Social Union in Europe: Challenges, opportunities and imperatives

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From the Gothenburg Summit to a Social Union… we need both clear thinking and hands-on delivery Frank Vandenbroucke Millennium Institute conference 30th November 2017 Budapest 30 • The functional necessities of EMU: – EES: supply-side flexibility New insight: labour market institutions that support stability Cluster policy principles for an effective stabilisation capacity in MS: sufficiently generous unemployment benefits notably short-term; sufficient coverage rates benefit schemes; no segmentation leaves part force poorly insured against unemployment; proliferation employment relations are not integrated into systems social insurance; activation unemployed individuals Labour can deliver on wage coordination: monitor competitiveness should be embedded dialogue distributive concerns mainstreamed monitoring => Convergence some key features Eurozone welfare states Traditional view: European aspiration: simultaneous pursuit economic progress cohesion within countries (development states) between (upward convergence across EU) integration human capital through investment policies EU stimulate MS develop ‘dual use ’ packages pursue upward internal Upward quality is condition long-term Reducing background inequalities families with children investing child care education contribute national EU-wide “Rising income inequality has significant impact growth large because it reduces poorer segments poorest 40% population precise invest their skills ” (OECD In Together … 2015) Overlapping priorities resilient EMU collective bargaining transparency predictability minimum wages ECEC better protection perspectives households weak attachment markets (minimum / incentives low-skilled labour…) Clear Credible roadmap combining… legislation Policy coordination benchmarking Funding instruments (tangible MS) Mainstreaming fiscal surveillance Semester Union Europe 27 https://www socialeurope eu/gothenburg-social-summit-european-social- union Barnard De Baere (eds ) A after Crisis Cambridge: Cambridge University Press September https://doi org/10 1017/9781108235174 Structural versus competition: limits diversity Economic Monetary ECFIN discussion paper 065 Commission Directorate-General Financial Affairs Brussels 20 July http://ssrn com/abstract=3008621 All publications: www frankvandenbroucke uva nl

Eurofound Forum Dublin

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Policy packages for upward convergence Frank Vandenbroucke Contribution to the session on ‘Convergence and Inequalities’ Eurofound Forum 2017 Dublin 14 November Bridging aspirations functional necessities of European integration • The EMU: – EES 1997: supply-side flexibility New insight: labour market institutions supporting stability common standards resilient welfare states Cluster policy principles an effective stabilisation capacity in MS: sufficiently generous unemployment benefits notably short-term; sufficient coverage rates benefit schemes; no segmentation that leaves part force poorly insured against unemployment; proliferation employment relations are not integrated into systems social insurance; activation unemployed individuals Labour can deliver wage coordination: monitor competitiveness should be embedded dialogue distributive concerns mainstreamed monitoring => Convergence some key features Eurozone Traditional view: aspiration: simultaneous pursuit economic progress cohesion both within countries (development states) between (upward across EU) human capital through investment policies Upward inequality EU stimulate support MS develop ‘dual use ’ pursue internal quality is a condition long-term Reducing background inequalities families with children investing child care education contribute national EU-wide “Rising income has significant impact growth large because it reduces poorer segments poorest 40% population precise invest their skills ” (OECD In Together … 2015) Inequality: protection (EU27; 0-59) 70% 60% 50% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2004 2014 Work Intensity household very high medium low Overlapping priorities EMU collective bargaining transparency predictability minimum wages better perspectives households weak attachment markets / incentives low-skilled labour… ECEC Resources Structural versus competition: limits diversity Economic Monetary Union ECFIN discussion paper 065 Commission Directorate-General Financial Affairs Brussels 20 July Rinaldi Social Europe challenge In: Vision Summit Consortium
(eds ): Redesigning Ways forward Gütersloh pp 38- 77 2015 Gütersloh; (Consortium website: http://www vision- europe-summit eu/) Barnard De Baere ) A after Crisis Cambridge: Cambridge University Press September All publications: www frankvandenbroucke uva nl

