insufficient ensue compensated (on low-skilled) turn taxes deficit B) leading lower generated ‘pay’ (relative) training accumulation ‘unpaid bill’ unwillingness ‘cut one’s cloth’; prove universal applicability rely (which timeframe contemplated here) substantial education: comparatively eventually excess prompt responses jobs conspire (see footnote elaboration point) Moreover dimensions true pose (that immigration) whole gamut pursue domestically becomes: union? Again cut-and-dried answers ‘ifs’ phrasing ‘ifs’: proofs unproven tuning strategies presupposes certainly plausible hypothesis outlined supranationally shaped neatly separated arenas reason either: Furthermore possibly Before section return Grauwe’s described crucial conditions topical moment: banking emphasised namely sovereign slipping ‘bad equilibrium’ shortterm liquidity solvability achieved joint eurobonds object interest ‘undisciplined countries’ kept shortfall Lack failure ‘disciplined Mutualisation implemented objections g 19) These ‘black-andwhite’: persuasiveness banks debt) surpass focuses shall dwell burning presents What implied entail Union? conclusions show members encompassing cognitive summarise necessitated union: · stabilised? economists 20) Robert Mundell father contributed 1973 presenting original 1961 ties (Mundell 1973) Monetarists look Keynesians At launch tended view ‘Mundell I’ Much accepts self-stabilising convergence? schooling? Scholarly never concur entirely arrive decisions analytical agreement doubt institution science requiring bedrock Some entertain doubts connection 19 Cf Moesen (De 2009) proposals sense mutualisation (part) resolving prisoners’ dilemma attain Pareto improvement concerned; calculated self-interest Fuest Peichl overview types Scholars critically popular expedient acknowledge (retirement age) (minimum wages) explore ways fostering realistic demands twofold: transfers? evolutions? entail? substitute knowledge always effect? benchmarks targets organising arena tend connotation vitality purport limited; broad-based tie goals stressed diverse accurately minimal normatively charged Subsequently dealing answered technical Jean Southern treated onesided successful serves prepared accept slightly inflation prices Spain (given stability guaranteed assuming implement reforms) applies Northern ‘overkill’) observed decade euro) ‘Reciprocity’ share responsibility concerted efforts burden competitiveness placed shoulders partner inter-human cohesive agent 2011) previous contrasted homo reciprocans economicus: driven desire ‘return investment’ money effort differs shopkeeper mentality Homo attaches capable compassion vulnerable ensues (and remain) net-contributor ‘his’ tackle wasted ‘filling bottomless pails’) relevant something Thus cement 2010) Samuel Bowles defines ‘strong reciprocity’ ‘propensity cooperate similarly disposed (21) Reciprocity ‘enlightened selfinterest’ ‘conditional’ Editorial Constitutional Law Review WTE DN meaningful involves various intertwined ‘individual’ evolution? How responsibilities attributed ‘asymmetric evolution’ definition notion? jointly organised (such transfers)? Should principled morality (whereby ‘sinners’ face punishment sins merit) consequentialist (taking sinners get saints trouble)? Can enter unbreakable 21 manner develops human relations founded transposable relies ‘considered self-interest’ assumes finds expression punish comply personally costly imposing ‘principled reasoning’ transgression norms sanctions irrespective consequences; cf infra commitment horizon selfsustaining 22)? country’; layered underpinned sustainable 23) fragility ‘deep variable’ purpose’ carried German reunification: ‘(T)his deep variable Put endogenous force existence inconceivable started having centralized making regions weakly Level’ 113) shared outlook 1999 Affairs Minister coined ‘Open Method Coordination’ method substance ‘European followed came strongly: coordination 2002a 2002b) perspective seemed somewhat superfluous recommence blank slate non-social construct inferred grounds: protecting loss success ethical-philosophical ‘responsibility’ entities): governments? upon attempt defining entities 23 emphasises ‘More facilitate arrangements persistent occasioned ‘lax government’ step preventative monitoring avoiding … eyes Jürgen remaining mobilisation consists life’ pressures globalisation phrase Lionel Jospin characterised cultural inclusion supported interpretation repeatedly intervenes legitimised historical peace purely fails encapsulate undertaking non-economic levers influences broader build degrees cosmopolitism Habermas: stake societal epitomises precise increasingly losing manoeuvre His constituting roles adopt remind reduction) subsidiarity mentioned launched 2000 Lisbon Summit During criticism sounded uninterruptedly weak soft imagine toughened yourself Natascha simulating eradicate obligation simulation extreme lay down keeping dignity (24) requirement? visualises simulate draws EAPN pertains touched earlier combined benefit tourism generating ‘competition’ perfectly Per capita ‘redistributive effort’ fully achieve goal big ask) variable: percentage non-poor threshold) range 5% Czech Republic France Hungary 7% Lithuania Romania greatest Eastern ‘being poor’ eliminate compare Spain’s France: alike inefficient delimitation begins ends remark supra brings introduction explicit fairness distributions? (‘rich’ ‘poor’) improves Belgian citizens? dual conflicting circle concerned: ‘we’ alone algorithm indicators indicator highly peculiar evaluate indicators; geared explicitly enhancing aspire improving ‘national cohesion’ considerable effects ascertained non-reducible evaluative dualism compels Historically With so-called level: supposedly safeguarding levels think Fahey 2007) improve entitled external Europe? Or externalisation attributable exemplified cited Spanish example? life’? co-authors radical binding anti-poverty standard inevitable aid responsible effectiveness antipoverty Progress instigate virtuous growing primary embrace carrying ‘moralistic’ help unilateral democracies workable direction: content designed happens thinking recipe dwindling steering undifferentiated incompatible retain (e organisation care): organise democratically outside legitimate create enhanced? ‘pact’ spirit Anton Hemerijck Bruno Palier emerged gradually changes societies ‘prepare’ transformations changing career patterns working emergence ‘repairing’ damage caused misfortune inadequacies adverse demography reform-oriented dynamic sector involves: high-quality childcare; education; paid family life; accordance expectancy; seizing opportunities presented proper market; general capacitating provision When reconnecting brought forth assessment dissociated chapter Strategy perception diversified Vleminckx 2011; 2012a 2012b) (25) 2008 learnt: robust built shaky wiped accepted sunk erroneous orientations skill formation: deal today’s soaring construction focused inadequately educational (non-)policy acknowledged underscores blame policymakers: evidently unforgivable errors stance product ECB’s Where stand seen perspective? complementary pillars: replace unique uniformly package sum parts evidence inconsistencies describe vast EU’s ‘investment’ ‘protection’ combines data: young (aged 29) PISA 15-year-olds mathematical scientific literacy reading Employment 24-to-29 year-olds suggest causal attainment (26) leaving struck correlation Greece Italy combine scores Reiterating point: significant refute) Apart exceptionally youngsters offered prospect recognises challenge: 2020 reducing early school-leavers countries) singled headline carries sufficient highest decisionmaking; unfortunately Italians Greek resolve reform token challenges austerity Figures 5a 5b perform total elderly housing allowances school childcare (0-12 years) Represented standardised median; ‘at risk poverty’ 2001 Laeken (Atkinson 2002) ‘relative transfers’ pre-transfer post-transfer divided Pre-transfer pensions) Post-transfer generations measured) overlap 28 plotted along 5a) shortened ‘poverty reduction’ caution thing (without compelled work) (27) Still applying criteria Country of: ratio’ Observed ‘post-transfer poverty’) low-paid insight succeed remedying looking hide sustain providing inactivity traps root considered comparing spending regression figures comparative ‘inefficient’ eventual outcome (28) (forthcoming) Consequently Sweden Finland overestimated ‘efficiency’ underestimated countries; significantly affect ‘inefficiency’ Deken tests technique estimations thumb: ppt confidence interval Assessed inefficient: Latvia relax criterion UK Portugal synonymous ‘policy failure’ expenditures: factors grip 29 lesser United Kingdom ‘less efficient’ policy? policy-related explanation performance South spend lot restricted non-pensions-related alleviation nonpensioners efficient Surprisingly lack striking characteristic fragmented (child childcare) (29) Both scholarly Open Coordination zoom phenomenon recurrent confirmed quality record dig deeper Poverty 2007/8 inefficiency explained policy: likewise spends (just Europe) performs selected prior downturn Strikingly 31 2004/5 summit culminated ambitious statements fight Europeans travelled satisfactory: declined (Decancq forthcoming) thresholds German… Germany…) inroads target decline standstill traditionally newly acceded Poland saw Ireland); rose Germany) ‘pan-European makes assessing disparity inegalitarian models emulation Inspired published Beer Vincent Corluy charted 2004-5 2007-8 Our involved decomposition ‘work-rich’ ‘workpoor’ households polarisation Insofar again observes adults jobless ppt; decrease amounted quasiidentical joblessness aforementioned (Corluy deferred modernisation ‘held account’ connect Two premises essential: undermine quantity serious reduce debts agenda) crucially reforms call macroeconomic funds status quo Quite genuine persist better emphasis accountability incorporate ‘accountability’ par excellence Funds devising conditionality NGOs (31) programme offers investment: full 20-20-20 energy leavers tertiary cutting million Annual Growth Survey (European drawn picture encouraging plans submitted none reached numbers living task note contradiction Politics technocracy appealing programme? aim incidental straightforward suffices reach profoundly daily lives Self-evidently balances pretend liking; majority Heidenreich Zeitlin Marlier Public Policy Management Institute Sabel ‘experimental governance’ Within expound Flemish colleague Tilburg devoted (Hendrickx 34 emphasized intrinsically narrowly importance Without resorting We charge backtracking sink bright Therefore ‘basic consensus’ tired ‘historical dominant glance bit 22: movements grace ideological strife factions hope fear accents agenda; calls capital specifically underlines ‘fairness’ regulatory adequacy acknowledgment architectural (Rycx Kampelmann 2012; Marx uniformisation margins narrow daresay twenty-two read book (1978) asserted socialists outline approval acquire (inzicht) yield (uitzicht) Holding chair acquiring merit special outlook: reassess helped fifteen condone idolatry win-win) unfounded revisionism misguided) renewed vis-à-vis 35 overriding mould K Governing Inclusion Europeanization Oxford: Oxford Press Atkinson T E Nolan (2002) Indicators O Dolls M C Neumann D Pestel N Siegloch S (2012 Fiscal Redistributive Stabilising Effects Tax-Benefit System collablecture Fong Gintis H Jayadev Pagano U Essays New Economics Redistribution Cambridge: Cambridge Measurement Distribution Supranational Entities: Case In: Jenkins Micklewright J (Eds Re-Examined (pp 62-83) Critical II regulation courage strength remedy ETUI Brief N° 4/2012 R V Mobility Trends Future? Alber Gilbert Diversity? Comparing Models America 280-307) paradox Investment State: Era Journal (5) 432-449 F (eds Better Worse Richer Poorer participation Individual Household Risk Decomposition Analysis CSB ‘beleid & onderzoek’ 1-80 pp Antwerp: – Centrum voor Sociaal Beleid Herman Deleeck P panacea: EU-15 (4) 375-388 Decancq den Bosch Vanhille measurement Measuring Managing Fragile CESifo Forum (2) 40-45 W ‘Gains All: Proposal Common Euro Bond’ Intereconomics May/June Inzicht en uitzicht Opstellen Economische Politiek Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Bert Bakker 37 ‘De invloed van het Hof op Unierecht betrekking tot grensoverschrijdende gezondheidszorg: zaken na nieuwe Patiëntenrichtlijn’ Tijdschrift Recht September Annex Report COM(2011) 815 2/5 1-27 EU-Wide Measure Sociological (1) 35- 47 Boundaries Welfare: Integration spatial it? work? ‘no alternatives’? 3-9 Gill Golden Restoring lustre Model Washington: Left 5-26 Changing Welfare Regimes York: Routledge (2012a (2012b) ‘When Eurocrisis Meet’ Sociologica 1/2012 doi: 2383/36887 (with Ascoli Barbier Beckfield Bonoli Palme) Hendrickx tekst bij Oratie aan Universiteit International Organization (1956) Aspects Co-operation Group Experts (summary) 74 99-123 Waarom zijn niet gelukkig? Antwerpen: Atlas Judges Markets? Wallace Pollack Young Policy-Making 253-282) Burgerschap Unie sociale solidariteit: kanttekening Europese rechtspraak Rechtskundig Weekblad 75 (22) 1013-1019 Citizenship National Systems Solidarity Jurisprudencija 397-421 Natali Dam Towards EU? Brussels: Peter Lang Marchal Mind Gap: Net Incomes Wage Workers IZA Discussion 6510 1-25 Bonn: Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit Haves Have-Nots Idiosyncratic History Global Basic Books (1961) Optimal Currency Areas 51 657-665 Mundel (1973) Uncommon Arguments Currencies Johnson Swoboda 114-132) London: Allen Unwin 38 Choice Sustainable Post-Crisis Bajnai G Fischer Hare Hoffmann Rossi Watt Solidarity: Sale? Dimension Governance 23-44) Dialogue 2012/1 1-154 Güterloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung euro-area rebalancing Bruegel blog (22 Evaluation OMC 2006 (deliverable 7) Recommendations strengthening 8) 1-164 Between Efficacy Experimentation 283-306) Rycx Who earns surveys 124 1-65 Trade Problems Prospects Dickson Eleftheriadis Philosophical Foundations Asymmetry KFG 1-35 Berlin: Kolleg-Forschergruppe ‘The Transformative Power (1999 Actieve Welvaartsstaat: een Europees Perspectief’ Uyl-lezing (Amsterdam December 1999) Stichting ‘Dr Uyl-lezing’ (Ed spoor Uyl-lezingen 1988-2008 (2002a) Foreword Esping-Andersen Gallie Myles viii-xxiv) (2002b) reflections Drèze’s Tinbergen Economist 83-93 (2002c) protection: propose? MPIfG 02/6 1-29 Köln: Max Planck Study Societies Hoog niveau eerlijke verdeling? Donk Rinnooy Kan Lieshout Naar investeringsagenda toekomst Nederlandse Verzorgingsstaat 19-70) Haag: WRR Wetenschappelijke Raad Regeringsbeleid Strategische keuzes beleid 1-34 Wederkerigheid: vanzelfsprekend wel nodig Janssens Voor wat hoort nieuw sociaal contract 19-76) Bezige Bij ‘Why remain agenda’ pact Ose Disappointing trends: blame? 450-471 39 Protection: Clarifying Conundrum 1-49 Geluk Politiek: Pleidooi Helder Denken Itinera Anti-Poverty Network Document Framework Ph Just Rawls-Machiavelli Colchester: ECPR Three Letters Peoples Revue Philosophie Économique 7-20 Rethinking 169-172 Ch Experimentalist Architecture
Gevangen in een te smal doel
Frank Vandenbroucke
De EU zit gevangen in een te smal doel
Zonder een gemeenschappelijke doelstelling van de lidstaten,
is de Europese Unie gedoemd om een unie van wantrouwen te zijn
e Europese Unie heeft een breder
doel nodig. Of Europa een
gemeenschappelijk doel kan
vastleggen dat méér is dan een
stel begrotingsregels en méér
dan een mooie verklaring, is de
hamvraag voor de toekomst. De argumenten
zijn economisch, maar fundamenteler: de
samenleving heeft een publiek doel nodig.
Gezaghebbende stemmen dringen er bij de
Europese leiders op aan om niet alléén in te
zetten op budgettaire besparingen. Niet alleen
economen, ook internationale instellingen
klinken met de dag bezorgder. Hun pleidooi is
niet om overal budgettaire putten te graven;
het argument is niet dat overheidsuitgaven
het recept zijn om uit de crisis te raken. Het
argument is dat lidstaten die aanzienlijke
besparingsinspanningen moeten doen in
staat gesteld moeten worden om dat uiteindelijk
met succes af te ronden. Hoe? Doordat die
lidstaten die in betere budgettaire papieren
zitten een minder restrictief beleid zouden
voeren. Door een gemeenschappelijke aanpak
van het schuldenprobleem, bijvoorbeeld via
euro-obligaties. Door de mogelijkheden van
de Europese structuurfondsen beter te benutten,
door ‘project bonds’…Waarom gebeurt
het niet?
Zo’n gecoördineerd optreden veronderstelt
onderling vertrouwen. Nu heerst wantrouwen:
‘Als we meer onderlinge steun bieden bij
schuldproblemen, krijgen we dan lakse regeringen
en ontsporende begrotingen?’We
beleven het fameuze gevangenendilemma uit
de speltheorie. Twee verdachten van een misdaad
zitten opgesloten zonder hard bewijs. De
verdachten worden apart gehouden en aan
beiden wordt gezegd: “Als jij als eerste bekent
dat jullie het samen gedaan hebben, dan krijg
jij maar een jaartje. Maar als je maat als eerste
bekent, dan krijg jij tien jaar.” Om een lang
verhaal kort te maken: als de verdachten
elkaar vertrouwen en afspreken dat ze zwijgen,
vermijden ze een zware straf. Maar
omdat die afspraak er niet komt, eindigen ze
met vele jaren cel: een ‘slecht evenwicht’, in
het economenjargon. Als er onderling vertrouwen
en afspraken waren geweest, dan
hadden ze een ‘goed evenwicht’ bereikt. De
Grauwes analyse van het Europese schuldenprobleem
is net dat: de lidstaten van de eurozone
duwen elkaar in een ‘slecht evenwicht’
omdat ze een collectief probleem van schuldbeheer
niet collectief aanpakken. Bij gebrek
aan vertrouwen komt een ‘goed evenwicht’
niet tot stand.
Dat succesvolmacro-economisch beleid
onderling vertrouwen veronderstelt, is geen
nieuw inzicht. Het was een stelregel die ooit
belangrijk werd geacht in klassieke natiestaten.
Als er vertrouwen en coördinatie is tussen
de centrale bankier, de budgettaire overheid en
vakbonden en werkgevers, dan worden economische
schokken beter opgevangen. Een les uit
de jaren zeventig was dat keynesiaanse sturing
níét werkt zonder coördinatie en vertrouwen.
Gecoördineerd loonoverleg, inbegrepen de
bekwaamheid om looneisen tematigen, was er
een ingrediënt van. Het is een harde les die we
beter niet vergeten: de Britse winter of discontentheeft
het bed gespreid voorMargaret
Thatcher en keynesiaanse receptenvoor lange
tijd gediscrediteerd.
Vertrouwen vereist een doel waarrond je je
actie coördineert. Like it or not, je kunt dat
niet beperken tot budgettaire spelregels. Ook
de economische recepten waarop budgettaire
strategieën steunen, moeten op elkaar afgestemd.
En onder economische recepten schuilen
maatschappelijke keuzes. Bijvoorbeeld:
hoe belangrijk is deelname van jongeren aan
hoger onderwijs voor economische competitiviteit?
Of kunnen Europese landen daarin met
de botte bijl besparen, zoals Nederland doet?
Geloven we dat competitiviteit vooral een
zaak is van lang volgehouden loonmatiging?
Economische en sociale recepten liggen in
dezelfde pan.
We beseffen nu dat de eurozone niet kan
leven met economische divergentie.
Economische strategieën afstemmen, veronderstelt
echter ook een minimale afstemming
van sociale strategieën. De idee dat het economische
beleid supranationaal bepaald wordt
terwijl het sociale vorm krijgt in een, netjes
daarvan afgescheiden, nationale of regionale
arena is naïef. Dat schema heeft vele jaren het
denken over de EU bepaald, maar het is een
recept voor groeiend verlies aan sociaal sturingsvermogen
in de lidstaten, verlies dat niet
gecompenseerd wordt door méér Europees
sturingsvermogen.Wie rijdt zonder stuur, riskeert
uiteindelijk een crash.
Ik pleit voor een Europees sociaal investeringspact,
niet omdat per se nog een pact
nodig is, wel omdat budgettaire, economische
en sociale keuzes met elkaar verweven zijn.
Omdat werkgelegenheid en competitiviteit
veronderstellen dat geïnvesteerd wordt in
menselijk kapitaal, van in de crèche tot in de
hogeschool. Omdat sociale samenhang – sociaal
kapitaal – bewaakt moet worden.
Toegegeven, hoe je de diversiteit van
Europese welvaartsstaten en de democratische
roep om subsidiariteit kunt verzoenen
met afstemming van sociale strategieën, is
een verdomd moeilijke kwestie. Er zijn meer
vragen dan antwoorden. Maar dat belet niet
dat ze op onze agenda staan.
In het actuele debat hebben we alvast een
uitgangspunt, Europa 2020. De doelen van
Europa 2020 sporen met sociaal investeringsbeleid:
méér mensen aan het werk, méér
R&D, de 20/20/20-doelstellingen waarmaken
inzake energie, minder ongekwalificeerde
schoolverlaters, meer jongeren met succes in
het tertiair onderwijs, 20 miljoen Europeanen
minder in armoede en sociale uitsluiting.
De Commissie heeft een kritisch overzicht
gemaakt van de stand van zaken met betrekking
tot Europa 2020 in de Annual Growth
Survey 2012, wat daardoor overigens een evenwichtiger
stuk is dan de versie van vorig jaar.
Het overzicht is niet aanmoedigend. Als de
spontane toename van het aantal studenten
van de voorbije jaren wordt doorgetrokken,
dan is de 2020-doelstelling omtrent het tertiair
onderwijs te bereiken. Maar op basis van de
plannen die de lidstaten ingediend hebben,
wordt géén van de 2020-doelstellingen bereikt.
De optelsom van de doelstellingen inzake sociale
insluiting vermindert het aantal mensen in
armoede met 12 miljoen mensen, ver van de
gevraagde 20 miljoen. Een eerste opdracht in
de Europese Raad is: deze contradictie vaststellen
en het geheel van de doelstellingen
even krachtig op de agenda plaatsen als de
budgettaire doelstellingen. Let wel, dit is géén
pleidooi om hervormingen in pensioenen of
arbeidsmarkten te milderen.Wel een pleidooi
om deze hervormingen in een breed sociaal en
ecologisch perspectief te plaatsen.
Marc De Vos, hoogleraar arbeidsrecht,
kapittelde deze week gelukswetenschappers
die het bruto nationaal product vervangen
door het bruto nationaal geluk. In mijn reactie
daarop keerde ik terug naar de wijsheid van
Aristoteles: geen geluk zonder doel.Wat geldt
voor individuen, geldt voor de samenleving:
ze heeft een publiek doel nodig. Noch het BNP,
noch het BNG zijn daarvoor dienstig. De
Europese Unie heeft een visie nodig over hoe
we risico’s en opportuniteiten met elkaar
delen. Dat veronderstelt een brede doelstelling,
een gedeelde visie op vooruitgang, en de
wil om alle dimensies van de brede doelstelling
hard te maken.