Presentatie VVSG, Vereniging van Vlaamse Steden en Gemeenten

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Sociale kwetsbaarheid: een lokale zorg Frank Vandenbroucke VVSG Trefdag Gent 12 oktober 2017 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% EU27 2004-06 BE 2011-14 NL 0% ZHWI HWI MWI LWI ZLWI Werkintensiteit van het huishouden (van zeer hoog naar laag) Uitkeringen / gemiddelde inkomens Werk aan de onderkant Migratie… Gezinstypes drukt op arbeidsmarkt… – interne vs externe migratie samen met doorgeschoten flexibilisering detachering vermindert bereidheid tot herverdelen? 7 004-06 011-14 Aandeel mensen (beneden 60) in werk-arm 2014 16% Huishoudens lage werkintensiteit 14% 12% EU 8% DE 6% FR 4% 2% Bron: SILC 2015 35% 25% 15% 5% BE-L DE-L FR-L NL-L BE-M DE-M FR-M NL-M BE-H DE-H FR-H NL-H Laaggeschoold Middelgeschoold Hooggeschoold • Wie zijn deze wat hun kansen? Kansarmoede Kind en Gezin 14 10 8 6 4 2 0 Drie historische beleidslijnen sinds 2003-2004 – Activering Structurele lastenvermindering doelgroepkortingen Dienstencheques Een stille revolutie: sterk groeiend aandeel bijstand onze sociale bescherming door… Migratie werkloosheid laaggeschoolden Individualisering Verbreding toegang bestaansminimum/leefloon Studiefinanciering Werkloosheidsreglementering Problemen Non-take up Hoogte uitkeringen Duurzame uitstroom Bijstand wederkerigheid integratie rijke opvatting over activering is nodig Lokale netwerking ‘leren elkaar’ Kansen werk voor weinig scholing: nieuwe beleidsimpuls Doelgroepenbeleid 25-54 Personen arbeidshandicap Langdurig werklozen Toekomst economie buurtdiensten…? Tijdelijke Werkervaring? PWA Wijk-werken? Groeipad economie? Zorg aanvullende thuiszorg + onderwijs: aansluiting onderwijs-arbeidsmarkt scholen-VDAB functies ontbinden (job carving) Kinderopvang Onderwijs ongelijkheid beleid: Belgische Case Christen-democratische reflecties jg nr 1 maart 2016 De Wilde Cantillon Bie 40 jaar OCMW Leuven; Acco Publicaties: www frankvandenbroucke uva nl

Presentatie Turnhout

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Armoede en ongelijkheid: een Europees lokaal perspectief Frank Vandenbroucke Turnhout Wetenschapscafé 9 oktober 2017 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 65+ 2007 (grens 2007) 2014 2014) DK FI SI SE CY NL DE AUT FR CZ BE SK EE HU IE LV MT LU PT LT UK GR PL IT SP BG RO <18 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% EU27 2004-06 2011-14 0% ZHWI HWI MWI LWI ZLWI Uitkeringen / gemiddelde inkomens Werk aan de onderkant Migratie… Gezinstypes drukt op arbeidsmarkt… - interne vs externe migratie samen met doorgeschoten flexibilisering detachering vermindert bereidheid tot herverdelen? 7 004-06 011-14 Aandeel mensen (beneden 60) in zeer werk-arm huishouden 16% Huishoudens lage werkintensiteit 14% 12% EU 8% 6% 4% 2% Bron: SILC 2015 35% 25% 15% 5% BE-L DE-L FR-L NL-L BE-M DE-M FR-M NL-M BE-H DE-H FR-H NL-H Laaggeschoold Middelgeschoold Hooggeschoold • Wie zijn deze wat hun kansen? Drie historische beleidslijnen sinds 2003-2004 – Activering Structurele lastenvermindering doelgroepkortingen Dienstencheques Kansen werk voor weinig scholing: nieuwe beleidsimpuls is nodig Doelgroepenbeleid 25-54 Personen arbeidshandicap Langdurig werklozen Toekomst van sociale economie buurtdiensten…? Tijdelijke Werkervaring? PWA Wijk-werken? Groeipad economie? Zorg aanvullende thuiszorg + onderwijs: aansluiting onderwijs-arbeidsmarkt scholen-VDAB functies ontbinden (job carving) bescherming het gezinsbudget Kinderopvang Onderwijs Een Europese Sociale Unie: ondersteunt nationale welvaartsstaten sommige sleutelfuncties (op systeemniveau bv stabilisatie handhaving minimumlonen belastingconcurrentie…) oriënteert ontwikkeling algemene standaarden doelstellingen waarbij keuze ‘ways and means’ bij lidstaten ligt; basis operationele definitie model Solidariteit binnen tussen ongelijkheid beleid: Belgische Case Christen-democratische reflecties jg 4 nr 1 maart 2016 Publicaties: www frankvandenbroucke uva nl