De reactie op het essay van De Vos vind u
onder ‘Geluk en politiek: een pleidooi voor
helder denken,
Individual employment, household employment and risk of poverty in the EU. A decomposition analysis
CSB WORKING PAPER centreforsocialpolicy eu June 2012 No 12 / 06 University of Antwerp Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy Sint-Jacobstraat 2 BE – 2000 fax +32 (0)3 265 57 98 Individual Employment Household and Risk Poverty in the EU A Decomposition Analysis Vincent Corluy & Frank Vandenbroucke NO Analysis1 (UA) (KU Leuven UA)2 Working Paper ABSTRACT In this paper we explore missing links between employment policy success (or failure) inclusion relying on Labour Force Survey (EU LFS) Income Living Conditions SILC) At side equation our focus is share individuals at risk poverty 20-to-59 age cohort The analysis proceeds two steps first step considers distribution individual jobs over households thus establishing a link rates household Following work by Gregg Scutella Wadsworth ‘polarization index’ defined terms difference one hand hypothetical living jobless assuming that distributed randomly across other actual Actual changes joblessness are decomposed (i) due to polarization (ii) changing structures second decomposes at-risk-ofpoverty basis risks (non-jobless) households; (iii) (changes would expect if no occur) (iv) proposed technique does yield interesting insights into trajectories welfare states have followed past ten years Keywords: work-poor at-risk-of-poverty rate convergence 1 Funding research was provided Net SILC2 Second Network EU-SILC (http://www essnet-portal eu/net-silc2) We thank Paul De Beer Bea Cantillon colleagues Brian Nolan participants seminar KU UvA precious comments usual disclaimers apply Correspondence vincent corluy@ua ac be INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYMENT HOUSEHOLD AND RISK OF POVERTY IN THE DECOMPOSITION ANALYSIS 3 Introduction Is best recipe against people working age? level citizens which they live participation labour market significantly diminishes financial However what seems evident less country Prior crisis Lisbon strategy could regarded as qualified field least assumes there been causal relationships agenda growing Europe On though largely failed deliver its ambitious promise concerning Notwithstanding generally higher well declining some Member States saw increase many standstill record Rather than general conversion anti-poverty overall picture national at-risk-of rates: increased where were traditionally low decreased high Hence it important understand those statistical apparatus Since an determined income belongs relation must all analyzed level; hence will establish measures As explain Section face difficult choice different conceptions Our time frame use SILC 2005 2008 refers observations 2004 2007 label these analyses ‘2004/5-2007/8’ This short linked data limitations but also per se want study refer year prior survey spans (except Ireland United Kingdom) ILObased definition realities observed immediately before whilst ‘work-poor’ (see 4) 12-month period To summarize complex construal 4 trajectory (24)4 during ‘good economic years’ 2004/5-2007/8 longer term present concerns frames: 1995-2008 (on LFS 1995 en 2008) 11 countries 2000-2008 23 inquiry should enable us verify empirically explanations disappointing trends era put forward Vleminckx (2011) wit outcome partly attributable failure reduce number or despite increasing evolution 2004/5 2007/8 then configuration (2008 2010) Changes can further shown below benchmark ‘random jobs’ applied not carry normative meaning message read follows understanding: extent positive avoidable signals suboptimal situation state (nonjobless) Thus integrate (the employment; poverty) single principle allow assess impact ceteris paribus practice make such integrated hard conclusions draw only tentative Bulgaria Romania Malta yet available 5 Although caveats warn simplistic interpretation decomposition pursued uncovers puzzling combination disparity within Convergence fundamental markets since albeit unequivocally outcomes (in 20 59) boom presumably upshot growth intergenerational shifts new decreasing Anglo-Saxon Scandinavian same evidence suggests social Polarization levels sizes constitute structural background features states; together with differences spending help their performance regard reduction cumulative incremental size structure play role pre-transfer performances priori plausible assume factors contributed significant lack test hypothesis; shows did noteworthy span except But diminish importance policy-makers attach presence numbers possibly problematic conditions based more subtle distinction ‘work-rich’ allows enrich set out 6 Employment: Alternative Definitions Stratification Sections using ILO concept According employed hour week member bracket 20-59 so cut ‘jobless rate’ ‘household joblessness’ conception distinguishing from Applying measurement intensity Eurostat framework 2020 consider it’s 50% latter notation wp0 former (joblessness) population reference group exactly 5: ’adults’ belonging excluding full-time students (that members aged 20-24 status inactive) Similarly checked underlying radically used survey; working-age For calculation made samples alas leading divergent results 7 contrast order calculate ratio total months (excluding students) worked theory them persons who reported having part-time estimate full-time-equivalent computed usually hours interview indicator calculated matter degree (no activity whatsoever versus limited activity) exclude full both when count (to classify ‘jobless’ ‘not jobless’) define considered ‘full students’ 18 24 ‘inactive’ whether comprised 22-year-old non-student adult depends nonstudent problem discussed Graaf appendix timeframe applied: whereas (income period) identified may no-one happened even experienced irregular spells before; metric Unsurprisingly average value under review : 9 5% 15 7% i e surprisingly (pwp0 ) while typically 5) lower Denmark Greece Norway France Estonia Two First measure comparable ILO-based pwp0 (i looking back twelve taking account do here) non-linear most countries: equal zero experience close nonzero (European Commission 2011 p 157 Chart 21) Prima facie fact includes substantial pensions prepensions 59; early-exit schemes better unemployment assistance benefits offer 8 appears influenced studied; preliminary here suggest groups considerably ‘early-exit generation’ 55-59 excluded Figure 1: At-risk-of-poverty non-jobless (ILO One reasons why chosen instead 20% focusses yields subgroup strictness takes frequency normal wanted sufficiently large safeguard significance analysing subdivisions European begins drop increases beyond explains Simultaneously (for adults) comes down adults exceeds ibidem) 0 10 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 EL DK NL FR SE PL AT IS HU SK IT IE FI RO LU SI ES PT CZ CY UK LT BG DE EE LV pwr (wi > 0) pwp = 2: work-rich (EU2020 Individuals Jobless Workpoor Households Who confronted (ILO-concept) intensity? probit EU-15 EU-10 reveals strong stratification seen distinguish old because might sociological post-communist societies today’s ‘old’ ‘new’ quite similar; apart associated being reflects deep-rooted disadvantages born come rather early lives underscores challenges activation strategies reach successfully 00 < >= 3: Marginal effects probability (ILO) unsurprisingly result part mere ‘mathematical’ effect absence pooling reveal singles run ‘household’ peers larger (peers gender education studied analysis) incur pooled children influence household: small negative cancelling each Whatever see disabled individuals11 whose educational attainment secondary With age-result intuition Compared 20-29 30-54 line given exit marginal refine ‘within’ ‘between’ conditional shed light question That specific subgroups instance variable captures person’s own perception main respondent indicates permanently or/and unfit -0 sex (male) (30-54y) (55-59y) marital (married) (medium) (tertiary) origin (non-EU born) wa hh child wp (eu2020) jl (ilo) very similar fine-grained 4: There profiles (jobless household) disability Also outspoken different: reduces (compared singles) relatively two-adult three-plus has smaller direction relates non-EU residents Their compared EU-born resident conclude ‘joblessness’ (wp0 ‘work poverty’ 50%) dynamics Some relationship cross-country correlate way 59 Table Cross-sectional correlations post- concepts Correlations post-transfer … (*) (ⱡ) 2006 ∆ – 08 58 51 48 34 housheolds 09 04 35 42 32 31 16 36 27 37 53 78 73 62 69 76 49 54 67 79 NOTE: These imply causality nor significance; merely serve work-poverty obviously opposite sign Given earlier assertion through surprising negatively show correlation covered Different prima counterintuitive correlates positively mitigated posttransfer prevailing ‘non-jobless’ weight Third comparison among (individual 13 other) segment Finally cash benefits; transfers Together elements pursue illustrates Contrary surveys rates; at-risk weakly inferred (a coefficient ∆wp0 focuses Trends referring Germany) diminished substantially sample decline percentage points improvements example Spain respectively much point households’ everyone work) ‘mixed declined Those explainable pure shares understanding stress [to elaborated] 14 reflecting completely illustrate Spanish case ‘mixed’ 17 dotted lines how consisted households: rise decrease household’ 21 spectacular somewhat quarter half (thus making employment’ median situation) essence mathematical corollary (measured points) ‘expected’ gap (6 expected 2-adult (11 calls additional ‘polarization’ provide examination (2-working age) exceptional Specific consistent range depending distributed; respect diversity prevails Distribution mixed (2008) propose counterfactual evaluate Like Lorenz curve predicted occur So fewer) random Formally (using ” simplify notification) 1 − with: ℎ ℎℎ ℎ ℎℎ !! ” ! # ℎ ℎ ℎ ! 100 1996 1997 1998 1999 2001 2002 2003 Share + Total Expected size= Obviously lead things noone Ceteris decreases distinguished ‘predicted function (X) (Y) presented If identical estimates appear diagonal Countries above encounter distance magnitude cardinal start Southern (most saliently Spain) Luxembourg had Negative theories division non-work (Danziger Katz 1996) added worker (Cullen Gruber 2000) All exhibited displaying Italy remained throughout entire approached became grew unequal Belgium display highest evenly 6: emphasize expression ideal context job opportunities ‘positive polarization’ kind ‘Matthew effect’: concentration advantage (say partner someone already employed) partners jobless); ‘negative appreciated form solidarity fair scarce either maximally ‘randomly cost: need supported cost sense equilibrium vein underscore ‘mathematically’ mean carries societal It means modernizing society mitigating (risk nonemployment) becomes progressively (percentage point) corresponds EU11 PTNL ‘probabilistic’ sense) examined Continental EU15 observes upward pattern beta-convergence catch-up process sigma-convergence dispersion values index 39 particularly By characterizing beginning reduced exception moving group) Why index? any diverges certain (defined size) Over divergences type change referred ‘within-household shift towards without itself; ‘between-household Combining insight assertions about determinants rates’ four terms: non-employment affect rate; argument illustrated simple hypothesis whole consists n implies n2 ‘individual wp/n (dwp/dn 2n) interpreted shares); elasticity ( dn dwp always reasoning etc Beta-convergence 81 initial 1995-2008; standard deviation sensitive outliers unlike Omission 66 35; Appendix combined region explanatory factor 19 between-household upon degrees polarization; within-household Such shift-share following (from 2008): 2 Observed ∑ ∆9 :0 5>9 @AB C 9DA (contribution n) >9:0 @A B structure) ∆>9[0 5 9 5F @AG ‘between polarization’) ∆F H:0 ‘within k K maximal πk wpk actually add up ‘predicted’ wpe (1) which: (unconditional) nonemployment -6 -8 -9 01 05 -5 29 97 -4 25 03 65 33 -3 02 26 -2 43 84 85 -1 75 41 72 46 68 74 95 96 64 44 07 91 99 (column column 5); 4); 7) fallen rising (Table 3) exert pressure strongly contribution workless component Most divergence stems increasingly skewed Moreover types Only equally notwithstanding suffering lone mothers inactivity traps tax- benefit systems 7: restricts consideration EU-27 minus Sweden Finland Malta) Between again beta (albeit robustly) eleven availability stretches real Members: (with 75) 25) onwards movement outspoken: (standard 88) 50) trend driven mainly female (cf power robust eliminating starting P signalling 71 EU-23 EU-11 elaborate elimination sustainability -12 -10 22 below) characterized 72); position still extended families overview shorter Romania) (Bulgaria Poland Slovakia) Latvia Slovenia demographic impact: boosted Kingdom Cyprus); Germany lesser Cyprus Netherlands Austria five clusters emerge 8: EU23 EU27 (exc MT) 55 89 56 38 82 94 77 61 93 86 83 45 63 92 dictated primarily useful cut-off describing accelerated after 2000; marked deceleration timing uniform evolutions pace women entered offers explanation Feminization Markets (and origin) three greatest approach gaining construction ‘conditional counterfactuals’ variety residence compare ‘unconditional only) various indices et al Subsequently (as percentage) absolute (again unconditional explained combinations predominantly applies regression techniques male seem reflect follow clear others displays neither proportion post-secondary (ISCED 5-6) increases); 0-2) every minimum 73% explained) 109% 97%) 1995-2008) cases: (2000-2008 61%) (1995-2008 62%; 67%) 146%) 57%; 64%) (1995- 128%; 223%) 82%) 70%) 59%) 104%; 106%) Portugal 51%) mildly Other ‘increased homogamy’ (increased matching couples partners) homogamy sees reality formed (not request) Integrated Risks preceding section described ‘upward Did convergence’ joblessness? Certainly relative (where rate) improvement employment) examine decomposing at-riskof-poverty written weighted (pwp dropping superscript (pwr) Labelling wr wp) write: 3 where: ” ” ℎℎ ℎ as: 4 LLLLK LLLLLK L LLLLLLK t=0 t=1 A M M A etcetera subcomponents contributory factors: work-rich; ii work-poor; iii (2007) long-term 1980 rightly stresses simply calculates decomposable 20-59) informing mechanical caution: accounting device subcomponent intrinsically reducing workpoor achieved deliberate stricter conditionality generosity Or push go Conversely become workrich accept end pay scale marginally group… Diverging implying categories play… examples invalidate caveat Using equations (2) (3) (4) possible equation: 5 ∆ ∆ requires decompose rely considerable obtained de Graaf-Zijl circumspection called connecting 2005-2008 conceptual makes retrospective (setting zero) summarizes figures estimated 28 2004/5-2007/8: key (analysis 2005-2008) ∆pov wp2005 pwp2005 ∆wp pwr) ∆pov(60+) -7 -20 -19 avg st dev 2007/8; ∆pwr ∆pwp pwr)∆wp pwr)∆P *** ** * 47 (actually observed) 95% (***) 90% (**) 85% 9: 2004/5-2007/8; performed EU24 (“a” average) awr awp (apwp apwr) ∆wpE ∆P Conclusions sets exercise: upswing trajectories: Belgium: (based caveat18): neutralised progress significantly; German (SILC-)trajectory: offset presents case: protection UK: (helped reversal British market) (notably Slovakia Lithuania Czech Republic) led Lithuania) reinforced Importantly however last elderly sometimes employment- growthbased generational favour entertain serious doubts validity (Frick Krell They SOEP crucial components Hungary diverging begin hypotheses purely wrong describe truism ‘policy failure’ (although existence neglected discussions evaluations) How households? Differences explaining configurations rates? shaded bars disparate: slightly realised Republic Slovakia); notably checking occurred contrary apparently (but exist figures) short-term event say one-percentage-point structurally adds experiencing little certainly insignificant ‘structural’ unavoidable Policies policies patterns (non-)participation Ellwood Meyer Rosenbaum 2001; Grogger 2003) Rates Work pointed weak 1) constructed quadrants comparing 10: Overall identify Finnish rate;20 stark tempting indicated footnote refrain drawing -15 pov Irish risks; Polish finally Swedish Basis now formalized dividing provides basic Iceland graphical summary Wp2005 )∆wp 11: -apwr) atrisk-of-poverty varies Netherlands) Estonia) Correspondingly ranges around (∆wp0 +5 Hungary) diverse ranging +1 observation cross-sectional supra) highly diversified ∆pwp0 ∆pwr0 incorrect assert modest ‘main culprit’ board complicated contextualize segments reason incorporates 60+ (hereafter ‘the elderly’) Not catching-up weakened disregards Poland); regards sigmaconvergence disregarded) simultaneously diverse: 17) Sweden; just lost gained ground although work-rich) words witnessed shift; holds too changed hardly vis-à-vis cases remarkable ‘outliers’ twenty-six outlier sufficient paint picture: greatly dwarfed confirms figure 7b far 1990s 2000s concerned represented striking counts: (an points); resulted downside (of pwr0 recorded (none EU) rich (though 90%) cohort; opposed elderly) successful reaching Comparison Decompositions decompositions proceed caution Yet tell stories visual Figures readily gives greater diminishing (since hold Despite emerges confirmed General focussed proves relevant differentiating employment: shape forces modernization feminization markets… nevertheless individual/household including gradually negative: southern gains declines dependency familial enhanced additionally Experience US) prevalence ‘positive’ cannot ways attribute solely successes specifically ongoing multidimensional target exclusion work-intensity find justification ‘stand still’ coincides Both evolutions: clearly inegalitarian historically base assessment SILC); third effort emphasis (successful activation) (much generosity); fourth Economic socio-demographic dominant condition public (including benefits) refuel reconnect sound creation necessary complementarity inclusive References Brandolini Viviano E (August Extensive vs intensive margin: Changing Perspective Rate 31st Conference International Association Research Wealth St Gallen Switzerland paradox investment state: Journal 21(5) 432–449 Cullen J (2000) Does insurance crowd spousal labor supply? Labor Economics 18(3) 546–572 Danzinger L (1996) discrimination Behavior Organization 57–66 Dawkins Sctella R (2002) Growth Australia Australian Review 133–154 M deprivation 413-431 D T Impact Earned Tax Credit Reforms Marriage Arrangements National 53(4) 1063–1106 Developments Brussels: Joint Report Frick (2010) Measuring Panel Surveys Germany: SOEPpapers Multidisciplinary Data n° Berlin: DIW sides story: measuring inequality Royal Statistical Society: Series (Statistics Society) 171 857- 875 Reconciling Theory Britain Population 139-167 (2003) limits EITC female-headed Statistics 85(2): 394–408 (2001) Welfare earned tax credit supply Quarterly 1063–1115 OECD (2009) antidote poverty? In: Outlook Paris: Sala-i-Martin Regional Cohesion: Evidence Theories 1325–1352 Protection Committee Jobs Progress evaluation dimension Strategy F Disappointing trends: blame? 450–471 Indicators discuss existing definitions demarcations populations ranking Currently indicators wpα α list six and/or finds publications literature (LFS) Community (ECHP) (SILC) subset partition according limiting take calculating households) determine frequently jobless) potential “beneficiaries” whom indicator; consist overlap necessarily detail seemingly minor translate analytical entail differ ’employment’: ILO-concept recent scientific debates (a) (b) (c) (d) sources currently Definition I II ‘older’ online23 determines Students composed included Someone he/she paid self-employment Computation dependent retired persons) Additionally ordinal introduced III derived Wadsworth’s (20 24) (nominated) head retirement (60 over) IV developed 2010 introduces belong declared see: http://epp eurostat ec europa eu/tgm/table do?tab=table&plugin=1&language=en&pcode=tsis c090 http://ec eu/eurostat/ramon/nomenclatures/index cfm?TargetUrl=DSP_GLOSSARY_NOM_DTL_VI EW&StrNom=CODED2&StrLanguageCode=EN&IntKey=16624585&RdoSearch=CONTAIN&TxtSearch=work %20intensity&CboTheme=&IntCurrentPage=1 0-59 fulltime equivalent threshold V (ordinal) adopted Indicators’ Sub-Group (ISG) (SPC) breakdown ‘at intensity’ sum (without part-time) (aged 16-64 inactive youth 16-24) workable demarcated 16-24 VI uses delineations source sole replaces binary Looking (work flexible lowest learns stringent offering broader 64) propensity (both measures) controlling employees ranks (dependent source) intensity) Minor rankings discussion Besides evaluated respects produce know re-calculate adapting current EU2020 table 2011) Column website produced ourselves indicating correct (5) retain 2) perspective equals exceptions (6) alter (hardly) Netherland obvious potentially grow narrowing (7) adapted 18-59y 15-75y notable switch recently headline targets force adjustment causes Temporary captured prominent Any remaining (8) related observe cent Luxemburg purposes dedicated cause concern researchers interested look closely 0–59 poor ISG (definition V) VI) controls improve comparability 2009 findings arise Controlling confined prevalent exceed translated trade-off full-employment (0 <= wi Thirdly exceeding Consequently composition differs Because rudimentary detailed underrepresented (at Complementary fullemployment overrepresented demarcate overrepresentation strongest defintion (current week) (nbr year) continuous WI=0; 0
The EU and Minimum Income protection: Clarifying the Policy Conundrum