Presentation EISS Conference

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Centralization decentralization and the division of responsibilities in social policy: a European perspective Frank Vandenbroucke University Amsterdam EISS Conference 29 9 2017 • A case for centralisation? Unemployment insurance monetary union problem ‘institutional moral hazard’ Freedom movement vulnerable citizens: which labour EU? Why are stabilization instruments centralized unions? – Risk sharing (pooling) Externalities (vaccination) Vaccination: compulsory (minimum requirements) subsidized (re-insurance) Minimum requirements an effective stabilisation capacity: sufficiently generous unemployment benefits notably short-term; sufficient coverage rates benefit schemes; no market segmentation that leaves part force poorly insured; proliferation employment relations not integrated into insurance; activation unemployed individuals; budgetary buffers good times so automatic stabilisers can do their work bad These principles become fortiori imperative if Eurozone would be equipped with re-insurance national systems: institutional hazard Re-insurance schemes The European/US paradox Obsession makes it impossible to reap Experiences multi-tiered welfare states: incentives (design) minimum Design features mitigate model Relative deviations short-term from historical record Large shocks Experience rating claw-back mechanisms requirements: cf Youth Guarantee Pillar Social Rights In 1990s reform was justified by advent EMU: supply-side flexibility ‘enabling’ policies Today we need broader approach : EMU requires consensus on institutions support ‘stability’ ‘symmetry’ Therefore ‘protective’ collective action order Enabling protective mutually reinforcing creating resilient systems Symmetry: member states deliver wage coordination; this excludes totally decentralised uncoordinated bargaining Institutions monitor competitiveness should embedded dialogue distributive concerns mainstreamed monitoring Four questions: 1) How justify free movement? 2) non-discriminatory access those who move? 3) difference between active non- citizens application (1) (2)? 4) Who is responsible non-active citizens? as matter fairness: Equality opportunities across EU ‘Posting’ workers both needed Single Market Non-discrimination: competition different one territory No denying tensions but ‘balancing act’ possible Viking & Laval Posted Workers Directive (Feenstra) Active / non-active: earned citizenship positive reading ‘earned citizenship’ there duty adequately protect Robust defense idea needs posting fairness Reform Improvements mobile Adequate regulation importance security all next slide Rights: important initiative made operational (legislative financial policy coordination instruments) Priority areas capacity successful integration migrant workers: – Access protection Quality Universality regimes income protection: Upward convergence supporting view eventual organization scheme (‘vaccination metaphor’) Union systemic level some key functions (e g fair corporate taxation ) guide substantive development via general standards objectives leaving ways means Member States basis definition ‘the model’ European countries cooperate explicit purpose pursuing pan-European cohesion (reconnecting founding fathers’ inspiration) Resources On concept ESU: Barnard De Baere after Crisis CUP Therein: see chapter Feenstra posted workers… Reduction Sharing Moral Hazard: Vaccination Metaphor Intereconomics Vol 52 May/June Number 3 pp 154-159 non-discrimination: speak non-mobile EUDO/GlOBALCIT forum ‘Should duty-free?’ http://eudo- eu/commentaries/citizenship-forum/citizenship-forum-cat/1852- should-eu-citizenship-be-duty-free?showall=&start=3 Basic Union: conundrum rather than solution ACCESS EUROPE Research Paper 2017/02 01 August (http://ssrn com/abstract=3008621) www frankvandenbroucke uva nl