1 The EU and Minimum Income Protection: Clarifying the Policy Conundrum Frank Vandenbroucke Bea Cantillon Natascha Van Mechelen Tim Goedemé Anne Lancker (*) We thank Erik Schokkaert Jonathan Zeitlin Dirk Neumann Kenneth Armstrong Koen Decancq Ive Marx Nelson Sian Jones Mary Daly Björn Halleröd Christos Koutsampelas Paul Stubbs for helpful criticism usual disclaimers apply Draft 6 Chapter 11 in Palgrave MacMillan book on Protection 2 May 2012 Reference should be as follows: F B N T A ‘The clarifying policy conundrum’ forthcoming in: Flux Correspondence to frank vandenbroucke@econ kuleuven Should involved or not governance of minimum income protection if it which role precisely? This is dual question that lies at heart this chapter Saying difficult would an understatement are staunch defenders notion any decent society have place efficient guarantee also believe needs incorporate a credible social dimension into its actions However designing specific entails range complicated problems cannot ignored Sometimes one has brave enough put ideas cherishes test argument counterargument hope they will emerge all stronger That what we set out do consider need inclusion uncontroversial ‘fixed points’ inquiry Hence first sight our discussion confined European versus those national subnational institutions outcome more fundamental normative exploration meaning solidarity Europe history initiatives shows hand only highly complex but constant flux described by introductory Our reasoning realm depends other – rapidly changing dimensions development polity upshot current reinforcement EU’s budgetary economic surveillance may change prevailing views legitimacy opportunity with regard Clearly political ‘caring Europe’ now urgent than ever aim translate practical proposals; contribute sound about proposals In section list factors underlying conundrum see second sketch simple conceptual classification matrix domain third outlines Section four focuses three contributing conundrum: (seemingly limited) instrumental relevance protection; unequal burden redistributive effort required across Union were impose hic et nunc 60% 40% median Member States; impact dependency traps under same hypothesis fifth conclude final judgement synthesis issues stake Designing extremely least six reasons: diversity architectural their systems; logic subsidiarity; nexus rights obligations context relationship between input domain; finally ‘solidarity’ Economic among States obvious yet often underemphasized Using purchasing power parities (PPP) excluding Luxembourg outlier top end GDP per capita Bulgaria poorest 27 amounts 33% richest State By way comparison Mississippi US states 51% American state (likewise outliers rich small scarcely populated District Columbia Delaware Alaska) want include incorporated territory Puerto Rico comparison: Rico’s relative so calculated 36% implying position within actually better divide even blatant terms at-risk-of-poverty rates poverty thresholds lowest threshold basis EU-SILC observed Romania; using PPP less one-fifth (18 5%) highest exclude both Cyprus ‘special cases’ If Romania poor equal 31% Bulgaria’s just 16% Luxembourg’s correction huge: euros figures 11% (without Luxembourg) 6% (with quoted further text dollars take account price differences 3 (once Cyprus) calculate similar gap smaller; dispersion household incomes low registers percentage citizens confronted severe material deprivation i e people who afford nine essential items4 : 35% population severely materially deprived compared 3% Sweden large 15 ‘old’ (the EU15) countries joined since 2004 EU12) apparent from Figure displays individual living (that equivalent net disposable income) expressed EU-wide For each level figure proportion persons respective EU15 EU12 5 About below whereas no fewer 90% new [Figure here] Considering number whole does significantly much greater (Marlier al 2007 69) sure inequality primarily matter 7 But different (Milanovic 2011 176) conceive (60% incomes) singles reported Table 4 coefficient variation (Member) (i around unweighted mean standard deviation divided mean) 15% indicating lower Due data limitations use here total without adjustment size Please note alternative procedures calculation inhabitants households) lead rankings result strongly differing estimates overall (calculations based 2009; US: “Two-Year-Average Median Household State: 2010” U S Census Bureau Current Population Survey 2008 Annual Social Supplements downloaded http://www census gov/hhes/www/income/data/statemedian/index html (last accessed 2012) 4The items refer ability (1) pay rent mortgage utility bills; (2) keep home adequately warm; (3) face unexpected expenses; (4) eat meat protein regularly; (5) go holiday; (6) buy television (7) washing machine (8) car (9) telephone Relative levels converted standards Obviously comparative assessment record absolute nature indicator; Notten de Neubourg (2011) compare indicators wide indices (except well-known Gini coefficient) within-member accounts 70% (own calculations 2009 UDB version 2) ‘union’ ready homogenizing federal policies case (which turns assigns important levers level) Architectural general particular recurring theme reiterate Initiatives streamline challenge assistance schemes such insurance systems wage guarantees industrial structures Convention (and logic) dictates hierarchy benefits tier floors Raising require lifting reorganizing entire welfare edifice; presuppose substantial performance labour markets embedded in) can offer sufficiently high wages Subsidiarity constitutes reason why defining principle stating matters best handled smallest centralized competent authority acquired status legal principle: shall act objectives proposed action achieved therefore scale effects (art Treaty Union) Apart there traditional cleavage ‘subsidiarists’ (who prefer minimize direct interventions fortiori protection) ‘federalists’ open intervention too) difficulty when comes subsidiarity debates considerable domestic implementation design 9 Kazepov Barberis document ‘a converging trend towards decentralization’ qualify ‘subsidiarization process’; notably activation in-kind provision increasingly defined local analysis process fragmentation: ‘as long relevant resources regulated redistributed degrees coherence higher might expect’ (Kazepov 2010 p71 ) words extent ‘framing’ linked complete partial funding Conversely leads following conclusion: euro-federalists easily reject appeal regional 8 To positively where imply initiative costs requires instance Employment Strategy pressure responsibility traditionally subsidiarization on-going proponents binding develop strong arguments justify degree ‘EU framing’ parallel financial As become present theoretical issue fourth related field (see Timo Weishaupt book) involves balance obligation seek employment falls deemed fit work Political opinions diverge conceptions right influenced contextual availability market opportunities individuals claiming apart fact how strike delicate makes operationalize some reference albeit implicit importance formulated implemented agencies say hard legislation justiciable before courts; specify concomitant tangible citizens’ daily lives crucially depend judgements contexts output Any proposal upscale framing must indicate served instrument enhancing desirable outcomes demonstrated straightforward provide ready-made upscaling Finally argue clarify conception references ‘European solidarity’ carry contradictory meanings adds increase budgets active guaranteed rather One difficulties frame ‘obstacles Obstacles necessarily immovable insurmountable order move manage them clearly identified Some already been examined elsewhere add these analyses sketching illustrate provides illustrations obstacles encountered leading us query Scope Initiatives: Conceptual Matrix With view mapping possible ‘ways out’ outlined previous useful classify two criteria: whether establish first-order inputs Further bifurcations added scheme (notably create claim courts) two-dimensional suffices problem borrow distinction ‘first-order governance’ ‘second-order introduces his careful ‘Europeanization policy’ discussing future Open Method Coordination (OMC) Although expression appears passing remark Armstrong’s contrasting second-order illuminating robust According OMC essentially remain so): ‘(…) governing means transmission anti-poverty strategy instead monitoring evaluating themselves adopted strategic approach analysing resulting ’ (Armstrong 2010: 295) substitutes own processes essence substitute another seeks externally influence constituted system When define whereby choose outline strategies monitor results governed mandatory principles issued then clear Consider example education: imposes target school drop-out submit attain self-chosen objective governance; contrast upon education compulsory till age 18 highlights ‘input ‘outcome concerning refers reduce early leavers; leavers relates desired former exemplifies latter seems suggest ipso facto whilst inevitably implies turn point instruments residual constitute policy; goals makers pursue diminishing So oblige every adequate criteria ‘adequate assistance’ effect organizing focusses intervenes directly structure States’ Alternatively guidelines follow up vis-à-vis evolution level; Inclusion instantiates although weak sense non-binding focus Would make sense? indeed applies Eurozone attempt implement strict existing targets replacement understanding macro-economic external competitiveness qualified organize concept conceivable inclusion? single (say cut half given date) interference actual practice ‘input’ ‘output’ character neat continuum poles largely unchartered bifurcation qualifies applied today combinations approaches adequacy assessed empirical produced (a of) combined vein seen dichotomy: classifying concrete is: precision highest? common broad loose developing nationally precise predominantly secondorder thus effectively constraining elements introduced Notwithstanding fuzzy distinctions illustrates wish stage [Table moves ‘outcome’ (shifting A/B C/D 1) ‘first-order’ ‘second-order’ A/C B/D) deliberate attempts overcome postulate priori incompatible diversity; true First-order strictly uniform application (For Anti-Poverty Network Framework Directive discussed next envisages definition ‘adequacy’ x% takes choice perceived most promising namely shift bottom row and/or column methodologies depicted Historically shifting pattern visible illustrated ‘harmonization’ ‘convergence’ Activist entrepreneurs Commission Council openly argued was feasible generation fitted Lisbon archetypal mixture flexible none enforceable recall guideline as: ‘Member setting raising rate reaching 70%’; stating: ‘Every unemployed person offered start months unemployment young 12 adults (…)’ did Heidenreich overview) Gradually became stricter broadly unchanged orientations Today’s situated firmly boxes D; certain classified box C address (e g start’ quoted) launched after Summit March 2000 interpreted admission forward D relying sanctions attached peer assertion ‘open coordination’ orientation clever maybe above echoes Martin Rhodes’s Rhodes emphasizes relations frames emergence ‘efforts pro-integration élites member-state vetoes neutralize operation double socialists/social democrats liberals’(2010 p 287) however concludes being solution ‘double cleavage’ fell victim cleavages tensions creation merely illusory ways arises: governance? Borrowing conceptualization reformulate studied interrelated questions: think protection? ii quality (only) outcomes? iii Is guaranteeing citizen country governance?10 10 critical comment posing pointed key desirability feasibility imposing subquestions (i) (ii) answer abstracto content Zeitlin’s potential realization framework goal enabling secure access goods services phrase ‘should’ ‘can’ questions happenstance: options Brief History From outset cooperation integration underpinned intellectually 1950s report group experts International Labour Organization chairmanship Bertil Ohlin Swedish economist made pioneering contribution theory international trade (International 1956) starting law advantage according stimulate growth mechanism suffice effective improvement Against background major pacts supported post-war confidence spectre tax competition dumping French socialists saw threat prompting favour clauses Rome) could averted through remains basic philosophy day Yet call ‘more never died completely Especially 1990s combating providing come fore prominently consistently areas recurrent briefly main steps (for extensive overviews Marlier 2007; 2010) led outcome-oriented stages oscillating (soft) subsections taken subsection discusses Recommendation Active 2020 remainder firstorder ‘Harmonization’ ‘Convergence’ gained momentum 1980s Initially remained quietly despite several not-so-successful agenda After 1970s successive ‘Poverty Programmes’ describing quantifying inconsequential resolution 1989 participate fully life (One recommendation understood experimentalist rights; Sabel 2010; asserted ‘combating exclusion regarded part internal market’ (Council Charter year equally vague And run-up establishment 1993 preparatory documents conspicuously quiet harmonization security neither necessary nor Deleeck 1987; Schmähl 1990) Still 24 June 1992 sufficient emerging (Ferrera 2002) calls ‘progressively cover situations possible’ It recognize ‘basic live manner compatible human dignity’ ‘to adapt necessary’ mind defines able subject ‘active vocational training obtaining work’ called ensure ‘whose condition render ‘receive help enter reenter working life’ (very) soft variant subscribed spirit aiming uniformity had hitherto intellectual came Indeed spoke ‘convergence policies’ Subsequently abandoned replaced convergence On insight likely yield progress (due ‘unfeasible undesirable unnecessary’ (Deleeck 1991)) ambition (such introduction standards) reduction) left decide accordance requirements preferences deploy opt spending) shaped effectuating Indicators supporting agreed including eradication developed supposed enable learn another’s experiences previously (Treaty Amsterdam 1997) extended Nice Laeken purpose measuring (Atkinson referred ‘soft coordination’: achieve manifold authors emphasized ‘mutual learning’ Hemerijck (2012) (2010 ‘experimentalist Others stressed model’ (Vandenbroucke 2002); coordination exert intelligent counter-pressure pressures due Stability Growth Pact relation quantification so-called ‘social indicators’ These measure things ends meet long-term households premature draw National Action Plan detailing intend improve situation line ‘objectives-oriented originally intended (rather effort) laid foundation ‘…our concern feature member principle…Member agree free methods realized’ 2002 20) At December 2001 consensus reached portfolio (on health housing Important agreement policymaking Various build relating risks jobless depth duration subsequently refined enhanced thanks excellent Sub-Group addition original designed 13 pensions included indicator (by comparing line) variable evaluation Perhaps marks beginning phase They arguably articulation growing awareness connection ‘common objectives’ pursued merger OMCs crucial domains) undoubtedly facilitated New Agenda 2005-2010 back discourse ‘Active Inclusion’ (Frazer October excluded occupies central ‘design integrated comprehensive strategy’ ‘the support inclusive far concerned explicit mentioned Thus while building simultaneously paradigm11 encompassing respect treatment Nonetheless institutional prescriptive certainly avoids guarantees’ 282) lays down strands leaving dominant thrust mainly symbolic ‘high politics’ prove ineffective (Leibfried review organized quite Frazer testifies examination 2009) assess real assume influences entertained dismissed trivial Space forbids paradigm 14 Parliament Resolution goes step further: stresses ‘minimum integration’ concerned’ groups compelled introduce rejected Plenary Session approved study provisional slow Union’s time quantified indicators: risk unable determined items) very intensity 20 million criticized various First Graaf-Zijl Nolan component reducing ambiguous objection easy reach rapid decrease 2005 Europeans affected ‘severe deprivation’ Third response loosely connected concerns project ambitious: met course Moreover pointing problematic Reform Programmes socially well short (European 2011) writing eventually respond recommendations observation achieving observations cautious over last years Simultaneously elaborate civil servants scope underestimated Second promises potentially follow-up formulates constrain choices (albeit lesser extent) whatever intrinsic weaknesses headline Will cheap talk focal Council? direction politics warrant optimism crisis attention focused regaining seem seat EAPN Proposal Binding (EAPN) complement research (EAPN intelligently crafted combining type (an income); produces justifies referring positive commitments Fundamental Rights ‘horizontal clause’ treaty Independent Experts Inclusion(Frazier making method complemented directive Adequate bind leaves flexibility consist distinct principal chapters obliges 31 latest possibility combination recent Public Management Institute Vanhercke Lelie independent network non-governmental organizations (NGOs) fight against established 1990 partners combat 16 food clothing etc timeline gradually amount ‘work-in-progress’: describes methodology ‘Adequate Schemes’ shared comprise transparent up-rating mechanisms coverage improved take-up participation experiencing shaping contain Mutual Information System (MISSOC) establishing beyond determining consensualized budget Bradshaw Warnaar Luten devise realistic dignity basket participatory consensualizes NGOs represent stakeholders approach14 challenges construction cross-nationally comparable (Storms 2011a b) More specifically allowing landmark intermediate dignified Ensuring provisions measures roadmaps enforce Consideration remedies enforcement wronged lack allows legitimate interest peer-review-social-inclusion eu/peer-reviews/2010/using-reference-budgets-for-drawing-up-therequirements-of-a-minimum-income-scheme-and-assessing-adequacy 17 judicial administrative equality non-discrimination directives arguing income; underestimate significance poorer Storms (2011a) Rottiers elaboration interplay putting bettered ambitious gradual ‘work-in-progress’ performed examine entailed Importantly base treaties (in TFEU Functioning art 153 h) Relying article allow deal argues catalyst limitation h ‘excluded work-able job reasons (age caring responsibilities difficulties…) expects ‘people Defining subset upward Admittedly intuitive evidence it; tear EUwide assistance: architecture EAPN’s scrutinized carefully Verschueren adoption exclusion’ mentions limited ‘persons deems uncertain legally non-legal listed Legally Guarantee: Three Interrogations revisit presents formidable link envisaged underscores formulation uneven Both articulations characterizing (Seemingly Limited) Instrumental Relevance play either shape society’s indirectly safety benefit generosity’ (further abbreviated ‘benefit generosity’) average ratio package (including taxes contributions allowances child benefits) five model families elderly persons15 couple children (aged 14) lone parent 2011; volume) correlation generosity for: (abbreviated AROP60-ALL AROP40- ALL) 60; normalized (FGT1)17 follows ‘poverty reduction transfers’ (point iv below) questionable pension transfers An representative sample micro-simulation moment models like EUROMOD allowed near 19 AROP60 AROP40 realising 20% full-time full-year AROP60-WI AROP40-WI)18; difference ‘post transfer’ AROP ‘pre obtained (pensions excepted) respondents’ (POVRED60 POVRED40) correlations pretend reveal causality association expect headcount truly many account: sources (assets liabilities) eligible test? Which behavioural conditionalities apply? How assured (or maximized)? affect (AROP-ALL AROP-WI) Nevertheless (AROP-WI) relatively AROP-ALL (FGT1) especially non-take-up widespread correlate generosity) still FGT Foster 1984; forthcoming) varies Hernanz 2004; Fuchs documented volume tests units differ equivalence scales vary measurement blur picture thing (non-)discretionary ups heating plays overview Corluy post-transfer extreme zero zero; nevertheless ascertain elimination definitions used correspond Since deviate concepts (different disregards (but poverty) …) found lines considerably receive (Van Furthermore Chapters less) generous categorical immigrants disabled elderly) restrict targeted discretionary reductions limits cross-national tenure composition family simulations Last large-scale surveys prone errors Kerm Verma Betti Consequently negative expected (AROP) slightly 21 foregoing corroborated recipients (below Bahle non-means-tested usually larger means-tested Scandinavian (Sainsbury Morissens 2002; 2004) foremost reflect effectiveness display AROP40-ALL) becomes though particularly index largest proportions Estonia Spain Portugal Poland) Greece too comparatively Czech Republic Hungary Slovenia Ireland having Austria Finland similarly Within find significant AROP40-ALL (FTG1 threshold) somewhat Next overlap receiving considered shown (Halleröd 1991; Larsson 2008) Looking slope regression pre-transfer (mechanical) (POVRED) coefficients POVRED40 again divergent patterns atrisk-of-poverty AROP40-WI yields strongest Countries generally at-risk-ofpoverty work-poor households22 There exceptions appear driven old negligible workpoor possibly stems inaccessibility nontake-up Eastern Latvia combines mediocre attributable entitlement probably clout non-correlation tool alleviating Rather drive message: regarding serve look aspects Atkinson normally (though insignificant) segment suggests tends associated edifice explains 22 Explorative show increased period covered automatic stabilizer reinforced times crises work-rich tend country’s propose together enables (reduction) dependent benchmark ‘above’ ‘below’ performers France records perform expected’ POVRED UK Poland performances Italy Lithuania worse benchmarking exercise cautiously because regressions benchmarks intervals relies them) signal nets Latvian devolved regions great interregional eligibility conditions (Minas & Overbye overestimate typical city North (Milan) Southern Italy23 (compared inefficient respects admittedly tentative confirm correlates high) non-elderly explained inadequate) se explanatory cross-country marginally market; contributory 23 modest explaining aggregate marginalized conclusions area restricted practices exacerbates regulation detailed: detailed weakening priority positioning reconsideration ought operational needed fullyfledged well-functioning regime counts; curative capacity steering pondering take-over satisfactory Its consistency ‘bite’ strengthened Palier entertain introducing (using regimes guidance puts value complement? well-conceived generate inspires inclusion; reinforce good strengthen austerity vulnerable victims States? Why level? substantiates recognizes maintain popular fundamentally political: appropriate powerless; playing market) dignity) multi-tiered minimal balancing ‘market-making rights’ rights’; otherwise sustainability congenial ‘OMC-driven constitutionalism’ accountable conceptualizing realizing […] function court-led constitutionalism prise nation demonstrate reconciled OMC-driven demand explanations exercises sovereignty values protecting 261-262) depart ‘are test’ substantive consistent 25 idea ILO older earn (ILC 101th session Geneva 25Armstrong’s ‘avoids law/soft assumes imperative facing ones strengthening OMW conceptualized singular ‘mode assemblage ‘outcome-oriented’ guidance’ limit downward substantiate politically market-making conceived creating ‘firstorder’ genuinely really derived Unequal Redistributive Effort interrogation sake suppose compel simplistic ‘redistributive effort’ euros) threshold: max{ 0} max 0 100* n x z = xi formula indicates ‘effort’ non-poor closed redistribution costless nonpoor qualification ‘costless’ responses cost express governments running push average) spend countries; calculating 26 overlook Data (all ages) non-equivalent (we 3) illustrative purposes mechanical ignores incentive change: supply (more lousy low-paid jobs; effort); boundary exaggerate ‘cost’ depending financed: affects object totally misrepresents pure transfers; increasing examples protest ‘Robin Hood’ simulated cry historical reiterates capable raise spend) lot money committed redistribution: involving multitude redistribute richer government expenditure 71 rough indication ranking lift unequally 5% others (Bulgaria Romania) ‘living standards’ controlling modified OECD scale) big close 7% always gap: closing little effort; Denmark GDP/capita holds inefficiency Spanish Italian cluster greatest encompasses eliminate Finland) 2% Spain) smaller looks ‘feasible’ disparity pronounced Whereas increases demanding disproportionately ‘better performers’ class falling obstacle kind foreseeable Now wonder low-work dependence expenditures construe counterfactual successful doing mitigate perhaps eliminating (2002) (2009) discuss universal Vandeninden examines (residual) (2010) 22) Starting Levy Lietz Sutherland (2007) consequences tax-benefit halved 28 18% 27% relate deviates Atkinson’s purely selective supplement granted whose estimated scenario unevenly distributed conclusion moderate initial behalf Poorer additional (tax) middle higher-income ‘middle incomes’ (Fahey Lelkes Column (a) ranks (Romania) (Luxembourg) extremes diverging factor (b) cut-off quintile distribution (c) 4th All eight (Romania Slovakia) seven Netherlands highlighted grey columns Columns (d) (e) (f) expresses Structural Funds % presented Figures notable exceptions: Slovakia side; remarkably 29 ladder Let (according PPP) fellow improving corresponding (at contradict Or blunt way: boil segments cynically asking themselves? Before raises Suppose cross-border transfer compensate Given bitter resistance suggestion ‘transfer union’ belongs fiction stand yearly transferred 2006-2012) deploys via matches fund match) extra available Funds; finances pan-European organization Europeanized (A conditional conditionality simply uses efforts Does implied necessitate funding? hinges panEuropean? alleviation? implicitly drop perspective replace 30 solidarity; Enabling parcel official ‘mission statement’ vocation cohesion interaction anachronistic continue ‘cohesion insight: evaluative dualism irreducible reduced trade-off let alone algorithm collapsed twin run assessing; pan-European; convincing Someone rationale taking distributive justice clear-cut ‘having GDP/capita’ gap’ Greece) spending underdeveloped contrasted well-developed (Hungary 40%) guarantee: obviously efficiency Claims arise get cooperation; legitimizes claims thorough foundations Sangiovanni (forthcoming) Fahey panEuropean competences boils externalizing failures unwillingness redistribute… phenomenon inadequately survey rely chapter’s presentation ‘internal (to conform exacting demands avoid externalisation failure) hand? solidarity: delineate delineating Solidarity mutually interdependent Impact Dependency Traps destroy tension claimants minimum-wage earners Europe-wide minimums inactivity trap eleven States: recipient 25% 30% wage; claimant 14% Less United Kingdom raised 50% hypothetical (between %) Only augmented switch heterogeneity flexibly incentives measured world subtle underscore 32 severity coincide genuine lacking enormous activated rarely (Cantillon struck duties reasonable inadequate Conclusion: Caring Care Demand Efficiency Everywhere suggested rebalancing outcomeoriented input-oriented experience decade mandated information validated statistical apparatus utterly acquire gain prominence Forcing fall heaviest negatively bear rule ‘unequal burden’ presupposes prevent marginal 33 agreements unison consideration aimed covering child-rearing standardized incrementally rich’ poor’ affluent) confronts discarded: implementing dispense ‘efficient virtuous circle (domestic) (pan-European) What this? bring forth? prosperity32 combine rules regions? discussions no-go meanwhile stuck? opening disposal (possibly today) mere prosperity ‘quality’ emphasize ‘efficiency’ underscored efficiency; moreover non-economic opposition anything resembles collective sovereign debt creates stalemate stability De Grauwe conflate 34 (introducing Fund leverage) Meanwhile seriously bite (this investment 2020) prospect indicated Fundamentally decoupled vice versa 35 References Allen Cohesion Policy: Extending Bargain Meet Challenges’ H Wallace M Pollack R Young (eds Policy-Making Oxford: Oxford University Press pp 229-252 Governing Europeanization E Bourguignon O’Donoghue Utili ‘Microsimulation Union: Case Study Pension’ Economica 69(274): 229-243 Reinstadler Distribution Financial Poverty Context Paper Presented Conference (Warsaw March) 34p Hubl V Pfeifer Safety Net handbook Bristol: 271p J (1993) Budget Standards Aldershot: Avebury ‘Between dream reality … Anti-poverty Model’ P Ploscar EU: Interaction Law Antwerpen: Intersentia O Pintelon VandenHeede Reduction Capacity Investment Inequality (1989) Ministers Affairs Meeting September Combating Exclusion [1989] OJ C277/1 Conclusions jobs smart sustainable Brussels ‘Household joblessness Journal 21(5):413-431 Managing Fragile CESifo Forum 12(2) 40-45 K den Bosch Vanhille ‘The data’ (eds) 36 (1987) ‘Un programme d’action communautaire’ (ed L’avenir la sécurité sociale en Paris: Economica: (1991) lessen zekerheid Acco: Leuven drawing assessing Comment paper Peer Review Assessment Namur November Appendix Progress Report Objectives EU-Wide Measure Sociological 23(1): 35-47 Ferrera Matsaganis ‘Open poverty: 12(3): 227-239 Greer Thorbecke (1984) ‘A Class Decomposable Measures’ Econometrica 52(3): 761-766 Schemes Across Synthesis Brussels: DG Equal Opportunities ‘Strengthening Learning Past’ Natali VAN DAM Towards EU? I Peter Lang Assistance – No Thanks? Non-Take-up Phenomenon Patterns Germany Vienna: Centre 12p ‘How Confidence EU-SILC? Complex Sample Designs Standard Error Indicators’ Research: DOI: 1007/s11205-011-9918-2 ‘Poverty Enlarged Discussion Definitions Groups’ Sociology Compass 5(1): 77-91 W Universal Basic Pension Europe’s Elderly: Options Pitfalls’ Studies 4(1): Article 26p Den svenska fattigdomen Arkiv Lund (2008) Welfare 17: 15-25 Malherbet Pellizzari (2004) Take-Up Benefits Countries: Evidence Migration Working Papers Publishing 48p 37 Changing Regimes Routledge (1956) ‘Social Aspects Cooperation Group (summary)’ 74 Yuri ‘Rescaling Policies Multi-level Governance Europe: reflections Processes Actors involved’ Rescaling Policies: Ashgate 35-72 Leibfried Stephan Left Judges Markets?’ Helen Mark Alisdair Sixth Edition 253-281 ‘Swapping Alternative Tax-Benefit Strategies Support Children UK’ 625-647 Inclusion: Facing Challenges Dam Milanovic Haves Have-Nots Idiosyncratic Global Books York Minas Øverbye Territorial Multilevel Y Surrey (UK)/ Burlington (USA) Ashgate: 203-240 ‘Mechanisms alleviation: non-means tested 14(1): 371-390 Geranda Chris ‘Monitoring ‘not enough’ ‘much less’’ Wealth Series 57 Number Evaluation Effectiveness 2006 Recommendations Improving Strengthening Commissioned Vilnius ‘Employment Between Efficacy Experimentation’ 281-306 38 Sainsbury mid-1990s: 12: 307-327 ‘Solidarity Problems Prospects’ Dickson Eleftheriadis Philosophical Foundations Schmahl (1990) ‘Demographic security’ Economics 3: 159-177 Budgets: Are Line? FISS Sigtuna 8-10 (2011b) ‘De meting van armoede Europese Unie: een pleidooi voor ontwikkeling referentiebudgetten’ Tijdschrift Sociologie 32(3-4): 470-496 “Benchmarking Decade on: Demystifying OMC’s Tools” Fenna Knuepling (Eds Benchmarking Federal Systems Australian Experiences Productivity Commission: Melbourne Extreme Incomes Estimation IRISS NO 2007-01 Luxembourg: CEPS-Instead 51p (http://www europolitics info/pdf/gratuit_en/279353-en pdf) Marchal CSBMinimum dataset (CSB-MIPI) CSB 5/2011 Antwerp: Antwerp ‘Foreword’ Gosta Esping-Andersen Duncan Gallie Anton John Myles pact OSE Without vision mutual trust trapped short-term management Kirsty Hughes’ ‘Ten failures’ Friends Individual decomposition CSB-Working simulation MGSoG 2012/8 39 G ‘Data Accuracy EU-SILC’ Living Conditions Publications Office 57-78 ‘Union Fight Poverty: Legal Instruments’ Handbook Budgets Netherlands: Nibud ‘Towards Stronger 2020: Architecture Coordination’ EU?Brussels: Ch Experimentalist ‘Experimentalist Governance’ Levi-Faur 40 1: frequency Notes: EU15: 2004: Malta (since 2007) consumption (Eurostat database) Source: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 frquency Equivalized EU27 41 Second-order Input Outcome 42 2: Correlation MS Old EU24 EU14 EU10 AROP60-ALL(post-transfer headcount) 225 343 044 FGT1 (poverty 60%) 313 587** 031 POVRED60 (ppt transfers) 320 574** (post-transfer =< 316 535** 091 > 85 330 418 128 AROP40-ALL(post-transfer 404** 672*** 120 424** 624*** 137 478*** 785*** 001 279 475* 218 families: 2011); *** Significant 025; ** 050; Sources: CSB-MIPI 43 nonelderly AT BE BG CZ DK EE FI FR DE HU IE IT LV LT LU NL PL PT RO SK SI ES SE -30% -20% -10% 0% 10% 40-ALL median) [0-60[ work-intensity Above 44 Indicator Note: 95% (cf relativity national-specific Reading note: 8% L MT CY GR eq 45 4: 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 1% 4% 9% inhabitant High Low 46 ‘internal’ vs Threshold Top 1st 122 055 764 528 439 239 580 491 133 615 574 322 011 699 423 490 846 237 540 762 755 983 933 934 793 602 838 138 557 559 590 995 831 163 007 688 061 227 655 041 119 477 707 451 220 241 760 205 275 710 869 Belgium 398 404 821 634 734 430 704 176 448 713 256 897 416 943 293 455 800 318 201 840 630 433 048 461 905 nonequivalent (2006-2013) (David 246- 247) 47 (full time)* assumption 40-50-60% Raise (Vienna) 61 92 53 79 127 76 115 86 129 58 87 107 51 77 73 110 55 83 66 99 70 105 75 112 88 132 (Catalonia) 78 116 * Based statutory (Denmark Sweden) except Austrian collectively “Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund” “Wirtschaftskammer Österreich” leather fur sector
Le défi social européen. La poursuite d’un objectif social n’est plus aujourd’hui un luxe pour l’Union européenne, mais elle est devenue une nécessité
LE DEFI SOCIAL EUROPEEN LA POURSUITE D’UN OBJECTIF N’EST PLUS AUJOURD’HUI UN LUXE POUR L’UNION EUROPEENNE MAIS ELLE EST DEVENUE UNE NECESSITE (1) PAR FRANK VANDENBROUCKE (2) professeur à la KU Leuven C’est pour moi un grand honneur de pouvoir être titulaire Chaire Den Uyl Joop a été dans période des années 60 aux 80 leader socialdémocrate influent en Europe En effet nombreux ont ceux – ce compris avoir profondément influencés par sa manière d’approcher politique juin 2011 Jan Pronk rédigé remarquable billet d’humeur intitulé « tant que mentor » une dizaine leçons il y résumait le style qu’homme La première leçon était intitulée : Leçon numéro N’arrêtez jamais d’apprendre Ne pensez les faits parlent d’eux-mêmes et vérité est établie fois toutes Examinez antécédents liens moins évidents Continuez vous poser questions exactement j’ai l’intention faire aujourd’hui INTRODUCTION Voilà plus 50 ans nous posons question savoir si européenne doit revêtir dimension sociale active C’était déjà cas avant création Communauté économique composée 6 pays au départ Et sein d’une Union qui regroupe 27 Etats membres on continue se cette On ne compte nombre publications évoquant faiblesse l’« Celles-ci sont trop sou- 195 Exposé prononcé l’occasion nomination comme extraordinaire Universiteit van Amsterdam 7 2012 Je remercie Rita Baeten Tuba Bircan Bea Cantillon Paul De Grauwe Ri Ridder Steven Engels Joep Konings Kim Lievens Erik Schokkaert Chris Segaert Anne Van Lancker André Poeck Rompuy leurs commentaires et/ou contributions ponctuelles J’assume évidemment responsabilité du texte Vandenbroucke-FR qxp 23-1-2013 15:03 Page vent l’expression lamentations stériles propos caractère inaccessible l’Europe crise actuelle pourrait mise profit inscrire l’agenda européen Les ; créer faut disposer réponse sans équivoque suivantes pourquoi telle substance celle méthode utiliser parvenir Il assez étrange constater l’on n’a manifesté jour qu’un intérêt relativement limité d’un point vue normatif coopération devrait (3) explique je me concentrerai tout sur partie mon exposé sera consacrée l’examen série d’arguments faveur peut approche étonne son plutôt destructeur Vous pourriez réagir disant Est-ce bien moment mettre évidence points faibles dossier relatif défense ? J’applique toutefois ici citée pas prendre fait cause s’il s’agissait Dans ces arguments séparer bon grain l’ivraie L’Europe plante intellectuelle élevée coton prospérerait milieu protégé où évoluent personnes intentionnées même sensibilité Pour conférer force idées auxquelles adhérez convient tester rigoureusement déduis entre autres suit voici dix quête description claire Modèle social pouvait encore considérée exercice utile mais vraiment indispensable elle devenue réellement existentielle l’Union Le système financier présent confronté problèmes urgents court terme n’enlèvent rien qu’à long soit survie Cela signifie concrètement qu’en fiscal compact (un pacte budgétaire) besoin (contrat social) consensus base citoyens européens jouer rôle A cet égard orientation commune matière d’investissement créerait perspective importante Un tel éga- 196 REVUE BELGE DE SECURITE SOCIALE – 1er TRIMESTRE domaine philosophie normative également s’agit thématique peu développée existe fameux appel Habermas (2001) correspondance Parijs Rawls (2003) littérature relative global justice l’UE occupé place Ce n’est très récemment débat né fondements normatifs voir (2011) Sangiovanni (2012) Nicolaïdis Viehoff renseignée lement porter obligations exigences mutuelles réciprocité intégrante relations institutionnelles chaque Etat membre repose individus veut dire l’union monétaire survivra satisfait portée argument limitée ou autre naisse modèle visé puisse survivre principe plusieurs formes selon délibération attribue poids notions Mais rapport observation j’ajouterais ceci bénéficie large soutien devra conforme objectifs états-providence commun deuxième j’illustrerai brièvement quelques devraient figurer agenda potentiel Mon analyse exhaustive Bon importants abordés réguler fiscalité proté- ger financement concurrence fiscale malsaine troisième j’identifierai quelques-unes urgences relatives nécessité restaurer l’unité m’étendre governance lien social-démocratie raison laquelle traiterai dernière socialdémocratie dont souligne l’absolue exige compromis historique familles politiques soutiennent gouvernements celles présentes Parlement L’expression exagérée situe d’emblée challenge constitue-t-il catch 22 sociaux-démocrates désireux mieux profiler 197 1 POURQUOI EUROPE LES INEGALITES EN Afin contextualiser partons constat L’une difficultés réside diversité nos systèmes sociaux leur histoire seulement Au l’inégalité revenus aussi grande qu’aux Etats-Unis revêt simplement d’autres douterait coefficient Gini paneuropéen (une mesure généralement utilisée exprimer revenus) près égal (4) Aussi longtemps association d’Etats destin pouvions permettre négliger Certes général inférieure existant divers américains composent considérable Si tient Luxembourg état extrêmement riche PIB habitant exprimé parité d’achat (PPA) alors l’Etat pauvre Bulgarie équivalent tiers Pays-Bas (en EUR cela représente beaucoup dixième) applique raisonnement Mississippi moitié riches (5) Aux salaire minimum niveau bas quoique uniforme soutenu taux horaire fédéral 25 USD l’heure titre comparaison mensuel estimé Eurostat 122 standards 10 % dernier élargissement contribué figure illustre répartition fais différence ancienne l’EU15 nouvelle l’EU12 198 Sur l’enquête EU-SILC 2009 distribution revenu disponible net ménages converti parités 0 352 l’EU27 (calculé Tim Goedemé) représentatif communiqué l’OCDE 378 écarts prix régionaux peuvent considérés négligeables Voir Brandolini (2007) Burkhauser Couch (2010) Milanovic tenant non particuliers Même inclut Porto Rico d’Amé- rique position habitant) meilleure Vandenbroucke al FIGURE REPARTITION DES REVENUS DANS L’EU15 ET L’EU12 Mechelen Goedemé l’axe horizontal représentés disponibles nets l’ensemble Européens ils standardisés (rendus équivalents ») afin tenir taille composition ménage Tous mesurés exprimés médian ligne pointillé seuil pauvreté utilisé étant défini zones situées gauche indiquent population dessous respectivement Une paneuropéennes ressortir qu’environ 15 disposent situant sous nouveaux 70 fossé d’Europe prospères particulièrement Roumains (je désigne ainsi classe moyenne roumaine aisée) pauvres comparés Néerlandais (6) 199 vise (qui néerlandais) appelle aisée Exprimé roumains percentile infé- rieur lequel équivaut 60% néerlandais (Vandenbroucke tableau 3) 2 QUATRE ARGUMENTS FAVEUR D’UNE DIMENSION ACTIVE POLITIQUE commence positif va l’encontre discours négatif pré- domine souvent lorsque évoque l’intégration L’Union joue progressiste l’élaboration non-discrimination partant principes nationalité (pour sujets l’UE) d’égalité travail hommes femmes créé juridiques solides appliquer fondée sexe l’âge l’origine … Stephan Leibfried suggère constituer voie principale évoluera entité hétérogène dominée vetos l’est peut-être seule possible contexte reformuler façon suivante aurait-elle allant au-delà mes yeux quatre envisageables visée rempart contre dumping moyen protéger souveraineté nationale conséquence inévitable Monétaire Européenne cœur projet trois premiers nature instrumentale quatrième Bien qu’ils découlent l’un l’autre s’excluent mutuellement importe c’est quel convaincants séparément conjointement vais sent passer revue Argument premier procède l’idée qu’une intégration poussée harmonisation exerce pression baisse développement plupart avancés forme agressive parlons d’où ma formule (proche slogan) synthétisant possibilité faisait l’objet Ohlin datant 1956 avec Spaak fut Economique Bertil (politicien suédois président parti reçut tard Prix Nobel d’économie théorème d’Heckscher-Ohlin) différences coût salarial concernés étaient liées productivité qu’il fallait craindre salaires due libéralisation commerce insistait cependant postulat suivant l’éventualité ultérieure évolution divergente serait corrigée ajustements change monnaies (Organisation Internationale Travail 1956) actuel réserve importance 200 l’histoire n’ donné tort Parallèlement processus d’intégration assisté parfois spectaculaire nationaux élargissements successifs immanquablement induit convergence ascendante Banque Mondiale qualifié CE véritable machine (Gill Raiser 2012; Lefebvre 2011) (7) s’est avéré davantage crainte réalité remarquer certains domaines contrairement doctrine combiné marchés haut notamment santé sécurité lieu 90 (8) noter hausse dépend situation chômage généralisé arriver ait dessus exemple globalement faible syndicats débouche tributaire rapports discussion nuancée thèse simple levée entraves commerciales frein progrès paraît priori uniquement basée fonctionnelle prévenir solide D’ailleurs inégale trouverait confrontée problème insurmontable tellement grandes suffit penser minimums impossible définir level playing field (des conditions sociales uniformes) économiquement viable développés certain impact (9) d’exercer pressions l’Allemagne qu’elle instaure national contraire procèdent raisons paneuropéenne (10) 201 chiffres révèle concernant divergence régionale (infranationale) Ceci produit parallèlement marché unique vertu Single European Act J’entends termes absolus fixerait médians loin d’être évident tâche fastidieuse absolue renvoie Pisani-Ferry expansive Allemagne durant décennie précédente augmentation allemands s’inscrire stratégie légitimité (11) formulation pointue pessimisme Scharpf (2009) Ferrera (2005) optimiste (12) développe conflit esquissé complète ferait distinction (i) conséquences libre circulation d’assurance bismarckiens (ii) type beveridgien centrés citoyen (iii) régimes d’assistance (iv) services prestations concentre d’assurances bismarckien ouverture discriminer n’exclut basé droits (« cotisations autrement dit propre modèles n’en reste règles généreuses d’accès pourraient subir mobilité transfrontalière avancé n’ai développé référence l’autonomie facto (la marge manœuvre politique) trait juridique axe recherche Fritz Maurizio chercheurs L’idée sous-jacente intrinsèque part impératifs libéralisé d’autre liés cadre prévue derniers sous-entendent limites participation délimitée mécanismes solidarité vont audelà fondamental celui logique d’« fermeture paraphraser implique Bulgare établi jouisse mêmes l’assistance soient assortis nationales strictes droit soumis d’abord satisfaire suffisante permettrait Belgique shopping médical restrictions couverts organismes assureurs contrecarre planification l’offre soins arrangements tarifs D’autre autorités aient considérer ni ouvert étrangers particulier insiste l’architecture institutionnelle systématiquement tranché 202 détriment communauté traités législation font l’ action d’Etat pure (ou orienter jurisprudence Cour Justice) séparation nette vaste zone grise opèrent parallèle passe échelle analyses Leibfreid m’ont incité présenter clause horizontale souligner l’importance ordonnateur donner institutions européennes (et donc moyens s’orienter 2002c) représentants organisations gouvernementales d’obédience défendu Convention Grâce Conférence intergouvernementale retrouvé adapté l’article 9 Traité fonctionnement (TFUE) s’agisse considère génère forcément incontrôlée l’Article TFUE contribuer rétablir l’équilibre égard) (13) Des initiatives prises réceptive déterministe apparu lors directive amendé proposée Bolkestein ressort Directive Conseil veillé trouver juste équilibre transfrontaliers patients gestion (14) 203 n’y Charte Protocole Services d’Intérêt Général éléments Rhodes Armstrong Lenaerts tous résolus invoquer dynamique (entre visait ayant contrainte d’adopter réaction défensive Néanmoins joué important évaluation l’influence n’interdit rechercher l’octroi semble afférents relèvent œuvre celle-ci (15) suis dès désaccord figures intellectuelles préférées asymé- trique économie Cette nuance l’analyse matiè- re interactions critiques socio-économique (à allusion réduite tension résulter générosité L’effectivité définis mettent ensuite l’ai indiqué interaction critique maintien d’affectation sont-ils applicables travailleurs détachés n’ont cours quelles actions peuvent-ils entreprendre lorsqu’ils estiment accords règlements transgressés détachement Quelques jugements tristement célèbres Justice (Viking Laval) remis possibilités d’action telles matières semblé privilégier libéral suivie arrêts mériterait initiative législative souhaitable Mario Monti soulevé mars Commission pris effectivement élargir champ Bruun Bücker pensent proposition satisfaisante Ils affirment fondamentaux primer libertés économiques plaidoyer (convaincant) montre décision décideurs veulent 3 Comme considé- rait l’harmonisation n’était nécessaire car par- 204 synthèse l’approche adoptée oeuvre concrète facteur déterminant l’impact réel Cf problématique pseudo-indépendants viennent vivre tait l’hypothèse évolutions socio-économiques divergentes seraient corrigées réduit néant hypothèse euro Ben Chu l’éditorialiste The Independent résumées mai has to become ‘country’ new beast if the is survive étayer défauts structurels inhérents conception l’absence banque centrale forte derrière monnaie garantie déposants gouvernement central budget constituerait tampon automatique crises prise fort Bref devenir nation J’ajouterais conclusion facile tirer unifiée pense l’euro décrite manichéens issue Dès futur rapproché impliquerait condamné échouer faux croire stabilisation c’est-à-dire s’agirait l’affinement systè- inter-états chocs asymétriques constitue thème théorie monétaires optimales (ZMO) illustrer l’aide schéma (16) 205 crée biens collectifs précieux risques spécifique inhérente l’essentiel assurance équitable idée Andrea arrive reciprocity-based internationalism L’intérêt distingue clairement concept ancré trouve naturel upscaling concepts pose définie Toutefois j’estime criticable égards utilise risque désigner limitations auxquels confrontés catégorisés paradigme Plus fondamentalement demander mission limite-t-il vision mets l’accent reciprocity (réciprocité) n’assimile outre l’assurance cas) argumentation dépasse diversion purement fonctionnaliste (cf 4 ci-dessous) expliciter avantages union résident réduction transactions (les coûts activités éliminés l’incertitude variabilité diminue) comparibilité accrue participants profite entreprises consommateurs Lorsqu’une stimule transfrontalier contribue l’accroissement richesse favorable effets précités croître participe l’inconvénient perte instrument modifier Cet s’avère différemment générale lorsqu’un victime choc asymétrique l’emportent désavantages doivent combiner suffisamment positive symétrie flexibilité croissance correlées qu’elles parallèles capacité interne s’adapter déterminé d’adaptation l’emploi S’il ceux-ci fin profitable degré représenté vertical trade-off prend descendante groupe au-dessus supérieurs atteint diagramme optimale réunies Nous d’Amérique trouvant ZMO trouvera d’avantages Supposons confortable soi 206 TRADE-OFFS UNION MONETAIRE 207 lorsqu’il d’absorber triques biais transferts budgétaires diminue mots déplace vers ZMO’ (dans sens deux flèches grises) présuppose redistribution permanente participent s’agir mesures estimer l’aléa moral parle d’aléa flux permanent ressources structurel postposer l’ajustement requis temporaire cyclique (A d’exemple théorique mécanisme cofinancement allocations initiale longue durée activé partir satisferait condition primauté ) donnée invariable surveillance destinés D’après p 110 précisément l’objectif Sixpack finalisé 2010 réussit harmoniser flèche bleue) qu’apparaît complémentaire préventive prévient l’asymétrie stabilisateurs moindre avis viabilité n’implique choix dualiste d’union met face trade-offs limitent options Ni socialement neutres recouvre d’ajustement ressentis difficiles pénibles tels directe (plutôt dépréciation inflation élevée) faciliation migration emploi Souvent associée procédures licenciement souples etc partisan rigides prêter attention l’économiste britannique Richard Layard fondateur Centre for Economic Performance théoricien d’activation poursuivie soutient certaines rendent gens malheureux salariale opposé d’insécuriser (17) nombreuses significations absolument neutre 208 l’argument welfare-to-work essaya convaincre choisir dure franco-allemande jugeait indulgente d’introduire parce écrit-il devrions tendre d’emploi [il entend là décentralisation concertation volonté d’échanger augmentations salariales (Layard 2005) 209 surtout viser pratique difficile dissocier fonction stabilisatrice dépenses publiques fonctions (18) poursuite est-elle option essentiellement budgets salariaux paramètres correct nécessite-t-elle évidente l’illustrer éviter malentendu précise certaine pension suive l’évolution l’espérance vie d’atteindre (étant entendu naïf vieillissement individus) doitelle veiller généreux pensions retrouver iné- vitablement dette publique élevé unité produite finalement l’avenir) d’organiser (plus grande) (infé- rieurs) importante) (moins importantes) permettant dépit précoce continuer critères tenable justifier Bargain fournit illustration intéressante organisés Européanisation partielle fiscaux résulterait grands groupes gagnants perdants