A European Social Union after the Crisis

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A European Social Union after the Crisis Book launch 28 September 2017 book Presentation of edited by Frank Vandenbroucke Catherine Barnard and Geert De Baere Metaforum interdisciplinary think-tank for societal debate University Amsterdam KU Leuven 9 • There is a social corollary to monetary unification: it function well EMU requires basic consensus on some key features member states’ model Single Market: Market needs dimension However don’t overstretch functionalist arguments: what ‘needed’ because unification/the depends fundamental aspirations that drive project at large call conceptual clarity: ≠ Welfare State Shared Functional arguments Legal constellation Why are stabilization instruments centralized in unions? – Risk sharing (pooling) Externalities (vaccination) As with vaccination: compulsory (minimum requirements) subsidized (re- insurance) Minimum requirements an effective stabilisation capacity: sufficiently generous unemployment benefits notably short-term; sufficient coverage rates benefit schemes; no labour market segmentation leaves part force poorly insured; proliferation employment relations not integrated into insurance; activation unemployed individuals; budgetary buffers good times so automatic stabilisers can do their work bad These principles become fortiori imperative if Eurozone would be equipped reinsurance national insurance systems In 1990s reform was justified advent focus supply-side flexibility ‘enabling’ policies The flexibility-symmetry argument revisited: types shocks institutions support stability (and economic symmetry) Therefore ‘protective’ collective action order Enabling protective mutually reinforcing creating resilient Symmetry: states need deliver wage coordination; totally decentralised uncoordinated bargaining fit this purpose both ‘posting’ free movement workers non-discrimination) as matter fairness ‘balancing act’ between domestic cohesion possible (Viking Laval judgments) Reform Posted Workers Directive: compromise needed National minimum regimes should transparent predictable universal Migration creates less pressure adequately regulated markets: hence importance dialogue access security all ‘bal move Fair mobility Refor ed Nation welfare systemic level functions (e g fair corporate taxation) guide substantive development via general standards objectives leaving ways means policy Member States basis operational definition ‘the model’ European countries cooperate union explicit pursuing pan-European (reconnecting founding fathers’ inspiration) Reconnecting aspiration: upward convergence & performance Pillar Rights: important initiative but relation ends clarified Priority areas… – Access protection Quality Universality Collective investment How? dialogue: views actors Semester: EU’s agreements legal politics legislative Brexit ‘Not just about better widgets’ Advocate General Eleanor Sharpston Court Justice Round table Steven Van Hecke Valerio Stefano moderator: Martin Sandbu Financial Times Keynote Marianne Thyssen followed interview