nécessite pas) s’avérerait concevoir heurte complexe gagnent perdent recourir batterie relatifs comportement employeurs (19) 210 B augmentent accrues prélevées bruts brut connaît financera d’âge concerne donne budgétaire scénario alternatif satisfont concevable l’autorité fasse économies alloue subsides additionnels simpliste Comparée engendrer demande produisent résultat (et/ou syndicats) resserré pallier d’éventuelles pénuries l’immigration n’acceptent compressibles d’argument relève sphère l’économie l’occurrence présupposons enclins vit ses différente traduire compromettrait cohésion moné- taire précède variables entrent jeu vaut déséquilibre d’instruction souffre pénurie qualifiés excédent comparativement s’attendre élevés parvient déséquilibre) insuffisante déficit compensé importantes programmes qualifiées) (comparativement B) détermine refus entraînera supplémentaire paiera (relatif) manque résulte d’asymétrie débouchera final accumulation factures impayées prêt public augmenter prouver l’applicabilité universelle choisit rendre s’avérer valables l’instruction entraînerait excédentaire qualifiées déclencheraient réactions provenance feraient sorte d’augmenter Ensuite genre limitera s’appliquera vrai constituent cohé- sion compter l’immigration) recherché quels diverger répondre tranchée précèdent employés énoncés stratégies minimale quand plausible supranational tandis arènes régionales distinctes doute naïve défend depuis choisisse direction valable l’être autant éventuellement dimensions Avant conclure permettez-moi revenir décrits s’ajoutent celles-ci feux l’actualité bancaire collective basculent mauvais méfiance vis-à-vis titres liquidités transformant solvabilité grâce l’émission com- 211 mune d’euro-obligations Tout formuler objection d’intérêt laxistes maintenus disciplinés l’accumulation dettes freinée mutualisation permette objections appliquant différents (20) Ces supplémentaires nuancées persuasion l’action banques dette) dépasser efficace focalise m’appesantir cruciaux analytique Qu’est-ce conclusions normatives précises développer indique desquels d’accord L’union rend incluant cognitives synthétiser Quels comment stabiliser viens économistes (21) Robert Mundell père luimême formulant 1973 alternative originale 1961 raccroche (Mundell 1973) monétaristes portent regard différent partisans Keynes Lors lancement adhérait monétariste gouvernementale I confiance quelle implique-t-elle Quelle Moesen (De 2009) propositions (d’une partie) souveraine similaire exigée prisonniers résoudre dilemme réaliser amélioration Pareto acteurs l’intérêt personnel Fuest Peichl aperçu alternatives 212 opinions émises coïncideront entièrement aboutir décisions cohérentes subsiste doutes incertitudes quant quelqu’un s’immisce J’émets âge crois susceptible scientifiques procéder institution scientifique assise Du serait-il raisonnable plausibles élément (l’âge pension) minimums) d’explorer d’obtenir réaliste double notre paneuropéens sommes prêts payer s’agirait-il sommes-nous remplacer sachant toujours redistributif convenir benchmarks communs organiser terrain connotation reprendre fondamentales signification vitalité 2012) prétends répond assertion trouvé toute dispose rencontrer passé souligné d’attribuer obtenir minimal d’apporter solution développements 213 technique Jean l’adaptation Sud traitée unilatéral Etant réussi sert chacun assumer L’Allemagne accepter légèrement supérieure adaptation Espagne stabilité l’Espagne effectuer réformes structurelles) s’applique Nord overkill d’é- volution hausses dépassent largement observées l’euro) responsabilités partagées d’accords clairs d’efforts mutuels seul partenaire charge restauration compétitivité humaines fervent qu’agent société précédent décrit l’homo reciprocans economicus aime quelque chose retour argent efforts) mentalité boutiquier attache individuelle capable compassion retrouvent vulnérable vulnérabilité propres antérieurs rester) contributeur serve efficacement remplir seaux fond pertinent bénéficient s’efforcent eux d’en retirer positifs Conçue ciment 2010) Samuel Bowles tendance coopérer partager tempérament procure aucun bénéfice individuel (22) conditionnelle notion destiné servir fondement l’état-providence convaincante directement transposable institutionnel justement traduit sanctionner déviant sanction coûteuse l’impose reposer moralité transgression normes sanctionnée cf ci-dessous 214 significatif remarquablement synthé- tisée récent Editorial Constitutional Law Review WTE DN assurément réalités imbriquées d’évolution Comment attribuée définition Où s’arrête collectif est-il (par via transferts) Devons-nous adhérer morale stricts (où fautifs punis fautes commises) consé- quentaliste punir sévèrement finira non-fautifs) engagement mutuel transgressable perpétue (23) nécessairement l’entité stratifiée s’appuyer durable essentielles (24) fragilité variable profonde sense of common purpose permis réunifiée (T)his was deep that made monetary and political in Germany Put differently were endogenous driven by existence this it inconceivable would have started with without having centralized making transfers between regions or unified security system This weakly developed at Level 113) partagée Outre éthico-philosophique fondamentale conçoit entités politiques) doivent-ils quences m’étendrai sujet clair absolu Renforcer faciliter renforcer 215 conférence 1999 Ministre belge Affaires qualifiée Méthode Ouverte Coordination Durant suivirent continué insister coordination ouverte cognitive 2002a 2002b) superflu devenu fonctionnalistes Partant construction déduite fonctionnel réussite proposé Jürgen l’essence way life exercées globalisation mobilisation Par expression lui inspirée Lionel Jospin) mode caractérisé l’inclusion culturelle forts Plusieurs militent interprétation intervient répétée indéfiniment légitimé l’a maintenir paix finalité suffire entreprise d’ailleurs leviers influences non-économiques degrés cosmopolitisme aller défendus différencie stricto sensu manoeuvre Sa croissante assume tâches évoquée auparavant lancée Sommet Lisbonne siens rappeler lutte pauvreté) respectant subsidiarité constamment critiquée caractè- soft Imaginons hard 216 Natascha moi-même avons procédé simulation obligerait instaurer éliminerait totalement fixé L’UE imposerait obligation stricte concrétiserait (comme digne) (25) Quel d’effort exigerait-il apportée PER CAPITA EFFORT REDISTRIBUTION EXIGE ELIMINER PAUVRETE simulons EAPN abordée qualité combinée transfrontaliè- meilleurs n’entraîne disparaît parfaitement délimitation adéquate remarque faisant suite ci-dessus 217 L’effort exigé atteindre objectif (évidemment ambitieux) hic nunc pourcentage l’effort varierait 5 Tchéquie France Hongrie Lituanie Roumanie consentir effort situent l’Est incluent faille éliminer fournir énorme Prima facie attribué Cependant comparons comparables d’impact espagnole inefficace ramène l’introduction doive poursuivre explicite priorité doit-elle répartitions doivent-elles équitables redistribuent s’améliore Belges réduire duale divergents l’ampleur cercle l’une d’algorithme indicateurs indicateur d’évaluer résultats d’indicateurs explicitement aspirent améliorer contrôlés d’évaluation réductible oblige D’un poursuivi considè- débats situé sauvegarder surveiller 218 d’améliorer (voir Fahey 2007) auraient-ils externe Ou traduirait-il l’externalisation échecs attribuable l’inefficacité l’exemple espagnol précité Mes co-auteurs concluons contraignante poserait aider responsables dynamisme l’efficience destinée lutter L’objectif clé pied vertueux d’accroître brèvement CONCLUSION DEFINITION pèsent lourd introduisent moralisatrice réponses effectives permettent focaliser unilatéralement qu’objectif présupposent démocraties cruciale conçue stable exécutable fonctionnelles l’affirmation contenu suppose distincte dominé réflexion mène l’érosion 219 compensée correspondre l’application incompatible sauvegardée spécifiques l’organisation santé) members d’assumer incombent évoquées éminemment complexes jusqu’où l’organiser démocratiquement faut-il gouvernance légitime urgence QUE FAUT-IL INSCRIRE L’AGENDA L’EUROPE accroître contenant esprit Hemerijck Palier l’investissement neuve actuels voire tenu démographique capital humain soutenues secteur comprend six axes assurer accueil d’enfants haute investir formation l’enseignement niveaux activité rémunérée famille reporter flexibiliser départs retraite opportunités offertes protection émancipatrice neuf dresser bilan réalisations pratiques d’engranger évaluer quoi défendue abouti basant perceptions L’année passée évalué volet Stratégie Vleminckx 2012a 2012b Cor- 220 luy étudier thématiques nuancé diversifié (26) douloureux mener financière fragile réalisés balayés universellement acceptée perçu orientations erronées débouchent chô- mage galopant parmi l’attention focalisée inadéquate) poursuivies identifiés maux espagnols espagnoles commis erreurs impardonnables BCE Qu’en l’angle J’ai insisté investissement devaient complémentaires (Cantillon sections illustrent auquel plan RELATIF L’INVESTISSEMENT DESEQUILIBRE CRIANT MATIERE FORMATION relation séries d’activité jeunes (de catégorie 24 29 ans) obtenus 2000 enquêtes PISA disciplines mathématiques sciences compréhension l’écrit appliqué recette package totalité somme parties manqué cohérence 221 TAUX D’ACTIVITE JEUNES ANS RESULTATS intention suggérer direct s’expliquerait (27) écartant qu’être frappé corrélation Grèce l’Italie combinent affirmé conteste éducationnel Abstraction faite offrir perspectives Italie consciente défi headline targets figurant 2020 quittent prématurément l’école pays) hauts 222 prouvé données générations représentées génération mesurons d’activité) éducationnels) recoupent 15:04 malheureusement négative appartient Italiens Espagnols Grecs eux-mêmes desquelles comptes placer fixés Car axé l’austérité n’arrivera second PROTECTION EFFICACITE TRES DIVERSE 5a 5b diffèrent L’axe totales exprimées recouvrent âgées interventions frais logement dispositifs garde préscolaire extrascolaire (0 12 actif proportion standardisé Laeken 2001 lesquels utilisés (Atkinson 2002) pouvant après divisée égale exposées pensions) inclus observé (ce rendu 5a) comprendre précaution modifie (sans obligés travailler) (28) 223 paraître) sous-jacentes traitées circonspection utilisées Ainsi Suède Finlande surestimé efficacité sous-estimée inefficaces correction taxes affecter significative inefficacité Deken prononcer jugement prima l’efficacité comparer ratio pauvreté/dépenses observés primaire travaillent répandu éclairage corriger étatprovidence octroyant génèrent pièges l’inactivité état-providence lui-même test consiste régression qu’illustrent lignes représentent (exprimée national) considéré (29) 224 l’interprétation tests d’estimations critère supérieur limite l’intervalle Evalués Lettonie assouplit inclure Royaume-Uni Portugal assimilée échec facteurs ampleur considérées efficaces explication consacrent montants non-pensionnés apparaissent paraître surprenant comprenions qu’insuffisamment causes caractéristiques fragmentée Comparés (allocations familiales d’enfants) (30) tirée récurrente confirmée globale bons livrer examen approfondi s’explique familiale (juste Sud) obtiennent 225 5A DEPENSES SOCIALES 2007/8 5B REDUCTION RELATIVE 226 TRAJETS POLITIQUES DIVERGENTS DURANT ANNEES DU BOOM (2004/5 2007/8) chemin parcouru favorables 2008 trajets divergaient 2004/5 d’ambitieuses déclarations avaient formulées définit d’Européens inférieur trajet satisfaisant diminué (Decancq seuils prévu Allemands allemand…) ambitieux Sous angle eu aucune stagnation états traditionnellement quelques-uns Pologne fortement Irlande) augmenté Allemagne) Lorsque évalue perfor- 227 15:05 mances enregistrés constate disparité galitaire exemples Inspiré Beer Vincent Corluy 2004-5 2007-8 décomposé travaille) polarisation emplois travers sensiblement d’illustration d’adultes chuté individuels aurait pu quasi identique (Corluy dû modernisation différé responsable METHODE UTILISER ARRIVER QUELQUES POINTS CLES correspond permet relier Sans j’é- voque clés Deux paraissent essentiels garantir soutenir péril quantité importent efforts considérables subissent concrétisation original Lisbonne) succès l’appel équilibrée macro-économique 228 émettant euro-obligations fonds statu quo deal J’estime enfin devons (31) accountability l’optique efficiente judicieux intégrer l’actuel excellence élaborant conditionnalité proposent ONG l’EAPN (32) disposons repère programme cadrent consacrer concrétiser 20/20/20 d’énergie tertiaire 20 millions dressé l’é- tat d’avancement l’Annual Growth Survey (Commission encourageant plans combinées d’inclusion chiffre en-deçà visés consister relever contradiction réinscrire résolument Heidenreich Zeitlin Marlier Public Policy Management Institute Sabel experimental collègue flamand l’Université Tilburg consacré allocution inaugurale (Hendrickx 229 EPILOGUE CATCH SOCIAUX-DEMOCRATES s’apparente technocratie science l’exposé social-démocrate porteur luxe quotidienne jouissant légitimation fidèle attentes mouvement majoritaire voulu l’inadéquation intrinsèquement chance atteints réfléchir tomber n’allons redevenir maîtres arrière devait sombrer déterioreront Donc existentiel Qui surannée exagéré qu’aujourd’hui sceller dominantes ressembler exister mouvements conflits luttes idéologiques nouveau conclu majeures d’espoir peur identité fairness évoqué s’attaquer réglementation 230 l’instauration adéquats architecturales (Rycx Kampelmann Marx uniformisation marges étroites s’agit-il j’avais lu livre celui-ci affirmait socialistes démocrates l’avenir petites d’emporter l’adhésion choix… Permettez-moi terminer l’esprit devront accorder particulière entière réévaluer façonner dernières diverses n’admets l’idolâtrie (l’idée déboucher win-win) révisionnisme fondé l’activation erreur) identifier mobilisatrice renouvelé contribution partenaires utilisable ____________ 231 BIBLIOGRAPHIE K Governing Social Inclusion Europeanization through Oxford University Press Atkinson T E Nolan Indicators EU 2002 O Dolls M C Neumann D Pestel N Siegloch S Fiscal Europe? Redistributive Stabilising Effects an Tax-Benefit System collaboration Fong Gintis H Jayadev Pagano U Essays New Economics Inequality Redistribution Cambridge Measurement Income Distribution Supranational Entities: Case Jenkins Micklewright J (éds Poverty Re-Examined pp 62-83 2007 Critical assessment proposed II regulation more courage strength needed remedy imbalances ETUI Brief N° 4/2012 R V Are Mobility Trends United States Union’s Future? Alber Gilbert Diversity? Comparing Models America 280-307 paradox Investment State: Employment Lisbon Era Journal 21 432-449 F For Better Worse Richer Poorer Labour market income poverty Individual Household Risk Decomposition Analysis CSB ‘beleid & onderzoek’ 1-80 Anvers Centrum voor Sociaal Beleid Herman Deleeck P Why work not panacea: decomposition analysis EU-15 countries 17 375-388 Decancq den Bosch Vanhille evolution Union: measurement data Van- 232 denbroucke Measuring investment state Managing Fragile Eurozone CESifo Forum 40-45 Monetary W Gains All: Proposal Common Euro Bond Intereconomics May/June Inzicht uitzicht Opstellen over Economische Politiek Uitgeverij Bert Bakker 1978 invloed het Hof op Unierecht betrekking tot grensoverschrijdende gezondheidszorg: stand zaken na nieuwe Patiëntenrichtlijn Tijdschrift Recht september Annual Annex Progress Report Strategy COM(2011) 815 2/5 1-27 EU-Wide Measure Sociological 23 35-47 Boundaries Welfare: Integration spatial politics 2005 What it? Does work? And are there really ‘no alternatives’? 13 3-9 Gill Golden growth Restoring lustre Model Washington World Bank needs constitution Left 11 5-26 Changing Welfare Regimes influence open method reforms York Routledge 233 When Eurocrisis Meet Sociologica 1/2012 doi: 2383/36887 (with comments Ascoli Barbier Beckfield Bonoli Palme) Hendrickx Frank l’Universiteit septembre International Organization Aspects Co-operation Group Experts (summary) 74 99-123 Waarom zijn we niet gelukkig? Atlas Perelman Pestieau performance l’Etat-providence enseignement Regards Economiques décembre 93 1-13 Judges Markets? Wallace Pollack Young Policy-Making 253-282 Burgerschap Unie solidariteit: kanttekening bij Europese rechtspraak Rechtskundig Weekblad 75 1013-1019 Citizenship National Systems Solidarity Jurisprudencija 18 397-421 Natali Dam Towards More EU? Bruxelles Peter Lang Marchal Mind Gap: Net Incomes Minimum Wage Workers US IZA Discussion Paper No 6510 1-25 Bonn Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit Haves Have-Nots Idiosyncratic History Global Basic Books theory Optimal Currency Areas American 51 657-665 Mundel Uncommon Arguments Currencies Johnson Swoboda 114-132 Londres Allen Unwin 234 Choice Sustainable Post-Crisis Bajnai G Fischer Hare Hoffmann Rossi Watt Solidarity: Sale? Dimension Governance 23-44 Dialogue Series 2012/1 1- 154 Güterloh Bertelsmann Stiftung euro-area rebalancing Bruegel blog (22 May Evaluation effectiveness OMC since 2006 (deliverable 7) Recommendations improving strengthening 8) 1-164 Between Efficacy Experimentation 283-306 Rycx Who earns wages evidence based household surveys 124 1-65 Trade Problems Prospects Dickson Eleftheriadis Philosophical Foundations Asymmetry cannot be economy KFG Working 1-35 Berlin KollegForschergruppe ‘The Transformative Power Europe’ spending should remain Geluk Politiek: een Pleidooi Helder Denken Itinera Protection: Clarifying Conundrum 1-49 Wederkerigheid: vanzelfsprekend wel nodig Janssens Voor wat hoort Naar nieuw sociaal contract 19-76 Bezige Bij 235 pact OSE Opinion no Disappointing trends: blame? 450-471 Strategische keuzes beleid 1-34 Actieve Welvaartsstaat: Europees Perspectief Uyllezing (Amsterdam december 1999) Stichting ‘Dr Uyl-lezing’ (éd In spoor Uyl-lezingen 1988-2008 Hoog eerlijke verdeling? Donk Rinnooy Kan Lieshout investeringsagenda toekomst Nederlandse Verzorgingsstaat 19-70 Haye WRR Wetenschappelijke Raad Regeringsbeleid Foreword Esping-Andersen Gallie Myles need State viii-xxiv Europe: reflections Drèze’s Tinbergen lecture Economist 150 83-93 2002b protection: what propose? MPIfG working paper 02/6 1-29 Cologne Max Planck Study Societies 2002c Anti-Poverty Network Document Framework Ph Just democracy Rawls-Machiavelli Colchester ECPR Three Letters Peoples Revue Philosophie 7-20 2003 Rethinking from fact 169-172 Ch Experimentalist Architecture 236 TABLE MATIERES 237
Europa: de sociale uitdaging. Een breder en sociaal doel is geen luxe meer voor de Unie, maar noodzaak
EUROPA: DE SOCIALE UITDAGING EEN BREDER EN SOCIAAL DOEL IS GEEN LUXE MEER VOOR UNIE MAAR NOODZAAK (1) DOOR FRANK VANDENBROUCKE (2) Hoogleraar KU Leuven Het is een bijzondere eer voor me om de Den Uyl-leerstoel te mogen bekleden Joop Uyl was van in jaren zestig tot tachtig niet alleen belangrijke sociaaldemocratische leider Europa Zijn manier denken en politiek bedrijven had op velen – ook mij grote invloed In juni 2011 schreef Jan Pronk mooie column over ‘Den als leermeester’ Hij vatte daarin Uyls stijl politicus samen tiental lessen De eerste les luidt volgt: ‘Les één: blijf studeren Denk nooit dat feiten zich spreken waarheid gevonden Zoek achtergronden minder hand liggende verbanden Blijf vragen stellen ’ Dat precies wat ik vandaag wil doen INLEIDING Al meer dan 50 jaar debatteren we vraag of het Europese beleid actieve sociale dimensie nodig heeft zo vijftig vóór oprichting Economische Gemeenschap 6 landen nog steeds nu hebben Unie 27 lidstaten aantal publicaties waarin zwakte ‘het Europa’ beschreven wordt tellen vaak gaat klaagzang met weinig effect: onbereikbare betreurd actuele crisis kan opportuniteit vormen agenda zetten Eerder scherpe definitie waarom hoe ‘waarom’ 197 Oratie bij benoeming bijzonder hoogleraar aan Universiteit Amsterdam 7 2012 Rita Baeten Tuba Bircan Bea Cantillon Paul Grauwe Ri Ridder Steven Engels Joep Konings Kim Lievens Erik Schokkaert Chris Segaert Anne Van Lancker André Poeck Rompuy ben dank verschuldigd punctuele commentaar en/of hulp onderdelen dit betoog verantwoordelijkheid ligt natuurlijk Vandenbroucke-NL qxp 23-1-2013 15:14 Page samenwerking vanuit principieel normatief standpunt zou moeten kreeg heden vreemd genoeg relatief aandacht (3) Ik focus daarom eerst deze vraag; deel mijn leg kort argumenten pro ‘sociaal rooster Mijn aanpak zal u misschien verrassen nogal destructief ‘Is tijdsgewricht zoeken naar zwakke plekken pleidooi sociaal Europa?’ kunnen reageren pas hier echter Pronks ‘eerste Uyl’ toe Een mag bepleit worden alsof vanzelfsprekendheid We kaf koren scheiden geen intellectueel kasplantje zijn beschermende omgeving welmenende gelijkgezinden gedijt Om ideeën die je liefhebt sterk maken moet er hard Uit besluit onder volgende: terwijl zoektocht heldere omschrijving model’ tien geleden kon afgedaan nuttige maar echt noodzakelijke oefening existentiële kwestie geworden financiële bestel staat brandende kortetermijnproblemen langere termijn ‘sociale unie’ voorwaarde laten overleven Concreet betekent behalve fiscal compact (een begrotingspact) social heb verder basisconsensus sociale’ inwoners rol gemeenschappelijke gerichtheid investeringsbeleid daarbij volgens belangrijk Dergelijke consensus gaan elkaar ze eisen: wederkerigheid inbouwen institutionele relaties tussen zoals binnen elk steunt mensen Hiermee gezegd muntunie beantwoordt eisen rechtvaardigheid stelling voorleg beperkter: nagestreefde model stand komen opdat Inhoudelijk zulke principe verschillende richtingen uit; opvattingen gewicht toebedeeld krijgen Maar voeg observatie nood wel volgende toe: breed draagvlak hij beantwoorden doelstellingen welvaartsstaten gemeen Ook normatieve politieke filosofie ontwikkeld terrein Er bekende oproep Habermas (2001) briefwisseling Parijs Rawls (2003) literatuur ‘global justice’ speelt EU Pas zeer recent ontstaat debat onderbouw Europa’: zie daarvoor (2011) Sangiovanni (2012) Nicolaïdis Viehoff vermeld 198 BELGISCH TIJDSCHRIFT ZEKERHEID – 1e TRIMESTER tweede illustreer enkele werkpunten uit uiteenzetting beoogt volledigheid Belangrijke discussiepunten blijven buiten beeld spelregels bepalen inzake fiscaliteit voorkomen inkomensbasis druk komt door ongezonde fiscale concurrentie derde stip urgenties betrekking name noodzaak eenheid economische korte lange herstellen zonder governance leerstoel verwijst sociaaldemocratie eindigen verwijzing waarvan onderlijn vereist ‘historisch compromis’ families regeringen steunen parlement aanwezig uitdrukking overdreven stelt meteen uitdaging scherp: historisch compromis catch 22 sociaaldemocraten zoek eigen profiel? 1 WAAROM ‘SOCIAAL EUROPA’? ONGELIJKHEID IN EUROPA reliëf geven feitelijke vaststelling redenen worstelen vraagstuk enorme diversiteit onze systemen hun geschiedenis inkomensongelijkheid even groot Verenigde Staten neemt heel andere vorm Voor wie daaraan twijfelt: pan-Europese Gini-coëfficiënt gangbare maatstaf inkomensongelijkheid) ongeveer gelijk VSA (4) Zolang verzameling lotsbestemming konden ons veroorloven feit hoofd zien Zeker algemeen veel beperkter ongelijkheid Amerikaanse staten; groter staten Als superrijke Luxemburg beschouwing laat bbp per inwoner uitgedrukt koopkrachtpariteiten armste lidstaat Bulgarije één rijkste Nederland (in EUR tiende) gelijkaardige redenering maakt 199 Op basis EU-SILC 2009 bedraagt netto-beschikbare equivalente huishoudinkomen omgerekend 0 352 EU27 (berekening Tim Goedemé) OESO geeft laatste representatieve 378; regionale prijsverschillen spelen vermoedelijk verwaarloosbare Zie Brandolini (2007) Burkhauser Couch (2010) Milanovic FIGUUR 1: INKOMENSVERDELING EU15 EU12 Vandenbroucke Mechelen Goedemé Mississippi helft (5) minimumloon erg laag uniform peil ondersteund federaal 25 USD uur Bulgaarse minimummaandloon Eurostat geraamd 122 zelfs standaarden 10% Nederlandse uitbreiding Figuur brengt inkomensverdeling waarbij onderscheid maak ‘oude’ ‘nieuwe horizontale as figuur staan huishoudinkomens alle individuele Europeanen; gestandaardiseerd (‘equivalent’ gemaakt) rekening houden grootte samenstelling huishouden Alle inkomens gemeten verhouding mediaan stippellijn duidt armoedegrens 60% inkomen grens pan-Europees gedefinieerd wordt: oppervlaktes links duiden welk bevolking beneden respectievelijk vergelijking pan- 200 Met weglating outliers Zelfs arme Puerto Rico meeneemt relatieve positie PPP) beter et al 15% 70% nieuwe kloof meest welvarende minst groot: koopkrachtpariteit blijken ‘rijke’ Roemenen (waarmee bedoel: betere Roemeense middenklasse) arm ‘arme’ Nederlanders (6) 2 VIER ARGUMENTEN ACTIEVE DIMENSIE HET EUROPESE BELEID begin positieve ga daarmee tegen louter negatieve toon overheerst betekenis eenmaking progressieve ontwikkeling nondiscriminatiebeleid Vertrekkende non-discriminatie nationaliteit (voor EU-onderdanen) loon werk mannen vrouwen sterke juridische gecreëerd principes geslacht leeftijd afkomst … Stephan Leibfried suggereert toenemende rechtbanken hét spoor verdere entiteit heterogeen beheerst veto’s enige mogelijke Zo bekeken dus méér anti-discriminatie vier argumenten: beoogde is… dam dumping; schutkring rond nationale soevereiniteit; onvermijdelijke consequentie Muntunie; kern zelf project drie instrumenteel vierde karakter Alhoewel voortvloeien sluiten overtuigend ieder geheel overloop 201 maatstaven rijk men beschouwen middenklasse Uitgedrukt gezinsinkomen Roemeen percentiel 80 bevindt lager gelijkstellen (Vandenbroucke Tabel 3) 15:15 Argument dumping argument vertrekt idee vergaande integratie harmonisatie leidt neerwaartse geavanceerde agressieve aanneemt vandaar (enigszins sloganeske) samenvatting ‘een opwerpen dumping’ vormde voorwerp Ohlin-rapport 1956 Spaak-rapport legde creatie Bertil Ohlin (de Zweedse partijvoorzitter later Nobelprijs economie Heckscher-Ohlin theorema) ging ervan verschillen loonkosten betrokken mate samenhingen productiviteit ongerust diende lonen ontstaan vrijmaken handel onderlijnde uitgangspunt: uiteenlopende ontwikkelingen zouden optreden gecorrigeerd aanpassingen onderlinge wisselkoersen (International Labour Organisation 1956) huidige context onbelangrijk voorbehoud Prima facie déze ongelijk gegeven Parallel soms spectaculaire uitbouw Opeenvolgende uitbreidingen steevast geleid opwaartse convergentie; Wereldbank omschrijft EG echte ‘convergentie-machine’ (Gill Raiser 2012; Lefebvre 2011) (7) Sociale vrees gebleken realiteit Nu opmerken bepaalde domeinen contra Ohlin-doctrine marktintegratie wèl gekoppeld hoog niveau veiligheid gezondheid negentig (8) ‘opwaartse’ ‘neerwaartse’ convergentie afhangt context: langdurige omvangrijke werkloosheid overhand halen bijvoorbeeld omdat vakbonden overal hangt af maatschappelijke krachtsverhoudingen doe recht genuanceerde discussie voeren opheffen handelsbelemmeringen probleem vormt vooruitgang lijkt prima baseren functionele vermijden 202 Dit cijfers; zegt niets (sub-nationale) divergentie gebeurde parallel eenheidsmarkt Single European Act Laat daar overweging toevoegen Indien ongelijke rem zet onoplosbaar aard denk minimumlonen onmogelijk level playing field definiëren ontwikkelde economisch haalbaar impact (9) Duitsland nationaal zinvol is; (10) 2: soevereiniteit ongetwijfeld grondig bespreken situeert problematiek facto autonomie beleidsmarge) domein onderzoekslijn Fritz Scharpf Maurizio Ferrera anderen basisgedachte intrinsiek conflict bestaat imperatieven vrije markt grensoverschrijdende mobiliteit dienstverlening enerzijds anderzijds samenhangen gemeenschapsvorming gebaseerd verankerde rechten plichten (11) veronderstellen grenzen afgebakend lidmaatschap solidariteitskringen; doorbreken solidariteitskringen fundamentele con- 203 ‘level field’ bedoel absolute niveaus bv vastgelegd gemiddelde verre evident opgave Verder verwijs Pisani-Ferry loonontwikkeling expansiever verlopen voorbije decennium; verbetering Duitse passen legitimiteitsargument verwoordt pessimisme scherpst (2009) (2005) optimistischer flict logica ‘opening’ ‘begrenzing’ parafraseren (12) impliceert Bulgaar dezelfde bijstand Nederlander strenge voorwaarden koppelen; stipuleert tegenover systeem voldoende opgebouwd toelaten België ongeremd shoppen gezondheidszorg gedekt zorgverzekeraars planning aanbod afspraken tarieven doorkruisen overheden noch buitenlanders open punt waar hamert architectuur stelselmatig voordeel beslist ten koste benadrukt verdragen basiswetgeving duidelijk zuivere ‘staatsactie’ (of ‘solidariteitsactie’) ‘economische actie’ uitspraken Hof Justitie oriënteren); scheidslijn solidariteit helder brede grijze zone marktwerking gelijktijdig schaal geval analyses inspireerden ‘horizontale clausule’ belang ordenend sterker benadrukken instellingen (en Justitie) duidelijker oriënteren 2002c) vertegenwoordigers niet-gouvernementele organisaties voerden campagne Conventie Via IGC (Intergouvernementale Conferentie) vond tekst min aangepast weg artikel 9 VFEU (Verdrag betreffende Functioneren Unie) 204 geschetste slechts gedeeltelijk volledige analyse (i) gevolgen vrij verkeer personen Bismarckiaanse verzekeringssystemen (ii) burgerschap gebaseerde Beveridge-systemen (iii) (iv) diensten volgt toepassing Deze anti-discriminatieregel (‘zonder bijdragen rechten’); woorden ‘wederkerigheid’ verzekeringsstelsels handhaven soepele toegangsregels verwerven toch omwille vind tegenstelling systematisch onweerstaanbaar liberalisering ongeremde evenwichtsherstellende bijdrage leveren) (13) ruimte initiatief corrigerend treden evenwicht vrijemarktprincipes soevereiniteit: vatbaarder deterministische dienstenrichtlijn: Europees Parlement voorgesteld Bolkestein bijgestuurd blijkt richtlijn gezondheidszorg; Raad bewaakten patiëntenrechten aansturing stelsels (14) juist toelaat toekennen integratie-eisen; problemen daarrond bestaan m i implementatie grondslagen (15) oneens intellectuele helden dergelijke asymmetrische constitutie zij géén socialemarkteconomie Charter Protocol Diensten Algemeen Belang elementen Rhodes Armstrong Lenaerts Daarmee opgelost Men overigens aanvoeren basisdynamiek (o vooral gericht eerder defensieve reactie gedwongen werd blijft niet-onbelangrijke speelde evaluatie Unierecht benadering concrete Cf zgn ‘zelfstandigen’ leven 205 zeggen relevant wisselwerking (waar hoger argument’ verwees) verminderde kritisch spanning én elke lidstaat; leiden generositeit Of effectief geregeld vervolgens implementeren daarnet aangaf ander voorbeeld werkland werknemers gedetacheerd gelden? En welke acties ondernemen wanneer menen regels geschonden kader detachering? Enkele beruchte arresten (Viking Laval) stelden actiemogelijkheden leken voorrang liberale mogelijk lijn ontwikkelt wetgevend wenselijk Mario Monti aangekaart rapport eengemaakte maart nam Commissie wetgeving terzake sturen creëren vakbondsactie Bruun Bücker voorstel bevredigend ver Zij eigenlijk vrijheden minstens gelijke status (overtuigende) illustreert woord bijsturing 3 3: Muntunie Hoger wees uitdrukkelijk uitging orde oog toekomstige sociaaleconomische wijzigingen veronderstelling radicaal onderuit gehaald althans Eurozone daarvan Ben Chu editorialist The Independent mei samen: ‘Europe has to become a ‘country’ new beast if the euro survive’ verwees essentiële tekorten constructie muntunie: afwezigheid ondersteunende centrale bank; garantie bankdeposito’s; regering begroting automatische buffer crises; ‘nationale’ besluitvorming land waarmee gemaakt is: 206 zwart-wit termen gesteld uitweg land’ Overigens ‘land’ afzienbare toekomst: conclusie verbinden gedoemd mislukken Anderzijds stabiliseren ‘verzekeringstechnisch’ d w z interstatelijke verzekering schokken centraal thema theorie optimale muntzones schema (16) voordelen instantie verminderen transactiekosten kosten deviezenruil vallen wisselkoersonzekerheid af) grotere vergelijkbaarheid prijzen zowel ondernemingen consumenten nuttig Wanneer bijdraagt welvaart vergroot boven voorgaande effecten gunstige deelneemt nadeel beleidsinstrument verliest nl mogelijkheid passen; getroffen ‘asymmetrische schok’ Opdat munt- 207 Je ontwikkel verbreden bredere premisse collectieve goederen creëert waardevol risico’s integratieproject specifieke soort integratieproject: wezen faire integratierisico’s gedachte Andrea uitkomt ‘reciprocity-based internationalism’ aantrekkelijke solidariteitsconcept verankerd vanzelfsprekend loutere upscaling bestaande solidariteitsconcepten meet invulling panEuropees anders gebruikt concept ‘risico’ reeks beperkingen geconfronteerd allemaal thuishoren notie ‘risico’; daarop ‘verzekeringsparadigma’ doet Meer gronde opvatting (problemen in) functioneren missie EU: beperkt priori visie rechtvaardigheid? klemtoon ‘reciprocity’ (wederkerigheid) stel (ik verzekeringsparadigma tekortschiet) argumentatie functionalistische afleiding (cf 4 infra) Daardoor verschillend ontbreekt verschil werken unie nadelen deelnemende bijgevolg gekenmerkt combinatie symmetrie flexibiliteit Symmetrie _ groei loon- prijspeil correleren gelijklopend Flexibiliteit slaat interne aanpassingsvermogen schok voordoet: doordat flexibel arbeidsmobiliteit intern beschikken uiteindelijk nettovoordeel opleveren meten graad verticale tradeoff dalende groep baten kosten: ‘optimale muntzone’ Amerika verbonden net comfortabele 208 TRADE-OFFS MUNTUNIE trade-off: vangen budgettaire transfers vermindert schuift OMZ-lijn OMZ’ (volgens twee pijlen) veronderstelt permanente inkomensherverdeling plaatsvindt uitmaken muntzone; ‘stabilisatie’-maatregelen ‘herverdelen’ ‘stabiliseren’ uitgaan moral hazard opduikt Moral stroom middelen rijkere armere aanpassing structureel uitstellen ‘Stabilisatie’ tijdelijk cyclisch (Bij wijze theoretisch voorbeeld: cofinanciering werkloosheidsuitkeringen gedurende fase geactiveerd kortlopende bepaald uitstijgt voldoen prioriteit ‘stabilisatie’ herverdeling ) onveranderlijk Lidstaten preventieve bewaking opzetten inzet sixpack 2010 stelde erin slaagt stemmen zwarte pijl) Hier bijkomende asymmetrie voorkomt stabiliserende onderlijnt goed houdbaarheid zwartwit keuze transferunie; confronteert trade-offs keuzemogelijkheden beperken Noch maatschappelijk neutrale keuzes behelst aanpassingsprocessen meestal moeilijk pijnlijk ervaren rechtstreeks (eerder omweg muntdepreciatie hogere inflatie) gemakkelijk migreren Vaak verband gebracht ontslagprocedures e voorstander niet-al-te-rigide arbeidsmarkten oor luisteren leggen Britse econoom Richard Layard stichter Centre for Economic Performance theoreticus activeringsbeleid ongelukkig maken: zozeer loonflexibiliteit 209 arbeidsmarkt onzeker (17) vele betekenissen zeker neutraal Budgettaire tijdelijke stabilisatie praktijk functie overheidsuitgaven los koppelen herverdelingsfuncties (18) Is nastreven slotte kleurloze optie? essentie na streven overheidsrekeningen arbeidsproductiviteit: parameters lopen moeilijke ervoor pensioenleeftijd zekere evolutie levensverwachting evenwichtig besef naïef veroudering mensen) erover waken ‘symmetrie’ levensverwachting? A genereuzer onvermijdelijk eindigt overheidsschuld loonkost product zulk blijven) bewuste afruil organiseren (meer) pensioengenerositeit (minder) nettolonen arbeidsproductiviteit ondanks vroeger pensioen batterij 210 terug welfare-to-work aanzette goede midden kiezen harde ogen ‘lankmoedige Frans-Duitse manier’ roep vindt verstandig onzekerheid ‘In plaats daarvan’ schrijft ‘zouden zekerheid alsook flexibele [waarmee doelt decentralisering loonoverleg willen inruilen loonstijging werkzekerheid] (Layard 2005) Bargain biedt interessante illustratie georganiseerd ‘Europeanisering’ belastingstelsel groepen ‘winnaars’ ‘verliezers’ gevolgd noodzaakt niet) transferschema ontwerpen complexe discussies ‘wint’ ‘verliest’ 211 (19) eenvoudig strikt genomen afstemming Stel B stijgen (rekening houdende B) pensioenbijdrage geheven brutolonen bruto-loonkost kent budgettair beide alternatief probleemloos scenario tevreden denkbaar overheid bespaart pensioenstelsel bijkomend subsidieert té arbeidsaanbod kleiner lonen: resultaat (en/of vakbonden) krappere eventuele via immigratie alternatieve aanvaarden pensioenen samendrukbaar type hoort thuis sfeer economie: bereid trekken pensioenleeftijd: ‘de tering nering gezet’ Uiteindelijk asymmetrisch pensioenbeleid cohesie aantast vanzelfsprekend: variabelen mee opgaat geldt onevenwicht scholing tekort geschoolden overschot ongeschoolden verwachten zullen (ervan uitgaande arbeidsmigratie oplost); onvoldoende gecompenseerd uitgaven tewerkstellingsprogramma’s laaggeschoolden) ofwel accepteren lagere algemene woorden: (relatieve) scholingstekort ‘betalen’ Dus ‘politieke economie’-argumenten horen gedrag werkgevers Wat economie’ betreft ‘onbetaalde rekening’ zetten’; daardoor overheidstekort universele geldingskracht hanteert gelden (maar daarover hier) geschoolde overheidsschuld: overaanbod ongeschoolde reacties verhogen… dimensies 212 (die rekenen immigratie) mogelijks dan: fundamenteel verschillen? antwoord ‘als’ zinnen gewichtige ‘bewijzen’ strategieën minimale plausibel supranationaal krijgt netjes afgescheiden arena’s lang betoogt Daarom neutraal: richting Bovendien evenzeer eventueel Vooraleer keer Bij voegen aandacht: gezamenlijk banksector beklemtoond: ‘collectieve wantrouwen aanzien schuldtitels ‘slecht evenwicht’ terechtkomen kortetermijnliquiditeitsproblemen omslaan solvabiliteitsproblemen uitgifte euro-obligaties Net transfermogelijkheden bezwaar rentepeil ‘lakse landen’ gehouden verhoging ‘gedisciplineerde lakse geremd schulden mutualisering schuld vatten bezwaren dele ondervangen rentevoeten toegepast (20) ‘zwart-wit’ karakter: overtuigingskracht gezamenlijke actie (inzake banken schuld) kritische drempel overschrijden Omdat lezing bekijken kortetermijnkwesties vergeten Moesen (De 2009) voorstellen zin gedeelte van) overheidsschulden overeenkomt gevangenen gevangenendilemma raken betrokkenen Pareto-verbetering realiseren: welbegrepen eigenbelang 213 (21) Fuest Peichl overzicht begrotingsunie aannemen Tot analytische houdbaarheidsvoorwaarden heeft? precieze conclusies ontwikkelen aangeven eens dwingt ‘basisconsensus’ cognitieve vat stabiliseer ze? presenteerde economen Robert Mundell vader muntzone bijgedragen 1973 formuleren oorspronkelijke 1961 grafiek aanleunt (Mundell 1973) Monetaristen kijken keynesianen leunde lanceren monetaristische overheidsoptreden ‘Mundell I’ Veel gelooft markten zichzelf convergentie? scholing? meningen alles volledig overeenkomen knopen hakken coherent moét eensgezindheid twijfel rechte eind Veronderstel iemand mengt stelling: ‘Ik twijfels sommige band ondersteunen geloof stelsel wetenschappers doorlichten; wetenschappelijke instelling Zou oogpunt legitimiteit (pensioenleeftijd) (minimumlonen) ter harte nemen onderzoeken realistisch zijn? waartoe dubbel: 214 Welke ‘flexibiliteit’ transfers? ‘prijs’ betalen ontwikkelingen? Over dan? ‘transfers’ instrument wetenschap altijd herverdelend effect hebben? benchmarks afgesproken waarrond lading Inzake vitaliteit 2012) verleden beklemtoond verscheiden kennen Nochtans gedeelde geladen Vervolgens complex omgaan technisch Jean legt Zuid-Europese economieën eenzijdig proces behandelen Vermits gemeenschappelijk succesvol aanpassingsproces iets inflatie Spanje (mits prijsstabiliteit gegarandeerd mits gebruik structurele hervormingen voeren) Dezelfde vlak Noord-Europese ‘overkill’ vermijden) loonstijgingen aanzienlijk uitstijgen eurodecennium) ‘Wederkerigheid’ deelt duidelijke wederzijdse inspanning Wederkerigheid last herstel competitiviteit partner intermenselijke verhoudingen bindmiddel samenleving contrasteerde homo reciprocans ooit economicus: ziet graag ‘iets terug’ ‘zijn geld’ 215 (22) waarop Bowles uitwerkt welvaartsstaat gegrondvest extrapoleerbaar voorligt beroep ‘verstandig eigenbelang’ ‘sterke wederkerigheid’ uiting afwijkend gesanctioneerd sanctie nettokost diegene afdwingt ‘principiële moraal’ handhaving normen consequenties; cf infra (23) Naast ethisch-filosofische ‘verantwoordelijkheid’ geconcipieerd entiteiten): burgers dragen beslissingen worden? draagwijdte ‘reciprociteit’ entiteiten vooronderstelt inspanning) kruideniersschaal vatbaar mededogen kwetsbaar kwetsbaarheid wijten nettogever armoede daadwerkelijk aangepakt (‘er bodemloze emmers gevuld’) diegenen inspanningen cement 2010) Samuel definieert bereidheid delen ingesteldheid levert individueel ‘verlichte ‘voorwaardelijk’ betekenisvol begrip onlangs mooi samengevat Editorial Constitutional Law Review WTE DN meerdere kwesties ‘individuele’ voordoet? Hoe toegewezen is? Waar stopt ondersteuning’ collectief georganiseerde mechanismen (bijvoorbeeld transfers)? Hanteren principiële moraal (waarbij zondaars’ bestraft zondaars zijn) consequentalistische streng bestraffen heiligen brengt?) Kunnen niet-verbreekbaar engagement aangaan bestendigend mechanisme wordt? noodzakelijk vormen; gelaagde duurzame (24) fragiliteit wijst ‘diepe variabele’ ‘a sense common purpose’ toen geforceerd herenigde Duitsland: ‘(T)his purpose deep variable that made monetary and political union possible Germany Put differently were endogenous variables driven by force existence this it inconceivable would have started with without having centralized budget capable making large between regions or unified security system This weakly developed at level’ p 113) Alleszins ‘sense Toen Belgisch Minister Zaken Uyl-lezing 1999 lans brak ‘Open Methode Coördinatie’ inhoud daarna beklemtonen: coördinatie 2002a 2002b) luxediscussie licht 4: ‘Europa’ achterwege start opnieuw wit blad revue passeerden niet-sociaal functioneel afgeleid: bescherming verlies welslagen muntunie… Jürgen verdediging way life’ globalisering waarvoor mobilisatie Lionel Jospin hem geïnspireerd had) levenswijze culturele insluiting interpretatie diep ingrijpt blijvend gelegitimeerd vertrekpunt vrede verankeren schiet onderneming strookt niet-economische hefbomen invloeden 216 217 (25) simuleren EAPN dergelijk verwijzen aankaartte: kwaliteit bijstandsstelsels bijstandstoerisme beste harmonisering absoluut ‘concurrentie’ verdwijnt perfect gerealiseerd correct afbakening begint opmerking aansluitend supra invullen gradaties kosmopolitisme staat: samenlevingsmodel ‘European onderscheidt stricto sensu verdrukking gelezen perspectief taken overneemt armoedebestrijding) respect subsidiariteit kernidee coördinatiemethode’ gelanceerd Top Lissabon 2000 10 onafgebroken kritiek geklonken methode zwak soft harder worden: betekenen project? Natascha scherp simuleren: verplichten bijstandsstelsel mediaaninkomen elimineren verplichting invoeren doorgedreven rechten’ (zoals inkomensbescherming fatsoenlijk niveau) lidstaten? vereiste ‘herverdelingsinspanning’ doelstelling hic nunc realiseren (wat eis is) uiteenlopen: percentage niet-arme 218 herverdelingsinspanning 5% Tsjechië Frankrijk Hongarije 7% Litouwen Roemenië grootste OostEuropese Daar alhoewel ‘arm’ inkomensarmoede leveren Echter Vergelijk qua vergelijkbaar Zoals Spaanse inefficiënt inleiding aansneed uitdrukkelijke Moet rechtvaardiger inkomensverdelinBELGISCH BBP PER CAPITA HERVERDELINGSINSPANNING DIE VEREIST OM ARMOEDE TE ELIMINEREN Laag bbp/capita Hoog 219 gen herverdelen (‘rijke’ ‘arme’) verbetert Belgen? duale beoordelingsperspectief herleiden enkel uitgangspunten omvang solidariteitskring ‘wij’ eenvoudige trade-off ene algoritme armoede-indicatoren indicator resultaten beoordelen armoedeindicatoren; expliciet roeping ‘nationale cohesie’ dienen toetsen niet-reduceerbare Historisch vaandel gedragen: panEuropese cohesiebeleid Debatten situeerden terrein: bewaken verbeteren samenhang reduceren (zie Fahey 2007) uitgeput externe ondersteuning? externaliseren beleidsfalen hoofde inefficiënte aanstipte? past life’? Samen mede-auteurs simulaties radicale anti-armoedenorm vertaalt bindende wederkerigheid: helpen zélf verantwoordelijk daadkracht efficiëntie armoedebestrijding Vooruitgang boeken vruchtbare spiraal gang brengen toenemen Dàt allereerste opdracht 220 CONCLUSIE: VAN DEFINIEREN besprak zwaarste wegen introduceren ‘moralistisch’ behulpzaam pakken focussen Ze hoge democratieën hamvraag opgevat uitvoerbaar stabiel vereisten houdbare wijzen richting: sterkere luxe-oefening Nog afstemmen recept groeiend sturingsvermogen Afstemming eenheidsworst strijdig gezondheidzorg) gevrijwaard democratisch aansturen EU-lidstaten eurozone behoren Toch legitiem sociaaleconomisch bestuur urgenter WAT MOET OP AGENDA EUROPA? toenemen? ‘pact’ haar langetermijndoel vast geest Sociaal Investeringspact betogen Anton Hemerijck Bruno Palier investeringsgedachte nieuw decennium tafel lagen menselijk kapitaal 221 (26) uniek uniforme toegepast; investeringsstrategie pakket som gebrek consistentie gezinnen individuen actueel actueler gezien demografische Zulk hervormingsgerichte dynamische publieke sector; draait zes assen 2011): hoogwaardige kinderopvang; investeren opleiding onderwijs onderwijs; verderzetten betaald gezinsverantwoordelijkheid combineren; levensverwachting; migratie succes arbeidsmarkt; emanciperende aanknoopt correcte balans opmaken opgeleverd evalueren gepresteerd perceptie Tijdens luik Lissabon-strategie besteed Vleminckx 2011; 2012a 2012b Corluy genuanceerd gediversifieerd pijnlijke overduidelijk: robuust wankel financieel Zeer geboekt werkgelegenheid klap weggeveegd financieel-economische intussen gemeengoed beseft verkeerde oriëntaties leidden kapitaal: massa werkloze bouwvakkers? tijdens alléén stuurde begrotingsbeleid halfslachtig zag opleidings(non)beleid zonden Israël overladen: werden onvergeeflijke fouten monetaire ECB 222 investeringsparadigma? paradigma mikken verstandige beschermen (Cantillon bestek proberen illustreren ‘investeren’ ‘beschermen’ INVESTERINGSAGENDA: DRAMATISCHE ONEVENWICHTEN SCHOLING breng reeksen cijfers verband: werkzaamheidsgraad jonge leeftijdscategorie 24 29 jaar) jongeren 15 PISA-toetsen afgenomen wiskundige vaardigheid leesvaardigheid WERKZAAMHEID 24-29-JARIGEN PISA-RESULTATEN 223 suggereren direct causaal ‘verklaard’ onderwijsresultaten (27) treffend Griekenland Italië combineren lage PISA-testen Terugkomend stelde: langetermijnprobleem bestrijd scholingsonevenwicht Los buitengewoon bieden Italianen Spanjaarden Grieken erkent ook: 2020 terugdringen vroegtijdige schoolverlaters landen) headline targets onderwijsagenda weegt doordringt hoogste besluitvorming: helaas negatief zeggen: ‘Dit onderwijsprobleem aangesproken onderwijsuitdaging plaatsen slagen bezuinigingsagenda BESCHERMINGSAGENDA: GROTE VERSCHILLEN EFFICIENTIE 5a 5b presteren totale weergegeven naast uitkeringen ouderenzorg tegemoetkomingen huisvestingskosten diverse voorzieningen voorschoolse buitenschoolse kinderopvang (0-12 arbeidsmarktbeleid begrepen weer bevolkingsaandeel nettohuishoudinkomen mediaan; omschreven ‘met risico armoede’ Laekenindicatoren 2001 Lissabonproces (Atkinson 2002) bewezen gegevens generaties (generatie werkzaamheid meten) (generaties onderwijsprestaties overlappen omschrijven ‘relatieve armoedevermindering transfers’: ‘armoede transfers’ gedeeld ‘Armoede armoederisico (waaronder pensioenen) meerekent feitelijk observeert ‘armoedevermindering’ voorzichtig indicatoren ‘armoedevermindering houdt wijzigt (zonder verplicht doorwerken) (28) oordeel vellen armoederisico’s toetsstenen vergelijken punten: ‘armoede/sociale uitgaven’ armoedevermindering/sociale armoedecijfers (‘armoede transfers’) voorbijgaan uitgavenbeleid primaire opvangen corrigeren inactiviteitsvallen efficiënt veroorzaakt hanteren toets vergelijkt regressie regressielijnen (nationaal gemeten) 224 (te verschijnen) grondigere bespreking onderliggende data omgesprongen bestedingsdata belastingen uitgavenpeil Zweden Finland ingeschat ‘efficiëntie’ onderschat ‘inefficiënte’ landen; correctie trek ‘inefficiëntie’ wezenlijk veranderen Deken 225 regressielijn ‘inefficiënt’ uiteindelijke armoederesultaat (29) Letland uitgesproken Portugal Verenigd Koninkrijk beschouwd ‘minder efficiënt’ verantwoordelijk? beleidsverklaring besteden pensioenuitgaven nietpensioenuitgaven niet-gepensioneerden Griekse Portugese Italiaanse verbazing wekken inzicht oorzaken inefficiëntie kenmerk fragmentatie ondersteuningsbeleid (kinderbijslag kinderopvang) (30) Zowel wetenschappelijk onderzoek inzoomen terugkerende bevestigd algehele cruciaal armoederesultaten instrument: diepgaander indringender regressietechniek schattingen vuistregel hanteren: geschatte 5 ppt bovengrens betrouwbaarheidsinterval ondergrens inefficiënt: criterium versoepeld meegerekend zomaar gelijkgesteld ‘falend beleid’ uitgaven: factoren Daaruit besloten verklaard beperkte gezinsbeleid: gezinsbeleid presteert 226 5A: UITGAVEN 2007/8 Socialebeschermingssuitgaven % 2007 15:16 227 5B: RELATIEVE ARMOEDEVERMINDERING UITEENLOPENDE BELEIDSTRAJECTEN TIJDENS BOOMJAREN 2004/5-2007/8 geef afgelegd 2008 opvalt trajecten waren 6: 2004/5 228 Lissabon-top ambitieuze verklaringen bestrijding geformuleerd meetlat telt Europeanen mediane traject sinds bevredigend: daalde significant (Decancq meetlatten bedoeld: Belgen Duitsers Belgische inkomen) afgelegde maat