Lezing Directieseminarie Emmaüs

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Sociale uitsluiting en sociale onzekerheid: hoe ver reikt onze ambitie? Frank Vandenbroucke Lezing Directieseminarie Emmaüs Antwerpen 27 september 2017 Structuur • (arbeidsmarkt) onzekerheid (pensioendebat) Uitsluiting: opleiding armoederisico 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% BE-L DE-L FR-L NL-L BE-M DE-M FR-M NL-M BE-H DE-H FR-H NL-H Laaggeschoold Middelgeschoold Hooggeschoold Aandeel mensen (beneden 60) in een zeer werk-arm huishouden 2014 16% Huishoudens met lage werkintensiteit 14% 12% EU BE 8% DE 6% FR 4% NL 2% Bron: SILC 2015 Individuele werkloosheid huishoudwerkloosheid Polarisatie => ‘verwachte huishoudwerkloosheid’ – veronderstelling: jobs zijn random verdeeld over huishoudens verwachte hangt af van de grootte huishoudens: alle = alleenstaanden: individuele koppels: huishoud (individuele werkloosheid) * geobserveerde Niveaus polarisatie (Figuur 4 Corluy & Vandenbroucke) Verklaringen voor het verschil tussen België andere landen Alleenstaanden: Alleenstaanden hebben zwakker individueel profiel (geslacht leeftijd herkomst woonplaats) De werkloosheidskloof sterke zwakke profielen is groter dan Koppels: Meer homogamie BE? Laaggeschoolde Vlaanderen: werkzaamheid 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 25-64 25-49 50-64 Middelgeschoolde Hooggeschoolde Wie deze wat hun kansen? Drie historische beleidslijnen sinds 2003-2004 Activering Structurele lastenvermindering doelgroepkortingen Dienstencheques Bijdragepercentages functie kwartaalloon (actuele situatie) Bijdrage% Basisbijdrage % doelgroep (1000) Verhouding ‘lageloongrens’ brutominimumloon federale RSZ NAR Federaal akkoord ‘tax shift’: bijdragepercentages situatie 2019) 2019 Evolutie lastenverminderingen hoge lonen RSZ; 2014: gemiddelde eerste twee kwartalen Bijdrage dienstencheques werkgelegenheid (op basis scholingsniveau) Ca 1/5de laaggeschoolde vrouwen die werken CRB (25-64) zorgjobs (isco 513) schoonmaakjobs 913) 7% zorg (513) schoonmaak (913) 3% Nederland 1% Een nieuwe beleidsimpuls nodig maar… Doelgroepenbeleid 25-54 Personen arbeidshandicap Langdurig werklozen Toekomst economie buurtdiensten…? Tijdelijke Werkervaring? PWA Wijk-werken? Groeipad economie? Zorg aanvullende thuiszorg + onderwijs: aansluiting onderwijs-arbeidsmarkt scholen-VDAB functies ontbinden (job carving) Onzekerheid: pensioendebat Commissie Pensioenhervorming 2020-2040 (juni 2014) Consensus Geen alarmisme … wel grondige structurele hervorming zekerheid bieden Verandering pensioen-uitkeringsratio incl private pensioenen ( ) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Uitkeringsratio 2013 Het contract: intergenerationele risicodeling Pensioenen onzekerheden omzetten zekerheden Opties Defined benefit (vaste prestatie) contribution bijdrage) ambition (stabiele verhouding) Fixeer… Pensioen Bijdragevoet (netto) pensioen- uitkeringsratio Economisch risico Gedeeld Demografisch Risico actieven gepensioneerden sociaal contract zonder maatschappelijk compromis draagvlak Bronnen m b t ongelijkheid arbeidsmarkt F beleid: Belgische Case Christen-democratische reflecties jg nr 1 maart 2016 V (2015) werk Leuvense Economische Standpunten 2015/149 Faculteit Bedrijfswetenschappen-CES KULeuven Dienstencheques: vraagstuk erkenning S&D Jaargang 72 nummer Februari pp 32-41 statistische bijlage op website M Dejemeppe B Van der Linden Réduction des cotisations patronales: tout miser sur les bas salaires Regards Economiques Octobre European Commission The Ageing Report Economy 3/2015 www pensioen2040 belgie be Schokkaert Devolder Hindriks Towards an equitable and sustainable points system A proposal for pension reform Belgium Discussion Paper Series 17 03 Department of Economics February pensioen punten: naar nieuw jongeren ouderen 2017/162 Economie Bedrijfswetenschappen Alle publicaties: frankvandenbroucke uva nl