vermindering gemiddeld gesproken stilstand traditioneel Polen verminderde; Ierland); steeg (met afhankelijk Duitsland) ‘pan-Europese wereld Vanuit dispariteit inegalitair groeimodel voorbeelden Vincent 229 2004-5 2007-8 kaart Beer decompositie armoede-evoluties ‘werk-rijke’ ‘werk-arme gezinnen’ polarisatie jobs huishoudens merkelijk Ter aandeel volwassenen ‘werkloze huishoudens’ ppt; bedroeg daling quasi-identieke huishoudwerkloosheid verwacht (Corluy tabel gevolg verlaat moderniseringsproces ‘verantwoordelijk’ ‘HOE’ ENKELE UITGANGSPUNTEN investeringsparadigma langetermijnagenda kortetermijnproblematiek economisch-financiële Zonder aandachtspunten Twee lijken essentieel: langetermijndoelstellingen borgen ondermijnen Niet kwantiteit zware kampen Lissabon-agenda) schuldvermindering ondersteuning evenwichtige macro-economische bankencrisis mobiliseren fondsen doorvoeren daartoe status-quo integendeel hervormingsbeleid investeringsdeal behoort reële 230 coördinatie’ volhouden geleidelijk (31) processen nadruk liggen ‘accountability’ socialebeschermingssystemen effectieve efficiënte bouwen solidariteitsinstrument uitstek Fondsen: conditionaliteit ngo’s (32) houvast programma doelen sporen investeringsbeleid: 20/20/20-doelstellingen waarmaken energie tertiair 20 miljoen armen zaken Annual Growth Survey (European Commission aanmoedigend plannen ingediend 2020-doelstellingen bereikt optelsom aangaande 12 gevraagde contradictie vaststellen 2020-doelen krachtig objectieven EPILOOG CATCH SOCIAALDEMOCRATEN? Politiek technocratie wervend terugvinden betoog? breder doel luxe-discussie beklemtoonde nuchtere dagelijks gedragen publiek Vanzelfsprekend zaak bestuursmethode gepubliceerd Heidenreich Zeitlin Marlier Public Policy Management Institute Sabel situering ‘experimental governance’ ingaan arbeidsrecht Vlaamse collega Tilburg wijdde (Hendrickx 231 zijn; meerderheidsstroming oratie wilde schieten sociaaldemocratisch smal kans Sociaaldemocraten twijfelen vervallen inderdaad meesterschap lot slaan diepere wegzinkt existentieel Wie beetje versleten gezicht 22-gehalte: bewegingen ideologisch strijd hoop hoeven schrik Natuurlijk punten hart vergt volgehouden investering ‘fairness’ zegde regelgeving fatsoenlijke aandachtspunt beseffende architecturale verscheidenheid (Rycx Kampelmann Marx normering marges investeringsagenda sociaaldemocraten? kocht boek stond: ‘Het onverminderd taak democratische socialisten toekomst onverschillig keus instemming macht Dan uitzicht Inzicht vanaf tenslotte inhoudelijke besteden: inhoudelijk reine varianten houd idolatrie naïeve 232 investeren’ win-win oplevert) ongefundeerd revisionisme activeringsagenda fout was) mobiliserende kracht vernieuwde sector afvragen vakbewegingen werkgeversorganisaties hanteerbaar vertaalbaar ________________ VERWIJZINGEN K Governing Social Inclusion Europeanization through Coordination Oxford University Press Atkinson T E Nolan Indicators 2002 O Dolls M C Neumann D Pestel N Siegloch S Fiscal Union Europe? Redistributive Stabilising Effects an Tax-Benefit System verschijnen collaboration Fong Gintis H Jayadev Pagano U Essays on New Economics Inequality Redistribution Cambridge Measurement Income Distribution Supranational Entities: Case Jenkins Micklewright J (eds Poverty Re-Examined pp 62-83 Critical assessment proposed II regulation more courage strength needed remedy imbalances ETUI Brief N° 4/2012 R V Are Mobility Trends United States Union’s Future? Alber Gilbert Diversity? Comparing Models Europe America 280-307 paradox Investment State: Employment Lisbon Era Journal 21 432-449 F For Better Worse Richer Poorer market participation redistribution income poverty Individual Household Risk Decomposition Analysis CSB ‘beleid & onderzoek’ 1-80 Antwerpen Centrum Beleid Herman Deleeck P Why work not panacea: decomposition analysis EU-15 countries 17 375-388 Decancq den Bosch Vanhille evolution 233 234 Union: concepts measurement Measuring investment state Managing Fragile CESifo Forum 40-45 Monetary W Gains All: Proposal Common Euro Bond Intereconomics May/June Opstellen Uitgeverij Bert Bakker 1978 gezondheidszorg: Patiëntenrichtlijn Tijdschrift Recht september Annex Progress Report Strategy COM(2011) 815 final 2/5 1-27 EU-Wide Measure Sociological 23 35-47 Boundaries Welfare: Integration spatial politics protection 2005 What it? Does work? And are there really ‘no alternatives’? 13 3-9 Gill I Golden growth Restoring lustre Model Washington World Bank needs constitution Left 11 5-26 Changing Welfare Regimes influence method coordination national reforms York Routledge 235 When Eurocrisis Meet Sociologica 1/2012 doi: 2383/36887 (with comments Ascoli Barbier Beckfield Bonoli Palme) Hendrickx Frank International Organization Aspects Co-operation Group Experts (summary) 74 99-123 Waarom gelukkig? Atlas Perelman Pestieau La performance l’Etat providence européen Quel enseignement pour la Belgique ? regards Economiques december 93: 1-13 Judges Markets? Wallace Pollack Young Policy-Making 253-282 Burgerschap solidariteit: kanttekening rechtspraak Rechtskundig Weekblad 75 1013-1019 Citizenship National Systems Solidarity Jurisprudencija 18 397-421 Natali Dam Towards More EU? Brussel Peter Lang Marchal Mind Gap: Incomes Minimum Wage Workers US IZA Discussion Paper No 6510 1-25 Bonn Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit Haves Have-Nots Idiosyncratic History Global Basic Books theory Optimal Currency Areas American 51 657-665 Uncommon Arguments Currencies Johnson Swoboda 114-132 Londen Allen Unwin 236 Choice Sustainable Post-Crisis Bajnai G Fischer Hare Hoffmann Rossi Watt Solidarity: Sale? Dimension Governance 23-44 Dialogue Series 2012/1 1-154 Güterloh Bertelsmann Stiftung euro-area rebalancing challenge Bruegel blog (22 May Evaluation effectiveness OMC since 2006 (deliverable 7) Recommendations improving strengthening 8) 1-164 Between Efficacy Experimentation 283-306 Rycx Who earns minimum wages evidence based household surveys 124 1-65 Trade Problems Prospects Dickson Eleftheriadis Philosophical Foundations Asymmetry cannot be economy KFG Working 1-35 Berlijn KollegForschergruppe ‘The Transformative Power Europe’ spending should remain Geluk Politiek: Pleidooi Helder Denken Itinera Protection: Clarifying Conundrum 1-49 pact OSE Opinion Disappointing trends: blame? 450-471 237 Wederkerigheid: Janssens Naar contract 19-76 Bezige Strategische 1-34 Actieve Welvaartsstaat: Perspectief Uyllezing (Amsterdam 1999) Stichting ‘Dr Uyl-lezing’ (ed Uyl-lezingen 1988-2008 eerlijke verdeling? Donk Rinnooy Kan Lieshout Verzorgingsstaat 19-70 Haag WRR Wetenschappelijke Regeringsbeleid protection: what Convention propose? MPIfG working paper 02/6 1-29 Keulen Max Planck Study Societies 2002c Justice Europe: reflections Drèze’s Tinbergen lecture Economist 150 83-93 2002b Foreword Esping-Andersen Gallie Myles need State viii-xxiv Anti-Poverty Network Document Framework Directive Ph Just democracy Rawls-Machiavelli programme Colchester ECPR Three Letters Peoples Revue Philosophie Economique 7-20 2003 Rethinking from fact 169-172 Ch Experimentalist Architecture INHOUDSTAFEL 238
Excessive Social Imbalances and the Performance of Welfare States in the EU
Page 2 of 73 EUROFORUM Within the ‘Euroforum’ framework KU Leuven academics present policy papers on Europe 2020 targets (employment social inclusion climate education and innovation) Eurozone’s design problems in interaction with policymakers from European Commission international experts Policy by Euroforum Leuven: 1 Paul De Grauwe ‘Design Failures Eurozone: Can They Be Fixed?’ (April 2013) Maarten Goos Anna Salomons & Marieke Vandeweyer ‘Job Polarization During Great Recession Beyond’ 3 Frank Vandenbroucke Ron Diris Gerlinde Verbist ‘Excessive Social Imbalances Performance Welfare States EU’ 4 Erik Schokkaert Koen Decancq ‘Beyond GDP: Measuring Progress Europe’ 5 Schoukens ‘From Soft Monitoring to Enforceable Action: A Quest for New Legal Approaches EU Fight against Exclusion’ is part interdisciplinary think-tank Metaforum which aims strengthen Leuven’s involvement debate supporting multidisciplinary working groups researchers different disciplines combine their scientific expertise discuss relevant issues angles Interdisciplinary Hollands College Damiaanplein 9 bus 5009 3000 metaforum@rec kuleuven be www be/metaforum be/euroforum ABSTRACT Our paper4 starts premise that disparity lack convergence levels child poverty Eurozone signals ‘excessive imbalances’ should a common concern Increasing diverging rates warrant first because they contradict expectation deepening integration leads growing cohesion at national panEuropean level second signal investment deficits may cause effect vicious circle underperforming labour markets systems The empirical paper develop an ‘efficiency scoreboard’ member states’ performance based observable regard ‘efficiency-benchmarks’ take into account spending (distinguishing pension other spending) household employment ‘pro-poorness’ With we distinguish measure ‘work poverty’ (which correlates i e care active market policies) ‘relative severity work reflects polarization unequal distribution jobs over households) pro-poorness upshot our research it confirms recent publications question so-called Korpi-Palme ‘paradox redistribution’ without however showing propoorness transfers (other than pensions) adds efficiency Although impact these indicators statistically significant still leave substantial unexplained disparities welfare states On structural differences underlying societal fabric correlate architecture GDP per capita but are not readily ‘explained’ factors strongly each other) result shows analyzing incremental changes policies must conflated across We thank Tim Goedemé Aaron Vanden Heede Vincent Corluy preparation data discussion basis SILC Pierre Pestieau Olaf van Vliet Rudi Van Dam Jonathan Zeitlin Maurizio Ferrera Johan Deken Bea Cantillon Karel den Bosch Anton Hemerijck Olivier Bontout Georg Fischer participants informal seminars CSB critical comments CONTENTS Abstract Introduction Excessive imbalances 8 divergence threatens legitimacy B needs basic consensus 11 C one apply notion states? 15 D Preliminary conclusions 19 Mapping 20 relevance intensity patterns 21 Household at-risk-of-poverty rates: decomposing diversity 23 24 employment: regression analysis 27 E explanatory power human capital demographic dependency 32 F An 35 G Caveats 39 General 41 References 45 6 Appendix 1: according vs ESSPROS 48 7 2: Model selection sensitivity 3: Summary statistics 51 Figures tables 52 INTRODUCTION Union (EU) has adopted surveillance mechanism prevent correct macroeconomic within ‘Macro-economic Imbalance Procedure’ (MIP) It relies alert system uses scoreboard in-depth country studies strict rules form enforcement financial sanctions euro area do follow up recommendations approach encompasses ‘early warning’ ‘preventive corrective action’ In section this argue analytically imbalance’ also applies specific parameters characterizing members This say identical concept would domain or MIP-type procedures developed (in fact whether MIP provides toolbox economic itself debatable requires separate discussion) However expression adequately describes set affect very differently (thus creating ‘imbalances’) matter all Youth unemployment two examples where These simply ‘similar problems’ subset poorly performing states: partly attributable shared causes pan-European level; create problem ‘spill-overs’ single countries thus generating consequences illustrate argument case But reasoning can extended youth even more straightforward successful reduction such excessive involves both responsibility collective action legitimate consider individual as responsible improvement outcomes enhancing Simultaneously provide supportive enables improve Balancing support implies sense ‘reciprocity’ presupposes understanding contributing state Not surprisingly emerge key refine early warning system: established consisting ten covering major sources For indicator thresholds have been detect potential applied mechanically complemented reading composition evolve time aim trigger order determine identified early-warning benign problematic organize missions ECB if appropriate reviews shall made public Preventive action: allows Council adopt preventive under article 121 Treaty stage before become large There arm serious cases imbalance procedure (EIP) opened Member State concerned will submit plan clear roadmap deadlines implementing Surveillance stepped regular progress reports submitted distinguishing role excluding pensions hand hand; although ‘income smoothing’ life cycle de facto non-negligible number Secondly degree (i share individuals living households relatively weak participation market) ‘severity’ poverty; measures ‘polarization’ reveal strikingly disparate pattern Analyzing contribute needed balance start hypothesis conceptually meaningful ‘performance’ (social outcomes) ‘efficiency’ loosely define ‘performance unit input’) substantiate conceptual distinction robust results Nevertheless believe type helpful inspire ‘contractual approach’ governance proposed President Herman Rompuy necessary inform contractual operational fair ventures debates engage academic scholars about ‘targeting’ benefits versus universalism strengths weaknesses ‘social investment’ Targeted directed (sometimes disproportionately sometimes exclusively) people low incomes whereas universal provided most citizens Prima facie targeted programmes efficient achieving redistribution since yields greater seminal Korpi Palme (1998) tabled evidence reflecting realities mid 1980’s show prima deceptive: ‘The target poor only equality via equal less likely reduce inequality’ (p 682) coined ‘the paradox explained following trade-off: low-income targeting weaker middle class smaller size redistributive budget cannot establish link between them (since no when controlled indicators; yet does play role) imply further questioning reversal paradox: today comparing 29 overall outcome (excluding positively ‘propoorness’ line pretend close One might object table cross-country comparisons given moments time; overlook trend decreasing associated positive correlations hold examined separately aggregating transfer fundamentally change correlation aggregate below combined phenomenon increased emphasis shrinking budgets Moreover observe ex post necessarily linked ante practices means-testing lead nuanced merits drawbacks lend pragmatic Commission’s Communication Investment Package calls ‘improved targeting’ emphasizes ‘both selectivity need used intelligent way ’ (European 2013b p 9) paradigm’ now promoted 2013b) (see Palier pact 2011) scholarly – advocates (2013) Morel (2012) approaches (2011) confronted difficulties difficulty follows intrinsic limitations nature involved assessing clearly confirm negative (defined simple suggest plays important mediated employment; yield decisive ‘proof’ reasons Section counterargument learns attempts quantitative deliver hard proofs; addition fine-grained qualitative intertemporal Much confusion caused unwarranted conflation perspectives By example perhaps ought explain how contemporary Sweden continue rank quite well terms perspective followed rather inegalitarian course half past decade Factors accounting Scandinavian ‘superiority’ (relative Europe) preventing some shifting outstanding (more so states) changing models remedy weakness require deeper analysis; hope introduced least building blocks useful why point particular underscoring difference (the poverty) ‘models’ see Kvist Greve who ‘classical typologies revision’ ‘profound [in Danish state] taken place core characteristics new structures understandings developing econometric examination (changes in) (linked paradigm) Wang EXCESSIVE SOCIAL IMBALANCES IN THE EUROZONE DIVERGENCE THREATENS LEGITIMACY OF focus Table presents figures at-risk-ofpoverty age 18 available 2005 2011 Statistics Income Living Conditions (EU SILC) years ‘2005’ ‘2011’ etc refer survey years; except United Kingdom Ireland reflect year Hence essentially relating 2004 2010 Throughout use ‘child shortcut crucial parameter assessment ‘poverty’ defined caution Being risk means equivalized8 net disposable income 60 cent median equivalized sharing resources rate here crude headcount: threshold depth faced headcount defines relation happens living: relative If floating columns (1-4) every decreased during crisis decrease incomes: favourable many families non-poor alike Columns (5-6) anchoring its value picture Finland Slovenia Slovakia Latvia instance calculation (compare 7-8) words inequality was rising 2000s; children same period substantially Italy Greece contrast increase larger fixed compared threshold; Spain similar counts [Table here] ranked Membership (as 2012) indicated grey shade huge ranges 10% 3% Poland Romania higher did include Romania) much ranging 2% Lisbon era discussed (forthcoming) modified OECD scale gives adult 0 subsequent adults children; somebody younger 14 consideration display risks non-elderly population Column (4) ratio total ratios indicate country-specific Across states10 average11 123% small (Denmark Norway Germany Sweden) 105% Denmark outliers seem highly specialized another 135% (Spain diverse six explaining child-centred 2000s displayed tendency converge measured (to lesser extent) anchored 12 were initially high Lithuania Portugal UK Estonia declined traditionally there notable exceptions (low initial increase) (high increasing rates) 13 contrary dispersion calculated ‘convergence’ ‘divergence’ technical When comes neither nor se desirable obtains describing satisfactory affairs non-convergence (during time) (child) appears cause: hit 2008 Figure plots growth column averages registered 2005-2011 10 EU27 Iceland term ‘average’ invariably refers unweighted average unless otherwise Child estimates statistical confidence intervals around them; hence shown Since user base disposal moment writing annual report Protection Committee 2012 rule thumb (on threshold): considers [-1;+1] interval (Social 2013 35) beta-convergence: negatively compare standard deviation increases correlated (SILC 2009) [Figure obvious strong ‘fixed’ 16 development indicator: poorer increases; richer decreases long-term good hardship experienced short run illustrates driver notwithstanding differ: shock accompanied (anchored witness combination signalling macro-economic domestic differentiation ‘homework’ note percentage increases: points differ suffered decline unchanged (-0 points) To extent shocks far perfect recession Jenkins et al pp 38-40) apart factor heterogeneity developments incomes; latter captured covered variables: real mean As Bourguignon (2003) ‘growth spells’ 17 severely already had mid-2000s paragraph general confined largely Bourguignon’s reported request Common next consequences: generate ‘externalities’ main spill-over realm political project crucially objective successive waves enlargement promise vindicated Enlargements Community resulted upward convergence; World Bank dubbed EC veritable ‘convergence machine’ (Gill Raiser 2012); documented convincingly Lefebvre current phase casu creation currency stake Apart suffering those feature notably continues steadily undermine credibility perceived ‘losers’ process ‘winners’ Both ‘failing’ ‘successful’ opinion increasingly dissatisfied observation Reasoning ‘us’ ‘them’ South’ North’ inevitably gain while lose ‘us’-‘them’ divide particularly paralyzing North framed efficiency’: disappointing record seen socially inefficient economically uncompetitive make difficult steps consolidate longer sovereign debt stabilizing fiscal let alone fully-fledged union necessity union) know sustain entities mutual trust other’s internal fabric: Belgium north-south telling seems harder parties agree reason seriously try understand what indeed inefficiencies done erodes cooperation exists damages trust-based perform better future hypothetical subjective: prejudge certainty sufficiently plausible assign label observations summarized NEEDS BASIC CONSENSUS previous equally surging reason: creates objectively sustainability write ‘can’ depends analytical monetary unification demand ‘symmetry’ among economies participating wish propose minor detour beneficial adequate symmetry flexibility (De textbook theory optimal areas output Flexibility relates wage interregional mobility country’s ‘internal’ adjustment capacity event asymmetric Less necessitates flexibility: required adaptability Monetary (EMU) assessed balances export shares exchange costs government private housing prices properly attuned union; direction ensures related rarely explicitly answered functionally equivalent view symmetry) produce times generated arrangements: temporary shorter hours (such Germany) worker unregulated forth Financially sustainable older workers generous secure lower regional compatible supranational possibility ‘functionally equivalent’ legitimize principle subsidiarity limits accommodated (2012a) discusses policy: economy practice divergences retirement pose assertion true then whole gamut model pursue domestically ‘if’ preceding sentence ‘if’: proofs matters remains unproven tuning strategies certainly outlined supranationally shaped neatly separated arenas naïve position Leibfried long argued respect (Leibfried 2010) Let us return absence (upward) alarming ‘upstream’ (why comparatively X?) ‘downstream’ (what worsening Upstream functioning jobless turn cost competitiveness and/or Downstream makes success obtain cultural status school upstream underinvestment inadequate mobilization announces continuing synonymous deficit Today formal educational achievements OECD’s PISA programme get trapped (a ‘bad equilibrium’) persistent reinforces legitimacy-based formulated section: emergence participate fabrics obviously causal runs well-documented briefly explore relations Several especially detrimental long-run effects several (Cunha 2006; Cunha Heckman Schennach Early learning foundation throughout proper stimulation harmful Brooks-Gunn Duncan (1997) family children’s completed schooling largest 0-5 insignificant later students underrepresented college attendants weakly finances enrol readiness due (Cameron 1999) Families access schools opportunities offspring literature demonstrates bad health crime earnings Almlund Duckworth Kautz Borghans Ter Weel extensive overviews investments broad meaning field comprise assistance parents (and peers) non-monetary Bianchi Robinson Milkie (2006) collegeeducated mothers spend enrichment activities ) Still purely influence go beyond asymmetries cautious formulation argument: benefit fabric’ ‘economic symmetry’ neutral: envisaged choice benchmarks organising recommended subsidiarity’ elusive claims serves That broader demands sketched paragraphs types ‘internal flexibility’ purport survive meets requirements justice authors claim limited: dimension broad-based tie goals often stressed impossible accurately (e g Sapir 2006) Nonetheless reality minimal normatively charged objectives Subsequently complex reciprocity dealing At inter-human relationships cohesive agent (Bowles summarised Editorial Constitutional Law Review WTE DN evidently various intertwined What ‘individual’ evolution? end jointly organised mechanisms transfers)? Should adhere strictly principled morality (whereby ‘sinners’ face punishment sins merit) consequentialist moral (duly excessively sinners saints trouble)? presupposition themselves interest having well-performing EU’s actions undertaken enhance CAN ONE APPLY NOTION EFFICIENCY TO WELFARE STATES? security discussions Is opposed performance? definition achieves input’ influenced context operates; parcel friendly: former ‘efficient’ carries meanings revisit usage analyses arrangements well-known arguments other: trade-off ‘equality’ compellingly ‘leaky bucket’ metaphor Okun’s famous essay Equality Efficiency Big Trade-Off (Okun 1975) leaky bucket anticipated insights formalized taxation whereby fund schemes worst-off incentives overcoming imperfections information compulsory pooling insurance) incompleteness organizing Pareto-improvements classic Barr Economics (Barr insurance just examines kind Paretian efficiencyargument (or apply) intervention (because information) holds second-best world counterfactual Pareto-efficient ‘possibility frontier’ exist could first-best lump sum redistribute improved thanks interventions allowing Thus mainstream teaches nation conceived instruments implemented top Global Competitiveness Index 2012-2013 finds archetypal Nordic continental Netherlands together liberal USA (World Economic Forum 13) mature simultaneously competitive prosperous inspired impressive body goes possible prosperity ‘feedback-effects’ society encouragement sound risk-taking well-designed : productive asset forceful restatement Hemerijck’s Changing (Hemerijck underscores ones assets states; he explains tradition automatic stabilizers institutions (notably progressive dampen maintain production frontier Obviously come function sustainably certain conditions avoiding Andersen Dolls (Dolls 2012; Basso Boeri (2009) underscore dualism importance “both stabilisers protection job loss operate efficiently market” ‘productive assets’ others equipped stabilization emerges: considered qua asset’ ‘automatic stabilizer’ sensu stricto Admittedly impressionistic Also causality wrong stabilizers’ beneficiary lato narrowed down ‘performs better’ ‘comparatively efficient’ benchmark preferences achieved ‘per spending’ constructing ‘best best ‘outputs’ policy) ‘input’ ‘euros spent’ ‘one government’ distance technique respects interesting global reject application aggregation First inputs outputs too Second disentangle ‘merit’ (attributed ‘circumstances’ control) accept sceptical think taking ‘poverty elderly’ carry normative benchmarking exercise accepted framework: EU-wide clarity ‘preferences’ persist; justifies specify ‘inputs’ controlling Such insight volume dissociated influencing sensible partition circumstances totally control governments attributed unambiguously therefore differentiated political) deliberation ‘circumstances control’ ‘policy merits’ whatever judgement ‘responsible’ achieve Pareto-efficiency said Pareto-inefficient Assessing interdependencies (child trade- Sapir’s equity (Sapir offs complementarities; Rather productivity conditional etcetera convenience ‘achieved outcomes’ called ‘post-transfer referred ‘reduction transfers’ Poverty post-transfer pretransfer Eurostat method calculate ‘pre-transfer proceeds follows: taxes excluded results; rates’ using ‘post-transfer’ read obtained adapted funding added Third manipulation behavioural induced abandoning concomitant reductions significance equilibrium created financing reference tax Because neglected interpret relationship appear performs ‘efficiently’ amount reduction’ reduction/spending’ inactivity traps pre-transfer comparative misleading remedying final differs Employment Development 2013a 219-226) ‘gross spent’; ‘gross’ analyse congenial employment) Before insist caveat: productivity) virtue Consider B; spends ranks prefer ‘Efficiency’ criterion choosing situation definitely spill-overs large) informs possibilities PRELIMINARY CONCLUSIONS Growing threaten (social) orientation (i) feedback (ii) prime (nor any activity) wellconceived examine give notions substance reproduce Doing Better (OECD Starting Strong slightly consists applying criteria assess Lancker feasible gathered Statistical System variables SILC-based incorporate assessments ‘comparative efficiency’ MAPPING PERFORMANCE AND EUROPEAN STATES illustrated interrelation ‘anchored time’ threshold: focuses distributive issue introduce map decompose ‘shift-share analysis’ rough indication variable From onwards time-pooled crosssection Sections A-C 2011; limit ourselves 2005-SILC 2010; retrieved dependent includes predominantly 22 explanations mapping association features Separating growth’ distribution’ unrelated below) Conversely formation Explicitly focussing including RELEVANCE HOUSEHOLD WORK INTENSITY PATTERNS EMPLOYMENT ‘household intensity’ months worked working-age students) persons part-time estimate full-time equivalents computed habitually interview work-intensity belong weighted five subsets 2008: distinguishes (work-intensity 85 100 cent) (between 55 medium workintensity (20 less) cent; (69 determinant shift attention state’s determined households? three employment’ 18) cent); ‘very poor’ less); work-poor ‘severe workpoor third subgroup households; call reader expressions values pre- post-crisis Among 20% 40% prevalence headcounts Labour Force Survey (LFS) Cross-country known 2013; surprise displaying 2000- immediate span suggesting really ‘stock’ efforts accumulated one-way causality: investing (ALMP) Additionally mainly Indeed exclude originates effectiveness expenditure disadvantaged Blau Currie rich overview subsidizing direct impacts range later-life Spending extremely tell Given static providing behind again tends Southern positions Northern existence ‘natural floor’ severe easily (all combined) expenditures day averaged 2000-2009 All expressed (n=29) diminish: fall inversely explanation (‘severe poverty’) varies great deal differences: ‘extended families’ ‘pooling’ nonemployment work-poverty non-employment everything: labelled (Gregg Scutella Wadsworth Using ‘jobless household’ ILO weeks survey) ‘polarization index’ actual structure assuming distributed randomly Traditionally EU15 Belgium; family’ index lived expect structure) 2005-2010 Contrary construction captures something else institutional socio-cultural determinants demonstrate AT-RISK-OF-POVERTY RATES: DECOMPOSING DIVERSITY subgroups accounted subgroups) identical) Decomposition basically device descriptions decomposition outbreak ‘work-rich’) segment work-rich shift-share presentation elements (For full 2012b) horizontal lines ‘work-poverty’ suggests conclusions: – Countries characterized infer ‘trade-off’ macro-level comparison: group Relatively considerable right side Eastern SPENDING administrative published classification gauge gross regime benefits; tend overestimate like France (Adema Chart I 11) Another allow 25 sets data: standardized25 standardized 60;26 60; cash old survivor 2007 restricted (including elderly) classified percentages explainable factors: contains numerator denominator whilst wages salaries) Hungary deviate sense) Next correspondence complicated profiles older: overestimates Bulgaria 60% standardization equivalence footnote 8) site rely 26 bracket [0-59] [0-64] fits evolutions (except Ireland) Developments pensions’ multigenerational 40 222) underestimates effort thoroughly ‘big spenders’ transfers; adding ‘spending nation’ becomes comparable sampling coherent 7) sizes Therefore choose employ aged 0-59 0-17 Sensitivity employing either instead 28 Aside ‘pro-poorness Matsaganis roughly concentration coefficient receive register Calculating coefficients indicates components irrespective Concentration Gini disproportionally pro-poorness: ‘strongly pro-poor’; zero ‘weakly pro-poor’ Weak going parts represent reverse scale: -1*concentration 30 units last Whiteford (2010) comparison found Marx ranking broadly pro-poorness; -1*Gini correspond age-specific 31 summary benefiting inverse coefficients) plus figure pro-poor towards 0- 59 High prevalent Anglo-Saxon simplicity (inverse of) Ginicoefficients population; (small) ‘prorich’ RATES ON EMPLOYMENT: REGRESSION ANALYSIS step pooled time-series cross independent description) SILC: Pro-poorness Analogous located entire population) executed specifications controls Results (they fit covers surveys panel-based linear GLS heteroskedastic error methodological presented dummies alternative ‘country effects’ not) drawback ‘underlying society’ country-level picked leading overestimation rates; upper bound absolute estimated Including advantage fabric) underestimation deep automatically along specification choices addresses estimation methods frames emphasize ‘explain’ summarizes four regressions atrisk-of-poverty fourth 2] regress 33 encompass Without sign negative) downward bias records Pension poor-performing distortions corrected extract effects; pick dimensions boom joint movement Changes partially compensate business observed add (partially) weight (slightly 34 (work work-poverty’) study concurs typically corresponding elaboration How model? contain Primarily dividing through logs levels; (with confirmed fitting above- below-average significantly baseline lies interpretation Naturally holding constant held More precisely divided original ‘smoothly’ [0-55] Again informative giving magnitudes occurs [20-55] margin model; consistent idea stress act 70 suggested Alternatively 158 148 respectively modest comparably variation transitions being moderately moderate at-risk 45-0 55) mentioned drives Interpreting reduces spent effective addressing 36 significant: magnitude wonder appendix conclude reducing (also poverty: 37 (0-55) looking naturally 38 Note (marginally) error) look prominent expense pay) Evolutions evolution (Corluy surprising directly 1-1 opposite insignificance Transfers (higher) non-linearity incentivized self-providing actually person bigger moves away self-dependent Effects reflected preand factored out subtract robustness apparent address (appendix elaborates this) invariant (groups technology periods EXPLANATORY POWER HUMAN CAPITAL INVESTMENT DEMOGRAPHIC DEPENDENCY help earlier 2009 ALMP test indicators: attainment educated individuals) achievement deviations PISA-test score topics countries) country-average topics) PPP) young common: (although practice) questions itself; review additional dynamic achievement) panel unfeasible (results shade) distinguished none sensitive somewhat stronger endogenous effects) (not shown) (correlational) findings suffices markedly Turning majority anymore portrayed estimating few draw regarding (net thereby remarkably And repeated lag arbitrary making unsuitable 41The incorporates opposing forces Most (we F) implausible underlines improper keep mind ‘naïve’ (lack connection invests suffer Finally cross-correlations mid-1980s settle 42 ‘paradox’ Kenworthy replicate methodology find disappeared coverage disappearance receives programs aimed low-paid eighties means-tested designed non-working Yet advocated conviction selective forcefully cited assertions ‘services services’ (Titmuss 1969) ‘programs programs’ (Rainwater 1982 42) ‘good program shrinkage’ (Grosh 1992) entertain logic complimentary: introductory Mechelen Pintelon pondering 43 AN ‘EFFICIENCY SCOREBOARD’ WITH REGARD Some feeble Other listed visualize Benchmark measure: lists sample (EU27 Norway) demeaned large; states44 Central states45 Southern46 nations47 above efficiencies’ predicted over- underperforms ‘An caveat generosity universalism/targeting usually totality parental Aspects deployed segments classes willing pay resonates depending considering Long-term after affecting primarily skilled ethnic minorities socio-economically vulnerable higher-skilled exposed unlikely willingness pay; pertinent ‘new’ evenly parenthood life) expected pressures unemployment) leave’ (Cantillon forthcoming) 44 Referring Czech Republic 46 47 ‘residual’ once always benchmarked interested construct artificial anchor squared minimized resemble residuals benchmarks’: Here solve problem: intensity; impute minimizes errors imputed moving 49 compensates vice versa correcting percent compensated Malta ‘residuals’ Cyprus establishes ‘conditional gauges conceal employment-friendly liable criticism spending: enhances organization repairing firmly nevertheless variance generally dynamics Many completely Correcting negligible 50 swings state51 (conditionally) turns ‘inefficient’ (benchmark D) saw pro-rich accounts efficiencies visible cancelled express importantly Transfer Adding corrections loglinear (conditional) graph axis (linear) strong: Put systematically (normal) A4) high-spending insignificantly 65 logs) almost Luxemburg outlier 53 10] 11] portrays countrylevel heavy (pensionheaviness population54) achievers remain heavily interrelated ‘true’ ‘unexplained’ (This effect: (nonpension) incentivize live answer ‘what affects unchanged?’ panel; ceteris paribus 56 5] extremes drops 54 macro ‘political economy’ oriented striking exploration disappears character jump constitute conclusive Furthermore depend remaining puzzles wide played macro-data student convincing 57 primary secondary (Gini) (Bergh Fink Sylwester 2002) 58 Altogether returns childhood ‘investment deficit’ cut deficit; little doubt ingredient extra cuts CAVEATS identify vast nations badly leaves intact Poor puzzling Class (Card Kruger 1996) 1-2% per-pupil Hanushek concludes Woessman scores Institutional presence central exam autonomy scrutiny students’ teacher freedom teaching worthwhile incorporated strongest (when criterion) unobserved unsatisfactory tested universally Naïve estimations multiple (transfer) similarly addressed improvements Despite cautionary notes element agenda: judgments pervade debate: informed facts perception caveats conceptualization possibly insecurity promoting gender equality) specifically Theoretically income; ideally gap concerns sense: (that does) anything time: diminished reasons: immediately vis-à-vis uniform ‘European technology’ encompassing histories exclusion Even mini-states lightly affected moreover raises host problems: virtual drawing collected observer nonetheless enjoys popular middle-class cast size; refuting politically term; fifth rejoinder Pestieau’s introducing judging influences aspect changed Tax quality accessibility activation proven fight joblessness contributed homogamy partners contributes polarization) limited GENERAL Macro-economic Procedure level: showed legitimacy: represents Legitimacy systems; essential input observers economists deeply worried Huge root differential trajectories mid-2000’s cushioning homework raise embody ‘contracts’ instantiate burden processes puts ‘strong’ ‘weak’ unimportant puzzle simplistic bring aspects makers supported demonstrated 1980s contribution ‘naïve regression’ correctly convincingly; par excellence While ‘unexplained disparity’ remarkable finding contradictory sight endogenous) dependence non-pension foretells doomed diminish cross-correlation fighting well-organized complementary emphasized panacea ills eschew easy rhetoric ‘win-win policies’ tensions conflicts arise pursuing narrow budgetary margins disequilibria offer substantive purpose EU) favour marks discourse corollary survival recalibration conjure democratic predicament put challenge medium-term consolidation mutually balanced coordination serve goal constructive Conditional tangible reforms inclusive removed top-down all’ policy-making of: room manoeuver opt strategy; guidance stringent constraining well-defined genuine scope ways elaborate clear: reformist acquis cherish credible agenda highest REFERENCES Adema W P Fron M Ladaique Really Expensive? OECD: Migration Working Paper 123 J T Personality Psychology Handbook Education eds S Machin L Woessmann chapter Amsterdam: Elsevier Intereconomics 4: 206-211 Eichhorst Th Leoni Peichl Recent Crisis Market Arrangements Socio-Economic Groups 217-223 Bergh Counterfactual Problem Research: Measure Redistribution? Sociological vol 345-357 2006 Rhythms American Family Life York: Russell Sage Foundation Pre-school Day Care After-School Care: Who’s Minding Kids? Welch NorthHolland Garibaldi Beyond Eurosclerosis 59: 409-461 ter Traits Journal Human Resources 972-1059 2003 Growth Elasticity Reduction: Explaining Heterogeneity Time Periods Eichter Turnovsky Inequality Theory Implications Cambridge MIT Press Bowles collaboration Fong H Gintis Jayadev U Pagano Essays Redistribution Cambridge: University 1997 Consequences Up Cameron 1999 Tuition Combat Rising Wage Inequality? Financing Tuition: Government Policies Priorities ed Kosters Washington AEI Paradox State: Era 5: 432-449 forthcoming Worse Richer Poorer Oxford: Oxford N O Forthcoming Adequacy V Individual Risk Analysis Centre Deleeck 12/06 Lochner Masterov Evidence Cycle Skill Formation North-Holland Estimating Technology Cognitive Noncognitive Econometrica 78 883-931 Design failures fixed? prepared Fuest Automatic crisis: US Public 96 3-4: 279-294 Eijsbouts Nederlof Rethinking Solidarity contract 169-172 Towards Cohesion Fund 2014-2020 Parliament Regions: COM(2013) 83 Comparative Final Quality Report (Version September 2008) Luxembourg: Fesseau Wolff Mattonetti “Micro Macro Estimates Resources: Data Reconciliation” 32nd Conference International Association Research Boston August Gill Golden Restoring lustre Washington: Gregg R Reconciling workless Britain Australia Population 139-167 Two sides story: measuring polarisation Royal Society: Series (Statistics Society) 171 857- 875 Grosh 1992 Platitudes Practice: Targeting Programs Latin America School Student Performance: Update Educational Evaluation 141-164 Brandolini Micklewright Nolan (eds Distribution 1998 Strategies Equality: Institutions Western 63 661- 687 Has Been Transformed? Administration 146-160 L’Etat-Providence en Dumping Paris: Editions Rue d’Ulm Left Judges Markets? Policy-Making Wallace Pollack Young Lohman “Comparability EU-SILC poverty” 21(1) 37-54 Salanauskaite revisited: rest peace? State? Ideas Challenges Bristol: Publishing III: Toolbox Childhood Okun 1975 Efficiency: Tradeoff Brookings Institution Podestà 2002 methodology: series DSS Papers SOC 3-02 Comparing cross-section specifications: Quantity 539-559 Rainwater Stigma Income-Tested Tested Programs: Case Against Garfinkel York Academic Globalization Reform Models Studies Vol No 369-90 SPC advisory Tackling Preventing Promoting Well-Being Brussels Current challenges forward Annual K 43-52 Titmuss 1969 Gift Relationship: Blood London: Routledge 2012a Europe: Challenge Defining Union’s luxury OSE: Opinion 2012b Active Revisited Deleeck: 12/09 Vleminckx Disappointing trends: blame? 450-471 Putting strategy test: Security Redistributive Capacity Services Ch Investing Poverty? Dutch ESPAnet October Rotterdam Australian Tax-Transfer System: Architecture Outcomes Record 86 275: 528-544 Schooling Bulletin 117-170 APPENDIX ACCORDING VS BASIS A1 A2 Feseau micro-survey entirely (like register) (2008)) collection investigates regarded correct) salaries National Accounts categories considerably self-employment (especially occupational ‘housing benefits’ elderly ‘pensions’ trying match micro (Feseau MODEL SELECTION SENSITIVITY tests (heterosekdasticity serial contemporaneous decision evaluated case-to-case typical Podesta (2002 example) exactly spenders pensions; cyclical frame (2009-2010) 2005-2008 contaminated affordable consistently crises; pressure occurred continuously underestimate assumed impact) Initial renders restrict pre-crisis (referring 2005-2008) deteriorating Measures imposed cumbersome reduced controllable want answering execute fully samples missing A1] biggest Standard specified lagged marginally sensitive) included dropping drop (early Presumably A2] (low) (outliers (small (Scandinavian records) omissions stable uphold SUMMARY STATISTICS Tables A3 A4 employed indicators) A3] A4] FIGURES TABLES Levels (2005-2011) Source: Website accessed relate GEO/TIME % AROP Floating Fixed (1) (2) (3) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 95% -3 -0 106% -1 86% -2 115% 101% 117% -5 118% Austria 127% -4 144% 147% -9 128% 143% -14 138% Luxembourg 132% -12 119% -6 130% 131% 121% -16 124% -7 -21 Threshold At-risk-of-poverty [0-17]: Change 2008-2011 threshold) 2008-2010 cz dk ee ie gr es cy lv lt lu hu mt nl pl pt si sk fi uk y = 2071x 0935 R² 5981 -60% -40% -20% 0% 80% 100% 120% -15% -10% -5% 5% Percentage 2009-SILC exc IE UK) 2010/2008 ‘fixed’ GDP/capita 2009-2011) Lineair (2008-2010 2009-2011)) Very wi [0 85-1] 55-0 85] Medium 45- 55] Low 2-0 45] [0-0 [0-17] (wi) + pre-and Work 2004-2009; 2005-2006 IS SI SE DK NO SK LI FI PT LV CY ET NL FR BE PL CZ RO ES LU AU GR BG DE HU IT MT (0-100) Pre-crisis (2005-2008) Post-crisis (over 2005-2010) indices Severity Abs vertical (for segment) 00 Key hh programmes) EUROSTAT 15% 25% 30% eq 2008; (working-age GDP; 2007) Pensions 35% Age Cash Benefits Main (fixed model) Note: (AROP) Controls 0-55) (very 0-20) (PP PP Dependent (AROP_wp) (AROP_wr) (pov_red) reduction; comprising 2004-2010 [SILC 2005-2010] 2004-2009 until complete 165 Relative 075 (0 076) 016 223) 226*** 071) 53*** 397) 22*** 194) 235*** 274* 165) 70*** 412) 26*** 202) 233*** 081) 429*** 172) 85*** 413) 19*** 987 (2 10) 66** 795) 831*** 127) 363 422) 56*** 787) 92*** 428) 982*** 163) 624 437) 13** 840) 87*** 417) (3 81) 67* 0028 054) 335*** 126) 46*** 313) 318** 153) 028 058) 326** 154) 54*** 318) 345** 683 (1 407 595) Pov Red (excl 15*** 052) 35*** 070) 06*** 294) 394** 189) 24*** 62) (incl 063) 07*** 201) 36*** 798*** 196) 900*** 337) 661*** 214) 20*** 85) 254 61 available) AT EE LT gini disp pop 62 Impact Rel X1 X2 Base 71*** 195) Add 242*** 072) 159) 408) 197) 000082 000077) 220*** 140 192) 52*** 398) 200) 202 (young/old) 221*** 202*** 174) 89*** 416) 02*** 382** 160) 203 198) 474** 187) 23*** 586) 19* 705) 415*** 48*** 381) 720) 30*** 694) 367 594) 525*** 164) 33*** 328) 63*** 592) 570 667) 178 110) 503*** 39*** 03*** 670) 712 790) 526** 259) (indicated table) (internal inequality) lowly purchasing parity Dependency referring 64 15-64 0-14 (source: Eurostat) Correlations SumTP WP Sev sev PPT pens GDP/0063 DR_Y DR_O Educ Ed Ac 372*** Sum Trans+Pens 893*** 086 087 219*** 014 Severe pov 378*** 0020 405*** 550*** 535*** 204*** 476*** 106 744*** 409*** 284*** 301*** 012 347*** 417*** 142* 057 125 129* 160** 141* 011 GDP/cap 344*** 619*** 069 115 148* 054 318*** Dep rat 386*** 515*** 165** 036 312*** 419*** 238*** 555*** 026 197*** 124 032 018 211*** 264*** 023 388*** att 393*** 208** 329*** 358*** 103 027 150* Soc inv 506*** 601*** 239 604*** 170 361* 279 113 167 591*** 066 237 Ineq 195 306 043 021 198 235 130 034 291 111 045 409** ach 112 387** 089 305 364* 184 081 127 068 080 285 329* 192 487*** 672*** 197** 510*** 253*** 128* 380*** 096 394*** 471*** 139* 316*** 715*** 328 508*** 436*** 574*** 189** 030 145* 156** 509*** 495*** 174** 088 493*** 334 423** 749*** (educational investment) 0-17; poor; rel 0-59; capita; ratio; dep educ (share educated/share educated); soc labor policy; ineq scores; PISA; Country [0-17]; additionally -10 w r t (performance) (measures efficiency) displays (efficiency pro-poorness) au bu fr ic la li ro 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 Mean Residuals 66 propoorness) lali 67 (no breakdown (ISCED 5- 6) 0-2) Internal (unemployment sickness disability non-elsewhere exclusion) LU= Regression WI) WI; reduced) 513*** 142 205) 250 225) 206) 825*** 99*** 14*** 589) 16*** 539) 647*** 528 508) 675) 025 573) 471** 000027 00015) 0000029 000050 00013) capita: 768*** 57** (5 96) 83** (6 29) 84** 99) 101 72 48) (7 09) 68) 240 354 15) 274 40) 505*** 287) 258 314) 457** 405** 452** 860 901) 711 723) 722 868) 05 763) 68 00% 02% 04% 06% 08% 12% 14% 16% 18% 02 04 06 08 (Eurostat) Esspros SILC2008; 45° (Esspros transfers) 69 PLPT 05% survivors A1: Lagged Baseline 429** 046) 40*** 068) Pooled OLS 478*** 138) OLS: 357*** 107) 208 292) 129** 050) 201* 111) 752*** 047) Random 469*** 084) 699*** 224) dummies) 288*** 098) 264 293) Differences 099) 802*** GLS: Correct autocorrelation 228*** 064) 122 Panel 230*** 048) 114 124) dropped (within) estimator correction *Significant **significant ***significant 1% 71 A2: Drop 224*** 080) 406*** 149) 978*** 176) 647 435) 100* 424** 179) 42*** 085) 610*** 209) 170** 407** 170) 790*** 466) 111* 061) 240* 133) 088) 750*** 322) 273 992*** 181) 561 480) 0037 044) 259* 155) 087) 804*** 210) 086) 499*** 177) 17*** 171) 715 515) 247 066) 188** 265 865*** 686 441) 029 233 07d) 814*** 401*** 091) 323 245) 162) 084 529) 067 764*** 760*** 2009-2010 491*** 090) 496** 231) 147) 214 0042 090 552** 253) 829*** 203** 083) 470** 175) 055 557) 0087 062) 445*** 169) 082) 885*** 228) 152* 358** 892*** 180) 674 504) 060) 187 173) 078) 624*** IC 304*** 745* 411) 061 057) 349** 27*** 901*** FE 271*** 089) 556*** 08*** 855** 394) 035 059) 388** 158) 34*** 075) 786*** 207) A3: Non-elderly Pre-transfer Reduction 87 10914 07 88 735 9958 2665 93 75 98 03 10580 Rep 74 5423 79 82 91 146 10224 3989 09 9513 9761 90 895 10183 77 7062 81 92 3825 80 84 11701 10140 8761 3444 3446 16156 97 7662 01 604 10724 76 815 076 3714 5439 1938 95 7859 7862 630 10016 Un 10672 A4: Ind Att Structure 180 899 150 280 194 079 0055 0038 217 675 99 059 257 143 190 065 072 156 951 040 077 022 176 044 141 185 094 883 89 147 189 94 591 134 145 050 790 109 311 163 717 191 056 152 788 126 157 091 0026 144 073 0029 175 680 201 060 259 169 033 149 083 062 133 252 405 098 154 070 172 729 153 615 128 0031 160 074 132 20-59 Indicators inverted See A6 description