‘BREXIT’ 15 months on – socio-legal perspectives for the EU and Europe

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The perspective of a European Social Union Frank Vandenbroucke University Amsterdam ‘BREXIT’ 15 months on – socio-legal perspectives for the EU and Europe Queen’s Belfast 23 9 2017 • There is social corollary to monetary unification: in order function well EMU requires basic consensus some key features member states’ model Single Market: it needs dimension However one should not overstretch functionalist arguments: what ‘needed’ because unification/the Market depends fundamental aspirations that drive project at large A call conceptual clarity: ≠ Welfare State Why are stabilization instruments centralized unions? Risk sharing (pooling) Externalities (vaccination) Vaccination: compulsory (minimum requirements) subsidized (re-insurance) Minimum requirements an effective stabilisation capacity: sufficiently generous unemployment benefits notably short-term; sufficient coverage rates benefit schemes; no labour market segmentation leaves part force poorly insured; proliferation employment relations integrated into insurance; activation unemployed individuals; budgetary buffers good times so automatic stabilisers can do their work bad These principles become fortiori imperative if Eurozone would be equipped with reinsurance national insurance systems In 1990s reform was justified by advent EMU: supply-side flexibility ‘enabling’ policies Today we need broader approach : institutions support ‘stability’ ‘symmetry’ Therefore collective action ‘protective’ Enabling protective mutually reinforcing creating resilient Symmetry: states deliver wage coordination; this excludes totally decentralised uncoordinated bargaining Institutions monitor competitiveness embedded dialogue distributive concerns mainstreamed monitoring both ‘posting’ free movement workers (and non-discrimination) as matter fairness ‘balancing act’ between domestic cohesion possible (Viking Laval judgments) Reform Posted Workers Directive: compromise needed National minimum regimes transparent predictable universal Migration creates less pressure adequately regulated markets: hence importance access security all welfare systemic level functions (e g fair corporate taxation ) guide substantive development via general standards objectives leaving ways means policy Member States basis operational definition ‘the model’ Þ European countries cooperate union explicit purpose pursuing pan-European (reconnecting founding fathers’ inspiration) Robust defense idea non-discriminatory posting Directive Improvements mobile citizens Adequate regulation cf next slide practical agenda (II): Upward convergence & performance Pillar Rights: important initiative but made (legislative financial coordination instruments) Priority areas capacity successful integration migrant workers: – Access protection Quality Universality supporting view eventual organization re-insurance scheme (‘vaccination metaphor’) [Wage Eurozone: ‘symmetrical’ linked ‘national conversations’ functional distribution incomes?] Revisit 2013 Investment Package Enhance investment human capital (child care education) Semester (CSR’s) create leeway implement such CSR’s fiscal surveillance On concept ESU: Barnard De Baere after Crisis CUP convergence: Structural versus competition: limits diversity Economic Monetary ECFIN discussion paper 065 Commission Directorate-General Financial Affairs Brussels 20 July (http://ssrn com/abstract=3011847) non-discrimination: Basic income Union: conundrum rather than solution ACCESS EUROPE Research Paper 2017/02 01 August com/abstract=3008621) Practical agenda: Fernandes Making reality Notre Jacques Delors Institute Tribune Viewpoint Paris 31 May (http://www institutdelors eu/media/socialeurope- fernandesvandenbroucke-may2017 pdf?pdf=ok) www frankvandenbroucke uva nl

European Commission Seminar

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s Towards an equitable and sustainable pension system: Lessons from the Belgian case Frank Vandenbroucke University of Amsterdam Chair Academic Council on Pension Policy European Commission Seminar Brussels 21 September 2017 The paper that is presented describes ‘points system’ has been proposed by BelgianCommission for Reform 2020-2040 Intragenerational equity can be realised in a flexible transparent way through allocation points within cohort intergenerational distribution determined fixing value point newly retired sustainability parameter actual retirees links future pensions to average living standard population employment This implies credible promises made younger contributing generations To keep system economically we propose automatic adjustment mechanism which key role played career length implements Musgrave rule stating ratio over labour earnings net contributions should remain constant induces balanced burden demographic economic shocks different cohorts seen as risk sharing • First report: June 2014 Additional report flexibility part-time strenuous work www pensioen2040 belgie pension2040 belgique New Federal Government (Ch Michel): sept Statutory age: 67 2030 w r t specific advantages civil servants’ Creation ‘National Committee’ ‘Knowledge Centre’ ‘Academic Council’ 160 28 140 26 120 24 100 22 80 20 60 40 18 16 0 14 2015 2020 2025 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060 Old age dependency EU Total Life expectancy at 65 12 10 8 6 4 2 2013 Impact (no change coverage benefit market ratio) forecast (incl interaction) with impact + Change ratios incl private ( ) 70 50 30 Benefit Pensions = managing uncertainty – integrating mechanisms Commission: indexing parameters systems longevity (e g requirements & retirement age) Options Pay-as-you-go budgetary equilibrium: ???????????????? ????????????????A P pension; B number retirees; A employed population; S wage; ???????? contribution rate Dependency ???????? ???????? ???????? Hence: ????????D π (gross) ???????? ???????? ???????? Therefore: ???????????????? ???????????????? − ???????????????? Risk sharing: (1 ????????) −???????? stabilise i e hence fix (1−????????)????????̅ ???????? ‘Musgrave ratio’ or equivalently fix: (1−????????) implies: ???????? DC DB compared does not per se determine selection unique policy What desirable level ????????? Normative views consumption versus leisure time life cycle… (D) exogenous: mediated behavioural changes ‘reference career’ rule’ must complemented socially optimal retirement: when increases Plausible principle: expected period (starting minimum retirement) fixed share adult => years gained divided proportionally working periods linked if successfully applied stabilisation D ‘working longer’ Differentiation according nature Changes expectancy: priority conditional behaviour new (old) affected Other (baby-boom structural rate…) both gross between old retirees: ‘sustainability coefficient’ introduces correction factor wage indexation equal reference replacement year activity (or change) Flexibility choice Longevity stratified: corrections anticipation/postponement basis rather than physical Technique: definition individual ‘normal retirement’: (individual) started (uniform) Window around retirement’ (simplified): ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ‘Conditional certainty’ citizen stabilize ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (Musgrave rule) promise rates context collective response it Transparency justice (within generations): during Intergenerational (across Flexible ‘partial’ Family dimension splitting claims divorce) Strenuous jobs (number points) x (value point) (actuarial corrections) (indexation income growth) Number <= (contributory non-contributory elements are possible; jobs) Value ≈ f (average employed) Premised ‘standard worker’ career’; takes into account demography etc reference’ Positive / negative (career) given social stratification entry healthy Indexation (growth real incomes) coefficient Two objectives: Target pensioners/employed Stabilisation earned Postponing (flexibility but !) ‘Alternative’ funding (tax shift) Why funding? diversification Law Supplementary 2003 ‘Democratization’ supplementary Sector approach: SME Embedded dialogue Mobility Problem guaranteed minimal return Requires large consensus Based sense common purpose: defined ambition Ageing Report Economy 3/2015 Schokkaert Devolder Hindriks proposal reform Belgium Discussion Paper Series 17 03 Department Economics KULeuven February Réforme des légales: le système de à Regards Economiques numéro 130 Mars Het pensioen op punten: naar een nieuw sociaal contract tussen jongeren en ouderen Leuvense Economische Standpunten 2017/162 Faculteit Economie Bedrijfswetenschappen frankvandenbroucke uva nl

Expertmeeting Stichting De Verre Bergen

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Maatschappelijke waardering voor laaggeschoolde arbeid via dienstencheques:
weerstanden en succesfactoren Expertmeeting Stichting De Verre Bergen Rotterdam 19 9 2017 Frank Vandenbroucke Universiteit van Amsterdam www frankvandenbroucke uva nl Structuur presentatie • Laaggeschoolde in Vlaanderen Nederland Dienstencheques – Probleemstelling: een ‘trilemma’? Kenmerken de Belgische ‘middenweg’ het trilemma Weerstanden beoordeling Nederland: werkzaamheid 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 25-54 55-64 Laaggeschoold Laaggeschool Bijdrage dienstencheques werkgelegenheid België (op basis scholingsniveau) Bron: CRB ‘Trilemma’ diensteneconomie Dienstencheques: goede middenweg? Succesfactoren waren ook redenen weerstand… Voor iedereen toegankelijk Forse subsidiëring consumptie Brede tewerkstellingskansen Fatsoenlijke jobs met (aangepast) arbeidscontract Driehoekmodel: gebruiker werknemer erkende werkgever (trilateraal model; risicopooling; competitie) Schaal experiment Trilateraal versus bilateraal model The bil ateral 1relati onship (or L”d irect e’mployment” relation)1:households as direct employers Provider = Empfoyee ————– Employe r User Service re:lationshfp labour contract tnianc;ular relationsh1ip:Employment ii1n service pro viders orca1nisatiio’ns {Em ployee) l abour Providing organisation (Employer) Commefcial relationships Client/User Farvaque Modellen Europa Landen voornamelijk trilateraal gemengd systeem AU DE NL SP IT HU BE DK FI SE UK Fr (70%) Hoog aandeel zwartwerk Kwaliteit dienstenchequejobs Stijging gemiddeld uurloon: algemeen gekend brutoloon (gemiddeld 10 82 euro 2012) Meer contracten onbepaalde duur: meer dan 47% tegenover 2007 Grote flexibiliteit keuze uren uurregeling Groot deeltijds werkenden: 65% kleine deeltijdse baan; 25% grote voltijdsen (2012) Groter voltijds werkenden OCMW’s (19%) laagste uitzendsector (4%) Opleiding pijnpunt positieve evoluties Jan 2004 Mei Sep 2005 2006 mei/13 sep/13 jan/14 => ‘Afplatting’ driehoeksverhouding (Defourny et al ) Verdringing? Aandeel vrouwen (25-64) zorgjobs (isco 513) schoonmaakjobs 913) % alle 7% 6% 5% 4% zorg (513) schoonmaak (913) 3% 2% 1% Bijkomende succesfactor: belang ‘schaal’ Positieve effecten competitiemodel vereisen zekere schaal Om terugverdieneffecten te laten renderen moet overheid die ‘wint’ deze overdragen naar subsidieert Algemene beoordeling: middenweg ‘trilemma’ Tewerkstelling (1): aanzienlijke bijdrage aan tewerkstelling kwetsbare groepen kansen Inkomensgelijkheid (2) minimale loon- arbeidsomstandigheden Volwaardige sociale bescherming Driehoeksverhouding wisselende kwaliteit Beheersing overheidsuitgaven (3) Toenemende overheidskost – onder druk Vernauwing financiële marges ondernemingen Opsplitsing bij regionalisering Ondersteunen belangrijke maatschappelijke doelstellingen Combinatie werk gezin Verhoging welzijn dankzij huishoudelijke hulp Aandacht branchevervanging thuiszorg Bronnen (1) Jaarlijkse verslagen IDEA Consult F vraagstuk erkenning S&D Jaargang 72 nummer 1 Februari 2015 pp 32-41 + statistische bijlage op website Liat Raz-Yurovich and Ive Marx What does state-subsidized outsourcing of domestic work do for women’s employment? Belgian voucher scheme Journal European Social Policy https://doi org/10 1177/09589287177091 Defourny J Arnaud H Nassaut S Nyssens M (2009) Les titres- services: quelle qualité d’emploi d’organisation du service? Regards Économiques 69 (avril 2009) 1-16 N (2013) Developing personal household services the EU A focus on housework activities Report DG Employment Affairs Inclusion Bijlagen Technisch verslag secretariaat over maximale beschikbare loonkostenontwikkeling Nr 2013- 0398 FOD WASO Opleidingsfonds Evaluatierapport 2011- Iversen T Wren (1998) Equality employment budgetary restraint: economy World Politics 50 (4) 507-546 Pacolet Wispelaere Coninck (2011) dienstencheque Tot uw dienst ten dienste zorg? Leuven: Steunpunt Welzijn Volksgezondheid Gezin Sansoni Limits potential use vouchers An evaluation titres-services Belgium CESU France ETUI Working Paper 06 Termote Martin Th (2008) dienstenchequejobs: springplank valstrik mensen armoede bestaansonzekerheid? Over Werk Tijdschrift WSE 90-96 Publicaties